Project Report Group 4

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Integrative Survival Experience, SEM 2021 -1


Submitted by:
Ni Putu Diva Iswarani (018202100001)
Salza Afifa Aulia (018202100004)
Fadilatur Rahmi Agus (018202100012)
Rahman Fajar Irnawan (018202100019)
Winda Carla Viena (018202100020)

Submitted to:
Dr. Yunita Ismail
Date: Wednesday, 21 December 2021
Table of Contents

PREFACE .......................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I .....................................................................................................................4
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................4
1.1. Background ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Questions of the Problems ................................................................................................ 5
1.3. Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II ...................................................................................................................6
2.1 Public Awareness about Plastic Waste ............................................................................... 6
2.2 Reducing Plastic Waste...................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Branding The Project ........................................................................................................ 7
2.4 Economic Income .............................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................10
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................................................10
3.1. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 10
3.2. Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................11
Attachment .....................................................................................................................12


Praise be to God Almighty. For His grace and guidance, the author was able to complete
the Integrative Survival Experience paper with the title Awareness of Plastic Waste and
Branding Lanterns from Plastic Waste to Help MSMEs due to the Impact of the COVID-19

The paper is prepared to fulfil the Final Report for the Integrative Survival Experience
course. In addition, this paper aims to add insight and planning about Plastic Waste and its
Utilization for readers and also for writers. The author thanks to :

1. Mrs. Dr. Ir. Yunita Ismail Masjud, M.Sc. as ISE Lecturer and Mentor.
2. Mr. Armadin. As a lantern business owner from plastic cup waste
3. As well as all parties who have helped to complete this paper.

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, suggestions and
constructive criticism are expected for the perfection of this paper.


December 20, 2021



1.1. Background
The National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) recorded that around 4.8 million tons
of plastic waste per year in Indonesia are not managed properly, around 61% and 9% polluting
waterways and seas. This figure is predicted to increase because the amount of plastic waste
production in Indonesia shows an increasing trend of 5% every year. Waste, especially
household waste, will be more effective and efficient if the management is carried out together
communally, starting in a small scope such as a family or village (Arsanti and Giyarsih. 2012).

As it is understood, plastic is bad for the climate (Andrady, 2011). Plastic will
decompose depending on the form of plastic used, and the decomposition process will take
between 450 and 1000 years. Every year around 50 billion plastic bottles are used worldwide
so that there are hardly enough plastic waste disposal sites to carry them all (Budiarti,
Susilowati, & Farida, 2018).

One of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit MSMEs is that as many as
1,785 cooperatives and 163,713 micro, small and medium enterprises have been affected by
the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Most of the cooperatives affected by Covid-19 are
engaged in daily necessities, while the MSME sector that is most affected is food and beverage.
Cooperative managers feel the decline in sales, lack of capital, and hampered distribution.
Meanwhile, the MSME sector that was shaken during the Covid-19 pandemic, apart from food
and beverages, was the creative industry and agriculture.

In this pandemic situation, according to the Kemenkop MSMEs, there were around
37,000 MSMEs who reported that they were very seriously affected by this pandemic, which
was marked by around 56 percent reporting a decline in sales, 22 percent reporting problems
in the financing aspect, 15 percent reporting on goods distribution problems, and 4 percent
reported difficulties in obtaining raw materials from a micro approach through business
management of MSMEs.

One of the MSMEs affected is Mr. Armadin's MSME which is engaged in the culinary
field. Mr. Armadin, who previously worked as a food seller at SD Negeri 5 Prabumulih, was
forced to stop selling because the school was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic which
required students to study from home.

However, Pak Armadin's wife couldn't help but see, seeing a lot of plastic cup waste
around the house, she also thought of making a job, namely lanterns from plastic cups that are
going viral in the city of Prabumulih. With a video from YouTube, Pak Armadin's wife
managed to make the lantern. Even though they have succeeded in making lanterns, Pak
Armadin and his wife only get a turnover of IDR 300,000 to IDR 800,000 per 2 weeks because
of their limited marketing reach and lack of promotion.

Based on the statement above, the author tries to increase public awareness of plastic
waste and help MSMEs affected by COVID-19 to increase economic income.

1.2. Questions of the Problems

1. What is being done to increase public awareness of plastic waste?
2. What can be done to reduce plastic cup waste that has an impact on the environment?
3. What is being done to improve the economy of MSMEs affected by the Covid-19

1.3. Objectives
1. Raising public awareness of plastic waste
2. Reducing plastic cup waste that has an impact on the environment
3. Improving the economy for MSMEs affected by the Covid


2.1 Public Awareness about Plastic Waste

Plastic waste that continues to accumulate everywhere will certainly be very disturbing
if allowed to continue. Tackling plastic waste burned or buried on the land is certainly not a
good alternative to the environment other than because it is difficult to decompose, and
ketogenic plastic waste can also cause other problems if on the embankment in such away. But
there are ways to reduce it, including reducing the use of plastic bags by replacing them with
environmentally friendly materials, the use of biodegradable plastics that are more
biodegradable, and the processing of waste by recycling.

Plastic waste has become a big issue in the world. Insufficiently disposed waste
which initially had the plan of being managed through a waste pile
or dumpsites, but is ultimately amply managed. This includes disposal in landfills or open,
uncontrolled dumpsites; this implies the material is not fully enclosed and can be lost to the
encompassing atmosphere. This puts it at a dangerous risk of leakage and transport to the
natural atmosphere and oceans via waterways, breezes and waves. (Singh P. and Trivedi L.,

To increase people's awareness about plastic waste, we use instagram as a platform to

transfer the information. The internet has become a part of people's daily lives and cannot be
separated from everyday life. The increase in the number of internet users in Indonesia is
increasing rapidly and significantly every year, with data recorded in 2020 through a website
sourced from the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) that there was a
significant increase of 196.7 million Indonesians who were internet literate (, 2020).

