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OpenText™ AppWorks Platform

Troubleshooting Guide
Release 22.1
This documentation has been created for software version OpenText™ AppWorks
Platform CE 22.1.
It is also valid for subsequent software releases unless OpenText has made newer
documentation available with the product, on an OpenText website, or by any other means.
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Last updated: 12/27/2021
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 7
Audience 7
Chapter 2 Installation issues 8
AppWorks Platform installer issues 8
Security certificates are not generated 8
Password reset has failed 9
Key store and trust store are not generated 10
Incorrect user credentials causing an LDAP error 11
Incorrect port number 11
Installation errors 12
Installation fails with TomEE 7 12
Errors while loading applications 13
Application loading – ORA-12519 13
Credentials requested repeatedly during installation on a secondary or
distributed computer in a cluster 13
Exception while resolving the artifact 13
Out of virtual memory 14
Loading large CAP files results in an error 14
Application loading: Exception occurs while deploying the Business Activity
Monitoring package 14
Application loading: Error while loading the application using the network load
balancer URL 15
Null pointer exception after Oracle server restart 15
Application Package loading or upgrading errors 15
Script error while loading application packages 15
MySQL error while loading application packages 15

Loading failure – XDS client failed to create 16
Errors in Explorer 16
Explorer – User not authenticated in AppWorks Platform 16
Server communication failure 16
Server communication failure 17
Error while installing or upgrading AppWorks Platform 17
Timeout error while installing or upgrading large packages 18
Unable to find jvm.dll in the JRE client or Java unresponsive with the Oracle
native client 18
Installer is unable to select the correct Java version 19
AppWorks Platform service does not start in the daemon mode 19
Timeout issue when deploying application packages during the AppWorks
Platform upgrade 20
Chapter 3 Post installation issues 21
WS-AppServer 21
Rule Explorer - Page Not Found 21
Exception when starting the WS-AppServer service container 21
Unable to insert a record into a table having an auto identity field as the primary
key and insert trigger defined on the table 21
Issues with AppWorks Platform monitor service container 22
AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to start 22
AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to start in a distributed
computer 23
Starting and stopping AppWorks Platform 25
AppWorks Platform is unable to start 25
AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to start in a distributed
computer 26
Error 193 0xc1- Could not start OpenText CARS 26
Status of one of the AppWorks Platform monitor service container does not
appear in the System Resource Manager and Management Console 27
Errors in monitor log file 27
Configuration or uninstallation issues 27
Unable to open AppWorks Administation for a non-system organization 27
Data synchronization fails when the primary key has nchar() data type 28
Errors occur when creating organizational units 28

Communication link failure TCP Provider 29
Documentation – Documentation icon is not appearing 29
AppWorks Platform Email service does not start 29
Web services for large database are not generated if AppWorks Platform is
installed on MySQL 30
Delay in process execution in Internet Explorer 30
Out of memory exceptions 31
Event service is unable to connect to the server 31
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) stops responding 31
Unable to start service containers on Linux 32
Unable to connect to LDAP using the Management Console 32
Missing documents related to translation 32
NOM initialization issue 33
Repository service container does not start in a cluster 33
MDM publisher service containers are unable to start 34
Working with CWS in AppWorks Platform becomes very slow and many
operations are timing out 34
Unable to generate Web services on tables or columns whose names contain
multibyte alphanumeric characters 34
Document service container is unable to start when configured with Content
Management Information Systems or Archive Center using Web service binding 35
Response not received in time 35
Unable to connect to the database when XA is enabled 36
Unable to start service containers configured with Oracle on Linux 36
Unable to reload database metadata when the database configuration is modified
for WS-AppServer 36
When an application package installation fails, Platform, BPM and Notification
service containers are not moved inside TomEE 37
AppWorks Platform - Process Intelligence replication encountered an exception 37
Application package deployment fails during upgrade 38
Out of virtual memory errors 38
Unable to push the AD synced partition from OTDS into AppWorks Platform 38
Service container restart issues 39
Retrieval of AppWorks Platform user interfaces (.caf files) 39
Response not received in time error 39

Errors in the Incognito mode of the Google Chrome browser 40

Chapter 1  Introduction

Chapter 1
The AppWorks Platform Troubleshooting Guide helps troubleshoot issues that might arise
during AppWorks Platform installation or configuration. If the issue is related to AppWorks
Platform installation, contact Support and provide the installation log files <AppWorks
Platform Version> Installation.log and AppWorks Platform <version>_<build>_
debug.log available in the <AppWorks Platform_installdir>/install_log directory.

The AppWorks Platform Troubleshooting Guide is written for administrators or users to
troubleshoot the issues that arise during installation or while using AppWorks Platform 22.1.

Troubleshooting Guide 7
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Chapter 2
Installation issues
This chapter lists the frequently encountered issues during AppWorks Platform installation
and describes the possible solutions.
Note: AppWorks Platform_server_1 and bcp_server_1 are used as sample server
names in this chapter.
The installation logs are available at <AppWorks Platform_installdir>/install_log.
However, if the installation aborts, the debug log is available in the AppWorks Platform_
custom_log.log file at:

Windows C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Temp

Linux /tmp

AppWorks Platform installer issues

Security certificates are not generated
Problem description: During the AppWorks Platform installation, an error occurs when
generating security certificates.
Solution: To generate the security certificates on Windows:

n Open the command prompt to <AppWorks Platform_installdir> and run the following

set PATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_

set CLASSPATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>\cordyscp.jar
java -DCORDYS_INSTALL_DIR="<AppWorks Platform_installdir>"
com.cordys.installer.PostInstallationHook generate_keystore

To generate the security certificates on Linux:

n Open the command prompt to <AppWorks Platform_installdir> and run the following

8 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2  Installation issues

CORDYS_HOME=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>
PATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
CLASSPATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>/cordyscp.jar:$CLASSPATH
export PATH
java -DCORDYS_INSTALL_DIR="<AppWorks Platform_installdir>"
com.cordys.installer.PostInstallationHook generate_keystore

Password reset has failed

Problem description: During the AppWorks Platform installation, an error occurs when
resetting the AppWorks Platform password because encryption has failed.
Solution: To reset the password on Windows:

n Open the command prompt to <AppWorks Platform_installdir> and run the following

set PATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_

set CLASSPATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>\cordyscp.jar
java -DCORDYS_INSTALL_DIR="<AppWorks Platform_installdir>"
com.cordys.installer.PostInstallationHook set_password "<SAML_USER_NAME>" "<SAML_

