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Weapons are part of the history of humankind. It is a sign of power in each country, ethnic groups of
people and private individuals. These are used to defend a nation and private persons against their
aggressors. In the ancient times and even in the modern-day era, weapons are used as armaments by a
legion or Warriors who are task to conduct territorial defense. It became an indication of wealth to
some countries that purchased sophisticated weapons displaying their power and might. But whatever
the circumstances are, it is important that Weapons must be properly used to address the prevailing
threats to Iives and properties of the people.

Sometimes weapons are used by criminals to commit crimes by harassing innocent individuals without
giving time to protect themselves. Neutralizing these kinds of people will not be possible without
knowledge and familiarization of the weapons and the basic foundation of disarming techniques. It is a
challenge to our government, law enforcers and the members of the community to organize the people
and make them aware on how to disarm the criminals. Bring them to justice so that we will
enjoy the true meaning of security and development that ultimately lead to joy and happiness of every
individual. We encourage everybody to be prepared at all times. To become more trained, equipped and
more powerful compared to the criminals you have to acquire knowledge on the proper use of
armaments and fighting techniques. This book enlightens the reader how to properly use the different
weapons in any given situation.

It is very important that the law enforcers become expert and equipped by means of weapons and
ability to fight the criminals. The never-ending challenges of fighting crimes in the Philippine history and
to the whole world.


➢ Any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword,
rifle, or cannon.

➢ Anything used against an opponent, adversary, or victim: the deadly weapon of satire.

Here are some selected main weapons used in the Middle Ages
(described in detail below).

1. Bladed Hand Weapons

2. Swords
3. Arming Swords
4. Broad Swords
5. Falchions
6. Long Sword
7. Daggers & Knives
8. Anelaces
9. Stilettos
10. Poingnards
11. Rondels


1. Clubs and Maces

2. Morningstar
3. Holy Water Sprinklers
4. Flails
5. War Hammers
6. Horsemen's Picks

1. Quarterstaves
2. Spears
3. Winged Spears
4. Lances
5. Pikes
6. Corseques
7. Fauchards
8. Glaives
9. Guisarmes
10. Halberds
11. Danish Axes
12. Sparths
13. Bardiches
14. Pollaxes
15. Mauls
16. Becs de Corbin


1. Franciscas
2. Javelins
3 Bows, Longbows
4. Crossbows
5. Arbalests
6. Guns
7. Hand Cannons
8. Arquebuses
9. .Artillery: Pierriers-Stone throwers
10. traction Trebuchets
11. Counterweight Trebuchetss
12. Onagers and Mangonels
13. Ballistas and Springalds1
14. Artillery Cannons
15. Bombards
16. Petards

1. Siege Towers (Belfries, Belfrois)

2. Battering Rams
3. Cats and Weasels
4. Chemical, Biological and Psychological weapons
5. Armour
6. Chain Mail
7. Plate Armour
8. Horses
9 Horse Armour
10. Modern Flanged Maces
11. Trebuchet


1. Sundang
2. Galab
3. Dahonpalay
4. Panaytenegre
5. Ginunting
6. Pinute
7. Visayan barong
8. Garab Sword
9 Talibong visayan binangon
10. Sanggot


1. Kambantuli
2. Utak
3. Pinsawali
4. Kris
5. Panabas
6. Kampilan
7. Banyal
8. Laring
9. Gayang
10. Balasiong
11. Kampilan bolo
12. Piracotabato
13 Straight kris
14. Lahot
15. Susuwat
16. Maguindanao kris
17. Janap
18. Binakuko
19. Barong
20. Bangkon


1. Golok
2. War Golok
3. Itak Tagalog
4. Katipunan
5. Bicuco
6. Espada yDaga
7. Sankuko yDaga
8. Sword Cane
9. Northern spear


3. Balisong
4 Gunong
5. Pisaw
6. Pakal knife
7. Garab knife
8. Hagibis
9. Filipino karambit

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