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July2012___ Day 1: AroGIS & Data Display ArcGIS and Data Display First Session Instr 1. To access ArcGIS F ArcGIS is made up of three components ArcMap, ArcCatalog and ArcToolbox. + ArcMap - used to input, display, edit, query and output attribute and spatial data. + ArcCatalog - used to create, browse and manage geographic data sources and create and update metadata. + ArcToolbox - contains tools for performing manipulation, analysis and conversion of geographic data. For this exercise we are using ArcMap. Solect > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcMap 1. Viewing Data in ArcMap os ex |s ef aivieeoe =e s SE eae one Tool Bars Table of Contents Map Display eee a Let @ap ecole era m ma July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display The ArcMap application window consists of a map display for viewing spatial dat table of contents for listing the layers shown in the display, a toolbox containing various tools and a variety of toolbars and menus for working with data. When ArcMap opens, the ArcMap dialog appears on top of the application window. To open a data layer, the user can specify, whether or not they want to start using ArcMap with a new empty map, a template, or an existing map. A New Empty Map: The user can select this option if they have data layers they would like to view and/or manipulate. After selecting this option, the user can add all of their GIS data layers and save it as a map file. Once this operation has been performed, the user can begin their next ArcMap session by opening the existing map file, instead of adding all of their data layers again. A Template: The user can select this option if they want to use layouts and base maps that have already been created/provided for various geographic ‘An Existing Map: The user can select this option if they have already created a map file that contains all of the data layers they wish to work with. 2. Opening a Map Document When you first start ArcMap, you may see the "Welcome to ArcMap" window this window provides you with the options to: 1.) Create a new map, 2.) Open the last map you were using, 3.) Open an existing map, Or 4.) Create a new map using a map template, Click on “An Existing Map:” and then click "Browse for maps’. Navigate to \\day1\1\ and open the PMB.mxd file. When you work in ArcMap you are working within a map document. ‘A map document contains at least 1 data frame, which in turn is populated by spatial datasets (Layers). A map document has a .mxd file extension. If you do not see the Welcome window, someone has probably turned this option off, don't worry, you can still access all of the options through the main menu. July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display The area on the left side of ArcMap application contains a list of layers and is called the Table of Contents. The area on the right side of the application window contains the graphic display (Display Window) of the layers in the table of contents. Notice that there are 4 Layers present i.e. Forestry, Selected Towns, Dams and 1:500000 Topographic Maps. The forestry and selected town layer are visible, 3. Displaying Layers The Forestry and Town layers are displayed because the boxes next to them are checked @, To display the Dam layer check the Box next to it. Similarly if you wish to temporarily remove a layer from the display you can uncheck the box. Even though the boxes are checked the maps are not displayed. Zeuasio The check box is greyed out and there is an exclamation mark next zasoacsi to the check box. ArcMap is informing us that the data path for 293080.5ID these particular datasets is incorrect. To rectify the problem Click on the check box next to an individual layer e.g. 2930AA. Once you have clicked on the check | box, the data source dialog should open up. Specify the data source as \\day1\1\ missing data | \2930AA. July 2012. Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display 4, Adding Data in ArcMap There are a number of ways to add data layers to the map display: 1. Use File > Add Data... from the Main menu _ Jcton ea OR click on the Add Data button on the '% E Ho" Inet Seden Seok Sind Standard toolbar. Navigate to the data layer O aay of interest. Select it, and click the Add button. & open. Cro G see cus 2. From within ArcCatalog select the data layer ssveae.. from the Catalog tree, and drag it to ya anywhere within the ArcMap display. oe Click on the add data icon. © | Navigate to the \\day1\1 directory and add the rivers layer to your Map Document. Notice a window pops up informing you the data is missing a spatial reference. Ignore this. Unlike ArcView, ArcMap allows users to view data in different projections to the default projection of the Data Frame. This is known as projection on the fly. Layers can be temporarily made visible or invisible by clicking