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Q.1) A Charter Party provides for a Bulk Carrier to load 72,000 MT of iron ore at the
Port of Paradip (East Coast of India).The loading rate of 24,000 MT per day at the
load port and discharging rate of 12,000 MT per day at the discharge port has been
fixed. The entire shipment of cargo is to be discharged at Shanghai (port of China).
Notice of Readiness (N.O.R.) is to be tendered on vessel’s arrival but accepted
within office working hours between 0900 hours to 1800 hrs from Monday to Friday
and between 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on Saturday. Lay time to commence 6 hours after
tendering of N.O.R. Time not to count between 1200 hrs (noon) on Saturday and
0600 hrs on Monday. The vessel arrived at the Paradip port on Saturday 4 th
September at 0600 hrs and N.O.R. tendered on arrival. Loading commenced at 1200
hrs on 4th September and completed at 0600 hrs on 6 th September. The vessel
arrived at the discharged port i.e Shanghai and commenced discharging on 19 th
September at 1800 hrs. N.O.R. tendered & accepted at commencement of
permissible time as per the terms & conditions of Charter Party. Discharging
completed on 30th September at 1500 hrs. Demurrage at $22000 per day or pro rata
for part of a day and dispatch at the half the demurrage rate per day or pro rata for
part of a day is to be computed.
You are required to prepare a laytime statement and calculate the amount due in the
ship- owner or charterer if the laytime allowed is on the ‘Normal Basis’
(JANUARY’2017) (NOVEMBER’2015)
(Ans: Despatch 3 Days; Demurrage 2 days 6 Hrs)

Q.2) A vessel is to discharge at the rate of 800 tons per running day and freight is
payable at the rate of $16 per ton on quantity delivered or on B/L weight less 2% in
lieu of weighing, at receivers option. The consignee opts not to have the cargo
weighed out, and the B/Ls were signed for a total of 6750 tons. 25% of the charted
freight was paid in advance at the Loading Port. Demurrage, if incurred, is payable at
$3000 per day & pro rata and dispatch money is payable for all time saved at half the
demurrage rate. Lay days are to be commence 24 hours after Notice of Readiness is
accepted or when discharging begins, whichever is earlier. Notice was accepted at
11:30 AM on Tuesday 14 th October and discharging commenced at 4 PM on the
same day. Work went on continuously day & night except for the period from
Midnight on Saturday 18th October until 7AM on Monday, 20th October, when no work
was done. Discharging was completed at 5:45 PM on Tuesday, 21 st October.

Prepare a lay time statement and calculate the amount of cash due to the ship at the
discharging port.
(NOVEMBER’2016) (JULY’2015)
(Ans: 76743.126 USD)

Q.3) A Charter Party provides for a Bulk Carrier to discharge 84,000 MT of Iron Ore
at Shanghai, China at the discharge rate of 18000t per Weather Working Day of 24
hours whether in berth or not, SHEX. N.O.R. may be tendered on vessel’s arrival but
accepted within office working hours between 0900 hrs to 1800 hrs Monday thru
Friday and 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on Saturday. Lay days are to commence 6 hours
after N.O.R. is served. Time not to count between Noon on Saturday and 06:00 AM
on Monday. Demurrage at $22000 per day and pro rata and dispatch at half the
demurrage rate per day & pro rata.
The vessel arrived and anchored on Friday, 17 th November at 0800 hrs.
Vessel left anchorage at 0200 Hrs and All Made Fast at 0400 hrs on 18 th November.

Vessel commenced discharging on Saturday, 18 th November at 1200 hrs. N.O.R.

tendered and accepted at commencement of permissible time as per Charter Party.
Discharging completed 30th November 1500 hours. Shift timing at discharge port is
0400 hours to 2000 hours Monday thru Friday and 0400hours to 1200 hours on
Saturday. There was stoppage due to rain between 0600 -1000 on 20 th November,
10 AM to 2 PM on 22nd and 24thNovember. 28th November was a Public Holiday.
Prepare a laytime statement and calculate the amount due to the ship-owner
or Charterer.

