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In the period of thirty years during which he was

great. True electric current arises solely from convection

coins, &c.; the latter, which is more cursive in character, is

and structure of both plants and animals; and they render it

and even criminals and slaves were there safe, violence

period more or less contemporary with Dynasties XI. and XII.

Gallia, Britannia (1846); and Numismatic Illustrations of

and around the northern tributaries of the St Lawrence.

AMSDORF, NICOLAUS VON (1483-1565), German Protestant

Iliad (v. 365) Ares is imprisoned by them, but delivered by

faithful to the king and his heirs, and truth and faith to

a neck of land a few yards in breadth. The highest mountains,

largely recruited, and, indeed, there are few of the chiefs

account the lines D and G' are united for ordinary photographic

Ordnung of 1887, which completed the organization by the

also on the refraction of light, especially on atmospheric

ships and the special requirements of the director of works,

science, which has frequently and quite legitimately used

AEthelfrith was defeated and slain at the river Idle by Raedwald

by itself; and we can thus recognize that it may behave very

Acropolis, together with that of his friend Xanthippus, the

them; the white are terribly tormented by the insects and

Aberdeen at once resigned office, and the queen bestowed

John in 1887; Count A. E. W. Gleichen, With the Mission to

AEROTHERAPEUTICS, the treatment of disease by atmospheric

p. 134; H. Winnefeld, Romische Mitteilungen, 1889, 126;


to abandon his tour, and on his return to Norway he taught

explanation. The strongest argument for the derivation from

European crusaders and the military orders, and contingents

which states had hitherto little or no experience of the

by T. E. Kebbel; Report on the Employment of Messrs

Garden in 1813, in light comedy and melodrama, he made his

Payne (1792-1852) of New York, may also be appropriately recorded

of which are of systematic importance. The first region is

1 The name ``Great'' Atlas is more correctly

a separate part of the altar (Paus. i. 34. 2). Other terms

still somewhat resorted to, the only real mining in Alberta

is the pious foundation (so Pischel, no doubt rightly, Zeitsch.

uninjured, except the cock, which had its right wing hurt in

secondary to tuberculous disease elsewhere, especially of

basin. In all this vast region the Negro and Negro-Bantu races

on one side a figure of Athena, on the other a representation

in anticipation of services. The term advocatus came

which, as he thinks, are barely compensated by English

Aegina, &c. (London, 186O); Ch. Gareier, Le Temple de Jupiter

12 Metternich Mem.

Alphonso Vl. stands out as a strong man fighting for his

of Robert Owen, founded the International Working Men's

Acres. Bushels. Bushels. Cents.

the almonry, with a dormitory above for the lower class of

The earliest Christians had no altars, and were taunted by

is satisfied that a proper system is maintained to prevent

of the City of London school in 1865 at the early age of

between Alfieri and his sister-in-law does not seem to have

investigated by J. v. Liebig (Annalen, 1835, 14, p.

Bocca di Cadlimo (Airolo to the Lukmanier Pass), foot path . . . . . . . .8,340

of the upper Nile valley. There was, therefore, danger

muscular exertion. (4) Prolonged mental strain or worry may

towards the sea are fertile and well watered by several small

Shoa. In 1865, Menelek, now a desjazmach 4 of Tigre,

to the south of the town, 35 m. W. of Catania. Pop. (1901)

In America, in addition to some of the cells already

Sultan of Sokoto,'' which practically secured the whole of

It thus appears that the average yield of wheat in Great

situated in the side chain, as in the case of benzylamine.

small, and rise little above sea-level. Most are of coral

word adam designated man as a species; with the article

same. The zygospore becomes surrounded with its own wall,

discussing the inscriptions, statues and pictures intended for

a-disulphonic acid). This is converted into the sodium salt

Philosophical Dictionary (1815), article ``Algebra.'' (C. E.*)

reconstruction, kernels or phacoids may remain, showing

Afghanistan was raised above the sea-level. Then the ocean

lowest level of degradation. The condition of his subjects was

another set of pipes, but as it could not bring the liquid in

time of Amos, on which see Ency. Bib., ``Amos,'' and the

distances. It is not clear how the movement is effected, though

bridge, which carries the road to Missis and the east, and

the place of the bullets. The shell on bursting, blows

theological sphere. What was said above of the Christology

ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was

and its creative process, see H. Taine, The Philosophy of

degenerate race, but rather a people arrested in development

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