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As a trained emergency rescue personnel who happens to be in an area with casualties but
with limited resources at hand, my initial response is to recall the basics in mass casualty
incidents triage systems. Since it is important to know who among the patients need the most
care, the first step is to utilize anything that represents the designated level of injury each
person have, may it be a tag or color coding such as black, red, yellow, and green. If this is still
not possible, to know who the green patients are, I will simply ask everyone at the scene to
walk into a safe zone. Next, to know who the patients are that have severe injuries but not life
threatening or the yellow patients, I’ll ask to wave any part of their body. Thus, those who did
not respond or did not move will be my priority of assessment. Once all patients are tagged,
they should be moved to the collection point for transport. Therefore, the next step is to look
for a location that can be used to transfer the injured patients. This will also be the loading
zones for arriving ambulance crews.

2.In responding to mass casualties, the rescue personnel shall perform the Triage process
which would enable the responder to apply prioritization and classification of the patients and
ensure the speed and accuracy of the emergency care provided. Based on the triage guidelines,
the responders shall assess and classify each victim involved in the following categories:

(1) Green (minimal)

(2) Yellow (delayed)
(3) Red (immediate)
(4) Black (dead/expectant)
In some cases, however, to eliminate confusion, the color 'gray' is designated to classify the
expectant category.

Moreover, it is important to note that, in responding to a mass casualty, where the SALT triage
is applied, the victims are to be moved to a safe location away from the incident scene with the
transport starting from the most critical to the minimally injured patients.

3. I will instruct them to assist me in finding a safe zone for the patients to be transferred that
will also serve as a loading zone for arriving ambulance crews. Also, I will ask them to help me
recall the categories for all the patients through making DIY signs/tags. More so, asking them
to assist green patients to move into the safe zone is also possible. Lastly, I will make them call
the health emergency station/ambulance for immediate help.

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