Sept 21 Session 2 ATM

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Advanced team management


Dr. Marlies Veestraeten The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

mardi 21 septembre 2021

mardi 21 septembre 2021
Welcome to ATM – Session 2

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Course Goals

• Introducing you to the functioning of teams and the complexities of


• Helping you think more analytically about teams and the many factors that
influence their effectiveness

• Assist you in developing insights in your own qualities and behaviors as

a team member

• Assist you in experiencing team membership and evaluating peer and

team effectiveness

Ø Through a combination of lectures, team-based learning exercises, self-reflection

tools, cases, a flipped classroom project, and active & collective participation
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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Final Team Project: Topics

Team Topic
The Culture Express Virtual Teams
The Fantastic 4 Leadership in Teams
Diversity&Co Newcomers in Teams
The FRESP’S Way Social Control & Norms in Teams
Wine with Salmon + Tarik Tahri Alaoui Diversity in Teams
DiversiTeam + Oulaya EL HADRI Collective Efficacy
The FATA Team Team Learning

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Send your TB Assignment to:


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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Questions? Comments?

Any questions to which the answer may be relevant to others? Please ask me
in class

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Final Team Project (30%)

– You study a team-related topic and consult the rest of

the class on this topic à Flipped classroom
– To do:
• Make a top 3 of your preferred topics from the list (first come, first serve)
• Read at least two accompanying articles from the reading list
• Read at least one self-chosen relevant article from Harvard Business
Review (
• Read at least one self-chosen relevant research article
• Include at least one creative/engaging element for the audience, related
to the topic discussed (exercise, short movie, role-play, case, personal
examples, questions, quiz, …)
• Develop a presentation plan (see template on Courses)
• 15 minutes of presentation in last two sessions The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

mardi 21 septembre 2021

Final Team Project (30%)

– Where to find research articles? à & Neoma


– How to find HBR (harvard business review) articles? à Create an

account (free) access to 5 articles per month

– Topics studied are also material for the final exam

• Thus: you need to understand other teams’ topics (cf. collective

learning responsibility)
• Plus: your team presentation will be evaluated by other teams
• Plus: your team can win or lose points by developing clear and
constructive evaluations of other teams’ presentations The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

• Thus: attendence is mandatory

mardi 21 septembre 2021

Final Team Project (30%)

Session Session
1 2

Team Formation Top 3 of Topics

Session Session
7 9 & 10
Presentation Plan Present
Peer Peer
Evaluation Evaluation
1 2
Team Evaluation
Team Evaluation
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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Participation (30%)

– Individual
• Input & questions in class
• Active discussion & participation in your team
• Quiz

– Team-based
• Assignments
– Clear argumentations & outline
– Clear collective efforts & integration of information
– Submitted on time
• Peer evaluations
– Two times
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– Specific for each member of your team

mardi 21 septembre 2021

Final Exam (40%)

– During exam period

– Format: Open questions (essay questions); similar to

assignments or cases we will see in class and you’ll do
as homework

– You need 10/20 or more to pass the course

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Session 2: IPO/IMO-Model

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mardi 21 septembre 2021


Team = Unit of analysis & reference point

What’s done; what happens

What is present; what What’s produced;
(interactions directed at task
(can be) used task results
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Feedback loops:
What you ask your team to produce will affect
- The processes/interactions within the team The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

- The various factors that (should) go into the team (what the team should be provided
with/should consist of)

mardi 21 septembre 2021

« Nested » & Multilevel Nature of Teams

Level 4: External

• Clusters of individual units are contained within higher-level units:

Nested data structure The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

• Observations are not independent from each other

(= violation of a key assumption in statistical testing)

mardi 21 septembre 2021

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Team Outcomes
– Different teams produce different outcomes
– Measuring team effectiveness needs to be adjusted to the type of
desired/expected outcome
• Problem: Lack of consistency & clarity of what team outcomes exactly entail,
how they are defined, and how they are/should be measured
• Organizational effectiveness (e.g., based on cost reduction strategy) ≠ a
team’s effectiveness (e.g., R&D team’s success depends on innovation)

Ø Makes measurement and generalizations of team effectiveness complex

Ø Makes it extremely difficult to generalize (a) within and (b) across
organizations (cf. no « one best » outcome measurement that is
applicable to all teams, in all contexts)

• Teams are « nested » so team performance is often context- and organization-

specific, time-related, etc.
• E.g. difference between sales, surgery, & manifacturing teams? The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

In different organizations? In different industries? At different

time points?

mardi 21 septembre 2021

Team Outcomes

• One broad categorization of team outcomes that

organizations & leaders are generally interested in

– Team performance
• Internally or externally evaluated/measured
– Team affect/satisfaction
– Team viability

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

1. Team Performance

Assumption = Teams produce something useful for the organization

- Organization-level Performance (TMTs)

- Org-level performance has one-on-one relationship with TMT performance
(cf. without needs for aggregation)
- E.g.: TMT cohesion & communication relate positively to firm financial
- Lower level teams: how can we know their impact on the organization’s

