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OpenText CARS Installation and

Administration Guide
Release 2.7
This documentation has been created for software version OpenText™ CARS 2.7.
It is also valid for subsequent software releases unless OpenText has made newer
documentation available with the product, on an OpenText website, or by any other means.
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Last updated: 12/27/2021
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 OpenText CARS 5

Audience 5
Installation overview 5
Chapter 2 Installation requirements 6
System requirements 6
Operating system 6
Chapter 3 Installing OpenText CARS 7
Installing CARS in GUI mode 8
Installing CARS in silent mode 10
Chapter 4 Configuring multi-master replication for OpenText CARS 12
Chapter 5 Evaluating OpenText CARS failover setup configuration 18
Preliminary check 18
Set debug levels of the log file 18
Chapter 6 Configuring SSL when installer fails to generate certificates 20
Disabling SSL after installation 23
Chapter 7 Administering OpenText CARS 25
Starting or stopping OpenText CARS 25
Adding a custom schema 26
Backing up OpenText CARS database 27
Importing data 27
Changing the Distinguished Name of the user 28
Changing password 29
Changing the Manager password 29
Changing the Configuration password 31
Administering OpenText CARS service 33
Changing the port 33

Increasing storage capacity of the repository 34
Importing certificates from OpenText CARS to AppWorks Platform Truststore 35
Configuring the LDAP service group 36
Deleting a schema entry in LDAP 36
Viewing and updating LDAP schema in Management Console 37
Chapter 8 Uninstalling OpenText CARS 38
Uninstalling OpenText CARS in GUI mode 38
Uninstalling OpenText CARS in Silent mode 39

Chapter 1  OpenText CARS

Chapter 1
OpenText CARS
AppWorks Platform requires a repository where it can store information about organizations,
users, service containers, services, and other objects. OpenText CARS is a Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service provided and supported by AppWorks Platform to
store such information.
It can also be used to authenticate the directory, search entries used by AppWorks Platform,
read attributes of entries in the directory, add entries to it, modify existing entries in the
directory, and remove an entry from the directory.

This document serves as a guide for System Administrators and other users who have to
install, configure, and administer OpenText CARS in a Windows or Linux environment.

Installation overview
Apart from installing OpenText CARS on a computer, you can also install multiple instances
of OpenText CARS on the same computer. This eliminates the need to use different
computers, thereby reducing hardware costs. Each instance is identified by a unique name
and is independent of other instances.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 5

Chapter 2  Installation requirements

Chapter 2
Installation requirements
This chapter lists the hardware and software requirements for installing OpenText CARS 2.7

System requirements
Minimum hardware requirements to install and use OpenText CARS are specified below.

Hardware Specification
Processor Dual core
Processor Speed 2 GHz or faster
Monitor Resolution 1280x1024
Color Depth 32 bits or higher
Monitor DPI 96

Note: Memory requirements are dependent on the services that are configured to run on
the computer. Based on the usage, the memory requirements might vary.

Operating system
OpenText CARS supports all the environment requirements supported by AppWorks
Platform. For the list of operating systems supported by OpenText CARS, see AppWorks
Platform Supported Environments on My Support.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 6

Chapter 3  Installing OpenText CARS

Chapter 3
Installing OpenText CARS
Before you begin:
n You must have administrative privileges on the computer where you are
installing OpenText CARS.
n The Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) or Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 11
or later must be installed on the computer. From a security perspective, OpenText
recommends you to use the latest update of JDK / JRE 11.
n Ensure that any user input to the installer does not contain more than one dollar
character '$'. The installer ignores any content enclosed between the dollar characters
including the dollar characters.
n For a high availability (HA) setup:
n Enter the same suffix for all OpenText CARS instances. Otherwise, OpenText CARS

service does not start.

n Enter the same name for all the instances in the primary and distributed installations
of AppWorks Platform. Otherwise, the OpenText CARS instances might not be
replicated after being configured.

n If you are installing OpenText CARS on a Linux computer, you must perform the
l Set the Java installation path in the /etc/profile file:

export PATH=<JRE_installdir>/bin:$PATH
l Ensure that the installers in the extracted folder have execute permissions. Use the
chmod +x <installer> command to set the execute permission.
l Ensure that the execute permissions are not blocked for the temporary folder where
the intaller extracts the installation folder, for example /tmp.
l Modify the settings in the /etc/security/limits.conf file of the user under whose
context OpenText CARS starts:
o fsize = -1

o core = -1
o cpu = -1
o data = -1

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 7

Chapter 3  Installing OpenText CARS

o rss = -1
o stack = -1
o nofiles = -1

l Ensure that X environment is enabled if you are installing CARS in a Graphical User
Interface (GUI) mode.