Q.4) A Vessel sailed from Chennai to Singapore with 12,960 MT of bagged rice
under Voyage C/P terms & conditions agreed included as cargo to be discharged at
the rate of 120 MT/ HR, Sundays and Holidays Excepted, even if used. Demurrage
@$200/ Hr and pro rata and dispatch @$90/Hr and pro rata. Lay-time is to
commence counting 24 hours after NOR is served, however time may count half if
cargo is actually worked during these hours. Owners have the option of collecting
95% of the chartered freight as advance on completion of loading. Chartered freight
on B/L quantity is $21/MT F.I.O. Receivers have the option of deducting 1.5% in lieu
of weighing.

Vessel arrived Singapore Anchorage on Tuesday 6 th May at 1400 hrs. NOR was
served at 0700 /7th upon berthing. Discharging commenced 0900/7 th and was
continuous except during rain i.e. 10-11 A.M. on 7 th and 7-11PM on 11th and 12th
May. The Cargo was completed at 2 AM on 14 th May. In May 1st, 9th, 15th, and 16th
were Official Holidays at Singapore.

If Owners exercised their option at the Load Port and the receivers exercised their
option at the discharge port, what is the balance money payable to/from the ship?


Total Amount due to freight on B/L Quantity: 12960 x $21 = 272160 $

Owners will take the freight at load port 95% of 272160 $ = 258552 $
Balance amount due to Freight: 13608 $
Ship owner will pay the Charterers (reward due to dispatch) 10 h 30m x $90/hr
= 945$
Receivers will deduct at discharge port in lieu of weighing : 272160 x 1.5% =
4082.4 $

Actual balance money payable to the ship : 13608 $ - 4082.4 $ - 945 $ =

8580.6 $

Q.5) A Ship has 4 Holds with the following cargo quantities to be loaded – No 1
Hold :2000 t, No 2 Hold :2500 t, No 3 Hold :2500 t, No 4 Hold :4000 t. Vessel was to
load at an agreed rate of 500 t per working hatch per weather working day,
SHEXUU. Notice of Readiness tendered & accepted on Friday, 30 th September at
0100 hours. Laytime to commence 6 hours after NOR accepted. Vessel berths at
0400 hours but fails the Hold Survey. V/L commences loading at 0800 hours on the

same day after the Hold Survey was successfully completed. NOR retendered &
accepted at 0800 hours. V/L works in port from Monday to Saturday from 0700 hours
to 1900 hours. On Saturday 1 st October rain stopped work from 1200 hours to 1600
hours. On Sunday 2nd October work was scheduled from 0700 hours to 1300 hours
but due to rain work was suspended at 1200 hours on that day. On Monday, 3 rd
October, No.3 Hold winch broke down from 0800 hours to 1000 hours and vessel
experienced rain from 1900 hours to 2300 hours. Cargo completed on the 7 th at 1800
hours. Despatch is payable on all time saved. Demurrage is to be paid at Rs.
40,000/- per day or pro rata and despatch at half the demurrage rate. Calculate the
amount of demurrage or despatch to be paid.

Q.6) A Charter-Party provides for tanker to load and discharge 23500 MT of Oil in
192 running hours. Bunkering time is excluded. Laytime to commence 6 hours after
N.O.R. is accepted. The N.O.R. was tendered & accepted at the load port at 1200
hours on Friday the 4th of May. Work ceased while bunkering from 0730 hrs to 1230
hrs on the 7th May. Loading finished at 1600 Hrs on the 8 th May. N.O.R. was
accepted at the discharge port at 1500 Hrs on the 18 th May and discharging was
completed at 1830 hrs on the 22 nd of May. The demurrage rate being $3,500/- per
day or pro-rata. Dispatch at half the demurrage rate on ALL TIME SAVED. Freight is
payable at $14.50 per MT less 2% insurance. Calculate the amount due to the ship
on completion of discharge.

