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Experiment No.


Understand the principle of three-phase rectifier circuit by an experiment, which gets DC output
from three-phase AC voltage using characteristic of diode.

1. IT-910B (Three Phase half/ Full Wave Rectifier)
2. Oscilloscope
3. Load connection cord
4. Power supply connection cord
5. Three phase AC380 (V)

Three Phase half-Wave Rectifier
The three-phase half-wave rectifier can be seen here

The factor consisting of 3 diodes having link of cathodes at a single point is that for
one point diode having highest voltage given to it will operate and other 2 diodes
will be in a reversed biased state
The three-phase voltages given at the rectifiers circuitry can be seen here,
Its resultant output voltage can here.

Note that voltage at the output of rectifier for any point has a large value than 3
input voltage at that instant.
The output voltage also has a flat surface than the full-wave bridge rectifier circuit
It consists of AC voltage elements at one-eighty hertz and harmonics.
The ripple factors for rectifier of this category of circuitry is 18.3%
The value of the three-phase half ave rectifier is determined here and explained with
Rubrics Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Beginning (1) Developing (2) Accomplished (3) Exemplary (4)
Student has shown little to
With instructor/ With instructor/
no regard for personal and Student has followed all
supervisor’s guidance, supervisor’s
Modern equipment safety safety rules and protocols
5 student followed some of guidance, student
Tool Usage regulations despite without instructor/
the personal and equipment followed all safety
instructor/ supervisor’s supervisor’s guidance.
safety regulations rules.
Student is able to Student is able to
Student is unable to Student is able to partially effectively effectively and
effectively document/ document/ communicate document/ independently document/
10 communicat
communicate performed performed activities with communicate communicate performed
e performed
activities despite guidance. guidance. performed activities activities form without any
with guidance. guidance.
CLO-03: To be able to apply the procedural guidelines to Assemble/construct/connect various circuits on power electronic
trainers and display their results.
CLO-04: Effectively Document/Report the performed activities.
PLO-05: Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an
understanding of the limitations.
PLO-10: Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing on complex
engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear

Activity Name  Experiment No.

Group No. 
Student Roll No. 
C P Domain +
Awarded Score (out of 4 for each cell)
No. L L Taxonomy Criteria
O O (Absent student will get zero mark)
Apply the procedural guidelines to
Assemble/construct/connect various
1 3 5 P3
circuits on power electronic trainers and
display their results.
Effectively document/ communicate
2 4 10 A3 performed activities

Name of Lab. Instructor Signature Dated:

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