This section guides you through the following installation processes of OpenText CARS:
n Installing CARS in GUI mode on page 8
n Installing CARS in silent mode on page 10

Installing CARS in GUI mode

To install OpenText CARS in GUI mode:

1. Extract the contents of the installer zip file (for example, AppWorks <release>.zip) to a
local folder.
2. Based on the operating system you use, perform these steps to launch the installation

Windows Navigate to the extracted folder and double-click OpenText_CARS_

Linux Open the terminal and type <path of the extracted

The OpenText CARS installer wizard opens.

3. On the Welcome page, click Next.

The Third-Party Software License Agreements dialog box opens.
4. Review the license agreement, select the I accept the terms of the License
Agreement option, and then click Next.
The Instance Name dialog box opens.
5. Accept the default or type an Instance Name for this instance, and then click Next.

Note: This can be a name of your choice. Write this name on an installation worksheet
for future reference.
The Installation Folder dialog box opens.

6. Accept the default folder location, and then click Next.

Note: If you are installing OpenText CARS on a separate computer, type the
absolute path to where the service is created.
The Server Configuration dialog box opens.

8 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 3  Installing OpenText CARS

7. For:

Network enabled installation Select the option.

Note: OpenText recommends that you do not
change the installation mode to Standalone
installation. However, if you change it, you must
enter your own user information in the User
Credentials dialog box.
Server Identifier Type the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
location for the CARS installation if it is different
from the default.
Server Port Accept the default port value.
Suffix Accept the default suffix value.

8. Write the port number on an installation worksheet for future reference.

Note: This might be required if you are installing AppWorks Platform in a Primary-
Distributed environment.

9. Click Next.
The User Credentials dialog box opens.
10. Accept the default user name or provide a desired user name for the administrator.
Where: cn=<username>,o=<domainSuffix>
For example: cn=Directory Manager,

11. Type a value for Password and Confirm Password.

12. Write the User Name and Password on an installation worksheet for future reference.
13. Click Next.
The LDAP configuration user details page opens.
14. Type a value for Password and Confirm Password, and then click Next.
The Pre-installation Summary dialog box opens.
15. Review the details in the dialog box and click Install.
The installation begins and when complete, the Installation Status dialog box displays a
Congratulations message.
16. Click Done.
The OpenText CARS installation is complete.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 9

Chapter 3  Installing OpenText CARS

Installing CARS in silent mode

To install OpenText CARS in silent mode:

1. Navigate to the <extracted installation folder>.

2. Open the file and edit the following parameters according
to your computer specifications:
n Instance name
n User Install Directory
n LDAP Host
n User Install Directory
n LDAP Port
n LDAP Suffix
n LDAP User Name
n LDAP Password
n LDAP Confirmation Password
n INSTALLMODE whose value must be SSL_MODE
n LDAP Configuration User Password
n Installation Type (Network-enabled or Standalone)

3. Save the file and exit.

4. Open the command prompt and execute the following commands:

Windows OpenText_CARS_2.7.exe -i silent -f

Linux ./OpenText_CARS_2.7.bin -i silent -f

Based on the inputs in the file, the installation is

Sample input properties file
A snapshot of the input properties file is provided below:

10 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 3  Installing OpenText CARS

The OpenText CARS installation is complete.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 11

Chapter 4  Configuring multi-master replication for OpenText CARS

Chapter 4
Configuring multi-master replication
for OpenText CARS
To achieve failover for OpenText CARS, you must have a replica of the primary OpenText
CARS instance. The instances of OpenText CARS residing in different computers are referred
to as Master1, Master2, Master3,..., MasterN, where Master1 is the primary OpenText CARS
and others are its replicas.
Conventionally, Master1 is in an active state and handles all the LDAP requests. When
Master1 fails, Master2 must be active to handle the subsequent update requests. So, the
LDAP Service Group must be configured to enable Master2 to move to an active state.
Note: For configuring OpenText CARS failover, two or more OpenText CARS instances are
required. If Master1 fails, Master2 handles the subsequent requests.
In case of multiple master instances, any instance can act either as a provider that replicates
the updates to consumers or as a consumer that receives replication updates from
Before you begin:
n Run the OpenText CARS service with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the

Windows Open the Windows registry to verify the FQDN of the host.
Linux Open the OpenText CARS-slapd file to verify the FQDN of
the host.

n Take a backup of the SLAPD configuration settings on the instances, which are planned
for replication. Execute the following command on all the instances to take a backup.

Windows Open the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText

CARS_Installdir>\bin and run the following command:
slapd -T cat -n 0 -F ../slapd.d -l

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 12

Chapter 4  Configuring multi-master replication for OpenText CARS

Linux Open the terminal, navigate to <OpenText CARS_

Installdir>/sbin and run the following command:
./slapd -T cat -n 0 -F ../slapd.d -l

n Take a backup of the LAPD content. Execute the following command on all the instances
to take a backup.