To reset the password on Linux:

n Open the command prompt to <AppWorks Platform_installdir> and run the following

CORDYS_HOME=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>
PATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
CLASSPATH=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>/cordyscp.jar:$CLASSPATH
export PATH

Troubleshooting Guide 9
Chapter 2  Installation issues

java -DCORDYS_INSTALL_DIR="<AppWorks Platform_installdir>"
com.cordys.installer.PostInstallationHook set_password "<SAML_USER_NAME>" "<SAML_

Key store and trust store are not generated

Problem description: The installer is unable to create the key store and trust store that
are required to enable SSL.
Solution: To generate the key store and trust store:

1. Create the keystore file for AppWorks Platform with a self-signed certificate.
a. To generate the key and key store, run this command from the command prompt:
keytool-genkey -keysize 1024 -keyalg RSA -alias <name> -dname
"CN=<hostname> < hostname >" -validity 1825 -keystore KeyStore.jks -
keypass <keypassword>

<keypassword> -storepass <keystorepassword>

<keystorepassword> -storetype JKS
b. For the generated key store, this command generates a self-signed certificate:
keytool -selfcert -alias <name> < name> -validity 1825 -keystore
KeyStore.jks -keypass <keypassword>

<keypassword> -storepass <keystorepassword>

where <hostname> is the server's fully qualified domain name, <keypassword> is the
password for the private key, and <keystorepassword> is the password for the key

2. Create the AppWorks Platform trust store.

To import certificates from OpenText CARS (multiple .cer files) to the AppWorks
Platform trust store:
a. From every OpenText CARS installation, copy <hostname>-cert.cer into a local
folder on the AppWorks Platform server.
b. To import each certificate from the local folder (created before) into the AppWorks
Platform trust store, run this command:
keytool --import -alias <name> -keystore TrustStore.jks -storepass
<truststorepassword> -import --file <hostname>-cert.cer -trustcacerts
c. Click Yes for the prompt.

d. Copy the generated .jks file to the <AppWorks Platform_installdir>

\certificates\truststore folder.

10 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Note: Where <hostname> is the server's fully qualified domain name and
<truststorepassword> is the password for trust store.

3. Configure the key store and trust store for AppWorks Platform.
a. Generate the Base 64 encoded password.
b. Open the command line and type:
cd <OpenText CARS_installdir>\binEncodePassword <password>
Note the encoded password and use it for filling bus.ssl.
keystorepassword/bus.ssl.truststorepassword in
c. Configure the key store and trust store in AppWorks Platform by modifying these
attributes in the file:

n bus.ldap.processor.ssl=true
n bus.ssl.keystore=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>
n bus.ssl.keystorepassword=<base64 encoded password>
n bus.ssl.truststore=<AppWorks Platform_installdir>
n bus.ssl.truststorepassword=<base64 encoded password>

Incorrect user credentials causing an LDAP error

Problem description: Messages are displayed when you click Next on the OpenText CARS
credentials page.

n Could not connect to the LDAP server: Verify that the LDAP Host, port, or SSL
option (check box) are correct. If yes, verify that SSL is enabled.
n Invalid Credentials: Verify that the user name and password are correct.
n No such object: Verify that the suffix for the LDAP server is correct.

Incorrect port number

Problem description: While installing AppWorks Platform, a message is displayed:
Port Validation failed: Invalid port number for MS SQL Server 2008. Provide a valid port
Solution: Possible reasons for the error include:

1. The database instance name is not provided. Type the name in the <computer_
name\instance name> format.
The instance name is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL

Troubleshooting Guide 11
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Server\Instance Names\SQL key in the registry.

2. The port number specified is incorrect. To identify the correct port number:
a. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Navigate to Start > Program Files >
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server
Configuration Manager.
b. Select SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocolsfor SQLEXPRESS
(database instance name) and double-click TCP/IP. Click IP Addresses.

The TCP/IP port value displayed in IPAll provides the correct database port option.
c. Type the correct port number.

Installation errors
Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: The baseline installation completes and a message is displayed:
The installation is successful, but some serious errors occurred. Refer to the installation log.
Solution: The NTEventLogAppender.dll might not be replaced by the installer. Verify the
installation log at <AppWorks Platform_installdir> -> Install_Log -> <AppWorks
Platform version> installation.log . If the .dll file is not replaced, perform these

1. Stop TomEE.
2. Copy the file from the temp folder to <AppWorks Platform_installdir>\lib>.
3. Restart TomEE.

Installation fails with TomEE 7

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: While installing TomEE, the baseline installation fails and a message
is displayed:

Configuring TomEE is not successful. See log for details.

On futher analysis, it is deduced that Monitor service is not created.
Solution: The server on which AppWorks Platform is being installed might be configured
with Active Directory, which does not allow creation of local users. All created users become
domain users. OpenText recommends that you do not install AppWorks Platform on an
Active Directory server.

12 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Errors while loading applications

Application loading – ORA-12519
Problem description: While loading applications, the installation fails and a message is
ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found.
Solution: This message is displayed when there are no more connections available in
Oracle. Oracle has a limit on the maximum number of connections that can be established
simultaneously. This is set in the init.ora file of the Oracle server.
Verify the number of connections used by AppWorks Platform. Multiple AppWorks Platform
instances might be running on the same database. Stop the other instances and repeat the
process. This is a temporary solution.

Credentials requested repeatedly during installation on a

secondary or distributed computer in a cluster
Problem description: After completing the AppWorks Platform installation on a primary
computer and the baseline installation on a secondary or distributed computer, the browser
repeatedly requests user credentials while launching the distributed URL for loading the
application packages on the secondary computer. The sign-in page appears repeatedly even
after providing correct credentials.
Solution: In a cluster, the date-time must be the same on all computers. Verify that the
date-time is the same on both the computers. The first computer might generate a security
token that is valid for a certain time period, but the time period on the secondary computer

Exception while resolving the artifact

Problem description: While resolving the artifact, a message is displayed:
Exception while resolving artifact: Unable to resolve artifact: Exception occurred while
resolving the artifact: DirectoryException occurred while resolving the artifact to assertions:
No Such Object.

