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ANIRUDH CHAUHAN (ASU2018010100019)

First and foremost, we would like to thank our supervisor of this project, DR DEEPTI THAKRAL
for her valuable guidance and advice. She inspired us greatly to work on this project. Her
willingness to motivate me contributed tremendously to my project. I also would like to thank
her for showing me some examples related to the topic of our project. Besides, I would like to
thank the authority of Apeejay Stya University (ASU) for providing us with a good environment
and facilities to complete this project. Finally, an honorable mention goes to my families and
friends for their understandings and supports me in completing this project. Without the help
of the mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while doing this.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) emerges as software-based solution to automate rules-

based business processes that involve routine tasks, structured data and deterministic
outcomes. Recent studies report the benefits of the application of RPA in terms of productivity,
costs, speed, and error reduction. Most of these applications were carried out on back-office
business process where the customer is not directly involved, therefor a case study was
conducted on a BPO provider to verify the benefits and results of applying RPA to a service
business process with front and back-office activities. The results show that productivity
improvement is the main benefit of RPA.

 Introduction
 What is RPA
 What are RPA effects?
 Methods for improving the implementation of RPA projects
 AI used in combination with RPA
 Conclusion
 Summary
The term “Robotic Process Automation” (RPA) promotes the idea that robots that perform
human functions are, in effect, software solutions. In the context of the RPA, the "robot" is
compatible with the software system. In business processes, the term RPA refers to the
technical outsourcing of a personal employee, whose purpose is to address systematic and
repetitive tasks (most commonly in ERP programs or production tools), quickly and profitably.
Accepting the RPA means a lower level of interference as, according to the Institute for Robotic
Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence (IRPA-AI), this technology is not part of the
information technology infrastructure of a company, but rather sits on top of that.[1]
One of the current, concise and complete definitions of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is
that provided by the IRPA-AI Institute. It defines RPA as “the use of technology that allows
employees in the company to configure computer or‘ robot ’software to capture and interpret
existing applications for processing, data manipulation, response processing and
communication with other digital systems”.[2]
The basic premise of the previous definition is that any workflow can be automated using a
software robot where this process can be a descriptive and repetitive process, and is based on
human rules. In this context, the application of RPA to any company allows to improve the
productivity of business processes where human performance is determined and repetitive.
However, it is important to note that any RPA technical solution is not included in the
organizational information systems, but that the RPA is available at a high level of technology.
RPA and related technologies
To better understand the RPA, we look at the various definitions given in the literature. The first
definition can be found in P60 [3]: 'RPA is a software-based solution and refers to the
development of software "robots" to perform previously man-made functions. Already in 2014,
P14 provided a definition, which referred to Information Technology Process Automation
instead of RPA. The definition from P60 talks about two aspects. First, RPA comes with a
software-based solution.
Second, it mimics human behavior most of the other descriptions in the literature take on those
characteristics that are largely based on the other two. Instead of the term 'software-based
solution', terms such as 'software robot' or 'visual aid' are used. Imitation of a person's behavior
is also expressed in terms such as 'inserting data, just as one can do' 'imitating human actions'
or 'acting in a human way'. To add a description, the default process features are included.
These factors include their law-abiding environment, systematic data entry and emphasis on
routine tasks.
Effects of RPA
It discusses the effects of RPA on people and their work life, and the second discusses the
positive, negotiated, and negative effects on the company. As a result of the positive effect of
RPA on employees, these latter are relieved of low-cost jobs and, as a result, are more satisfied.
New jobs and staff activities are proposed. One area is about developing, testing, and
monitoring software robots. Many may say that people can focus on tasks that require a great
deal of understanding, including tasks that require judgment, interpreting, and evaluation of
results. In addition, informal activities are creative activities and activities that require empathy
and social cohesion are best suited for people, e.g., to build customer relationships.
According to workers, they feared losing their jobs. They view robots as competitors for their
work and are afraid to learn to use new technologies. Therefore, adoption problems may arise.
The P29 and P54 propose groups of integrated human robots, where each team member
performs a task that he or she can do much better. In P30, myths about RPA were
