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Yetnbit Kal

Newsletter No.9, June - July, 2007

 Operation Global rain

All SDAs round the

world are expected to join
the blessed global event by
praying from June 27, 2007
to July 7, 2007 from
7:00 pm to 8:15 pm. Yes
the prayer has already
started but if you haven’t
heard of it please join us
and enjoy the blessing from
the Lord. For more on this
please visit

Oh Lord bless your children

these days with the Comforter

 Pr. Negash Motbayinor Memorial Library inaugurated

May 19, 2007 Sabbath was a special blessing at Kotobe SDA Church
in Addis. In addition to the blessings of the Holy Sabbath and various
regular programs Pr. Negash Motbayinor Memorial Library was inaugurated

at the end of the divine service in presence of the whole congregation, Pr
Lukas Adde: President Central Ethiopia Field, old colleagues of Pr. Negash
and son Dr. Solomon Negash. Having served by preaching at the divine
service Pr. Lukas also thanked Dr. Solomon & the whole family for making
this project a reality. The Pastor also reminded the attendants about the
blessed and energetic ministry of Pr. Negash as well as other old ministers at
the event. Pr. Negash have served the Lord’s Church for forty years. Dr.
Solomon also thanked at the event his brothers and sisters for supports, and
the Kotobe SDA Church for allocating a room in the Church complex for the
memorial library even while Pr. Negash was alive. In addition the doctor
expressed how enthusiastic his Dad was about the Library even seconds
before his departure. The Library includes precious collections of different
versions of the Holly Bible, Commentaries, Personal collections of Pr.
Negash including hand written materials, various spirit of Prophecy and
academic books plus five computers. At the end of the event light but so
delicious reception was served. During this time many books were
contributed to the library by fellows at the event. Same afternoon Dr.
Solomon gave a thorough interview at the youth program where all around
benefited abundantly.
Dr. Solomon a devoted minister of the Lord and tireless servant of the
community is presently involved in coordinating activities of the Bethany
foundation a significant contributor NGO named after his youngest daughter
and is working together with the Addis Ababa University for opening a new
Phd program in information systems as of 2008 here at home.

 Kembata and Tembaro Seventh Day Adventist Church

celebrates it’s 50th anniversary
February 14-17, 2007 the Durame town and the Durame Seventh Day
Adventist Church hosted a huge conference where the present and old
Adventist Christians celebrated the Lord’s miraculous and gracious work in
penetrating and conquering the area with the Advent message. It just is
nothing less than a dream both to be at the event and read the booklet
prepared for the anniversary.
In the booklet the district learder brother Muluneh Abuye’s message,
the first question about who Adventists are in 1946 at the Kale Hiywot
seminary, father Doche Dantamo’s unsatsfaction with the conclusions at
class and travel to Kuyera for getting the truth from the Source, the
miraculous chains of events, the Maranatha inspired ministries during the
dark days of the communist regime, and the recent activities of those areas

are beautifully narrated. Yetnbitkal would like to heartily recommend the
material which is a living document of the Lord’s inspiration & protection.
Hallelujah for the good news!!!

 ‘Millions in Millennium’ The visionary Filwoha SDA youth


Our country in two months time is going to celebrate its new

where we look
back thousands
of years
and ask what is
next. Very huge
preparations are
going on to host
hundreds of
thousands of
Diaspora, tourists
and honored
guests to
celebrate what
the African
Union recently endorsed to be ‘The African Millennium’. Concerning this
millennium you may find good deal of info at
http://www.ethiopianmillennium.com .
For the Lord’s grace brought us to this magnificent event and only the
same can make it a real blessing to the country, the Filwoha Adventist Youth
came up with a vision of ‘Millions in Millennium’ that includes among
many approaches holding a 15 days crusade at the Exhibition center
probably the best facility of its type in the Capital. Yetnbitkal would like to
thank God for giving such a vision to his Children and encourage all for
joining hands in this vision. The project document of this vision is already
available at our site at devotionals column. And if you send the contact
persons (addresses from the material) your email account they diligently will

update you how the vision is going. May the Lord bless beloved Filwoha
youth and all by their sides!!