1. The Application loader page opens after baseline installation with AppWorks Platform
2. Sign-in AppWorks Platform configured with AppWorks Platform Authentication.

Solution: An incorrect cookie that is not recognized by AppWorks Platform must be in the
browser's cache. Clear the cache and repeat the process.

Troubleshooting Guide 13
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Out of virtual memory

Problem description: While loading a AppWorks Platform application package in NOM, a
message is displayed:
Solution: All XML operations using NOM fail because the virtual memory allocated to NOM
in the CAP service container is exhausted. To resolve this issue:

1. Increase the virtual memory allocation by setting

-Dbus.xml.vm.maxsize=<SIZE_IN_MB> as a JVM property in the JRE Configuration of the

CAP service container properties.
2. Restart the CAP service container.

Loading large CAP files results in an error

Problem description: Loading large CAP files results in an error:
Failed to create java byte array from JNI
Solution: The virtual memory allocated to NOM in the CAP service container is insufficient.
To resolve the issue:

1. Increase the virtual memory allocation for XML operations using NOM and increase the
JVM memory for the CAP service container by adding these properties in its JRE
n -Dbus.xml.vm.maxsize=<SIZE_IN_MB>. For example,

n -Xmx<SIZE_IN_MB>M. For example, -Xmx512M

2. Restart the CAP service container.

Application loading: Exception occurs while deploying the

Business Activity Monitoring package
Problem description: An exception occurs while deploying Business Activity Monitoring.
Solution: Verify that there are tables in the database. The process of creating the tables
from the scripts depends on the performance of the database server at that instant and it
can take some time. If the scripts are not completely run, remove the partially created
database content by running the database drop script in <AppWorks Platform_installdir>
\components\bam\database\dropscripts. Based on the database, run these scripts:

14 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2  Installation issues

n Oracle: BAM_ORACLE_DROP.sql

After deleting the database content, enable Create Database Tables, and then redeploy
the package.

Application loading: Error while loading the application using

the network load balancer URL
Problem description: While deploying application packages using the load balancer URL in
high availability environments, a message is displayed:
Error occurred while downloading the package '<application package name>'.
Solution: The package <application package name> with version <version number> is
not available locally.
Application packages cannot be deployed using the load balancer URL. Use a direct cluster
or server URL.

Null pointer exception after Oracle server restart

Problem description: After the Oracle server restarts, opening Application Deployer
might result in an error:
Encountered database error: Error occurred while processing the request. Error from
database server or
Solution: The NullPointerException is from the Oracle JDBC version Ignore the
error, close Application Deployer, and then open it again.

Application Package loading or upgrading errors

Script error while loading application packages
Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: While loading or upgrading application packages, a script error
occurs and a message is displayed:
Type Mismatch.
Solution: msxml3.dll might not be registered correctly. Register it by typing regsvr32
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml3.dll" in the command prompt.

MySQL error while loading application packages

Problem description: Installing the application packages fails with an error in the logs:

Troubleshooting Guide 15
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Error: java.sql.SQLException: Can't create/write to file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP#sql_1fb8_

0.MYI' (Errcode: 17).
This issue is observed when using the MySQL database.
Solution: By default, MySQL uses the system temp folder to create temporary tables. This
error occurs when MySQL does not use the system temp folder to create temporary tables.
The lack of write permissions or the presence of an anti-virus program can prevent the
creation of tables.

n Move the MySQL temp folder from system temp to another folder by adding
tmpdir=<tempfolder path> in my.ini (for Windows) or my.cnf (for Linux) files.
n Ensure that the user has write permission to that folder.
n Exclude the folder from the anti-virus scan.
For more information, see

Loading failure – XDS client failed to create

Problem description: When trying to load applications, a message is displayed: XDS
Client failed to create.
Solution: The user under which TomEE service runs might not have adequate privileges on
the folder containing the database (MySQL/MSSQL/Oracle)drivers. Grant read and execute
permissions to this TomEE service user and repeat the process.

Errors in Explorer
This section lists the problems you might encounter while opening Explorer.

Explorer – User not authenticated in AppWorks Platform

Note: This issue is specific to Linux.
Problem description: While loading Explorer, a message is displayed: An error happened
in the gateway: User is not authenticated in AppWorks Platform.
Solution: In the authenticated users and organizational users groups, under cn=cordys,
verify whether an entry with your login ID exists in your LDAP server to which the AppWorks
Platform installation is configured. If not, create a User ID.

Server communication failure

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: When loading the Explorer, a message is displayed:
Server. CommunicationFailure: Failed to send message to ... 1: Could not create Socket
Writer for URI 'zipsocket ://AppWorks Platform_server_1:53276'. Nested exception is

16 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Connection refused (com . eibus .exception.NestedBusException)

Note: AppWorks Platform_server_1 and 53276 are sample values in this error.
Solution: This message is displayed when the TomEE service on the system and all the
system-level service containers are not running. To resolve the issue:

1. Restart the TomEE service.

Go to Start > Settings > Administrative Tools > Services, and verify whether
AppWorks Platform (<instance name>) has started.
If not, select the service and click Start.
2. If the service has not started, restart the system.

If the TomEE service does not start, open Management Console. Verify whether
cn=licinfo,cn=cordys,cn=<instance-name>,o=<…> exists in LDAP and that it contains
a license key.
If not, obtain a license key and configure it in the LDAP server.

Server communication failure

Note: This issue is specific to Linux.
Problem description: While loading Explorer, a message is displayed:
Server. CommunicationFailure: Failed to send message to ... 1: Could not create Socket
Writer for URI 'zipsocket ://AppWorks Platform_server_1:53276'. Nested exception is
Connection refused (com . eibus .exception.NestedBusException)
Note: AppWorks Platform_server_1 and 53276 are sample values in this error.
Solution: This message is displayed when the AppWorks Platform monitor and the system
level service containers are not running. Start them by restarting the TomEE service.

n If the problem persists, verify whether the folders containing thejava and
files exist in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in the <AppWorks Platform_
installdir>/WCP/bin/wcpenv .sh file. If not, include those folders in the LD_
LIBRARY_PATH and restart TomEE.
n If AppWorks Platform does not start, open Management Console. Verify whether
cn=licinfo,cn=cordys,cn=<instance-name>,o=<…> exists in LDAP and that it contains
a license key.