Q.7) A Bulk Carrier is offered a single voyage fixture as follows:

Ship’s Particulars: 93,274t Summer Deadweight, 7 Holds, 7 Hatches, 15.3 Knots
loaded @ 57t F.O. and 2t D.O. per 24 hrs, 16.0 knots in ballast @ 49t F.O. and 2t
D.O. per 24 hrs, FW net consumption 9t per day, Summer draft of the vessel is
14.01m and TPC 71
Voyage: To load max coal from 1 SB Hampton Roads and discharge 1 SB
Rotterdam, FIOT. Vessel has just completed discharge in Gulf of Mexico and can
arrive load berth after 70 hrs steaming. Loaded voyage: Pilot-Pilot distance: 3742
NM. Allow 24 hrs, 35 t F.O. and 2.5 t D.O. for all harbour steaming. Vessel to have
minimum 2 days reserves at all times. Last 156 hours of the voyage to be in
Seasonal Winter Zone in winter. Freight offered US$ 6.50 /T, less 2.5% commission.
Load/Discharge rate: 750t per hour per loader/un-loader, always working two units.
Present R.O.B.: F.O. 553 T, D.O. 38.5 T, F.W. 156 T
Costs: F.O. US$ 185/T and D.O. US$ 240/T, FW US$ 4.5/T, Standing Charges:
Based on the above, calculate:
a) The maximum cargo to lift at load port.
b) The minimum bunkers to be stemmed at the load port
c) Determine if the voyage is profitable or not, stating the expected net profit or loss

Q.8) A Charter Party requires a Bulk Carrier to discharge into lighters at anchorage
using her own self un-loader. Bill of Lading quantity is 80,000 tonnes of South
African Coal at the rate of 10,000 tonnes per working day, Saturday, Sunday and

Holiday exempted. The vessel has to discharge at maximum two anchorages in

Laytime to commence 12 hours after NOR is received. Time from 1400 hrs on Friday
or on a day preceding the holiday is not to count as Laytime.
The vessel arrived at Sikka Anchorage on Thursday 10 th of September. NOR was
tendered and accepted at 0900 hrs on same day. Lighters arrived at 1300 hrs on 10 th
September, but discharge commenced at 0900 hrs on 11 th September. The
discharge at Sikka was completed at 2230 hrs on 18 th September, Friday.
The vessel arrived Tuticorin the second discharge port on 24 th September. NOR was
tendered and accepted at 2000 hrs on the same day. Lighters arrived at 0800 hrs the
next day and discharge could commence 26th September at 2200 hrs.
The Laytime Statement prepared by the Master at the end of the discharge basis
“Reversible days” showed exact utilization of the entire laytime with “no demurrage
and no despatch”.
(Ans: 01st OCT Thursday 0500 Hrs)

Replicate the Master’s laytime statement and from it find out “when and at what time
“ the vessel completed her discharge if 12 th and 27th September were public holidays
both at Sikka & at Tuticorin.

Q.9) A Charter Party provides for a Bulk Carrier to discharge 90,000 MT of Iron Ore
at Shanghai, China at the discharging rate of 18000t per Weather Working Day of 24
hours, Sunday/Holiday Excluded (SHEX). Notice of Readiness (N.O.R.) may be
tendered on vessel’s arrival but accepted within office working hours between 0900
hrs to 1800 hrs Monday thru Friday and 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on Saturday. Lay days
are to commence 6 hours after N.O.R. is served. Time not to count between Noon
on Saturday and 06:00 AM on Monday..

The vessel arrived at discharge port and commenced discharging on Saturday, 18 th

November at 1900 hrs. N.O.R. tendered and accepted at commencement of
permissible time as per Charter Party. Discharging completed 30 th November 1500
hours. Demurrage at $22000 per day and pro rata (PDPR) and dispatch at half the
demurrage rate per day & pro rata (PDPR). Prepare a lay time statement and
calculate the amount due to the ship-owner or Charterer.

Shift timing at discharge port is 0400 hours to 2000 hours Monday thru Friday and
0400hours to 1200 hours on Saturday. There was stoppage due to rain between
0600 -1000 on 20th November, 10 AM to 2 PM on 22nd and 24thNovember.
(Ans: Demurrage: 2 Days 22 Hrs; Demurrage amount Payable: 64174$ )
Q.10) A cargo of 10,500 MT is to be loaded @3000 MT per WWD of 24 consecutive
hours SHEXUU, if used half time actually used to count. Laytime is to commence 24
running hours after NOR tendered and accepted, whether in Berth or not.
At Load port time not to count between Noon on Saturday and 0800 hours on
Monday nor between 1700 Hours on the last working day preceding a legal holiday
and 0800 hrs on the first working day thereafter unless used. “If used, half actual
time” to count.