 The West Ethiopian Field hosted exceedingly blessed family


May 20 Sunday marked unbelievable blessing for the town of Gimbi

and the Gimbi Seventh day Adventist Church where thousands of Adventists
and town residents celebrated special family event. According to Pr. Bekele
Gebre, director of Family, Global mission and Ministerial departments at
EUM the blessings were inexpressible. On the event at the city hall the
Zonal president Ato Tekle Deressa, the City Mayor Ato Samuel Alemayehu
and the Zonal HIV AIDS Secretariat coordinator Ato Tariku Tesema made
speeches to the attendants where 96 couple in marriage for 25 years and
above celebrated their marriage jubilees. The oldest couple was together in
holy matrimony for the last 68 years and this created golden opportunity for
three young couples to enjoy their wedding ceremony on this magnificent
date. The T-shirts worn on the event all have the Church Logo and phrase ‘
Adventist Family Ministries’ in front and those of the married ones read at
their back “ I care for my family’ while those of the youth read ‘I choose to
abstain’ in English and Oromiffa. The Union health department director
br. Temesgen Bulti was at the event and shared precious message on health
and especially on HIV/AIDS. The Gimbi Adventist Hospital on the event
provided free voluntary counseling and Test for HIV where the Zonal
president and all government officials took part providing very exemplary
act for all around. Those couple who have been married for 50 years and
above received their certificate from Pr. Bekele EUM officer and those in
marriage for 25-49 years from Pr. Tesfa Kenno West Ethiopian Field
President. The event received media coverage by the Ethiopian Television
and the Adventist World Radio- Ethiopian chapter is planning to air the
recordings on the event on its family programs as series. An American
minister Pr. Black also was at Wellega for a week of Prayer and he shared
the precious word of God at this event. This heavenly celebrations are
recorded in both Photos and video and contacts could be made with br.
Bikila Merga, our Union Communication director and active partner of the
event, for accessing these resources. The Central Ethiopian Field and South
Ethiopian Fields are working to hold such events in their respective fields
and it is believed that blessings at WEF would be encouraging to them as

 I will bless those who bless you
‘I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;’
Genesis 12:3. This is a Bible verse where our father Abraham is blessed by
the Lord God. And some time ago I remember a young preacher Assabu
Hankamo told the Congregation while encouraging to bless the Choirs after
their service “‘The Bible says I will bless those who bless you and I will
curse those who curse you’ yes the Bible doesn’t say anything more on this
but I personally believe something may possible follow here ‘ I will bless…
I will curse … and those who keep quite about you I shall keep quite about
them too.’” A bit funny and still a bit meaningful. At this point we are
definitely not working to boost appreciation for our ministry or newsletter.
We believe and even know all of you thank our heavenly father for His
blessings, pray for the work at home and smile as you find our materials at
your email account. But some of you have been so moved that they replied
to our ministry with blessing, encouragement and even contributions. So
many did this for our earlier issues and unfortunately we couldn’t make an
extensive list of all throughout. But to our last March-April issue the
following fellows responded with something inspiring and encouraging to
Yetnbitkal: Pr. Alemu Haile- President EUM- Addis Ababa, Pr. Girma
Damte- blessed minister of Ethiopian fellowships at US California USA, Dr.
Birku Melesse – San jose – California, Br. Temesgen Bulti – EUM Addis
Ababa, Sr. Tizita W/Gabriel- Frank Fort Kentucky – USA, and blessed
fellows Dr. Wubshet Lakew - Gondar, and Br. Jeremy Bechmann-California
USA. May the Lord pour His abundant blessings on these fellows even as
He promised to Abraham. Two points here:
- Br. Temesgen as he promised us in the last issue shared the full report
of ‘The Share Him’ and you have it at our devotionals column.
- Br. Jeremy Bechmann is running a really blessed site of Ethiopian
Adventists and you are kindly invited to visit plus contribute to 

 Evolution Creation Seminar conducted at Jimma University

June 25, 2007 a seminar was conducted at Jimma University entitled

‘Evolution Creation Controversy- the Creationist’s stand’. The Seminar was
attended by the University staff, students and guests. A hot discussion
session followed the presentation and in short it was a time of precious
exposure to Creationism and academic debate. The presenter has displayed
some materials at our home page and you may find it at the devotionals

 Pentecost Multiplied – 44775 souls got baptized in a day

(Adventist World, May 2007)

March 24, 2007 for the Inter American Division (IAD) was something
historical like nothing else ever since its establishment in 1921. Inspired by
the biblical Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the territory wide event called
Pentecost and more featured satellite feeds from all 15 Union conferences
which were broadcast throughout the world and IAD including the hub of
the program in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
The program begun with a demonstration of remarkable human diversity of
the Inter-American Division: More than 100 people dressed in the Unique
customes of the areas they represented, strode across the stage to the
applause of their fellow believers.
‘This is an extraordinary day,’ said Jan Paulsen, President of the Adventist
World Church while addressing thousands and sharing the word on the
More than 10,000 people crowded the stadium to witness the event, which
was culmination of months of evangelistic campaigns in the IAD and took
the coordinated efforts of hundreds of Pastors, Church staff, and lay
members throughout the 15 main regions of the division.
May all the glory be to God for this!!!!