Content is an important thing that needs to be prepared for promotion in social media.
For increasing people’s awareness of plastic waste, we made posters and podcasts that we will
upload on our Instagram account. Material that we use for the content, we got from journals
and searching on the internet.

Before we post contents like poster or podcast, actually we have Forum Group
Discussion (FGD). The FGD aims to discuss what content we should upload on our Instagram.
Not only that, the FDG became a serious forum for members to exchange opinions, because
this activity was carried out from various separate places. FDG is done through Zoom, G-meet,
and WhatsApp applications.

2.2 Reducing Plastic Waste
Most plastic can be recycled and the elements recovered can be given a second-life.
(Singh P. and Trivedi L., 2021). Recycling the plastic, it can also increase the economic value
of the waste. On this project, we turn the plastic waste into a decoration lantern. By doing this
we help to decrease the plastic waste. We have a collaboration with a craftsman in Prabumulih,
South Sumatera for making the lantern.

Tackling plastic waste by recycling is one good solution, where plastic waste is treated
in addition to minimizing its build-up in nature as well as products that have economic
value. One way of recycling plastic waste is by recycling methods. Such as the processing of
plastic waste into lanterns carried out by SMEs Melati in Prabumulih, South Sumatra. This
business was founded by a couple who worked as traders and guards at SDN 5 Prabumulih
school. Seeing the amount of disposable plastic waste that accumulated eventually. It occurred
them to turn the waste into something. They collect as many as possible plastic glasses and
then clean and assemble with the help of wire to hook each plastic glass and to beautify the
lantern. The final touch is in the form of colouring.

Picture 1. Lantern Making Process

2.3 Branding The Project

A brand can be defined as a set of tangible and intangible attributes designed to create
awareness and identity, and to build the reputation of a product, service, person, place, or

organization. The objective of branding strategy is to create brands that are differentiated from
the competition, thereby reducing the number of perceived substitutes in the marketplace,
increasing price elasticity, and improving profits. (Sammut T., 2015).

With the advancement of social media, through our social media platform Instagram,
we share things about the environment with our followers in the form of posters and podcasts
that can be easily understood by our followers. constrained by space and time is the right
choice. In addition, we also use social media as a platform to help market MSME products that
help reduce plastic waste. And who would have thought that with social media we can reach
some consumers for this plastic lantern product, one of our posts was also reposted by UNEP
(United Nations Environment Program).

In this project, we try to help small businesses to brand their products. For product
branding we make special promotional posters and promotional podcasts and we upload them
on instagram @wishesearth. After that we conduct a google form to collect all the order from
the public. Until 21 December 2021, we already have 3 order from Palembang, Prabumulih,
and Bogor.

2.4 Economic Income

No Name Order Price Total

1 Farhan Zaki 1 small lantern Rp 50.000 Rp 50.000

2 Muhammad Meirizky 1 small lantern Rp 50.000 Rp 50.000


3 Sydney Mollet 1 small lantern Rp 50.000 Rp 50.000

Total Rp 150.000

The total amount that we get until 21 December 2021 is Rp 150.000. All the income
that we get from branding, will send directly to the craftsman. The payment system that we use
is Pre-Order, so that the product will be received by the customer in approximately 2-3 weeks.

For sales, we basically use social media (Instagram) and the username "wishearth" to
promote the things we want to sell. In addition, we will publish content related to the main
issue that we intend to branding, namely plastic pollution.
The content we upload consists of several posters. and We recently created a different
content than usual, podcast, so we promote our product not only with written content but also
with podcasts. and it will be a different attraction for customers.



3.1. Conclusion

1. The conclusions that the author can draw from this ISE project are:
2. Social media can be used as an online campaign to educate and increase public
awareness about plastic waste.
3. Plastic cup waste can be made into lanterns to increase sales value and increase the
creative economy during the pandemic.
4. Marketing products from plastic cup waste in the form of lanterns can be done through
social media so that the marketing reaches a wide area.
5. Lanterns from plastic cup waste can be sold with prices ranging from IDR 50,000 to
IDR 90,000 depending on the size.

3.2. Recommendation

Suggestions that the author can give are:

1. The government must provide support to MSMEs affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Everyone should have awareness of plastic waste and have creative ideas to create
3. If you have the opportunity, this project be carried out in person because it will have a
better impact than


Erawati, Dyah Nuning., Humaida, Siti., Fatimah, Titien., Hadi, Samsul., Arief, Yustsyak
Maulana., Donianto, Muhammad. “Pemanfaatan Plastik Pada Sistem Pertanian
Pekarangan di Wilayah Perkotaan”. 7.3 (2021): 96. Print

Thaha, Abdurrahman Firdaus. “DAMPAK COVID-19 TERHADAP UMKM DI

INDONESIA”. BRAND JOURNAL. 2.1 (2020): 149. Print

Istanti, Enny. "Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik bernilai

jual".Journal Community Development and Society. 2.1(2020):11.Print

Sammut, Tanya “Brand and Branding” 1.1 (2015): 1.Print

Singh, Praba and Trivedi, Lily “Plastic Waste Management” GIS Science Journal. 7.2 (2020):

1. Google Form for taking the order

2. Instagram Account

3. Re-posted by UNEP account


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