- Team performance behaviors & performance outcomes

- Process improvement, feedback seeking, proactivity, TLB
- Quality of work, quantity of output, team innovation, customer satisfaction, …
- E.g., sales team: TPB: proactive customer communication, PO: sales made
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mardi 21 septembre 2021

1. Team Performance

- Role-based performance
• Members have competencies necessary to perform their role(s)
– E.g. leader role (leadership competences), role of connector
(communication skills), organizer (planning skills), etc.
• = More generalizable across teams
• Time? (e.g. development of leadership skills)

- Performance composites
• Teams perform multiple functions à Need a mix of performance
– E.g. Problem solving, efficiency, quality, overall achievement,
productivity, mission fulfillment, knowledge, quantity, initiative,
overall commitment, timeliness, creativity
• But:
– Do you know what you are exactly measuring?
– Halo-effects? The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

mardi 21 septembre 2021

2. Team Affect & Viability

• Collective affective reactions & attitudes

– Team satisfaction
– Team commitment
– Team climate

• Viability
– Extent to which members wish/expect to remain members of the team
– Team stability (cf. low member turnover)
– More recently: ”The team’s capacity for the sustainability and growth
required for success in future performance episodes”
• Performing without collectively burning out

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Practically Speaking
Ø Different meanings of the same construct “Team Outcomes”
Ø Increases complexity & difficulty to generalize it across teams, across
Ø Most importantly: Organizations, managers, and team members need to
understand and agree on which outcomes are needed, how they are defined,
and how they will be measured

• Implication = What you expect your team to « produce » for the

– Should inform the performance measurements you apply to measure team
– In turn, these outcome expectations & measurements will inform how
members will interact internally, which collective (performance) norms will be
established, which strategies will be adopted, and how team will interact with
other teams (cf. team processes)
• E.g., Boundary crossing communication is an important team process for
creative/innovation teams
– Outcome expectations and measures also inform how you best put your team
together, which inputs are needed, …
– Cf. The double arrows The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

mardi 21 septembre 2021



• Discuss in your team (20 minutes):

– In the case of these teams, What is « team effectiveness »?
– Which outcome(s) do you take into account to judge/measure whether
or not this kind of team is performing « effectively »?
– What are different processes/interactions needed for the team to
– What are different inputs needed/present (at the individual, team,
organizational, broader environmental level)? The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

mardi 21 septembre 2021


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mardi 21 septembre 2021


• Underlying process(es) through which X influences Y

• The mechanisms through which variability in X (inputs) ‘causes’
variability in Y (outcomes)
• Types of Mediators in our IMO Model of Teams?
• Team Conversation Training (input) positively affects Team
Performance (output) through improved Team Communication

Team Team
Team Training
Communication Performance
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mardi 21 septembre 2021

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mardi 21 septembre 2021

Mediators in IMO Model
1. Team Processes
= Members’ interactions directed toward task accomplishment

– Transition
• Unfold episodically and set the stage for later stages in team action
(e.g., strategy definition, planning, organizing, norm setting, after action
reviews, …)
– Action
• Team communication, participation, coordination during task work,
boundary crossing communication, problem solving, …
– Interpersonal
• Conflict, feedback giving & receiving, monitoring, …

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! sometimes distinction is difficult to make

as processes may overlap

mardi 21 septembre 2021

Mediators in IMO Model
2. Team Emergent States
= Cognitive, motivational, and affective states of teams
[that are] . . . dynamic in nature and vary as function of team
context, inputs, processes, and outcomes

– Team efficacy, team potency, …

– Team cohesion, team trust, team psychological safety, …
– Team collective cognition (e.g., shared mental models, transactive
memory systems)
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mardi 21 septembre 2021

– Individual level
• Individual characteristics (e.g., skills, traits): Individual members are
point of reference
– Mean values (e.g., average IQ or language proficiency), diversity indices (e.g.,
differences in work ethic, gender, ethnicity), or complex combinations (e.g.,
faultlines, teams as social networks)
– Team-level
• Global team properties: General team characteristics, measured at the
team level, often easily observable
– Team size, team function, team « age », team leadership, team virtuality, team
interdependence, team training
• Shared team properties: Measured through aggregating individual level
perceptions; team is point of reference
– But, a degree of within-group consensus is necessary in order to speak of a team
construct (e.g., team psychological safety, team cohesion)
– Organizational-level
• HR systems, resources, organizational climate, …
– External environment The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

• National culture, industry, economic climate, …

mardi 21 septembre 2021

Embracing Complexity

à Teams as dynamic systems The image part with relationship ID rId15 was not found in the file.

à Co-evolvement of team compositional and structural features, mediating mechanisms,

external influences, and outcomes

mardi 21 septembre 2021

Team Exercise

Recap & application to a video

Deadline: Friday, September 24th, 8 PM

For next class: Prepare to present your analysis!

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mardi 21 septembre 2021


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