If not, obtain a license key and configure it in your LDAP server.

Error while installing or upgrading AppWorks Platform

Problem description: Unable to proceed with the AppWorks Platform installation and a
message is displayed:
IP address cannot be given as "OpenText CARS Host".
Solution: The OpenText CARS host name cannot contain an IP address. If the IP address
appears, the OpenText CARS host name must be correctly registered in DNS for the

Troubleshooting Guide 17
Chapter 2  Installation issues

computer name to resolve in the FQDN format. Contact your network administrator for
more information.
Problem description: Unable to proceed with the upgrade of AppWorks Platform
installation and a message is displayed:
Unable to start the service container.
Solution: The upgrade process fails in these cases:

n When the service container is running.

n When the service container is set to restart automatically but does not restart.

To resolve the issue:

1. Before starting the upgrade process, stop the service container and change the Startup
Type to Manual.
2. From Management Console > Content Management, go to 'system/soap
nodes/<service group>/<service container>' and set the automatic start of the
service container to false.
3. Restart the TomEE service.

Timeout error while installing or upgrading large packages

Problem description: A timeout error occurs while installing or upgrading large packages.
Solution: Possible reasons for the timeout include:

n The set of packages might have circular dependencies.

l See Analyzing package dependencies among application packages in the [[[Undefined
variable MyVariables.Development Guide]]].

n The package might have large dependent packages.

To solve the issue, increase the timeout of the Monitor service container:
l Go to the <AppWorks Platform_installdir>/config folder.
l Open the file.
l Add the property bus.vm.options.monitor=-Dbus.bdf.manager.timeout\=180000
l Restart the Monitor service container.

Unable to find jvm.dll in the JRE client or Java unresponsive

with the Oracle native client
Problem description: While installing AppWorks Platform in the Windows 64-bit
environment, a message is displayed:
Cannot find jvm.dll in JRE client. Check jvm.dll in client folder in the JRE installation
directory. Installer will exit now. This error can also appear when two Java release are

18 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2  Installation issues

installed on the server. For example, if first Java 6 is installed and later Java 7 is also
installed. The CurrentVersion attribute at Windows registry key HKEY_LOCAL_
MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment is changed while installing a
new Java release.
Solution: For a Windows 64-bit computer, ensure that the registry entry of the Java JRE
installation is correct.

1. Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment key

in the Registry Editor.
2. Note the CurrentVersion of the attribute.
3. Go to the specified key in the current version and verify whether the path of the
RuntimeLib attribute exists. If the path does not exist, replace the string client with
server and correct the path.
4. Relaunch the installer.

Installer is unable to select the correct Java version

Problem description: During installation, upgrade, and uninstallation, the installer is
unable to choose the correct Java version. The following exception is displayed:
class com.cordys.installer.action.ManageCommonTasks unavailable.
Solution: Use the argument LAX_VM to enforce the selection of a specific JVM. The following
is the syntax for this property:
./OpenText_Cordys_x.x.bin LAX_VM 'full_path_to_java_executable'

For example:
./OpenText_Cordys_10.7.bin LAX_VM '/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/java'

AppWorks Platform service does not start in the daemon mode

Problem description: After installing AppWorks Platform, the AppWorks Platform service
does not start. When trying to start the service using the command wcpd<instance name>
start (for example, service wcpddefaultInst start), [OK] is printed, but the service
does not run and no errors are logged.
Solution: The service is trying to start under a user context, which does not have proper
permissions to the AppWorks Platform installation folder. Ensure that the user who is
starting the service has full permissions to the Processs Platform installation folder and its
subfolders. If AppWorks Platform is installed on Linux, the user must have full permissions
to the parent folders in which AppWorks Platform is installed.

Troubleshooting Guide 19
Chapter 2  Installation issues

Timeout issue when deploying application packages during the

AppWorks Platform upgrade
Problem description: During the application package deployment stage of the upgrade
process, the deployment of WAR artifacts fails with timeout issues. In the installation log file
of the application package, the following error is logged:

Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException

at com.cordys.util.InterProcessBarrier.waitForFileToBeDeleted

As part of the AppWorks Platform upgrade, the latest JAR files are copied to the AppWorks
Platform installation directory, but some of the the WAR files are old because they are
deployed at a later stage of the upgrade. Therefore, such WAR files can be in an error state.
During the upgrade process, TomEE is expected to automatically recover from the error
state when the new WAR files are deployed by the upgrade. In specific scenarios, it is
observed that TomEE is unable to recover and the upgrade process fails.
Solution: Restart the TomEE service to proceed with the AppWorks Platform upgrade.

20 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Chapter 3
Post installation issues
This section lists some problems that might arise while working with AppWorks Platform.

This section provides solutions for the problems that might occur in WS-AppServer.

Rule Explorer - Page Not Found

Note: This issue is specific to Linux.
Problem description: When trying to build rules on WS-AppServer classes using Rule
Explorer, a message is displayed:
Page Cannot be found.
Solution: Load the CoBOC application package to build rules on WS-AppServer classes.

Exception when starting the WS-AppServer service container

Problem description: An exception occurs when starting the WS-AppServer service
Failed to send message to [cn=Repository,cn=soap
Solution: The WS-AppServer service container does not start before the Repository service
container because it has a dependency on the Repository service container.
Restart the WS-AppServer service container after starting the Repository service container.

Unable to insert a record into a table having an auto identity

field as the primary key and insert trigger defined on the table
Note: This issue is specific to Microsoft SQL server with JDBC.
Problem description: When inserting a new record using WS-AppServer code or update
Web service, a message is displayed:
Primary key information is not available.

Troubleshooting Guide 21
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Solution: WS-AppServer internally uses the configured JDBC driver (Microsoft SQL server
JDBC driver for SQL server) to perform database operations and uses JDBC APIs to retrieve
the generated values in case of auto identity fields. The JDBC API cannot retrieve the auto
identity values if the insert trigger is defined on the table with auto identity fields.
To resolve this issue: 

n Modify the trigger to add SET NOCOUNT ON at the beginning of the trigger. For example:

ALTER TRIGGER <trigger name> ON <table name>

- Other statements in the trigger

n Use reply="no" in the update request. When reply="no" is set in the <Update> tag,
the WS-AppServer layer does not retrieve the generated values.

