"What Is A Glorious Adventure For You, Is A Daily Routine For Us." Said by Armed Forces Personnels

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“What is a glorious adventure for you, is a daily routine for us.

” said
by Armed Forces personnels.

This is the statement that contains the most truth. We ordinary citizens
learn rifle shooting as a sport, where soldiers play with their lives by
shooting them every day. Climbing mountains, staying in tents and not
eating a home-cooked meal is a feeling-fresh adventure for us, but that
thrill is multiplied by the fear of losing our lives on the battlefield. The
Indian Armed Forces are not just soldiers in a camp, it is a way of life that
requires discipline and sacrifice in the first place.

Indian Armed Forces comprises three uniformed services – the Indian

Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Air Force. The Indian army
contributes to the security of the land, the Indian Navy contributes to the
sea, and the Indian Air Force, according to its name, flies through the air.
The History of the Indian army dates back to several millennia, but it is a
history of brave incidents and a celebrated future. The first mention of
armies was done in the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata where the
martial arts were generally known as ‘Dhanurveda’. We have since come a
long way from what seems to be the start of the army culture. According to
Global Firepower and considering world military strengths, The Indian army
ranks 4th in the world in all aspects. The Indian army finds its roots in 1776
as the ‘British Indian Army’.

The British Indian Army played an important role in maintaining the British
winning streak in India and around the world. It was a boon to Britain in
both world wars, where 1.3 million soldiers also served in the First World
War. Who could imagine such a significant history in the form of the Indian
Army. Any nation is incomplete unless it has a plan for its protection.
Enemies are a common concept in today's world, and getting rid of them is
not an easy or welcome task. Personnel with insane strength and sheer
willpower make the Indian Army what it is. There are countless occasions
in the long history when the Indian Army has played its part heroically and
saved the lives of countless innocents. The Indian armies were some of the
earliest armies among the world's many armies.

Soldiers can easily be considered one of the main assets of any country, as
they make a country safe and sound so it can develop to many heights.
Where would you find people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the
welfare of others or their nation? Where would you see people putting their
lives on stake so the citizens can live peacefully? Their intelligence is what
gives them an unmatched reputation and their love for their nation is what
keeps us sleeping peacefully in our beds. After all, It is rightly said that
there is no harder life than that of a soldier.

At the end, I would like to thank all the brave soldiers and armed forces
personnels and veterans for protecting our country and lives by risking
thiers on the border, sea and air territories.

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