Phys 1243

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exercised by a governing body comprised of Spaniards, either

f. 1046; Bradlaugh v. Clarke, 1883, 8 App. Cas. 354, 361,

Svantovit, was surrendered, the Wends agreeing to accept

of the current passing through it, and hence the rate at

the southern lands, successively as Achaeans, Gauls, Goths

P. J. Pidal, Historia de las alteraciones de Aragon en

excited by the arrival of an Anglo-French fleet in May 1882,

M'. Manius.

277). An action in rem asserts a right to a particular

group can only be justified on the ground of convenience.

shaped as to break up into well-defined pieces; the external

sent to India to report on the establishment of the hierarchy

Fuorcla d'Urezzas (Ardez to Galtur), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,564

food has to go to the maintenance of the animal as a living

latter force is, by Maxwell's hypothesis or by the dynamical

Die neueren Algensysteme (Zurich, 1847); F. Oltmanns,

part through deep gorges. The river then traverses the plains

is a high official, ranking immediately belaw a ras,

believed, by the intercession of the Holy Virgin, she

ADAMS, HERBERT (1858- ), American sculptor, was born at West

After M. H. Klaproth had discovered the presence of potassium

angles to the axis.--If rays issuing from O (fig. 5) be

The number and nature of rounds allotted to any fortress

the Kenites. When the Israelites were journeying from Egypt

plains, arrests all tributaries seeking to effect a junction

constitution and administration of the empire. The style is

There are five reasons why men drink:--

(Daniel Stern), 1876; A. Ungherini, ``Daniel Stern'' in the

are generally richly wooded, chiefly with fir, beech and

corner of the Ghori and Baghlan districts of Badakshan, is more

m., exclusive of the dependent Saharan regions, which have

has three different coagulation temperatures, 56 deg. , 67 deg. ,

statue, our imaginative activity so far from transporting us

uniform, and even where it professes to proceed according to

Milton in Paradise Lost--``the mast of some tall ammiral.''

the cereals themselves. By far the greater proportion of those

against the Walid-sidi-Sheikh,the French realized how

of less common species. The Reeves' pheasant (P. reevesi)

and doctrinal subjects. In matters of exegesis he is, like

led to the close of the war within seven months. Instead of

the story is, not to answer any curious question (such as, how

Aesthetics''---with a theory of art (Kunstwissenschaft). The

source of literature of high distinction, the progress of

the same characters reappear. The Roman poets first adopted

FIG. 11.--St Augustine's Abbey, Bristol (Bristol

crown. If the proper patron fails to exercise his right within

the name of a saint and archbishop of Toledo in the 7th

tsars. He spoke, indeed, bitterly of ``the state of barbarism

other documents written by him in connexion with his various

Chiltern Hills. The church of St Mary is almost entirely

adduced by way of ridiculing the Armenians, yet they reflect old

to do with the relation of art to ``beauty'' in its narrower

(9128 ft., the monarch of the Carnic Alps). Soon after our

Curzio Suffrido Adelborst (i.e. Dutch for ``naval cadet'').

a perpetual abiogenetic fount by which the first steps in the

accumulate did not exceed that forbidden by the law against

label upon the vessel. That the only preservative permitted

of the chief mountains and lakes of the continent:--

their name was unknown to the Romans in their original home.

substance of a more subtle kind than visible bodies, supposed

using the church records, the traditions of Aldhelm's

1602. The murderer was instigated by Prince Sehm, afterwards

Amyraut had left the choice to the synod. He was appointed

quick action, you can do in a few minutes that which it would

beauty and distinction of manner made her the idol of Paris,

``The Triumph of Neptune stilling the Waves,'' ``Hunter with

in the war of 1866. At the action of Soor (Burkersdorf)

first in the first examination, even beating Sir T. Madhavarao,

as interesting a subject of examination as do its resources and

and weaving were formerly the principal industries carried

45' S. lat. The name is also applied to a district situated

the throne of Poland in favour of Stanislaus Leszczynski

the Jowakis continued the same and their raids into British

resignation of those offices, and he took a voyage to the South

have been given to them at the end of the 12th century, and

crowded. About five o'clock a cannon was discharged as the

her youth; hut now, at last, the occasion came for expressing

India in the Central division of Bombay on the left bank of

fine cathedral dating from 1258 and restored after the fire of

this time forward a change comes over land legislation. The

by Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Hermann Grassmann and others,

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