Slides Session 5

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Advanced team management


Dr. Marlies Veestraeten

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

mercredi 20 octobre 2021
Welcome to ATM – Session 5

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Course Goals

• Introducing you to the functioning of teams and the complexities of


• Helping you think more analytically about teams and the many factors that
influence their effectiveness

• Assist you in developing insights in your own qualities and behaviors as

a team member

• Assist you in experiencing team membership and evaluating peer and

team effectiveness

Ø Through a combination of lectures, team-based learning exercises, self-reflection

tools, cases, a flipped classroom project, and active & collective participation

mercredi 20 octobre 2021


Processes Team
Team Roles
& Emergent Innovation

Team Type • Member effectiveness Team Viability

& Task depends on “role & Affect
fulfillment” à Do members
have different role
• How are roles actually
divided in the team?
Team • How does this affect
processes such as
Diversity coordination,
communication or conflict?
• How will this, in turn,
influence team outcomes?

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

The Puzzle of Personality

• Reliability and validity of personality measures

– Many tests lack these essential requirements (e.g., MBTI)
– Objective personality tests are also subjective à based on (self-)

• Bright and dark personality traits

– Agreeableness vs. Narcissism
– But also: Bright and dark sides of traits (cf. quality, pitfall, allergy)

• Social desirability of traits

– Social desirability of responses to personality measures
– Informant ratings?
• Still limited information; biases (e.g., halo-effects)

• Useful for team insights & member development

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Composition Models

• Measure central tendencies in members’ attributes

• Best performing teams are:

– Teams with high average cognitive ability and task-related knowledge
– Teams with high average teamwork orientation (cf. members’ propensity for
accomplishing work as a part of a team as opposed to individually)
– Teams with a high average level of agreeableness and conscientiousness
within teams and the more similar team members are with respect to
agreeableness and conscientiousness
• Through better cooperation and communication behaviors
• Other research: depends on the task (e.g., extraversion in sales teams)

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Core Quadrant – Individual Level

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Core Quadrant – Individual Level

– Facilitating intra-team communication & collaboration

• Quality/attribute that feels natural

– What you assume as normal (& even play down in yourself); what you
naturally expect from others
– cf. What do people appreciate you for?
• Pitfall: Exaggerated quality
– Attribute applied to the extreme à becomes an obstacle for person &
environment; others may blame us for this
• Allergy: Direct opposite of own core quality
– cf. What is it you cannot stand in others?; Interactions may trigger
ending up in one’s own pitfall
• Challenge: Complements/counterbalances core quality
– Cf. What is it you admire in other people?
What do people say you should have more of?

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Core Quadrant – Team Level

– Facilitating inter-team communication & collaboration

• Quality/attribute of the team

– What you assume as normal (and even play down); what you naturally
expect from other teams
– cf. What do other teams/departments in the organization appreciate
you for?
• Pitfall: Exaggerated quality
– Attribute applied to the extreme à becomes an obstacle for the team &
environment; others may blame our team for this
• Allergy: Direct opposite of own core quality
– cf. What is it you cannot stand in other teams?; Interactions may trigger
ending up in one’s own pitfall
• Challenge: Complements/counterbalances core quality
– Cf. What is it you admire in other teams?
What do other teams say your team should have more of?

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Core Quadrant – Team Level

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Discussion TREO, OCEAN & Core Quadrant

Using your individual preparatory work, discuss in your team:

• What were your individual findings & scores on the questionnaires? Explain while
using examples
• Are there quite different role orientations and personality traits in your team or
• What are the possible implications/consequences of these different or similar
role orientations, personality traits, core qualities for:
» Team processes (e.g., coordination, planning, conflict, …) in your team?
» Team emergent states (e.g., team efficacy, team psychological safety, …) in
your team?
» For your team performance? (Or other outcome variables: team affect, viability,
or innovation?)
• Together, apply the Core Quadrant to at least two members of your team
(individual level)
• If you have time, apply the Core Quadrant to your team as a whole

mercredi 20 octobre 2021


Processes Team
Team Roles
& Emergent Innovation

Team Type Team Viability

& Task & Affect


mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Team Types & TDI
• Large amount of different types of teams
– E.g., service teams, crews, production teams, management teams, action teams, decision-
making teams, project teams, student teams, small/large teams, cross-functional teams, …

• Variety of team taxonomies without consensus on how to classify

different types of teams
– Lack of agreement regarding how to answer the question « What kind of team is this? »
– Many teams cannot be described definitively via one single type
– Making inferences and generalizations about team inputs, processes,
emergent states, and outcomes (cf. defining « do’s and don’ts in team
management) requires that we can compare teams

• Based on which characteristics can we describe the nature of teams and

differentiate between them?
– Type of task? Nature of the people? The role of time? The locus of authority?
The type of reward structures?
– Avoiding either/or categorization by measuring different continua

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Team Types & TDI

• Consensus on three underlying dimensions to classify teams:

• Skill differentiation
• Authority differentiation
• Temporal stability

à How a team scores on these dimensions (cf. input variables) can have
a powerful impact on team processes, emergent states, and outcomes

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Discuss In Pairs (15 mns)
According to you,

1. Skill differentiation:
• What are the pro’s and cons of having high or low skill differentiation in a
team? (cf. what kind of team processes and outcomes can it affect?)
• In your team for this course, is there a lot of skill differentiation? Why (not)?

2. Authority differentiation:
• What are the pro’s and cons of having high or low authority differentiation in a
team? (cf. what kind of team processes and outcomes can it affect?)
• In your team, is there a lot of authority differentiation? Why (not)?

3. Temporal stability:
• What are the pro’s and cons of having high or low temporal stability? (cf.
what kind of team processes and outcomes can it affect?
• In your team, is there a high degree of temporal stability?
Why (not)?

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Make An Account

• With your Neoma email address

Ø Will give you access to an in-class simulation

Ø Will give you access to relevant articles for your
final team project

mercredi 20 octobre 2021


• As an individual preparation for next class

– Go through the Microsoft e-learning session on

unconscious bias
• Access:
• (or Google “Microsoft + elearning + unconscious bias”)

mercredi 20 octobre 2021


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