Issues with AppWorks Platform monitor service

This section lists some issues that might arise while working with AppWorks Platform
monitor service container.

AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to start

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to start.
Solution: To start AppWorks Platform monitor service container:

1. Go to Start -> All Programs -> <AppWorks Platform version> -> <Instance
Name> -> Tools.
2. Launch the Management Console from the menu.
3. Ensure that you have a valid license key in the LDAP server.
4. Close the Management Console.

5. Launch the command prompt and perform these steps:

a. Set PATH = <AppWorks Platform_installdir>\lib;%PATH%
b. Set CLASSPATH = <AppWorks Platform_installdir>\cordyscp.jar;%CLASSPATH%
c. In the same command prompt window, to start AppWorks Platform monitor service
container, type this command:
java com.eibus.applicationconnector.monitor.Launcher
d. Open another session of the Windows command prompt.

22 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Note: If the exception "Unable to open Inbound Queue. Address already in use" is
displayed, perform these steps:
n In Management Console > Content Management, navigate to
LDAP Root > cn=cordys > o=system > cn=soap nodes > <Service Group> >
<Service Container> > <Connection Point>.
n Double-click labeleduri and change the connection point port number.

n Enter java com.eibus.applicationconnector .monitor.Launcher in the

command prompt.

6. Click Monitor Service Containers to view if all the service containers (importantly
Monitor, LDAP, XML Store, Event service, and Java call) have started. Start the service
containers that are not running.
If a service container status displays a connection error, perform these steps:
a. In Management Console > Content Management, navigate to:
LDAP Root -> cn=cordys -> o=system -> cn=soap nodes -> <Service Group>
-> <Service Container> -> <Connection Point>
b. Double-click labeleduri and change the connection point port number.
c. Click Monitor Service Containers and verify the status.

AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to start

in a distributed computer
Problem description: In Windows, AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable
to start in the distributed computer when the primary and distributed computers are in
different subnets.
Solution: To verify whether the primary and distributed computers are in different subnets:

1. Launch the command prompt and type tracert <hostname>

See the following sample.

Troubleshooting Guide 23
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

2. Based on the number of hops, set the ttl property in all computers (primary and
a. Go to Management Console > Properties.
b. Add the property: = <no of hops>.

3. Restart TomEE on all the computers.

Problem description: In Linux, AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to

start in the distributed computer when primary and distributed computers are in different
Solution: To verify whether the primary and distributed computers are in different subnets:

1. Launch the shell prompt and type traceroute <computername>.

See the following sample.

24 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

2. Based on the number of hops, set the ttl property in all computers (primary and
a. Open Management Console > Properties.
b. Add the = <no of hops>.

3. Restart TomEE on all the computers.

Starting and stopping AppWorks Platform

Note: This issue is specific to Linux.
Problem description: You might need to start and stop AppWorks Platform for certain
changes to take effect.

n To stop AppWorks Platform, stop the TomEE service.

n To start AppWorks Platform, start the TomEE service.
n To restart AppWorks Platform, restart the TomEE service.

AppWorks Platform is unable to start

Note: This issue is specific to Linux.
Problem description: AppWorks Platform is unable to start.
Solution: To start AppWorks Platform:

Troubleshooting Guide 25
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

1. Open Management Console.

2. Ensure that you have a valid license key in the LDAP server.
3. Close Management Console.
4. Open another session of the console.
5. Stop TomEE service.

6. Stop the processes that are running in the TomEE service user context.

7. Start TomEE service.

8. Click Monitor Service Containers in the Management Console to view if all the
service containers (importantly Monitor, LDAP, Repository, Event Handling, and Logging)
have started. If not, start them.

AppWorks Platform monitor service container is unable to start

in a distributed computer
Problem description: In the monitor logs, a message is displayed: 
The default organization for " could not be set.
Solution: This message is displayed mostly in WAN and can be due to these reasons:

n The distributed computer might not be reachable from the primary computer.
n The ports might be blocked by a firewall on the distributed computer.

1. Add the distributed computer details to the /etc/hosts file if LAN DNS is not available.
2. Open all ports used by AppWorks Platform in the distributed computer or disable the
firewall if opening the ports is not possible.

Error 193 0xc1- Could not start OpenText CARS

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: Error 193 0xc1- Could not start OpenText CARS
Solution: This message can be displayed when the Windows service for OpenText CARS is
unable to find the binary file based on the registry entry.
In some instances, the spaces in folder names are rejected.
To resolve this issue for OpenText CARS:

1. Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\OpenLDAP-

slapd <OpenText CARS Instance> key in the Registry Editor.
2. Right-click the ImagePath attribute and select Modify.
3. Place double quotes around the executable path (ImagePath) in the Windows registry.

26 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

4. Restart OpenText CARS.

Status of one of the AppWorks Platform monitor service

container does not appear in the System Resource Manager and
Management Console
Problem description: Status of one of the AppWorks Platform monitor service container
does not appear in the System Resource Manager and Management Console.
Solution: Restart the Web server.

Errors in monitor log file

Note: This issue is specific to AppWorks Platform installed on Java 8.
Problem description: For each service container, Monitor log files contain a message:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=5m; support was
removed in 8.0
Solution: To resolve this issue:

1. Open Management Console.

2. Open Properties.
3. Edit the bus.vm.options.default property and remove

4. Restart the monitor service.

Configuration or uninstallation issues

This section addresses a few issues that might occur while configuring or uninstalling
AppWorks Platform.

Unable to open AppWorks Administation for a non-system

Problem description: While opening the AppWorks Administration page for a non-system
organization, the following message is displayed:
A problem has occurred while submitting your request. The OpenText Entity Identity
Components solution is not deployed in the current organization. Contact the administrator.
Solution: To resolve the issue:

Troubleshooting Guide 27
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

1. Sign in to AppWorks Administration as a database administrator.

2. In the Solutions panel, do the following:
a. In Show solutions deployed to, select Shared.
b. In Show configuration for, select All organizations.
c. Click OpenTextEntityIdentityComponents.

3. In the Configurable elements panel, click Solution status.

4. Click Errors and warnings and check for errors.
5. Click Pending database statements and apply the statements listed in the Pending
database statements panel to your database.
6. After applying the statements to your database, click Statements have been applied.

This notifies the system to calculate the data model again.