demythologized, e.g., 'RPA is only used instead of people technically'. On the other hand, the
P30 is challenged by the fact that much of the work can be done by the same number of people
and people are being replaced by technology. According to P61, staff reductions are one
consequence of the implementation of the RPA. According to him there will be fewer human
jobs, especially about low-level jobs that do not require special qualifications. P11 and P12
emphasize that even experienced workers are affected by retrenchment due to RPA. On the
other hand, this has an impact on jobs in less expensive countries (P32). The P30 proposes to
automate coastal processes and keep them off the coast, while P03 emphasizes that humans
are needed to detonate the robot. On the other hand, organizational structures change. These
days, most companies are built like a pyramid, with a lot of low-skilled workers and a few high-
skilled workers. P32 predicts the transition from that pyramid structure to a diamond structure
which means that workers under the pyramid will be replaced by robots. P42 goes further and
predicts that the pyramid structure will be replaced by a pillar structure for staff. Robots will fill
a building so that the organization's overall structure remains a pyramid.
Methods for improving the implementation of RPA projects
To analyses the publications that introduce methods for RPA projects, the methods stage in the
life cycle for the sake of better illustration. In the following, the methods are described shortly.
Analysis stage. Strategies for improving the Analysis Phase are grouped into at least three
areas: process details, process configuration, and process selection. P16 uses the mining
process to obtain process information, e.g., its default rate. In P38, descriptions of the text
process are used to classify tasks into categories Tasks, User Tasks, and Automatic Tasks. The
goal is to automatically find suitable RPA jobs. To achieve this goal, P38 uses feature calculation
to predict and Vector Support Machine (SVM) to separate process descriptions based on
features. 10The purpose of the P35 is to develop a new mining process, which can deal with the
RPA and automatically acquire process models. The approach is to detect issues within the
event log, remove the corresponding feature vectors, and violate label boundaries. The P35
uses aggregation methods to identify the correlation between opening and target payment. In
subsequent publications of the same authors, namely, P37, the tool is developed, which records
UI logs that can serve directly as ideas for processing excavation tools and contain information
relevant to the use of RPA. P34, and by the same authors, develops an idea of how you can get
data conversion from a UI log. In P16, the mining process is used to stop existing processes.
Another method of suspension is proposed in P22, which emphasizes the importance of not
making the process as it is, but improving it in advance. Therefore, the authors propose a
framework for process redesign. The most difficult task in the analysis phase is to select the
default process. Different approaches are proposed: P16 sticks for processing mines to
prioritize operations. P25 also uses the mining process to capture processes, in a way that
focuses on creating event logs from screen monitoring data. P05 analyzes UI logs for
determining actions. As a basic theory, 'a cycle is automatic when its first action is initiated each
time the situation is reached [...] and the value of each parameter of each action can be
calculated from the parameters of the previous actions' (P05). P39 develops a four-step method
of analyzing a business process based on its criteria: first, in order to qualify for RPA, the
process must be mature and consistent (Step 1). Step 2 examines the RPA's effectiveness in the
process based on human interaction with the software and its regulatory environment. Step 3
assesses the compliance of the RPA based on the volume of activities and the level of
complexity of the process. Finally, based on steps 2 and 3, the process is split. P39 recommends
choosing processes with high efficiency and high power. Next, P48 follows a similar approach
and develops a multidisciplinary process evaluation model, which assesses the feasibility of
technical work and potential business conditions in order to determine appropriate RPA
business processes. Terms of technology include the level of legal support, human
interventions, digital implementation, and data structure. Potential conditions assess staff
density, number of programs involved, number of processes outsourced, number of process
steps, current costs, and process maturity. P57 suggests a process of critical processes while
maximizing RPA benefits. Based on the various process indicators, i.e., performance frequency,
performance time, suspension level, stability (i.e., minimum variability of the process) failure
rate, and automation level, the automation power of the process is assessed. In addition, the
profitability of the automation process is measured by the fixed and variable cost of human
activity as well as the fixed and variable costs of the RPA. Finally, P57 increases economic value
and provides recommendations to support the decision to select appropriate RPA systems.

Product Design Stage. P44 highlights the advantages and disadvantages of RPA planning for
local business units. On the positive side, the enthusiasm for digital design and space ownership
is built. On the other hand, there is a lack of control mechanisms and a view of the end-to-end
process. P44 proposes a free integration of the IT department and the RPA team.