My God is no stranger

God is no stranger of God and His nearness,

in a far way place- Proclaiming His presence
He is so close as the wind with crystal-like clearness
that blows across my face. So how could I think
It is true I can’t see God was far, far away
the wind as it blows, When I feel Him beside me
But I feel it around me every hour of the day,
and my heart surely knows And I have plenty of reasons
That God’s might hand to know God’s my friend
can be felt every minute And this is one friendship
For there is nothing on earth that time can not end.
that God isn’t in it-
The sky and the stars, “Greater love has no one than this,
the waves and the sea, that he lay down his life for his
The dew on the grass, friends.”
the leaves on a tree ~John 15:13 NIV~
Are constant reminders
By Helen Steiler Rice

 “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number
of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
Revelation 13:18
 “Education without salvation only makes intelligent sinner.” Doug
(Adventist World, May 2007)
 “You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor
without having victims.” Harriet Woods

Editor’s Note
By the lord’s will here is the 9th issue of our newsletter and we
thank our God for giving us these points to share with you.

 We highly wish to increase our recipients of both email

newsletter and magazine, either on line or in hard copy you may
also kindly notify us any address change you may make. So,
please pass the information and invite all friends to subscribe for
free at ‘yetnbitkal@yahoo.com’ or our post addresses

Yetnbit Kal Ministries Yetnbit Kal

P.O. Box 190346 OR P.O.Box 1749
Addis Ababa 90006 Nuernberg
Ethiopia Germany
Our recent magazine is already on the page and those who wish
we would email you them please write us few lines at our email.
You may also inform us address changes unsubscription requests
or whatever at this address.

These newsletters and a lot more blessings you are kindly invited
to enjoy at our websites: www.yetnbitkal.de or
www.yetnbitkal.org .

Our column named ‘Leweru’ means ‘for the month’ in Amharic

includes inspirationals, quotations, funny points ...etc. and we
expect great contributions from U. Whenever possible we advise
going through both the Amharic and English versions of this

Yetnbit Kal
Newsletter No.9, June - July, 2007

 Operation Global rain

All SDAs round the

world are expected to join
the blessed global event by
praying from June 27, 2007
to July 7, 2007 from
7:00 pm to 8:15 pm. Yes
the prayer has already
started but if you haven’t
heard of it please join us
and enjoy the blessing from
the Lord. For more on this
please visit

Oh Lord bless your children

these days with the Comforter

 Pr. Negash Motbayinor Memorial Library inaugurated

May 19, 2007 Sabbath was a special blessing at Kotobe SDA Church
in Addis. In addition to the blessings of the Holy Sabbath and various
regular programs Pr. Negash Motbayinor Memorial Library was inaugurated
at the end of the divine service in presence of the whole congregation, Pr
Lukas Adde: President Central Ethiopia Field, old colleagues of Pr. Negash
and son Dr. Solomon Negash. Having served by preaching at the divine

service Pr. Lukas also thanked Dr. Solomon & the whole family for making
this project a reality. The Pastor also reminded the attendants about the
blessed and energetic ministry of Pr. Negash as well as other old ministers at
the event. Pr. Negash have served the Lord’s Church for forty years. Dr.
Solomon also thanked at the event his brothers and sisters for supports, and
the Kotobe SDA Church for allocating a room in the Church complex for the
memorial library even while Pr. Negash was alive. In addition the doctor
expressed how enthusiastic his Dad was about the Library even seconds
before his departure. The Library includes precious collections of different
versions of the Holly Bible, Commentaries, Personal collections of Pr.
Negash including hand written materials, various spirit of Prophecy and
academic books plus five computers. At the end of the event light but so
delicious reception was served. During this time many books were
contributed to the library by fellows at the event. Same afternoon Dr.
Solomon gave a thorough interview at the youth program where all around
benefited abundantly.
Dr. Solomon a devoted minister of the Lord and tireless servant of the
community is presently involved in coordinating activities of the Bethany
foundation a significant contributor NGO named after his youngest daughter
and is working together with the Addis Ababa University for opening a new
Phd program in information systems as of 2008 here at home.

