SCF - Makers Biz 2018 - Creating Cohesive Collections - Copyright Creative Founders 2018

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CREATING COHESIVE COLLECTIONS YOUR COLLECTIONS CHARACTIRISTUCS~ This is place to have fun} I your brand and collection were the things below, that would they be? Write in the details below and answer the question, “if my Brand were 8 Itwould bea car CELEBRITY ANIMAL CHARACTER SHOE FLOWER VACATION coLor TEXTURE FOOD RESTAURANT ARTICLE OF CLOTHING ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS + IDEAS. CREATING COHESIVE COLLECTIONS DEVILOPING A COLLECTION WITH A SIGNATURE STMME> is important to exeeute everything you do trough 9 filer of your speci style, This also be presented in intangible ways Ike your tone of voice, Below, brainstorm and lst your cllection’s signature ste COLLECTION NAME PRODUCT LINES MATERIAL COLOR PALETTE METHOD PATTERN / MOTIF TYPESTYLES Layout TONE OF VOICE CREATING COHESIVE COLLECTIONS FROM PRODUCT IDEAS TO PRODUCT LINES®> ‘when it comes to your product lines for your collection, what are you going to create? Think in terms of what would be on a shelf in 2 store, elther retail or online. What would look best cisplayed together, and what options will you include for people to cheose from? PRODUCT IDEAS PRODUCT LINE 1 PRODUCT LINE 2 PRODUCT LINE 3 PRODUCT LINE 4 CREATING COHESIVE COLLECTIONS DEFINE YOUR COLLECTIONS MAIN PIECIS~ (na shelf in a store or online with images beside each other. Use this below te brainstorm your ideas. PRODUCT LINES COLOR PALETTE QUANTITY / PIECES MATERIAL / METHOD PRODUCT 1 PRODUCT 2 PRODUCT 5 PRODUCT 6 PRODUCT 9 PRODUCT 10 PRODUCT 3 PRODUCT 4 PRODUCT 7 PRODUCT 8 PRODUCT 11 PRODUCT 12

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