Coding Stage. P07 suggests how to use RPA projects in a very fast way: instead of writing the
process completely with a click and a text-based explanation, users record themselves when
they do the work and save the video in a backlog. The developer creates a test case for this
video and tests whether the 11current solution is successful in testing (Test Driven
Development). If not, you adjust the RPA solution until the test case is complete. After that,
move on to the next video. P27 recommends the use of digital twins in RPA development. The
digital twin, in this context, is a visible shadow of the IT system. Vision allows you to upgrade
the RPA externally without access to the actual system.

Testing Stage. P35 has a vision to improve the ‘automatic’ training of RPA bots. The research is
not progressive enough. P08 proposes an automated testing method for RPA projects, tested
with prototype. The approach is to change the RPA life cycle. Compared with the life cycle
model the third phase is called development and not coding, performance is called monitoring,
and the fourth phase, i.e., deployment, is introduced before the testing phase. The modified life
cycle includes not only the design of the second phase, but also the construction of the test
site. During development, automated testing can be done as a new input to the analysis phase.
P24 expands the P08 approach by providing technical information on test cases and algorithm
as well as testing how to automatically generate test sites.

Operation Stage. P16 states that the mining process can be used to monitor the results of the
RPA project. The P21 proposes a central equipment system to control the production of
multiple RPA robots. The program incorporates an algorithm for task planning to successfully
distribute multiple tasks among available bots. Next, P52 solves the upgrade problem to
determine the total number of bots needed while reducing costs. Then, the appropriate task
assignment between bots is resolved. Other publications may not be assigned to a single
category and, therefore, are set out between Figure 4. P15 and P36 cover the first three phases,
namely, analysis, product design, and coding. More precisely, the P15 introduces an end-to-end
approach that allows for the issuance of RPA rules on user behavior. The concept is based on
the Form-to-Rule approach: First, user functions are identified by looking at interaction with
programs and identifying forms used within programs. Second, rules are based on the
relationship between different functions. Third, the RPA is based on those rules. P36
incorporates the methods introduced in P34, P35, and P37 and proposes a Robotic Process
Mining pipeline. After recording UI logs, sound filters, segmentation, and simplicity steps are
used to identify candidate processes. On these routes, practical (small) routes are obtained and
integrated to obtain RPA documents. P36 emphasizes that there are many challenges to the
effective use of the proposed pipeline. Categories Product Design, Coding, and Testing are
handled by P49. A framework for transforming a human-centered approach into a robot is
being developed. A standard automation framework can be used extensively in a variety of
areas, including RPA, and provide operational guidelines. One publication, namely, P20,
discusses the RPA's complete health cycle and proposes a framework for introducing RPA to
research. The first stage is a process selection based on evaluation of different conditions, e.g.,
RPA method, process complexity, and data compliance. Second, the process is modified, e.g.,
considering data configuration. In the third step, the process is applied and, finally, tested and
applied. The final step includes performance appraisal, risk assessment (i.e., risk that the audit
‘will not detect error’ (P20)), and monitoring RPA performance.
AI used in combination with RPA
To get the idea that AI is already being used in conjunction with the RPA, our data from the
literature summarizes the following. Some functions summarize the use of AI and its
capabilities. P40 and P43 mean that with AI it is possible to understand less structured data.
P56, too, emphasizes that AI helps to translate user interaction changes and improve the
durability of RPA solutions. Using chat bots, the P43 assumes that communication between
humans and computer systems is easier. The first AI-based applications have emerged in the
RPA field: P26 introduces the Cognitive Automation Robots Platform, which is able to
understand data, generate data, and use the latest as a learning experience. P33 uses a virtual
mental agent ‘Amelia’, who understands chat messages. In P19, a RPA comprehension
prototype is presented. It can automatically detect, extract, and process data. Once the
partition model has been trained new invisible documents are segmented and appropriate
items, e.g., address fields, are detected and extracted. We received four books covering AI and
RPA with additional details. P41 provides automatic process building blocks by explaining and
providing application on how to extract an objective from sound, split emails, identify
confusing, find conflicting links in a timeline, and understand traffic patterns. P62 describes how
machine learning methods contribute to the development of RPA, e.g., using image processing
to scan letters or invoices or using a split algorithm to label documents. The task of classifying
emails correctly is taken up by a few publications: P45 proposes the use of SVM and the Text
Level Algorithm to read emails and process them automatically. P09 develops an algorithm,
called Sure-Tree, for email editing, which produces a minimum of false content to ensure that
the wrong action is never triggered.
Next, the results are discussed and interpreted according to the seven collections found. To be
more precise, we identify, classify, and analyze publications that are part of the following seven
categories: RPA Definition, RPA Differences to Related Technologies, Process Selection Terms,
RPA Application Events, RPA Outcomes, RPA Project Methods, and with a combination of RPA
and AI. As a key outcome we find the ANCOPUR framework, which allows for a holistic view of
the SLR outcomes. Clearly, the framework provides a quick and easy way to identify and classify
published in the RPA area. Comparing new jobs with existing information becomes much easier
and structured. In addition, ANCOPUR could be easily expanded. If a new publication reveals
unimaginable features, these can be added to improve the draft and keep it up-to-date. Details:

