Acrobeloides - Gen N (Cobb 1924)

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108 THE JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY not only to Tylenchus dipsaci but to five other species, another Tylenchus and members of four other genera—Aphelenchus (alive), Cephalobus (alive) Dory- imus and Xiphinena. Certain samples of seed which yielded no nemas after the first, and second, and third washing yielded them in later washings, the emas having been in some manner held tenaciously to the seed. In such instances a decision as to the presence of nemas reached on the basis of the earlier washings would have been erroneous. While the observations reported are restricted to clover seed, similar conditions prevail in connection with other kinds of seed, ‘There are many different kinds of seeds in commerce, which, fon being washed, yield nemas, often in a living condition, Ui, Amended Characterization of the Nemic Genera Cephalobus and Acrobeles—A recent review of my file of fifty-one species of Cephalobus and twenty-six species of Acrobeles, the great majority new and as yet unpublished, it including all the known species, shows that the Cephalobus-derobelee cries" may be conveniently, and probably naturally, divided into, (1) Species with a single circlet of labial organs; (2) species with an inner, as well as an outer, circlet of labial organs Cephalobus Bastian amend. Lip region 3, or 6, lobed, with 3, or 6, labial papillae in single circiet. Spinneret none,” Naked integument transversely striate. Pharyngeal cavity inversely triquetrous-pyramidal; its wall usually composed of longitudinal series of a few small, short, disjoined, cuticular elements; 0 onchium. Esophagus in anterior half cylindroid, then narrowed; finally enlarging to form more or less pyriform cardiac bulb containing three fold striated valve; medidan esophageal bulb absent or vestigial, "F'; ovary reflexed past the vulva, which is usually near latitude 66°. Spicules wo, equal, curved; gubernacslum median, easily recognizable, No bursa; preanal and postanal submedian or sublateral papillae present, the full complement being about nine pairs. Amphids mostly unknown; where known, far forward and very inconspicuous. Type species, C. persegnis Bastian, 1865. Acrobeles yon Linstow amend. Characters of Cephalobus Bastian amend, but having also a second inner circlet of labial organs, often simple and conoid, sometimes relatively long and branched, in which case the outer may also become compound. Pharynx narrower, and uniform, with fewer separate cuticular elements. Amphids though small usually visible, transversely elongate, fon outer surface of lip region. Type species, . cilialus von Linstow 1877. ‘The future may very probably disclose reasons as thus defined and designating separately a group[ (Acrobeloides gen. (aud [subg] nov. between Cephalobus and Acrobeles. sensu restricto, characterize ‘by having the inner and outer circlets of labial organs simple. TIL, Amphids of the Oxyurids—While the location of the Oxyurid amphids hhas been known for half 2 century, that is to say on Ozyuris curvula, they hhave not been recognized as such until recently, but have been regarded as labial papillae of a somewhat different character. Later researches have shown them to be connected by means of nerve strands with the central nervous system (Martini in O. eurvwla), and it has been stated that they are the homologues of the amphids of the free-living nemas, though there ‘were some gaps (or weaknesses) in the evidence. Front views of the head ends of a number of Oxyuridae show amphids to be uniformly present, and that their structure is of a typical character. In curowla the rather numerous terminals are readily visible. 1V. Specialization in the Cells of the Intestine of Nemas,—Perhaps thought is seldom given to the matter, but, when it is, I suspect the cells of the nemic intestine are considered to be more or less uniform in structure and function ‘This is far from being the case. Cells, singly and in groups, in various parts of the intestine are often highly specialized, and always more or less so. ‘This difference in structure and function can be demonstrated in various ways? (1) by the ordinary methods of staining such as are used when specimens are mounted in balsam; (2) by means of intra-vitam staining; (3) by the applica

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