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Name: Raycel Ann Ellana

Course&Section: BSTM 2-1


After I watched the DOT Medical Travel and Wellness Tourism Webinar, I have

ascertained how medical tourim has a big significant when it comes to tourism industry and it

plays an important role in the tourism sector. Medical tourism helps in the development of

economy and living standards of the human civilization.

The abrupt fall in tourist arrivals and resulting demand plunge in the tourism

sector due to COVID-19 in the Philippines has caused millions of job losses and economic

hardships and wiped out many firms, especially the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises

that had catered to tourists or in related industries. Tourism was one of the first sector to be

deeply impacted by the pandemic and we all know the reason of that. The takeaways to

elaborate the significance for this is to know what the benefits of one's organization that helps

the industry to rebuild the tourism sectors, as well the government support tourism enterprises

to rebuild or reform. According to the host of the virtual panel discussion, Dr. Guinto said that

despite of everything happens, DOT medical travel and wellness tourism industry stakeholders,

"find a silver lining in the way people perceive health and wellness" as a priority in the new

normal which builds and give a strong hope for the industry to finally bounce back to assume for

the safety. Apparently, PTAHF has a lot of benefits to help the situation interms of medical

tourism. PTAHF or Philippine Tripartite Accreditation for Health Facilities, Inc. (PTAHF, Inc.) is

an independent, non-profit organization, dedicated to improve and promote quality and safety in

the delivery of health care in the Philippines through continuing review of performance,

assessment and accreditation. The operation manager (Ma. Carla G. Naniong) of PTAHF

visualizes the benefits of the organizations consisting the 'standards were created to

demonstrate that there can be a standard for health service delivery for Filipinos by Filipinos

comparable to international standards and can be applicable outside of the Philippines.' Highly
Name: Raycel Ann Ellana
Course&Section: BSTM 2-1

chances of having a safe environment and well improvement of the health services for everyone

especially for the Filipino. In a ways of thinking how medical and wellness tourism can help the

revival of the tourism industry here in the Philippines by having a full support of the government

as well as the stakeholders of the department of tourism in any way possible to atleast having a

strict health protocol to followed which already applied, upgrade the infrastructure, services and

amenities to accommodate medical tourist.

Given the international travel restrictions and fear of infection, domestic tourism

offers a better chance for a rebound in the early phase of recovery. However, the things that

came up to my mind for all the things I watched and read in other articles, the real recovery will

only possible when international tourism returns. Which enhance to requires a global

cooperation so travel restrictions can be easily lifted. It may take a big risk but if the government

continues to support this possible action. It may be a give a big blow to tourism to minimize the

job losses and other firm or businesses that been forced to suspend for opening.



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