1. RPA Definitions. It is emphasized that RPA is a software-based solution mimicking human

behavior. These aspects are important to indicate the difference of RPA to hardware bots.
2. Differences of RPA to Related Technologies. Most papers emphasize the differences
between RPA and Intelligent Automation as well as between RPA and BPM.
3. Process Selection Criteria. Best suited for an RPA automation are repetitive, rule-based and
complex business processes demanding for high manual efforts.
4. Use Cases. The majority of use cases stem from business areas such as BPO and Shared
Services. Note that this is reasonable as those areas possess many repetitive, rule-based
business process as, for example generation of payment receipt (Aguirre and Rodriguez 2017).
Anyway, it would be interesting to encounter more RPA projects in knowledge-intensive
business areas, e.g., in research and development or in healthcare. Furthermore, the literature
covers only successful RPA projects, leaving room for further research on failed projects.
Concerning the RPA tools used in the case studies, Blue Prism and UiPath are dominating.
According to (Gartner 2019), however, there are other tools that should be considered:
Automation Anywhere, Edge Verve Systems, NICE, Work fusion, Pegasystems, and Another
Monday. The application of the different tools to one concrete use case as well as tool
performance should be compared in further research studies.
5. RPA Effects. The positive effects are widely discussed in literature. Only a minority is critical
towards RPA. One reason can be the novelty of RPA due to which the technology is hyped, and
negative effects do not want to be seen. It is emphasized that employees are relieved from
nonvalue adding tasks, and instead can focus on cognitively more demanding tasks. Finally,
business processes become faster, better available, more compliant, and improved in quality.
6. RPA Project Methods. Most methods for improving the implementation of RPA were
published in 2019 and 2020. Most methods try to improve the analysis stage, only some
publications address the other life cycle stages. The analysis stage is the one that differs mostly
from other software development projects. Product design, coding, and testing are not differing
that much when either implementing an RPA project or any other software project. We expect
that more publications dealing with analysis will appear as well as methods to fully automate
the detection of RPA-suitable processes. Furthermore, the operation stage should be
addressed, e.g., it should be monitored whether the bots are accepted, or employees fear to
lose their job and, therefore, refuse the use of the bots.
7. Combination of RPA with AI. The use of AI in the context of RPA is still at a very early stage.
Six publications deal with this combination from a general point of view and emphasize that it
might create a big impact. Only four concrete use cases are discovered, the majority focuses on
the problem of classifying emails correctly. While the use cases are still scientific in nature, it is
interesting to see more industry-driven approaches and projects. The publications are from the
last years only, therefore, we hope for more research in the coming years.

In general, research on RPA is still at its beginning. Though being increasingly present in
industry, scientific works on this topic are rather scarce and mainly consider qualitative issues.
Moreover, it is noteworthy that quantitative research is missing. We expect that there will be a
lot more publications in the coming years. In order to assess and compare those publications
with the existing body of knowledge, the present paper provides a fundamental framework
based on concepts of RPA.
RPA is the first novel technology to emerge in 2015. With SLR, we provide a comprehensive
overview of the most important publications up to June 2020. We have found seven-topic
collections that answer important questions such as' What is RPA? ',' What business processes
can be automated with RPA? ', And' What are the effects of RPA? '. In addition, we investigate
the differences between RPA and related technologies, ways to improve the implementation of
RPA projects, and whether AI is used in conjunction with the RPA. Additionally, we provide a
review of case studies that include business location, process, and automation tool.

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