Class Activity 6A - Bank Structure Ambar Jain H21127: Assumptions

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Class activity 6A - Bank structure

Ambar Jain H21127


• Revenue generation activities are loan, cards, investments

• Pan India operations
• All departments have equal importance

Class activity 6A - Bank structure
Dixit Dutta H21137


• There is dedicated loan department which handles all things related to loans be it
educational housing, car, personal. Even for account holders of the bank, their loan
request is processed by the Load department.
• Corporate banking and Retail Banking have been kept separate.
• Internal Auditor is responsible for auditing financial transactions of the entire bank
and not specific to each department.

Class activity 6A - Bank structure
Jatin Sharma H21143


• In our depiction, we have included hierarchy structure of senior management only

• The bank has several investment verticals and a separate head for each
• Deputy CEO reports directly to the CEO and acts as CEO for most operational work

Class activity 6A - Bank structure
Meghna Puri H21147

Branch Manager

Assistant Branch Manager

Branch Operations Relationship/Sales
Resources/Admin Internal Audit
Manager Manager

Retail Banking

Private Banking

Corporate Banking



• One branch of a commercial bank has been considered

• The location for the branches of the bank is in urban areas
• As the maximum capacity of a branch is 10 members, each block is an open position
for one member
• The branch provides all services like locker facilities, mobile banking, internet
banking and at home services
Class activity 6A - Bank structure
Shashwat Krishna H21166


• A typical semi-urban branch of a public sector bank has been considered

• A conservative structure has been followed without many bifurcations
• The security personnel have been intentionally excluded as they are an independent
point of contact within the organization
• The loan officer is assisted by extra professionals owing to job nature
• A dedicated customer complaints officer has been assigned given the increase in
virtual transactions in recent years

Class activity 6A - Bank structure
Vaibhav Gupta H21176


• It is the head branch/ this is the only branch as investment decisions are being
made here
• Internal and external auditors have not been kept different
• There is no Assistant General Manger (which usually is the case)
• All the types of loans are being sanctioned by the only loan officer, and there are
no separate Loan Department
• Retail and Corporate Banking Operations are not differentiated and are being
handled in the same way
• Assumed that the cleaning staff and the security are not part of this structure

Class activity 6A - Bank structure
Vanya Pandey H21177


• Well-established branch
• Scale 4 credit, cross-selling services provided
• Liability products available
• Independent HR department
• 4 tiers with equal criticality of services
• Hierarchy-based structure

Organizational Structure, Design, and Change
OB III | HR C | Primary Group 6

Class activity 6A - Bank structure

Ambar Jain H21127 | Dixit Dutta H21137 | Jatin Sharma H21143 | Meghna Puri H21147 |
Shashwat Krishna H21166 | Vaibhav Gupta H21176| Vanya Pandey H21177

Overall Assumptions:

• Given the constraint of 10 employees, a structure, which is a mix of both a private

and public sector bank in a semi-urban set up, has been considered
• Top-down hierarchy has been followed here, with directions coming from the
Branch Manager
• A Human Resource manager has been assigned keeping in mind the current stability
of the organization and the possibility of any further expansion
• The card department has been collated with the online banking services owning to
the dependency of customers for card transactions on the internet
• The customer redressal has solely been assigned to IT for convenience of data
collection and reference
• Cleaning and security personnel kept separate due to their dependent nature of

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