Windows Open the command prompt, navigate to \bin and run the
following command:
slapd -T cat -n -F ../slapd.d -l content_

Linux Open the terminal, navigate to /sbin and run the

following command:
./slapd -T cat -n 1 -F ../slapd.d -l content_

n Ensure that the OpenText CARS service is stopped when using slapd commands.

n Ensure the following when using ldapmodify commands:

o The OpenText CARS service must be running.
o Set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never, that is, execute set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never in the
terminal before you begin executing the ldap commands.

To configure the master OpenText CARS instance for replication:

1. Install OpenText CARS on all the servers. The sample below refers these OpenText
CARS instances as Master1 and Master2.

2. Copy the OpenText CARS certificate (*.cer) of Master1 to the certificates folder of
Master2 and vice versa.

3. Access the OpenText CARS instance in Master1 and do the following:

a. Create an LDIF file, for example: server1.ldif, and add the following:

# To set the server ID

dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcServerID
olcServerID: 1

13 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 4  Configuring multi-master replication for OpenText CARS

# To add sync provider overlay

dn: olcOverlay=syncprov, olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectclass: olcSyncProvConfig
olcOverlay: syncprov

# To add sync replication details

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcSyncrepl
olcSyncrepl: rid=1
provider=ldaps://<Master1 OpenText CARS host>:<port no>
searchbase="<Suffix for OpenText CARS>"
binddn="<OpenText CARS user dn>" # For example, cn=Directory Manager,
o=<domain name>
credentials=<OpenText CARS user password>
retry="60 10 300 +"
tls_cacert="<Path to Master1 certificate>.cer"
tls_cert="<Path to Master1 certificate>.cer"
tls_key="<Path to Master1 key>.pvk"
replace: olcMirrorMode
olcMirrorMode: TRUE
delete: olcAccess
olcAccess: to * by * auth

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 14

Chapter 4  Configuring multi-master replication for OpenText CARS

b. Import the server1.ldif file:

Windows Navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>\bin

folder, open the command prompt as an
Administrator, and then run the following commands:

l ldapmodify -H ldaps://<Master 1>:<port> -

f server1.ldif -w <LDAP configuration
password> -D "cn=admin,cn=config"

Linux Open the terminal, navigate to the <OpenText CARS_

installdir>/sbin folder, and then run the following

l ./ldapmodify -H ldaps://<Master 1>:<port>

-f server1.ldif -w <LDAP configuration
password> -D "cn=admin,cn=config"

4. Access the OpenText CARS instance in Master2 and do the following:

a. Create an LDIF file, for example: server2.ldif, and add the following:

# To set the server ID

dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcServerID
olcServerID: 2

# To add sync provider overlay

dn: olcOverlay=syncprov, olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectclass: olcSyncProvConfig
olcOverlay: syncprov

# To add sync replication details

15 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 4  Configuring multi-master replication for OpenText CARS

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcSyncrepl
olcSyncrepl: rid=1
provider=ldaps://<Master1 OpenText CARS host>:<port no>
searchbase="<Suffix for OpenText CARS>"
binddn="<OpenText CARS user dn>" # For example, cn=Directory Manager,
o=<domain name>
credentials=<OpenText CARS user password>
retry="60 10 300 +"
tls_cacert="<Path to Master1 certificate>.cer"
tls_cert="<Path to Master1 certificate>.cer"
tls_key="<Path to Master1 key>.pvk"
replace: olcMirrorMode
olcMirrorMode: TRUE
delete: olcAccess
olcAccess: to * by * auth

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 16

Chapter 4  Configuring multi-master replication for OpenText CARS

b. Import the server2.ldif file:

Windows Navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>\bin

folder, open the command prompt as an
Administrator, and then run the following commands:

l ldapmodify -H ldaps://<Master 2>:<port> -

f server2.ldif -w <LDAP configuration
password> -D "cn=admin,cn=config"

Linux Open the terminal, navigate to the <OpenText CARS_

installdir>/sbin folder, and then run the following

l ./ldapmodify -H ldaps://<Master
2>:<port> -f server2.ldif -w <LDAP
configuration password> -D

5. Restart the OpenText CARS service for the changes to take effect.

17 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 5  Evaluating OpenText CARS failover setup configuration

Chapter 5
Evaluating OpenText CARS failover
setup configuration
Preliminary check
After configuring the OpenText CARS failover setup, you can evaluate the configuration to
check if the LDAP replication is as per the requirement. You can use any third party LDAP
explorer, such as JExplorer, for evaluation.
Evaluate any of the following scenarios:
n Insert an LDAP entry into Master1 OpenText CARS. Verify if this is replicated in Master2
OpenText CARS.
n Insert an LDAP entry into the Master2 OpenText CARS. Verify if this is replicated in
Master1 OpenText CARS.
n Modify an attribute or delete an LDAP entry. Verify if these entries are replicated in other

Set debug levels of the log file

If the evaluation fails even after verifying the configuration file, set the debug levels of log
Based on your operating system, do the following

Windows 1. At the Run dialog, type services.msc.