Cost of shifting at load port to second berth (if used) including fuel, to be for owner’s
account and time used in shifting not to count as laytime. If vessel is detained longer
than time allowed, demurrage to be paid at $5,000/- per day and pro-rata for part of
a day and despatch at half the demurrage rate per day and pro-rata for part of a day.
Vessel anchored in Roads, at 0430 hrs on Thursday, 7 th January. Free Pratique
granted at 0500 hrs same day. NOR tendered and accepted as per Charter Party.
Vessel left Roads at 0330 hrs on 9 th January and made fast at berth at 0630 hrs on
9th January. Loading commenced at 0800 hrs on 9 th January and completed at Noon
on 18th January.
Vessel worked during excepted periods as follows:
Saturday 0800 – 1500 1800 – 2100 2130 – 2400
Sunday 0000 - 1030 1400- 1800 2000 - 2400
Monday 0000 - 0600 0700 – 1200
12th January was a Public Holiday.
Make a Laytime statement and calculate the amount of demurrage or despatch
(JULY’2014) (Ans: Demurrage 4 Days 01 Hrs 00min)
Q.11) A vessel, NRT 3780 tons, arrives in port at 0600 hours on Wednesday 20 th
October with 8600 tonnes of coal. Notice of Readiness was accepted at 0900 hours
that day.
Charter Party reads..”… Cargo to be discharged at the average rate of 800 tons per
day, weather permitting, SHEX. Consignee to pay vessel demurrage at the rate of
8USD per net registered ton per running day (or pro rata). Time to commence when
the vessel is ready to unload and written notice accepted. Despatch money to be
paid by vessel at the rate of 4USD per net registered ton per day saved (and pro
Discharging commenced at 1200 hours on 20 th October and was completed at 1700
hours, 4th November. Bad weather stopped work for 6 hours on 28 th October and a
further 4 hours on the afternoon of 3 rd November. The 1st November was declared a
Public Holiday.
Calculate the amount of demurrage or despatch due.
(Ans: Demurrage 01 day 08 hrs; Amount 40309.92 USD)
Q.12) A General Cargo Ship sailed from Bangkok for Rio with 12,960 mt of bagged
rice under a Voyage Charter Party. Terms & conditions of the C/P are as follows:
 Cargo to be discharged @120 mt/hour, Sunday & Holiday excepted, even if used.
 Demurrage @$200 per hour & pro-rata and dispatch @ $90 per hour and pro-rata
 Laytime is to commence counting 24 hours after the NOR is served, however time may
count at half rate if cargo is actually worked during these 24 hours.
 Owners have the option of collecting 95% of the chartered freight as advance on
completion of loading.
 Chartered freight on B/L quantity is $21/- per mt, Free In & Out (FIO)
 Receivers have the option of deducting 1.5% in lieu of weighing.

Vessel arrived Rio anchorage on Tuesday 6 th May at 1400 hours, NOR was served
at 0700/ 7th upon berthing, discharging commenced at 0900 on 7 th May & continued
except during rain , i.e. 10-11 A.M. on 7 th May & 7-11 P.M. on 11 th May & 12th May.
The cargo was completed at 2 AM on 14 th May. May 1st, 9th, 15th, & 16th were official
holidays at Rio.

