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Present Simple Sentences – Affirmative

Reorder the words if necessary and put the verbs

into the present simple.

Paul and Cindy / love / pizza

John / like / hockey
teacher / my / love / reading
my brother / football matches / enjoy
sister / your / beautiful / look /
never / I / read / newspapers
my / play / friends / tennis
she / study / 3 hours/ a / day
I / drink / sometimes / tea
go / the pub / to / we / Friday/ on

Present Simple Sentences – Negative

Put the following sentences into the negative

People from Canada speak Spanish

John loves classical music
Shop assistants work hard
My father dances very well
My brother watches TV every day
My baby brother sleeps 10 hours a day
We fry eggs in the oven
We go to school in the evening
My uncle buys a new motorbike every year

Reorder the words and put the verbs into the present

TV / to / watch / they / at night / don’t

she / every / day / go / does / jogging / ?
Train / leaves / the / 9.30 / at
She / teeth / her / twice a day / brushes
Present Simple- Questions
Reorder the words in the following questions

University? brother study what your does at

sport play does any your dad ?
music what like type you of do ?
books read any you do ?
friend live city your your does best in ?
cinema often the he to does go ?

Simple Present Tense Quiz

Do you _________pizza? like/likes

She _________ not want to come to the circus. do/does/is
______we too late to catch the train? Is/Are/Am
It_________a nice day today. am/are/is
Sorry, Jane ________not here at the moment. am/is/be
______ I right? Is/Am/Are
Sheila _________ not go to my school. is/does/are
My parents _________in a semi-detached house live/lives/am live
We_____ Canadian do be/are/do are
You _______so tired today. looks/are/be

Mark: Hello, Can I ask you some questions for an interview?

Jennifer: Yes, I can answer some questions.
Mark: Thank you for taking the time. Now, first question: What do you do?
Jennifer: I work in a library. I'm a librarian.
Mark: Are you married?
Jennifer: Yes, I am.
Mark: What does your husband do?
Jennifer: He works as a policeman.
Mark: Do you usually have dinner together?
Jennifer: Yes, we do.
Mark: How often does your husband exercise?
Jennifer: He sometimes exercises four times a week. But, he usually exercises only twice
a week.
Mark: Where do you like going on holiday?
Jennifer: We rarely go on holiday. However, we like going to the mountains if we can.
Mark: What type of books do you read?
Jennifer: I often read horror stories.
Mark: Thank you very much for answering my questions.
Jennifer: You're welcome!

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