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aromatic amines generally (O. Doebner, Ann. 1804, 281, p.


coast of her possessions, which led to immediate protest from

N. Passage to cloister.

earned the name of ``der Markische Walter Scott'' (Walter

The restoration of peace to Europe, and the re-enactment of

Dubois, the favourite of the regent, in his endeavour to force

first dealing with the Coast colonies, the second dealing with

of the absolute seems to attain a dignity not merely above

the neighbourhood of the town are remains of the aqueduct

The thought life of the American aborigines is expressed in

aesthetic value which grow distinct and relatively fixed

features, Alsace-Lorraine falls into three parts -- mountain

it held from the sultan of Zanzibar into sovereign rights by

likely to develop greatly under the Kabul government. The

application to study, and the attacks made upon him in

the Shat-el-Jerid (of Tunisia). The chief of these is the

one. The extreme source of the Beni is the little river La Paz,

definite article Shkodr-a), the capital of the vilayet

life was spent at Dorpat, where he died on the 10th of August

``Teutonic sound-shifting,'' since @ = g is used for k,

which, according to Pauli (Alt-italische Forschungen,

death the office, like those of the king's or queen's advocate

The new nation.

he determined to try the effect of some moderate liberal

of the century. Mrs Lydia Sigourney (1791-1865), a prolific

In the land of the Nabataeans, a people of Arabian origin,

REFERENCES.--T. Boveri, ``Die Nierencanalchen des

The other amyl alcohols may be obtained synthetically. Of

Aeolians founded twelve cities on the mainland, including

by the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill and the course

by isolated suggestions from a host of scholars. The three

France. In 1518 the efforts of one or other of his patrons

collection formed by a person stationed behind the tapestry in

playing a great part on the world's stage, and plunged with all

Stewart (1861.) This latter, based on MS. material preserved at

207 grams of lead, &c.), the equation connecting them is

remained constant while it passed in each direction through the

grey, and the two kinds of sex-cells exist in approximately

grave disadvantages were soon obvious -- the limited supply of

(1885). Ambrose followed Richard I. as a noncombatant,

also wrote a poetical romance, Girone il Cortese (Paris,

Frankenthal, 1779), reproduced in 1786 as Von Schlachtordnungen,

and Rheidol, about the middle of Cardigan Bay. Pop. (1901)

of heat on discharge of the charge in these long shell,

Amurru, also given to this god in the religious literature of

waters within admiralty cognizance (2 Farsons Adm. 347; the

an early period of his life. In 1843 he became general manager

consisted of essays written by the members in rotation. To

and the new Messiah had to be protected by the police from

there. The reply of Amos is full of instruction. ``No prophet

``Serene Highness,'' on the countess and her descendants in

out until April 1865; in the same month Selma also fell.

strike the ground closer to the point of burst and beat a

leads to effects which are specifically worse than those


somewhat taller and not so pleasant-featured as the true

urge him to this great enterprise. Some lines of the Roman

warm and quivering, the remainder being cut into small pieces

struggle, ecclesiastical dignity being regarded as inconsistent

violated. Science was not yet strong enough to dispense with

enormous quantity of both men and rifies. Colonel C. G.

his own share in which was rendered very easy by the violence

he introduced the vinculum and among others the terms

variegated beauty of its stalactite formations, some resembling

ABERDOVEY (Aberdyfi: the Dyfi is the county frontier), a

of Addison could behold, without any suspicion of burlesque,

about double in value. The settled population is barely a

the Euxine and the barbarism of the native inhabitants.

Mycenae. E. Chantre in 1894 picked up lustreless ware,

value increased from $16,000,000 in round numbers in 1880 to

Administration cum testamento annexo, where the deceased

bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,242

the personal grievances of Alexander against Napoleon; while

exchanged on the 3rd of July, As already stated, this is the

Over 500 '' 13,809 0.6 5,219 1.3

jus gladii. (4) Civil government belongs to the world, is

writers. Sir John Davies (1569-1626) wrote twenty-six

Schwarzschild, Gottingen. Akad. Abhandl., 1905, 4, Nos.

Pennines. Copper and blende are found, and there are limestone

limit of the forward effect of shrapnel at effective range

(bideus); and wild agrimony (potentilla anserina.)

was written by St Odilo of Cluny. It is valuable only for

distinguished ability obtain pensions from government, to

systems, however, are not of great practical importance. In

of the four hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the

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