2. Double-click OpenText CARS. The OpenText CARS
Properties dialog box opens.
3. In Start parameters, type '-d -1' and click Start without
clicking OK.
4. Open <OpenText CARS_installdir>/bin/openldap.log
to view the debug logs.

Linux From the terminal, execute the following command:

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 18

Chapter 5  Evaluating OpenText CARS failover setup configuration

./<OpenText CARS_installdir>/sbin/slapd -F
../slapd.d -h ldaps://<computername>:<port> -d -1

19 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 6  Configuring SSL when installer fails to generate certificates

Chapter 6
Configuring SSL when installer fails
to generate certificates
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a new feature where OpenText CARS is integrated with
OpenSSL libraries. The SSL framework communicates with the client and server in a secure
manner and ensures the data integrity for supporting the LDAP authentication. By default,
SSL is enabled by the installer. However, if the installer fails to generate a certificate and the
private keys that are required to enable SSL, the user must create these files manually.
To enable SSL when the installer fails to generate certificates:

1. From the command prompt, change the directory to bin folder:

Windows cd <OpenText CARS_installdir>\bin

Linux cd <OpenText CARS_installdir>/sbin

2. Execute this command to create a self-signed certificate:

openssl req -new -x509 -days 1825 -keyout <hostname>-key.pvk -out

<hostname>-cert.cer -config openssl.cnf -nodes
Note: Replace the <hostname> with the server's fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

3. Copy the generated Certificate (.cer file) and Private-Key (.pvk file) to the <OpenText
CARS_installdir>\certificates folder.

4. Navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>/sbin and do the following:

a. Open the command prompt in an administrator mode and navigate to the <OpenText
CARS_installdir>/bin directory.
b. Run the set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never command to ignore certificate verification
c. Create an LDIF file, for example config_ssl.ldif, which contains the modification
operations to be performed.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 20

Chapter 6  Configuring SSL when installer fails to generate certificates

d. Copy the following content:

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcTLSCipherSuite
replace: olcTLSCACertificateFile
olcTLSCACertificateFile: '<OpenText CARS_install_
replace: olcTLSCertificateFile
olcTLSCertificateFile: '<OpenText CARS_install_
replace: olcTLSCertificateKeyFile
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: '<OpenText CARS_install_

e. Save the file and close it.

f. Run the following command:
ldapmodify -H ldaps://<host name>:<port> -x -w <ldap configuration
password> -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -f config_ssl.ldif

Note: For <hostname>-cert.cer, enter the name of the .cer file created in step 2.

5. Modify the OpenText CARS service as follows:

Systems\OpenText CARS\>Instance>\Admin
Repository Server\Urls
b. Change the value of the URL from
ldap://<computer:port> to

Linux a. Navigate to vi /etc/init.d/OpenText CARS-

b. Change the value of the URL from
ldap://<computername:port to

6. Restart the OpenText CARS server.

21 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 6  Configuring SSL when installer fails to generate certificates

To disable SSL after installation:

n Based on your operating system, do one of the following:

Windows 1. Open the Registry Editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_

MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cordys Systems\<Instance>\Admin
Repository Server. Edit the value in the URL by
changing ldaps to ldap.
2. Open Management Console and click Platform
3. Change the value of the bus.ldap.processor.ssl
property to false.
4. If replication is configured, edit the replication directives
in the slapd configuration from <OpenText CARS_
installdir>/bin by changing ldaps to ldap.
5. Restart OpenText CARS and the Web server.

Linux 1. Navigate to /etc/init.d/OpenText CARS-slapd. In the

OPTIONS variable, change ldaps to ldap.
2. Open Management Console and click Platform
3. Change the value of the bus.ldap.processor.ssl
property to false.
4. If replication is configured, edit the replication directives
in the slapd configuration from <OpenText CARS_
installdir>/sbin by changing ldaps to ldap.
5. Restart OpenText CARS and the Web service.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 22

Disabling SSL after installation
To disable SSL:

Windows 1. Open the Registry Editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_

MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cordys Systems\<Instance>\Admin
Repository Server. Edit the value in the URL by
changing ldaps to ldap.
2. Open Management Console and click Platform
Properties. Change the value of the
bus.ldap.processor.ssl property to false.
3. If replication is configured, edit the replication directives
in the slapd configuration from <OpenText CARS_
installdir>/bin by changing ldaps to ldap.
4. Restart OpenText CARS, AppWorks <instance_name>
and the Web server.