Note: If all the statements are not applied to the database and there are pending
statements, they appear again in the Pending database statements panel when the
Statements have been applied button is clicked. To clear the panel, apply all the
listed statements completely and then click Statements have been applied.

Data synchronization fails when the primary key has nchar()

data type
Problem description: Design MDM model by selecting the Enable Business Object
Lifecycle option and publish it. The update request from the state instance table to the hub
table fails, if the primary key fields has nchar() or char() data types in the spoke or hub
application databases.
Solution: Update fails because the primary key fields in the state instance table is created
with nvarchar() instead of nchar() or char() data types. To resolve the issue, update the
primary key fields to nchar() or char() data types in the state instance table, as defined in
the spoke or hub database tables.

Errors occur when creating organizational units

Problem description: While creating organizational units, the No Class Definition Found or
Class Not Found errors occur.
Solution: Ensure that the Notification and Business Process Management service containers
are running inside TomEE. Do the following:

1. On the Welcome page, open System Resource Manager.

2. Double-click the Business Process Management service container.
The properties window opens.
3. Select the Assign OS Process option.

28 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

4. Select Application Server from the list.

5. Save the changes.
6. Follow steps 2 to 4 for the Notification service container also.
7. Right-click the Business Process Model service container and restart it.
8. Right-click the Notification service container and restart it.

Both Notification and Business Process Management service containers starts running inside

Communication link failure TCP Provider

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: While working with AppWorks Platform, you might encounter an
error: Communication link failure TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed
by the remote host frequently.
Solution: For the reason and solution, see

Documentation – Documentation icon is not appearing

Problem description: After installing AppWorks Platform for the first time, even after
loading the Documentation application package, the Documentation icon does not appear on
the Desktop toolbar.

1. On the Desktop toolbar, right-click and select Delete (Restore Default).

2. Refresh the browser. The Documentation icon appears on the Desktop toolbar.

AppWorks Platform Email service does not start

Problem description: The AppWorks Platform Email service does not start even when the
Email service container is configured to an active port and server. A message is displayed:
Failed to connect to the mail server javax .mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to
SMTP host: <server name>, port: 25;
nested exception is: Connection refused:
connectcom . eibus . applicationconnector .email. MailConnector . open
( com . eibus .soap. com . eibus .soap.Processor. startProcessor
com . eibus .soap.ProcessStreamsHandler. startProcessor
com . eibus .soap.ProcessStreamsHandler$StreamReader. run

Troubleshooting Guide 29
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Solution: The anti-virus program running on your computer might prevent the service from
Disable the anti-virus program, start the email service, and then enable the anti-virus

Web services for large database are not generated if AppWorks

Platform is installed on MySQL
Problem description: While generating Web services on a WS-AppServer package for a
large database with many tables, a message is displayed:
"com .mysql. jdbc .PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large".
Solution: Increase the value of the max_allowed_packet variable to 16M for MySQL server
and restart the server.

Delay in process execution in Internet Explorer

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: A script on a page is causing a delay in process execution in
Internet Explorer.
Solution: Internet Explorer might have a limit on the maximum number of script
statements to execute. If the number of processes exceed the specified number, the
following window opens:

To resolve this issue:

1. Click No and allow the process to continue.

2. Edit the maximum number of scripts set by Internet Explorer in the Registry Editor:
n Open Windows Registry and navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_
USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles. You must create the
Styles key if it does not exist.
n Create a DWORD value (32-bit in case of 64-bit machine) called
MaxScriptStatements under this key and set the value to ffffffff. If you already
have DWORD, change its value to ffffffff.

30 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

n Restart the Internet Explorer browser and delete temporary data in the browser to
save the changes.
Note: Modifying the registry entry for MaxScriptStatements affects non-AppWorks
Platform browsing in Internet Explorer.

Out of memory exceptions

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: While working with AppWorks Platform, even when the RAM is free,
you can encounter out of memory errors for service containers.
Solution: Memory allocation messages are displayed in the service container logs even
when the service container memory is below 200MB-400MB. The issue may be due to
memory fragmentation, not memory leak, for example, a situation where the committed
memory of the system is high.
To resolve this issue, apply the registry setting HeapDecommitFreeBlockThreshold value
(recommended value is 256K). The procedure for applying this setting is available at
In the AppWorks Platform installer, an advanced setting, Optimize virtual memory
fragmentations (requires restart) is also provided.

Event service is unable to connect to the server

Problem description: While working with AppWorks Platform, a message is displayed:
Event service is unable to connect to server. Check if the webserver is running.
Solution: AppWorks Platform might be installed in the standalone mode and the network
card is disabled.
To resolve this issue:

1. Go to the <AppWorks Platform_installdir>/config folder.

2. Open the file.
3. Set the propertycordys.eventgateway.domain to the value
4. Restart the Web server and repeat the process.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) stops responding

Note: This issue is specific to Windows.
Problem description: While working on the Windows operating system, sometimes the
JVM becomes unresponsive unexpectedly. The content of the crash log mentions
kernel32.dll as the problematic frame.

Troubleshooting Guide 31
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Solution: This issue can occur if the memory usage is high and the operating system is
unable to meet the memory requirement. Ensure that the number of NOM, XPath, and XSLT
objects created are kept to a minimum. Enforce garbage collection of these objects by using
System.gc () in the code.

Unable to start service containers on Linux

Note: This issue is specific to Linux and the solution is specific to the OS version.
Problem description: The default limit for the number of user processes is 1024. If the
limit is exceeded while starting service containers, the JVM displays an error: java. lang
.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread.
Solution: Increase the limit of the user processes to start the service containers.

n To verify the number of user processes, run this command:

ps -eLf | grep 501 | wc -l.
501 refers to the AppWorks Platform user ID.

n To increase the limit, add these statements in /etc/security/limits.conf :

n @<AppWorks Platform user> soft nproc 2047

n @<AppWorks Platform user> hard nproc 16384


n Enter the values according to the number of user processes.

n Replace <AppWorks Platform user> with the username with which AppWorks Platform
is installed.

Unable to connect to LDAP using the Management Console

Problem description: During the upgrade, when opening the Management Console before
completing the AppWorks Platform baseline upgrade, a message is displayed:
LDAP may not be running on <computer_name> at port <port number>
Solution: JARs, which are required for the Management Console to run on the latest Java
version are not present. Therefore, the Management Console cannot be accessed until the
completion of the baseline upgrade. If required, external tools, such as JXplorer can be used
to connect to LDAP.