If the owners exercised their option at the load port & the receivers exercised their
option of not weighing at the discharge port, what is the balance money payable
to/from the ship?
(Ans: Despatch 10.5 Hrs, Amount: 8580.6 USD)

Q.13) A Charter party provides 17000 MT of grain as cargo in bags (5% MOLOO),
Rate of Loading 2700 MT/WWD. Laytime to start counting 24 hours after NOR is
tendered or earlier if used. Time from 1400 Hours on Saturday to 0700 Hours
on Monday, not to count, Even If Used (EIU). All Port Holidays from 0001 hours
to to 2400 hours is excluded from laytime, unless used.
Demurrage is fixed at the rate of Rs. 12,000/- per day or pro-rata, despatch money to
be paid for All Time Saved at the rate of 75% Demurrage money.
Vessel arrived Load Port on Thursday, 3rd March at 1600 hours & NOR was tendered
at the same time. Loading commenced at 0830 hours on 4 th March and ceased at
1400 hours on the same day.
Loading resumed at 1400 hours on Monday, 7 th March and continued till completed
and sailed at 2200 hours on Saturday, 12 th March., except for 4 hours (From 1400-
1800 ) on 10th March, Thursday due to rain. Wednesday, 9th March was a Public
Holiday . B/L Figure: 17145 tons. Calculate demurrage/ despatch payable?

(ANS: Demurrage 00 Days 08 Hours 06 Minutes; Demurrage money payable by

the Charterers; Rs 4050/-) (NOV’2006, MARCH’2002) (SEIET (SOLVED)- Qn 5)
Q.14) A Charterparty requires a Bulk carrier to discharge using her own self un-
loader, a B/L quantity of 32,500 t of fertilizer at the rate of 4500 t per working day. Of
this, 21000 t is to be discharged at the first port, and the remainder at the second
port, SHEXUU. Laytime to commence 12 hours after NOR is tendered. Time from
1400 hours on Saturday or on the day preceding the holiday, till 0900 hours on
Monday or on the day following the holiday, is not to count as laytime.
The vessel arrived at the first port, on Friday, 21 st March at 0210. NOR was tendered
and accepted at 0945 hours, but discharge commenced only at 1900 hours and was
completed on Tuesday 25th March at 1215 hours.
No cargo work being done over the weekend.

The vessel arrived at the final discharge port on Thursday 27 th March and gave NOR
at 0600 hrs same day and worked non-stop until completion of all discharge.

The laytime statement prepared by the Master at the end of the discharge, basis
“Reversible Days” showed exact utilisation of entire laytime with “NO DEMURRAGE
OR DESPATCH”. Replicate the laytime statement prepared by the Master and find
when and what time did the vessel complete her discharge.
(Ans: 02nd April 2250 LT)
(NOVEMBER’2017) (Similar type of Question as Qn.8)

Q.15) A vessel arrives in Port at 0600 hrs on Wednesday 20 th March with 17,200
tons of Rock Phosphate. NOR was accepted at 0900 hours on the same day.
Relevant Charter party terms are as follows:
 Cargo to be discharged at the rate of 3200 tonnes per WWD SHEX.
 Demurrage if any to be paid at the rate of 6000 USD per day & pro rata,
Despatch if any to be paid at the rate of 3000 USD for all time saved.
 Time to start once the NOR is accepted.
Discharging commenced at 1200 hours on 20 th March and was completed at 1800
hrs on 26th March. Bad weather stopped work for 6 hours on 22 nd March and further 2
hours on the 24th March afternoon. Calculate the amount of demurrage or despatch
as applicable.
(Ans: Despatch 6 Hrs; Amount 750 USD)

Q.16) A charter party provides for a bulk carrier to discharge 82,000t of iron ore at
the discharge rate of 16000t per Weather Working Day of 24 hours whether in berth
or not (WIBON), SHEX. NOR may be tendered on vessel’s arrival but accepted
within office working hours between 0900 hrs to 1800hrs Monday through Friday and
0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on Saturday. Lay days to commence 6 hours after N.O.R. is
served. Time not to count between Noon on Saturday and 06:00 on Monday.
Demurrage at $20,000 per day and pro rata and despatch at half the demurrage rate
per day and pro rata.
The vessel arrived and anchored on Friday, 17 th November at 0800 hours. Vessel
left anchorage at 0200 hrs and all made fast at 0400 hrs on 18 th November. Vessel
commenced discharging on Saturday, 18 th November at 1200 hours. NOR tendered
and accepted at commencement of permissible time as per Charter Party.
Discharging completed 30th November 1600 hours. Shift timing at discharge port is
0400 hours to 2000 hours Monday thru Friday and 0400 hours to 1200 hours on
Saturday. There was stoppage due to rain between 0600 – 1000 on 20 th November,
10 AM to 2 PM on 22 nd and 24th November. 28th November was a public holiday.
Prepare a lay time statement and calculate the amount due to the ship-owner or
(Ans: Demurrage: 5 Days 17 Hours; USD 20,000 x 5.708 = 114166.67 USD)