Linux 1. Navigate to /etc/init.d/OpenText CARS-slapd. In the

OPTIONS variable, change ldaps to ldap.
2. Open Management Console and click Platform
Properties. Change the value of the
bus.ldap.processor.ssl property to false.
3. If replication is configured, edit the replication directives
in the slapd configuration from <OpenText CARS_
installdir>/sbin by changing ldaps to ldap.
4. Restart OpenText CARS, AppWorks <instance_name>
and the Web service.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 23

24 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

Chapter 7
Administering OpenText CARS
OpenText CARS administrator can do the following tasks to manage or administer OpenText
n Starting or stopping OpenText CARS on page 25
n Adding a custom schema on page 26
n Backing up OpenText CARS database on page 27
n Importing data on page 27
n Changing the Distinguished Name of the user on page 28
n Changing password on page 29
n Administering OpenText CARS service on page 33
n Changing the port on page 33
n Increasing storage capacity of the repository on page 34
n Importing certificates from OpenText CARS to AppWorks Platform Truststore on page 35
n Configuring the LDAP service group on page 36
n Deleting a schema entry in LDAP on page 36
n Viewing and updating LDAP schema in Management Console on page 37

Starting or stopping OpenText CARS

Based on your operating system, use the following commands to start or stop OpenText

Windows n From the command prompt, execute the following command to start or
stop OpenText CARS service:
net <start|stop> "<OpenText CARS Service Name>"

Note: The service name can be found from Services.msc. For example,
for a defaultInst, the CARS Service Name would be OpenLDAP-slapd

Linux n From the terminal, execute the following commands to start or stop

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 25

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

OpenText CARS service, or know the status of OpenText CARS service:

service <OpenText CARS service name>
Note: The service name can be found by navigating to the /etc/init.d
directory. For example, for a defaultInst the OpenText CARS service
name would be cars-slapddefaultInst.
n Alternatively you can also navigate to the /etc/init.d directory and
use the following command:
./<OpenText CARS service name> <start|stop|restart|status>

n Restart AppWorks Platform <instance_name> monitor each time you restart OpenText

n  When you install OpenText CARS and Sun ONE Directory Server or Administration
Server on the same computer, OpenText CARS might fail to start. In such a case,
perform any of the following steps:
l Do not install the Sun One Administration Server on the same computer that hosts
OpenText CARS.
l Stop the OpenText CARS service, rename the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_
MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Carnegie Mellon (for example, HKEY_LOCAL_
MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Carnegie Mellon2), and restart the OpenText CARS service.
l After restarting the OpenText CARS service, rename the registry entry to its original
name. This must be done every time you restart the OpenText CARS service.

Adding a custom schema

To add a schema:

Windows 1. Access <OpenText CARS_installdir>/bin.

2. Run the following command:
slapd.exe -T add -n <options – 0|1|-1> -F ../slapd.d -l
3. Restart the OpenText CARS service to see the changes reflected.

Linux 1. Access <OpenText CARS_installdir>\sbin.

2. Run the following command:
./slapd -T add -n <options – 0|1|-1> -F ../slapd.d -l
3. Restart the OpenText CARS service to see the changes reflected.

26 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

Backing up OpenText CARS database

To export the OpenText CARS database into a .ldif file:

1. Linux: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH path as follows:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<OpenText CARS_installdir>/lib:<OpenText CARS _

2. Based on your operating system, do the following:

Windows From the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText CARS_

installdir>/bin and type the following:
slapd -T cat –n <options- 0|1|> -F ../slapd.d -l <name of
the file - Example:backup.ldif>

Linux From the terminal, navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>\sbin

and type the following:
./slapd -T cat –n <options- 0|1|> -F ../slapd.d -l <name
of the file - Example:backup.ldif>


Parameter Description
slapd -T Runs slapd in tool mode. cat is an acronym for the slapcat.exe tool.
slapd.d Directory that contains the configuration settings of OpenText CARS.
-n 0 Takes a backup of the configuration.
-n 1 Takes a backup of the content.
backup.ldif File in which the backup must be saved. It can be any name with a
.ldif extension, saved in the bin directory.