 Kembata and Tembaro Seventh Day Adventist Church

celebrates it’s 50th anniversary
February 14-17, 2007 the Durame town and the Durame Seventh Day
Adventist Church hosted a huge conference where the present and old
Adventist Christians celebrated the Lord’s miraculous and gracious work in
penetrating and conquering the area with the Advent message. It just is
nothing less than a dream both to be at the event and read the booklet
prepared for the anniversary.
In the booklet the district learder brother Muluneh Abuye’s message,
the first question about who Adventists are in 1946 at the Kale Hiywot
seminary, father Doche Dantamo’s unsatsfaction with the conclusions at
class and travel to Kuyera for getting the truth from the Source, the
miraculous chains of events, the Maranatha inspired ministries during the
dark days of the communist regime, and the recent activities of those areas
are beautifully narrated. Yetnbitkal would like to heartily recommend the
material which is a living document of the Lord’s inspiration & protection.
Hallelujah for the good news!!!

 ‘Millions in Millennium’ The visionary Filwoha SDA youth

Our country in two months time is going to celebrate its new

where we look
back thousands
of years
and ask what is
next. Very huge
preparations are
going on to host
hundreds of
thousands of
Diaspora, tourists
and honored
guests to
celebrate what
the African
Union recently endorsed to be ‘The African Millennium’. Concerning this
millennium you may find good deal of info at
http://www.ethiopianmillennium.com .
For the Lord’s grace brought us to this magnificent event and only the
same can make it a real blessing to the country, the Filwoha Adventist Youth
came up with a vision of ‘Millions in Millennium’ that includes among
many approaches holding a 15 days crusade at the Exhibition center
probably the best facility of its type in the Capital. Yetnbitkal would like to
thank God for giving such a vision to his Children and encourage all for
joining hands in this vision. The project document of this vision is already
available at our site at devotionals column. And if you send the contact
persons (addresses from the material) your email account they diligently will
update you how the vision is going. May the Lord bless beloved Filwoha
youth and all by their sides!!

 The West Ethiopian Field hosted exceedingly blessed family

May 20 Sunday marked unbelievable blessing for the town of Gimbi

and the Gimbi Seventh day Adventist Church where thousands of Adventists
and town residents celebrated special family event. According to Pr. Bekele
Gebre, director of Family, Global mission and Ministerial departments at
EUM the blessings were inexpressible. On the event at the city hall the
Zonal president Ato Tekle Deressa, the City Mayor Ato Samuel Alemayehu
and the Zonal HIV AIDS Secretariat coordinator Ato Tariku Tesema made
speeches to the attendants where 96 couple in marriage for 25 years and
above celebrated their marriage jubilees. The oldest couple was together in
holy matrimony for the last 68 years and this created golden opportunity for
three young couples to enjoy their wedding ceremony on this magnificent
date. The T-shirts worn on the event all have the Church Logo and phrase ‘
Adventist Family Ministries’ in front and those of the married ones read at
their back “ I care for my family’ while those of the youth read ‘I choose to
abstain’ in English and Oromiffa. The Union health department director
br. Temesgen Bulti was at the event and shared precious message on health
and especially on HIV/AIDS. The Gimbi Adventist Hospital on the event
provided free voluntary counseling and Test for HIV where the Zonal
president and all government officials took part providing very exemplary
act for all around. Those couple who have been married for 50 years and
above received their certificate from Pr. Bekele EUM officer and those in
marriage for 25-49 years from Pr. Tesfa Kenno West Ethiopian Field
President. The event received media coverage by the Ethiopian Television
and the Adventist World Radio- Ethiopian chapter is planning to air the
recordings on the event on its family programs as series. An American
minister Pr. Black also was at Wellega for a week of Prayer and he shared
the precious word of God at this event. This heavenly celebrations are
recorded in both Photos and video and contacts could be made with br.
Bikila Merga, our Union Communication director and active partner of the
event, for accessing these resources. The Central Ethiopian Field and South
Ethiopian Fields are working to hold such events in their respective fields
and it is believed that blessings at WEF would be encouraging to them as