Q.17. A vessel arrives @ port of Colombo at 0600 hrs on Thursday 25 th Oct, with
16000 tons of coal and tenders NOR. Laytime to start once the NOR is accepted.
NOR was accepted at 0900 hrs on the same day. Cargo to be discharged at the rate
of 2000 tons per WWD, SHEX. Time not to count from 1800 hrs Saturday or a day
preceding a holiday till 0800 hrs Monday or the following day of holiday; Demurrage
if any to be paid at the rate of 6000 USD per day and prorate; dispatch if any at the
rate of 3000 USD per day and pro rata for Laytime saved. Discharging commenced
at 1200 hrs on 25th Oct and was completed at 1700 hrs on 4th Nov. Bad weather
stopped work for 6 hours on 28 th Oct and further 4 hours on the 3 rd Nov afternoon. 1st
Nov was declared a Public Holiday.
Calculate the amount of demurrage or dispatch as applicable.

Q.18. A Charter Party provides for a Bulk Carrier to load 72,000 MT of iron ore from
Goa (West Coast of India) at the loading rate of 12,000 MT per weather working day
(WWD) to be discharged at Shanghai (China). The discharging rate required is @
18,000 MT per weather working day (WWD) of 24 Hours (SHEX). Notice of
Readiness (N.O.R.) may be tendered on vessel’s arrival but accepted within office
working hours between 0900 hours to 1800 hrs from Monday to Friday. NOR may be
tendered and accepted between 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on Saturday. Lay days are to
commence 6 hours after N.O.R. is served. Time not to count between 1200 hrs
(noon) on Saturday and 0600 hrs on Monday at load port as well as at discharge

(ii) Vessel arrived at loading port Goa, on Saturday 4th September at 0600 hrs and
tendered N.O.R. upon arrival. Loading commenced at 1200 hrs on 4th
September and completed at 0600 hrs on 6th September.

(iii) Vessel arrived at the discharge port Shanghai and commenced discharging on
18th September at 1900 hrs. N.O.R. tendered & accepted at commencement of
permissible time as per the terms & conditions of Charter Party. Discharging
completed on 30th September at 1500 hrs. Demurrage to be paid at $22000 per
day or pro rata for part of a day whereas dispatch at the half the demurrage rate
per day or pro rata for part of a day is to be computed.
You are required to prepare a lay time statement and calculate the amount due in
the ship- owner or charterer if the laytime is worked out on average basis.

Q.19) a) A Charter Party provides for 10 weather working days, SHEX allowed for
loading and discharging. Stoppages due to machinery failure are not to count as part
of Laytime and time from 1800 hours on Saturday to 0600 Hours on Monday and
1800 hours on a day preceding a holiday and 0700 hours on the day after such
holiday is not to count. Lay-time to commence 6 hours after NOR is accepted. At the
loading port, vessel arrived at 0400 hours on Tuesday 12 th July and NOR tendered
and accepted at the same time. Vessel experienced rain from 1400 hours to 1600
hours on 13th July. Vessel completed loading at1630 hours on 16 th July. At discharge
port laytime commenced at 0830 hours on Tuesday, 26 th July, and discharging was
completed at 1724 hours on 6th August. The first Monday in August was a Public
Holiday. Rain prevented work being done from 0700 to 1230 hours on 28 th July and
work at No.3 hatch was suspended from 1600 hours to 1800 hours on 29 th July due
to winch breakdown. The ship has 5 hatches.
Calculate the demurrage or dispatch amount payable if the demurrage rate is $ 5,000 per
day and pro-rata and dispatch rate is half the demurrage rate.

