Phys 1265

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remnants of a submerged mountain system; the islands rise

respect for the British flag or to succour British subjects in

(1910) 10,753. Aberdeen is served by the Chicago, Milwaukee

Vinegar . . . 773 57 7.4


this, a pilgrim returning from the Holy Land was cast by a

and the methylation or ``denaturizing'' was carried out in

About A.D. 330 Frumentius was made first bishop of Ethiopia by

Col du Palet (Tignes to Moutiers Tarentaise or Bourg St Maurice),

of an impending Tatar invasion. In 1262 the Tatar tribute

present licence causes discomfort or loss of enjoyment to

enthusiasm; Whittier was a Quaker priest, vigorous in a

cava, while the fourth part ascends to the left side of

purity of aesthetic pleasure must be added its refinement,

necessary. Repudiating all legislation, even when issuing

of soap or tobacco, would be regarded as an intolerable

risk of short-circuit, &c. More space is allowed between

water-supply is obtained from artesian wells. Americus was

law which resulted from the proposals of Spurius Cassius

Paris, and during a ten months' stay he met the leading

the latter not being intrinsically altered. Now the direction

capitalis justiciarius Angliae, or chief-justice of England;

after the conquest of Babylon, does not mention his name.

electric currents when placed in proximity to the conductor in

even though such delivery has become impossible. There is

etc., are laid open to the public (1830), roused the public

but I know ye cannot bear as yet a crowd of improvements, this

a room usually screened off by pillars, balustrade or drapery.

power was to seek to acquire protectorates nor exclusive

13th century and fathered on Jaber in order to enhance their

revealing the inviolable secrets, and rose in fury; the poet

composition. Tin amalgam is used for ``silvering'' mirrors,

territory is divided into the following three districts,

Musaeum Italicum II. for the Ordines Romani; Muratori,

sense of the word, i.e. a chief of the general staff, but a

in boat attacks. Although generally regarded as obsolete, they

311). The legend that he remained in the country after the

immediately afterwards in order to quell an insurrection in

man of letters, only son of Andre Marie Ampere, was born at

can be carried back to the forms of The Phoenician and Moabite

the pulpit'' (Letter of Academy to Cardinal Richelieu) .

origin of administrators is derived from the civil law. Their

can, however, acquire ``citizenship'' at their own request, by

In the case of ammeters intended for very small currents, the

with this double meaning the aegis appears in works of art

throwing all his work on a colleague already overweighted with work.

character of the whole. It is probable that a particular

carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially

AEGINA (EGINA or ENGIA), an island of Greece in the Saronic

literature than any of his associates; he took his first cues

Welsh. The whole parish falls within the parliamentary borough

notices, seem to have been concerned exclusively with either

winter condition known as hibernation (q.v..) In botany the

truth, and the Criminal Procedure Act 1851, which rendered

uncomplicated cases it is better to leave this dressing

which have become permanently naturalized away from their native

the exhibition commission, and every post brought him abusive

Seneca, and is a stiff and spiritless work. Fuller and Anthony

soul. In no other American poet is there this nearness to

swearing, ``before God and His judgment seat,'' that if he

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. This book of the Bible, which now

relatively little hop; pale ale, which is relatively dry, of

degrees. If the accretion or formation be by a torrent or flood,

lower course the river flows either through high alluvial

Chema. A similar story appears in the Book of Enoch,

to levy no tallage or aid except by common consent of his

are being variously modified on the do ut des principle as

works, which had a large circulation. Among these may be

had several times asked for British protection, and always in

possibly of barbarian family, rose in the service of the

schools at Huntly, Peterhead and Fraserburgh, and many of

FIG. 3.--Shunted Movable Coil Ammeter, Isenthal & Co.

digamma f and @, and also the South Semitic @ = o, could

entrance into the most cultured circles. Returning home he

the 11th of March, Heliogabalus was murdered, and Alexander

(2) the Academie des inscriptions et medailles, founded

experiment stations throughout the country in 1887. In 1889

in contemplating, say, a green alp set above dark crags, is an

castings. The castings are annealed by placing them in a

body, which has a large unfinished church, and a schismatic

minister of the French church in the Savoy, London. His

possible the general adoption of the breech-loading principle

known, but it was this simple yet ingenious structure which

by many experiments with variable results. One established

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