Importing data
To import data from a .ldif file:

1. Stop the OpenText CARS service.

2. Linux: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH path as follows:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<OpenText CARS_installdir>/lib:<OpenText CARS _

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 27

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

3. Based on your operating system, do one of the following:

Windows From the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText CARS_

installdir>/bin and type the following:
slapd -T add –n <options- 0|1|-1> -F ../slapd.d -l <name
of the file - Example:backup.ldif>

Linux From the terminal, navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>\sbin

and type the following:
./slapd -T add –n <options- 0|1|-1> -F ../slapd.d -l
<name of the file to be imported Example:Mydata.ldif>


Parameter Description
slapd -T Runs slapd in tool mode
slapd.d Directory that contains the configuration settings of OpenText CARS
Mydata.ldif File to be imported. This file must exist in <OpenText CARS_

Changing the Distinguished Name of the user

To change the Distinguished Name (DN) of the user:
n Based on your operating system, do the following:

Windows 1. Open the command prompt in administrator mode and

navigate to the <OpenText CARS_installdir>/bin
2. Run the set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never command to
ignore certificate verification error.
3. Create an LDIF file, for example modify_rootdn.ldif,
with the modification operations to be performed.
4. Copy the following content:

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootDN
olcRootDN: <enter the new value for the dn>

5. Save the file and close it.

28 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

6. Run the following command:

ldapmodify -H ldaps://<host name>:<port> -x -w
<ldap configuration password> -D
"cn=admin,cn=config" -f modify_rootdn.ldif

Linux 1. Navigate to the <OpenText CARS_installdir>/sbin

2. Run the set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never command to
ignore certificate verification error.
3. Create an LDIF file, for example modify_rootdn.ldif,
with the modification operations to be performed.
4. Copy the following content:

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootDN
olcRootDN: <enter the new value for the dn>

5. Save the file and close it.

6. Run the following command:
./ldapmodify -H ldaps://<host>:<port> -x -w
<ldap configuration password> -D
"cn=admin,cn=config" -f modify_rootdn.ldif

Changing password
You can change the value of the rootpw entry in the slapd settings using the ldapmodify
command. You must also change the user password parameter by navigating to
Management Console > Platform Properties and modifying the password in
Before you begin: You must export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and SASL_PATH before
executing the required commands to change the password.

Changing the Manager password

To change the Manager password:

Windows 1. From the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText

2. Type slapd -T passwd -s mypassword -h "
{SSHA256}" or slapd -T passwd -h "{SSHA256}", and

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 29

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

press ENTER.
Note: mypassword is your new password for OpenText
This tool generates an encoded version of the password.
3. Open the command prompt in administrator mode and
navigate to the <OpenText CARS_installdir>/bin
4. Run the set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never command to
ignore certificate verification error.
5. Create an LDIF file, for example modify_rootpw.ldif,
which contains the modification operations to be
6. Copy the following content:

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: {SSHA256}<encoded_password>

7. Save the file and close it.

8. Run the following command:
ldapmodify -H ldaps://<host name>:<port> -x -w
<ldap configuration password> -D
"cn=admin,cn=config" -f modify_rootpw.ldif
9. Encode the password into Base64 and replace the
password in the bus.administrator.pwd and
bus.ldap.processor.password keys in the <AppWorks
Platform_installdir>/config/ file of
all AppWorks Platform installations that are configured to
this Repository server.

Note: The bus.ldap.processor.password key is

available only when the LDAP processor is configured to
run on the computer.
Linux 1. From the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText
2. Type ./slapd -T passwd -s mypassword -h "
{SSHA256}" or ./slapd -T passwd -h "{SSHA256}", and
press ENTER.
Note: mypassword is your new password for OpenText
This tool generates an encoded version of the password.

30 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

3. Navigate to the <OpenText CARS_installdir>/sbin

4. Run the set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never command to
ignore certificate verification error.
5. Create an LDIF file, for example modify_rootpw.ldif,
which contains the modification operations to be
6. Copy the following content:

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: {SSHA256}<encoded_password>

7. Save the file and close it.

8. Run the following command:
./ldapmodify -H ldaps://<host>:<port> -x -w
<ldap configuration password> -D
"cn=admin,cn=config" -f modify_rootpw.ldif
9. Encode the password into Base64 and replace the
password in the bus.administrator.pwd and
bus.ldap.processor.password keys in the <AppWorks
Platform_installdir>/config/ file of
all AppWorks Platform installations that are configured to
this Repository server.

Note: The bus.ldap.processor.password key is

available only when the LDAP processor is configured to
run on the computer.

Changing the Configuration password

To change the Configuration password:

Windows 1. Take a backup of slapd.ldif file. It is present in <CARS_

2. Navigate to directory with slapd. Run command prompt
in administrator mode and navigate to <CARS_

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 31

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

3. Generate the encoded version of the new password by

using the following command:

slapd -T passwd

4. If using SSHA256, run the following command:

slapd -T passwd -h "{SSHA 256}"

5. Connect to OpenText CARS using JXplorer with Base DN

set as cn=config.
6. For olcRootPW, enter the encoded version of new
7. Click Submit.