Missing documents related to translation

Problem description: While translating, a message is displayed in the CWS log files:
Associated text Identifier not found for translatable text.
Solution: These are the possible reasons for the error:

32 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

n Manually deleting the translation related documents from the sync folder.

n Moving the documents, such as XForms and BPM from one project to another project,
and deleting the source project.
To resolve this issue, reconstruct the missing translations. See the Reconstructing
Missing Translations topic in the help ( ) accessible from the shortcut bar on the
AppWorks Platform user interface.

NOM initialization issue

Problem description: When you try to start a service container or web server, the process
fails to start with this exception: Unable to initialize NOM due to a
failure in Virtual memory allocation. at
java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method) at
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(Unknown Source) at
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source) at
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source) at
java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source) at
java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source) at
Solution: The virtual memory requirement for the process exceeds its maximum limit.
Avoid this issue by either reducing the process memory or increasing the maximum limit
(bus.xml. vm . maxsize value) of the NOM memory.

Repository service container does not start in a cluster

Problem description: After removing a node from a AppWorks Platform cluster, the
Repository service container does not start on the other available nodes.
Solution: Verify the Repository service container configuration. This can be captured from
the Management Console through the bussoapprocessorconfiguration property for the
Repository service container LDAP entry. The configuration might appear to be corrupted.
Verify by comparing the suspected configuration with the Repository service container
configuration of the workingAppWorks Platform instance. Ensure that the elements
<ipAddress> and <portNo> are not empty.
To fix the corrupted configuration:

1. Copy the service container configuration of the workingAppWorks Platform node.

2. Update the values for <ipAddress> and <portNo>. The <ipAddress> maps to the
current computer name and <portNo> maps to an unused free port captured within the
specified port range. Use these utility APIs in a standalone Java application to capture
these values.

Troubleshooting Guide 33
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Host Name com.cordys.basicutil.util.NetworkUtil.getLocalHostName()

Free Port com.cordys.basicutil.util.PortGenerator.getPortNumber()

Ensure that the Process_Platform_install_dir/cordyscp.jar is in the CLASSPATH.

3. Apply this configuration on the service container that might have this issue.
4. Start the modified service container.

MDM publisher service containers are unable to start

Note: This issue is specific to the combination of JDBC and SQL server.
Problem description: MDM service containers, spoke, or hub publisher do not start if the
service container name or the service container DN contains multibyte characters (for
example, Japanese characters).

1. Identify the database configuration used by the corresponding service container. If the
JDBC connection string contains sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false, remove the
string or convert it to sendStringParametersAsUnicode=true.
2. Restart all the MDM related service containers.

Working with CWS in AppWorks Platform becomes very slow

and many operations are timing out
Note: This issue is specific to a SQL server database with JDBC.
Problem description: Many of the CWS operations become very slow. For example,
saving a comparatively large user interface in CWS or expanding the folder structure in CWS
takes more time than expected or a timeout occurs.

1. Identify the database configuration used by the CWS service container and verify that
the JDBC connection string contains sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false or add
sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false to the connection string.
2. Restart all the CWS service containers.

Unable to generate Web services on tables or columns whose

names contain multibyte alphanumeric characters
Problem description: Unable to generate web services directly on a table when the table
name or field name has multibyte alphanumeric characters.
Solution: To resolve this issue:

34 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

n Use a browser other than Internet Explorer.

n In Database Metadata of CWS, select the table that contains multibyte alphanumeric
characters in the table name or field name.
n Right-click and select the Generate Custom Web service on SQL Query.
n Compose the query. Since the parameter name in the where part does not support
multibyte alphanumeric characters, remove such characters after the colon (:).
n Generate the custom Web service on the SQL query.
n Remove multibyte alphanumeric characters from the Web Service Operation Name, Web
Service Name, Namespace, and Web Service Interface Name.

Document service container is unable to start when configured

with Content Management Information Systems or Archive
Center using Web service binding
Problem description: The Document store service container does not start if it is
configured with CMIS or Archive Centre as the store type and uses Web service binding. The
following message is displayed:
() Lcom/sun/xml/internal/ws/api/message/HeaderList; at
Solution: The Document store connector by default internally uses the JAX-WS
implementation that comes with with Java/JRE. This implementation has issues with Web
service binding on Java 8.
You can resolve this issue by configuring the document store connector with apache CXF, an
advanced JAX-WS implementation. See the Configuring document store connector with
apache CXF library topic in the help ( ) accessible from the shortcut bar on the AppWorks
Platform user interface.

Response not received in time

Note: This issue is related to connectivity to the subversion repository of a team
development setup with Collaborative Workspace (CWS).
Problem description: When the subversion repository accepts only SSL protocol and not
TLS, connectivity issues occur because Collaborative Workspace is configured to use only
TLS by default.
Solution: For Collaborative Workspace to connect to an SSL-only enabled subversion
server, use the -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols system property. For more information, see
the AppWorks Platform Configuration Guide.

Troubleshooting Guide 35
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Unable to connect to the database when XA is enabled

Problem description: After configuring the database and AppWorks Platform service
container to work with XA transactions, the following message is displayed:
Error occurred while connecting to the database server.
java.lang.IllegalStateException:Looks like the DB does not support XA transactions.
Solution: Configure the database to support XA connections. Few databases, such as
Microsoft SQL Server require the server to restart. See the Configuring AppWorks Platform
service containers for Distributed transaction topic in the help ( ) accessible from the
shortcut bar on the AppWorks Platform user interface.

Unable to start service containers configured with Oracle on

Note: This issue is specific to the Linux operating system.
Problem description: After restarting the AppWorks Platform service, some service
containers configured to the Oracle database are unable to start and the following messages
are displayed:

n Error occurred while connecting to the database server.

java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: No more data to read from socket.
n Error occurred while connecting to the database server. pipe java.sql.SQLRecoverableException:IO Error:
Broken pipe

Solution: This is an issue with the Oracle JDBC driver.