on the check box located next to each layer name in the ArcMap table of contents. Shem 2 C1 ‘sapoo toes 7 aes 2B sows oe snes oe sn When multiple data layers are visible, the user can drag a layer to the top of the table of contents in order to place that data layer on top of all of the other layers. In the examples below, on the left the roads layer was moved to the top of the table of contents in order to make it visible within the map display window, while on the right it July 2012. Day 1: AroGIS & Data Display In the table of contents, the user can right click on the name of a data layer. A Context menu opens, which allows the user to begin a variety of operations. This Context menu allows the user to amongst other things view the Properties of the selected layer. We will look into this later in the course. ArcMap contains a number of tool bars. These toolbars can be added or removed from the user interface. This is done by right clicking on a toolbar or the area beneath the drop down menus. Ensure that the Tools menu is active. It must have a check next fo it in the list of tools available. The ArcMap Tools toolbar can be used for a variety of operations. The toolbar may initially be oriented vertically, but its orientation can be changed by dragging one of its corners. Additionally, it can be moved so that its location is next to the standard toolbar. Next we will look at these tools. Zoom in Zoom Out ‘Tools (| Zoom in Center: & QI _/Z00m Out Center wet Full Extent Pan— | ae Previous —_| rie lext Select Feature Dh ‘Select Element Identify © #&4—Find Measure ——~ | Hyperlink 5. Select Tools Select Features: The user must first pick the Select Features button on the Tools toolbar using the mouse cursor. Then, the user can click on a feature within the data layer to select it. The tool can also be used to draw a box around a set of features to July 2012 Day 1: ArcGIS & Data Display select them all. Additionally, the SHIFT key can be held down in order to select multiple features. ‘The user can use the SET SELECTABLE LAYERS command in the selection pull- down menu to control which layers this tool will select features from. This tool will only select features from layers that are checked in the Set Selectable layers dialog. By default, all the layers containing features are selectable. The user can use the INTERACTIVE SELECTION METHOD in the selection pull- down menu to control whether selecting features with this tool will unselect any features that are already selected, or add the features selected to the set of currently selected features. ‘The user can use the OPTIONS command in the selection pull-down menu to control other aspects of how this tool works, such as whether or not features have to fall completely inside the box the user drags with this tool in order to be selected. Sh seers ateine ——aajee nee Rh ser eaten [Ses oS mrosane . *% BS a ree = ae The user can also set 1 layer as the only selectable layer by right clicking on “the” layer in the Table of Contents. This opens the context menu, then choose selection and ‘make this the only selectable layer” Select Elements: To use this tool, the user selects the Select Elements button on the Tools toolbar. This button allows the user to select, resize, and move graphics such as lines, boxes, text, labels, north arrows, scale bars, and picture drawn on your map. The user can click on a graphic to select it; hold down SHIFT while clicking, to select multiple graphics; or draw a box with the tool to select all the graphics inside the box Identify: To use this tool, the user can select the Identify button from the Tools toolbar. Within the map display, the user can click on a feature (point, line, or area). ‘An Identfy Results window will appear that shows the attributes associated with that feature that is contained in the data layer’s attribute table. Find: To use this tool, the user can select the Find button from the Tools toolbar. This finds particular geographic features in the map. Features can be found based on the value of one of their attributes. Measure: To use this tool, the user can select the Measure button from the Tools toolbar. This tool allows the user to measure distances on the data layer. As a line is July 2012. Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display drawn with this tool, the length of the line is shown in the status bar. A line can be drawn with multiple segments. The user can click once to start a new segment, and double click or press ESC to finish. The distance is shown in the distance units specified in the data frame properties dialog, Hyperlink: To use this tool, the user can select the Hyperlink button from the Tools toolbar. This tool allows the user to click on a feature to trigger a hyperlink. This tool will be inactive if no hyperlinks have been defined for any of the feature layers in the map display. If a user wants to use hyperlinks they have to be defined before this tool can be used. More about hyperlinks can be found in the ArcMap help section. 