Linux 1. Take a backup of slapd.ldif file. It is present in <CARS_


2. Navigate to directory with slapd in cd <CARS_


3. Generate the encoded version of the new password by

using the following command:

./slapd -T passwd

4. If using SSHA256, run the following command:

./slapd -T passwd -h "{SSHA 256}"

5. Connect to OpenText CARS using JXplorer with Base DN

as cn=config.

6. For olcRootPW, enter the encoded version of new


7. Click Submit.

32 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

Administering OpenText CARS service

To administer OpenText CARS service from the Services utility on Windows:
n From the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>/bin and
execute the following command to add the OpenText CARS service:
slapd.exe install <OpenText CARS service name>

n From the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>/bin and

execute the following command to delete the OpenText CARS service:

To add or delete OpenText CARS service to boot on startup on Linux:

n From the terminal, execute the following command to add the slapd service to the run
levels of the administering user:

n From the terminal, execute the following command to delete the slapd service from the
run levels of the administering user:

Changing the port

To change the port specified during installation:
n Based on your operating system, do the following:

Windows 1. Stop the OpenText CARS service.

2. Open Windows Registry and navigate to the folder HKEY_LOCAL_
MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cordys Systems\<OpenText CARS
instance>\Admin Repository Server.
3. Change the port number in the registry key Urls. The format of the
registry key URLs must be ldap://<computer name>:<port number>.
Note: Alternatively, you can reinstall OpenText CARS without
uninstalling it.

4. Specify the new port number in the ldap.server and

bus.ldap.processor.port keys of the file of all
AppWorks Platform installations that are configured for this Repository
server. The bus.ldap.processor.port key is available only when the
LDAP processor is configured to run on the computer.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 33

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

Linux 1. Stop the OpenText CARS service.

2. Edit the slapd file - vi /etc/init.d/slapd<OpenText CARS
instance> file and change the port number in the LDAP URL.
3. Specify the new port number in the ldap.server and
bus.ldap.processor.port keys of the file of all
AppWorks Platform installations that are configured for this Repository
server. The bus.ldap.processor.port key is available only when the
LDAP processor is configured to run on the computer.

Increasing storage capacity of the repository

OpenText CARS stores all information in a binary format, with a maximum size of 262143
bytes, by default.
To increase the size of the socket buffer:

Windows 1. Open the command prompt in administrator mode and

navigate to the <OpenText CARS_installdir>/bin
2. Run the set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never command to
ignore certificate verification error.
3. Create an LDIF file, for example modify_sock_
maxsize.ldif, which contains the modification
operations to be performed.
4. Copy the following content:

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSockbufMaxIncoming
olcSockbufMaxIncoming: 5637345
replace: olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth
olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth: 5637345

5. Save the file and close it.

6. Run the following command:
ldapmodify -H ldaps://<host name>:<port> -x -w
<ldap configuration password> -D
"cn=admin,cn=config" -f modify_sock_maxsize.ldif

Linux 1. Navigate to the <OpenText CARS_installdir>/sbin


34 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

2. Run the set LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never command to

ignore certificate verification error.
3. Create an LDIF file, for example modify_sock_
maxsize.ldif, which contains the modification
operations to be performed.
4. Copy the following content:

dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSockbufMaxIncoming
olcSockbufMaxIncoming: 5637345
replace: olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth
olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth: 563734

5. Save the file and close it.

6. Run the following command:
./ldapmodify -H ldaps://<host>:<port> -x -w
<ldap configuration password> -D
"cn=admin,cn=config" -f modify_sock_maxsize.ldif

Importing certificates from OpenText CARS to

AppWorks Platform Truststore
This document describes how to import the certificates from multiple OpenText CARS into
AppWorks Platform truststore.
If the certificates of all the OpenText CARS instances are available at the location specified
during installation, you need not perform this task.

1. Copy the certificate file (<hostname>-cert.cer) from each OpenText CARS installation
into a temporary folder <temp> on the AppWorks Platform server, where <hostname>
refers to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server.
2. Copy the CordysTrustStore.jks file from the <AppWorks Platform_
installdir>\certificates\truststore folder to the <temp> folder.
3. To import each certificate from the <temp> folder into the AppWorks Platform truststore,
navigate to <Java_installdir>/bin and execute the following:
keytool -import -alias <OpenText CARS 2.7> -keystore CordysTrustStore.jks -
storepass <password> -import -file <hostname>-cert.cer -trustcacerts
where, <password> refers to the password for the truststore.

4. Type the password.

5. Type Yes in the prompt.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 35

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

6. Copy the CordysTrustStore.jks file from the <temp> folder to <AppWorks Platform_
installdir>\certificates\truststore folder.