Do the following:

1. Open the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ file.

2. Change the securerandom.source property value to file:/dev/./urandom
3. Save the changes.

Unable to reload database metadata when the database

configuration is modified for WS-AppServer
Problem description: Database metadata does not reload or return the correct set of
database objects after modifying the WS-AppServer database configuration. The following
message is displayed:
An error occurred while executing the SOAP request. The error is: 'Could not retrieve
metadata.'. The related error is:
'com.cordys.cpc.bsf.busobject.exception.BsfRuntimeException: Could not retrieve metadata

36 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Solution: After modifying the corresponding WS-AppServer database configuration, do the


1. On the Welcome page, open Database Metadata.

2. Select the list of database objects (tables/views/procedures) that are newly added.
3. Move the selected database objects to the right pane.
4. Save the changes.

Note: Reload database metadata option works when the table schema is modified, for
example, when a new column is added or when a data type is changed.

When an application package installation fails, Platform, BPM

and Notification service containers are not moved inside TomEE
Problem description: When an application package (for example, OpenText Identity
components that is a part of the CAP full template) installation fails, Platform, BPM and
Notification service containers are not moved inside TomEE.
Solution: Execute CreateOSProcess if there is a failure in the application package
deployment and you choose to deploy the failed application packages later by clicking
To execute the the CreateOSProcess:

1. On the Welcome page, open Webservice Interface Explorer.

2. Enter CreateOSProcess in Keyword, and then click Find.

3. Right-click the desired search result (CreateOSProcess), and then click Test.

4. In the Operation Test Tool window, click Invoke.

This ensures the Platform, BPM and Notification service containers are moved inside

Note: If the CAP deployment is succesful, CreateOSProcess is automatically run. It moves

the Platform, BPM, and Notification service containers inside TomEE.

AppWorks Platform - Process Intelligence replication

encountered an exception
Problem description: AppWorks Platform and Process Intelligence replication
encountered the following exception:
Replication-Replication Snapshot Subsystem: agent <machine name>-<database name>
scheduled for retry. The replication agent had encountered an exception.
Solution: The SQL Server Agent service must be running before a AppWorks Platform user
executes a BPM or case model. Performing this step is required if AppWorks Platform is
integrated with Process Intelligence.

Troubleshooting Guide 37
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Note: If the SQL Server Agent is down, events are stored and sent to Process Intelligence
only after the agent is up.

Application package deployment fails during upgrade

Problem description: During the upgrade, an application package deployment fails when
access denied exceptions occur. For example, the upgrade of the AppWorks Platform
Language Pack_ja-JP fails with the following exception:
com.cordys.cap.exception.CAPRuntimeException: Unexpected exception Caused
by: <install-
dir>\localization\com\opentext\cordys\schemaManager\ (Access is denied)
Solution: This exception occurs because the folder is locked due to previous operations.
Restart the TomEE and AppWorks Platform services. File Handler creates a folder and places
the content inside the folder.

Out of virtual memory errors

Problem description: While upgrading CWS, an out of virtual memory error can occur.
Solution: This error occurs when a large project is synced to CWS.
Configure the following settings at the CWS service container level:

n Increase the timeout - Add the following properties to the file:


n Increase the memory - Add the following JRE parameter:


Unable to push the AD synced partition from OTDS into

AppWorks Platform
Problem description: A deadlock can occur if you are synching a partition from OTDS into
the Identity application in AppWorks Platform and if you are using Microsoft SQL Server as
the database.
Solution: To resolve the deadlock:

n Set ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS to OFF for all the indexes, including the primary key index of the
O<OrganizationNumber> OpenTextEntityIdentityComponentsIdentity table.
n Use the following command to set ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS to OFF:

38 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

Syntax: ALTER INDEX <IndexName> ON <TableName> SET (ALLOW_PAGE_

Sample: ALTER INDEX PK9F8B156B4FF8F11E6E6F1BB7823D91319 ON
dbo.O6OpenTextEntityIdentityComponentsIdentity SET (ALLOW_PAGE_
Run the above command on all the six indexes created by default for the
O<OrganizationNumber> OpenTextEntityIdentityComponentsIdentity table.

Service container restart issues

Problem description: For service containers configured to run inside the Application
Server OS process, when restarting the service containers, you might encounter random
issues such as a port in use exception.
Solution: To resolve such service container restart issues, OpenText recommends that you
restart the TomEE service.

Retrieval of AppWorks Platform user interfaces (.caf files)

Problem description: There is an increase in the time taken to retrieve each AppWorks
Platform user interface (.caf file).
Solution: To increase the size of the task server cache:

1. On the Welcome page, open System Resource Manager.

2. Enter CreateOSProcess in Keyword, and then click Find.

3. View properties of the Task Service Connector, which is by default a part of the
Repository service container.

4. Increase the value of Document Cache Size.

This results in an increase in the number of objects in the memory. Therefore, also consider
increasing the Java Heap size and NOM Memory for the Repository service container.

Response not received in time error

Problem description: Users encounter the Response Not Received in time error when
they open any page, which fetches data from a database server because all the database
connections are exhausted. The follow error messages are displayed in the log file:

<log4j:event logger="com.eibus.applicationconnector.sql.XQYLogger"
timestamp="1509769680172" level="ERROR" thread="Problem resolver thread">
<log4j:message><![CDATA[Error occurred while connecting to the database
server. org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PoolExhaustedException:[Problem
resolver thread] Timeout: Pool empty. Unable to fetch a connection in 30

Troubleshooting Guide 39
Chapter 3  Post installation issues

seconds, none available[size:100; busy:100; idle:0; lastwait:30000].


Solution: Increase the number of database connections in the pool. The default size of the
pool is 100.
To increase the connections in the pool:

1. Open <TomEE_Install_Dir> and navigate to the <TomEE_Install_Dir>/conf folder.

2. Open the file.
3. Add the property com.opentext.xqy.jdbc.datasource.tomee.maxpoolsize=x, where
x is the pool size, for example,
4. Restart TomEE.

Errors in the Incognito mode of the Google Chrome browser

Problem description: In the Incognito mode of the Google Chrome browser, if you select
any document in a business workspace in AppWorks Administration, errors occur while
accessing the following Brava! Viewer actions in the Preview panel: Markups and Publish.
The Brava! Viewer widget from Content Server makes use of Chrome's local storage to
store cookies. By default, the following general setting in Cookies and other site data is
enabled in Chrome: Block third-party cookies in Incognito.
Solution: To avoid errors in Chrome's Incognito mode, enable the following general setting
in Cookies and other site data: Allow all cookies.

40 Troubleshooting Guide

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