Q.8) A Charter Party requires a Bulk Carrier to discharge into lighters at anchorage
using her own self un-loader. Bill of Lading quantity is 80,000 tonnes of South
African Coal at the rate of 10,000 tonnes per working day, Saturday, Sunday and
Holiday exempted. The vessel has to discharge at maximum two anchorages in
Laytime to commence 12 hours after NOR is received. Time from 1400 hrs on Friday
or on a day preceding the holiday is not to count as Laytime.
The vessel arrived at Sikka Anchorage on Thursday 10 th of September. NOR was
tendered and accepted at 0900 hrs on same day. Lighters arrived at 1300 hrs on 10 th
September, but discharge commenced at 0900 hrs on 11 th September. The
discharge at Sikka was completed at 2230 hrs on 18 th September, Friday.
The vessel arrived Tuticorin the second discharge port on 24 th September. NOR was
tendered and accepted at 2000 hrs on the same day. Lighters arrived at 0800 hrs the
next day and discharge could commence 26th September at 2200 hrs.
The Laytime Statement prepared by the Master at the end of the discharge basis
“Reversible days” showed exact utilization of the entire laytime with “no demurrage
and no despatch”.

Replicate the Master’s laytime statement and from it find out “when and at what time
“ the vessel completed her discharge if 12 th and 27th September were public holidays
both at Sikka & at Tuticorin.

(Ans: 01st OCT Thursday 0500 Hrs) (30 th September 1100 Hrs)


S.O.F. at Sikka Anchorage


Vessel arrived at Sikka Anchorage 10th September Thursday

NOR Tendered & Accepted (T&A) 0900 hrs 10th September Thursday

Lighters arrived 1300 Hrs 10th September Thursday

Commenced discharging 0900 Hrs 11th September Friday

Completed discharging 2230 Hrs 18th September Friday

S.O.F. at Tuticorin Anchorage


Vessel arrived at Tuticorin Anchorage 24th September Thursday

(2nd discharge Port)

NOR Tendered & Accepted (T&A) 2000 hrs 24th September Thursday

Lighters arrived 0800 Hrs 25th September Friday

Commenced discharging 2200 Hrs 26th September Saturday

LAYDAYS = (80000 /10000) = 08 DAYS


10/09 THURSDAY 2100-2400 = 3 00- 03-00 00- 03-00
16/01 SATURDAY 0000-1200 = 12 00- 23-00 00- 23-00 SHIFTING FROM

FROM LT- 0630 LT) = 3
0630)=3 HOURS
16/01 SATURDAY 1200-1500 = 03 HRS 01- 03-15 01- 03-15 DURING EXCEPTED
1800-2100 = 03 HRS PERIOD ON SATURDAY,
2130-2400 = 2.5 HRS TIME IS USED SO ½
(8.5 HRS/ 2= 4HRS 15 MIN
4H 15MIN )
17/01 SUNDAY 0000-1030 =10.5 HRS 01- 12-30 01- 12-30 DURING EXCEPTED
1400-1800 =04 HRS PERIOD ON SUNDAY,
2000-2400 =04 HRS TIME IS USED SO ½
(18.5 HRS/ 2= 9 HRS 15 MIN
9H 15MIN )
18/01 MONDAY 0000-0600 =06 HRS 01- 16-00 01- 16-00 DURING EXCEPTED
0700-0800 =01 HR PERIOD ON SUNDAY,
--------------------------- TIME IS USED SO ½
(07 HRS/ 2= 3 HRS 30 MIN
3H 30MIN )
18/01 MONDAY 0800-1200 = 4 01- 20-00 01- 20-00
18/01 MONDAY 1200-1700 = 5 02- 01-00 ------ 00 – 05 – 00
18/01 MONDAY 1700-2400 = 7 ----------- ------ 00 – 12 – 00

19/01 TUESDAY 0000-2400 = 24 ------------- ------- 01 – 12 – 00

HOLIDAY (19TH January)
20/01 WEDNESDAY 0000-0800 = 8 ------------- -------- 01 – 20 – 00

20/01 WEDNESDAY 0800-2400 = 16 02-17-00 --------- 02 – 12 – 00


21/01 THURSDAY 0000-1900 = 05- 08-24 01 – 20 – 24

19 HRS

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