 I will bless those who bless you
‘I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;’
Genesis 12:3. This is a Bible verse where our father Abraham is blessed by
the Lord God. And some time ago I remember a young preacher Assabu
Hankamo told the Congregation while encouraging to bless the Choirs after
their service “‘The Bible says I will bless those who bless you and I will
curse those who curse you’ yes the Bible doesn’t say anything more on this
but I personally believe something may possible follow here ‘ I will bless…
I will curse … and those who keep quite about you I shall keep quite about
them too.’” A bit funny and still a bit meaningful. At this point we are
definitely not working to boost appreciation for our ministry or newsletter.
We believe and even know all of you thank our heavenly father for His
blessings, pray for the work at home and smile as you find our materials at
your email account. But some of you have been so moved that they replied
to our ministry with blessing, encouragement and even contributions. So
many did this for our earlier issues and unfortunately we couldn’t make an
extensive list of all throughout. But to our last March-April issue the
following fellows responded with something inspiring and encouraging to
Yetnbitkal: Pr. Alemu Haile- President EUM- Addis Ababa, Pr. Girma
Damte- blessed minister of Ethiopian fellowships at US California USA, Dr.
Birku Melesse – San jose – California, Br. Temesgen Bulti – EUM Addis
Ababa, Sr. Tizita W/Gabriel- Frank Fort Kentucky – USA, and blessed
fellows Dr. Wubshet Lakew - Gondar, and Br. Jeremy Bechmann-California
USA. May the Lord pour His abundant blessings on these fellows even as
He promised to Abraham. Two points here:
- Br. Temesgen as he promised us in the last issue shared the full report
of ‘The Share Him’ and you have it at our devotionals column.
- Br. Jeremy Bechmann is running a really blessed site of Ethiopian
Adventists and you are kindly invited to visit plus contribute to 

 Evolution Creation Seminar conducted at Jimma University

June 25, 2007 a seminar was conducted at Jimma University entitled

‘Evolution Creation Controversy- the Creationist’s stand’. The Seminar was
attended by the University staff, students and guests. A hot discussion
session followed the presentation and in short it was a time of precious
exposure to Creationism and academic debate. The presenter has displayed
some materials at our home page and you may find it at the devotionals

 Pentecost Multiplied – 44775 souls got baptized in a day

(Adventist World, May 2007)

March 24, 2007 for the Inter American Division (IAD) was something
historical like nothing else ever since its establishment in 1921. Inspired by
the biblical Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the territory wide event called
Pentecost and more featured satellite feeds from all 15 Union conferences
which were broadcast throughout the world and IAD including the hub of
the program in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
The program begun with a demonstration of remarkable human diversity of
the Inter-American Division: More than 100 people dressed in the Unique
customes of the areas they represented, strode across the stage to the
applause of their fellow believers.
‘This is an extraordinary day,’ said Jan Paulsen, President of the Adventist
World Church while addressing thousands and sharing the word on the
More than 10,000 people crowded the stadium to witness the event, which
was culmination of months of evangelistic campaigns in the IAD and took
the coordinated efforts of hundreds of Pastors, Church staff, and lay
members throughout the 15 main regions of the division.
May all the glory be to God for this!!!!

My God is no stranger

God is no stranger of God and His nearness,

in a far way place- Proclaiming His presence
He is so close as the wind with crystal-like clearness
that blows across my face. So how could I think
It is true I can’t see God was far, far away
the wind as it blows, When I feel Him beside me
But I feel it around me every hour of the day,
and my heart surely knows And I have plenty of reasons
That God’s might hand to know God’s my friend
can be felt every minute And this is one friendship
For there is nothing on earth that time can not end.
that God isn’t in it-
The sky and the stars, “Greater love has no one than this,
the waves and the sea, that he lay down his life for his
The dew on the grass, friends.”
the leaves on a tree ~John 15:13 NIV~
Are constant reminders
By Helen Steiler Rice

 “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number
of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
Revelation 13:18
 “Education without salvation only makes intelligent sinner.” Doug
(Adventist World, May 2007)
 “You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor
without having victims.” Harriet Woods

Editor’s Note
By the lord’s will here is the 9th issue of our newsletter and we
thank our God for giving us these points to share with you.

 We highly wish to increase our recipients of both email

newsletter and magazine, either on line or in hard copy you may
also kindly notify us any address change you may make. So,
please pass the information and invite all friends to subscribe for
free at ‘yetnbitkal@yahoo.com’ or our post addresses

Yetnbit Kal Ministries Yetnbit Kal

P.O. Box 190346 OR P.O.Box 1749
Addis Ababa 90006 Nuernberg
Ethiopia Germany
Our recent magazine is already on the page and those who wish
we would email you them please write us few lines at our email.
You may also inform us address changes unsubscription requests
or whatever at this address.

These newsletters and a lot more blessings you are kindly invited
to enjoy at our websites: www.yetnbitkal.de or
www.yetnbitkal.org .

Our column named ‘Leweru’ means ‘for the month’ in Amharic

includes inspirationals, quotations, funny points ...etc. and we
expect great contributions from U. Whenever possible we advise
going through both the Amharic and English versions of this

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