Configuring the LDAP service group

After configuring the multi-master replication for OpenText CARS, configure LDAP Service
Group for failover.
To configure LDAP service group:

1. Create a LDAP Service Container on Server 2 and point it to Master2 OpenText CARS.
2. Set the Preference value for this LDAP Service Container higher than the Preference
value of the LDAP Service Container that points to the Master1 OpenText CARS.
3. Create a LDAP Service Container on Server 3 and point it to Master3 OpenText CARS.
4. Set the Preference value for this LDAP Service Container higher than the Preference
value of the LDAP Service Container that points to the Master2 OpenText CARS. For
more details on how to create a Service Container, see Managing Service Containers
in Product Documentation.
5. Start the service containers created in steps 1 and 2.

Deleting a schema entry in LDAP

To delete a schema entry in LDAP:

1. Stop OpenText CARS. See Starting or stopping OpenText CARS on Page 28.
2. Take a backup of the LDIF file using the following command:
slapd -T cat -n 0 -F ../slapd.d -l new.ldif

3. Delete all the files and folders in the slapd.d folder.

4. Delete the required schema entry from the new.ldif file.
5. Save the file.
6. Import the new LDIF file using the following command:
slapd -T add -n 0 -F ../slapd.d -l new.ldif

7. Start OpenText CARS.

8. Open Management Console to verify the change.
The deleted schema entry must not be displayed in the console.

36 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 7  Administering OpenText CARS

Viewing and updating LDAP schema in

Management Console
The LDAP Config user can view and update the LDAP configuration schema in Management
Console using the credentials provided when installing OpenText CARS.
Note: If you are updating or deleting the LDAP schema, OpenText recommends you to take
a backup of the OpenText CARS database. See Backing up OpenText CARS database on
page 27.
To view and update the LDAP schema:

1. Open Management Console and click Content Management.

The Logon dialog box appears.
2. For Search Root, enter cn=config.
3. For Name, enter cn=admin, cn=config.
4. Type the password for the LDAP Config User. This is the password entered in the Config
User Details screen when installing OpenText CARS.
5. Click OK.
The LDAP configuration details are displayed.
6. Click the olcDatabase=(0)config folder and make the required changes to the
LDAP config.
7. Click the olcDatabase=(0)database folder and make the required changes to the
LDAP database.
8. Click Content > Refresh on the toolbar.
The updated values are displayed.

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 37

Chapter 8  Uninstalling OpenText CARS

Chapter 8
Uninstalling OpenText CARS
This section describes the procedure to uninstall OpenText CARS. Similar to installation,
the uninstallation also can be done in two modes – GUI and Silent.

n Ensure that the user uninstalling OpenText CARS has Administrative privileges.

n Uninstalling the OpenText CARS makes AppWorks Platform unusable. Therefore, you
must uninstall AppWorks Platform instances that use this OpenText CARS instance
before uninstalling OpenText CARS.
n Uninstalling OpenText CARS in silent mode might cause your computer to reboot.
OpenText recommends you to close all the applications before uninstalling OpenText
CARS or change the uninstallation mode to GUI and proceed with uninstallation.
However, you can do the following to avoid the automatic reboot:
l Navigate to <OpenText CARS_installdir>\uninst, open the file and add USER_REQUESTED_RESTART=NO

l If the file does not exist, you must create the file

n DO NOT uninstall OpenText CARS in GUI mode if you installed it in silent mode. If you do
so, the uninstallation starts without prompting and cannot be stopped. Also, some files
might not be deleted and you must manually delete them later. To avoid this, uninstall in
silent mode or use the following swing commands from the command prompt to uninstall
in GUI mode:

Windows <OpenText CARS_installdir>\<instance_name>\_

uninst\uninstaller.exe -i swing

Linux <OpenText CARS_installdir>/<instance_name>/_

uninst/uninstaller -i swing

Uninstalling OpenText CARS in GUI mode

To uninstall OpenText CARS in GUI mode:

Windows 1. Click Start > All Programs >OpenText CARS 2.7 >

OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide 38

Chapter 8  Uninstalling OpenText CARS

<instance_name> > Uninstall.

The uninstallation wizard opens.
2. Click Uninstall.
The uninstallation process starts.
3. Click Done.
The uninstallation process completes.
Linux 1. From the command prompt, navigate to <OpenText
2. Type ./uninstaller
The uninstallation wizard opens.
3. Click Uninstall.
The uninstallation process starts.
4. Click Done.
The uninstallation process completes.

Uninstalling OpenText CARS in Silent mode

To uninstall OpenText CARS in silent mode:
By default, the installer and uninstaller modes for OpenText CARS are the same. If you
install OpenText CARS in silent mode, uninstallation is performed in silent mode too.
To launch the silent uninstaller:

Windows <OpenText CARS_installdir>\<instance_name>_

uninst\uninstaller.exe -i silent

Linux <OpenText CARS_installdir>/<instance_name>_

uninst/uninstaller.bin -i silent

39 OpenText CARS Installation and Administration Guide

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