Phed 104 M1-Lesson 3

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Lesson 3


1. Dribbling - is important to penetrate to the hoop, move the ball across the court,
get away from the defense, and find a good passing lane. There are different types of

• change-of-pace, - This type of dribble is characterized with the slowing down of

motion that may be conceived as stopping. This would effectively make the opponent
think that you are stopping to pass the ball. However, once you achieve the reaction
from the opponent, you must be keen to explode with speed then drive through the
• Crossover dribble, - This type of dribble is used to deflect the guarding player. It is
characterized by one-hand dribbling while pushing the ball in front. After which, the
offensive player would have to explode right through the opponent. While this is good
for achieving distance, it is also prone for steals. To protect the ball, dribbling must
be kept low as the ball passes form one hand to another.
• Low dribble, - low dribble just means that you must keep the ball bouncing low
nearest to the floor. This can effectively ensure the ball from guards. This entails the
dribblers to extend his hand so as to limit the space the opponent can penetrate.

2. Passing - A good offensive attack requires good passing from players. This helps
find an open man, to find a good shooter or to get away from a defender. There are
several types of passes you need to learn:

• Chest Pass – this type of pass is probably the most accurate pass you can use. It is
executed by holding the ball with both hands near your chest or at the level of the
sternum and releasing it by extending both arms forward to make the pass. This
pass goes in a straight line mostly parallel to the floor which requires a lot of force
to execute thus making it a high velocity pass.
• Bounce Pass – this type of pass is very useful when you are being heavily defended
or when you are dribbling and you want to pass the ball to a teammate. This pass
is executed by bouncing the ball off at an angle in between you and your ball
recipient. Although this pass may look easy, it can still be a bit tricky as you need
to judge the distance of your recipient along with how much strength and
deflection you need to give the ball. The accuracy of this type of pass is dictated
by the speed and trajectory of the ball. You can also change the trajectory of the
ball to some degree by putting some spin to it.
• Overhead Pass – this type of pass is useful when you are being marked tightly or
when you are considerably taller than your defender. However, if wrongly used, it
poses the risk of interception. To execute the overhead pass, you need to have
both hands placed on the respective sides of the ball. You then position the ball
behind your head. To make the pass, you extend your arms forward while bringing
the elbows down to put more strength in the pass.
• Behind the Back Pass – this type of pass is rarely used in a game unless it is used
for offensive purposes such as misdirect the defender from the ball. To execute
this pass, you need to cut the ball using your wrist and fingers and sling it behind
you towards the recipient.
• Alley-oop Pass – this is an exhibition type of pass as it always ends up with a dunk
shot. To execute this pass, you and your teammate needs some form of sign or
eye contact so as to be knowledgeable of what the other is thinking. Once your
recipient is at optimum position, you then toss the ball near the hoop where your
teammate grabs it in mid-air and slams it. Although professionals make this pass
look easy, it is actually very difficult as you need the right timing to get it right.

3. Shooting - The object of the game is to win by scoring the most points. Therefore,
improving the team's shooting is important to win a game. There are several ways to
score in the game:

• Jump Shot Jump Shot - The jumper is used most frequently for mid- to long-range
shots, including three-point attempts, although you can use it from short range to
gain separation from a defender. Jump straight up and use the basic shooting form.
Release the ball at the peak of your jump.
• Dunk -, basketball’s most spectacular shot, relies more on jumping ability than
shooting skill. If you can jump high enough, and hands large enough to control the
ball, leap, lift the ball above the rim and push or throw it through the net.
• Free throw - The two-handed set shot was once the common way to shoot from the
perimeter. Today it’s typically only used by young players who lack the strength to
shoot with one hand. A free throw, however, is basically a type of set shot, although
it’s almost always performed with one hand. Use the standard shooting form, but
don’t jump.
• Layup - You’ll typically shoot layups from very close range after dribbling to the
basket, or taking a pass near the hoop. Typical layup form involves grasping the ball
with two hands, raising it in front of your face and banking it off the backboard,
which all occurs while you’re in motion. A put back of a missed shot is also technically
a layup. If you can jump well enough you may also raise the ball as high as possible
and flip it straight through the rim.
• Hook Shot - Any one-arm shots outside the layup area that come off quicker and
softer than 2-handed shots. Hook shots are typically used by big men and floaters by
quick, crafty guards, both of whom usually have little operating room in the most
jam-packed area of the half court. High arcs and soft releases are key in making these
shots fall.

4. Rebounding - is essential to gain or regain possession after the shot. Usually, the
team who has the most number of rebounds after the game has more shot attempts
and chances to score.

5. Offense - is the only chance that the team has a shot at the basket and scoring.
Playing a good offense requires coordination among players and individual skill to
execute well plays.

6. Defense - To be able to get a chance to score and gain possession, the team should
play good defense and try to stop their opponent from scoring. As said, "A good
defense is a good offense."

7. Moves - There are different kinds of basketball moves that are important in
executing both a good offense and a good defense. Moves are helpful in finding an
open man, make a good shot or create an amazing play.

8. Violations - Knowing the kinds of basketball violations improves your game.

9. Assist - is given to a teammate to help him score easily. Thus is it important to find
an open man on the court

10. Foul - is often an accidental contact made by the defender to his opponent or an
aggressive move by the ball-handler towards his defender? However, a foul is also
used as a strategy to stop the clock or to keep the shooting player from scoring easily.
Learning how to use your fouls well is important in the game.

Learning Activity: Watch and Perform Video Clip

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