6. Zoom and Pan Tool Zoom In/Out: Within the map display, a box can be drawn around the desired area the user wishes to zoom in/out. Alternatively, the user may click within the map display on a specific location to z00m in/out. Fixed Zoom In/Out: The map display will zoom in/out on the centre of the data layer. Pan: Within the map display, the user can click and drag the entire map layer to its desired location. Full Extent: This will automatically update the map display so that it displays the entire data layer within the frame. Go Back to Previous Extent: The map display automatically goes back to the previous extent the user was viewing. Go to Next Extent: The map display will go forward again through the sequence of extents the user has been viewing in the map display. 1. Click the Zoom In '@ button or Zoom Out @ button on the Tools toolbar. 5 2. Click the Pan “*” button on the Tools toolbar. 3. Click the Full Extent button @ on the Tools toolbar. Experiment with the various Zoom tools. Draw a ‘square around any of the Dams with the Zoom Tool. Notice that you now have a more detailed view of the area. @ Zoom back to the full extent. FL sicedes| ath Bookmarks: A user can zoom into a region of interest within their data layer, and save that zoomed location. This allows the user to easily navigate back to that region of interest. This can be done by going to the View Menu, selecting Bookmarks, and clicking Create. July2012 Day I: ArcGIS & Data Display 7. Identifying Features ArcGIS allows the user to identify features that are present in the display window. Zoom in so that both Dams are visible in detail. Click on the identify @ tool. Then click on either of the dams. oe mm a po pea a ae The identify dialog window should open, displaying all the attributes for the dam that is . contained in the database. You may have to . enlarge the identify results window to see all + yor the attributes woe Det 8. Renaming Layers For this part of the exercise we are going to rename the rivers layer to Perennial Rivers. Either double click or right click on the rivers layer and then click on Properties to access the Layer Properties, The Layer Properties for rivers should come up. Notice that there are a number of Tabs. Click on the General Tab and the Layer ‘Name should appear. Select the Layer | towne Fiver Name and change the | van name to Perennial Rivers. cea ova cy gps aged Sowa atta This changes the | - pensovigestanmanet name in the table of es contents however it does not change the name of the file permanently. You will learn how to manage your data with ArcCatalog in subsequent exerci July2012_ Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display 8. Viewing Attribute information To access the attribute information of | q | the selected towns layer: ew = Dans X penove Right click on the selected_towns se layer and click on Open Attribute © @ Fores TM) Open Atribute Table pate. oS sehsand estes > You will notice that each of the point vb @ Zoom Totayer data (towns) has tabular data Mid cn > attached to it e.g. Names, X and Y Brg = coordinates ive se symbolevels Dome - Dre » 10. (0. Help Command ae s Probably the most important ae command in the ArcGIS is the help ea : command. You can access the Help mai convert Geatures to Graphics... in the following ways: Owe = ey = @ 1500 2" es Using the What Is icon and 8 a ‘Save As Layer File... clicking on the Icon or tool you need # to query will result in a popup. Using the Help located on the Main oe Menu. | Fle Edt Wew Insert Selection Tools Window |Help @X © « @ wcaspestoptep Fi al NP whats This? hiftaFL xa 5 ArcGIS Desktop Help provides you with detailed help not only on the icons that are present in ArcMap but also on procedures as well as on GIS terminology. The Help Menu offers 4 options, Contents, Index, Search and Favourites. | Contents | index | Search | Favortes | If you are looking for generic information on ArcGIS or GIS, then Contents is your best option. If looking for help with a known item or tool Index is best. If looking for an approach to a problem then use Search, ut ing related terms. If you still cannot find a solution, ESRI offers a very good online help and user group forum. ( Close ArcGIS July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display Self Test 4 1. ArcGIS is made up of how many components? fag if oi aes 2. Can you name the components? AroCatologue ArcMap ArcToolBox ArcStorm aeRe 3. Whatare the functions of ArcMap? Edit Query Visualise Analyse Cartographic Output Allof the above ooheNe 4, What is a Map Document 1. Contains data frames populated by spatial datasets 2. Contains themes that are georeferenced 3. Contains ArcMap, ArcCatolog and ArcTooIBox 5. What extension does a Map Document have? ibe (Sr 2 Mxd 3. dbf 4 shp 6. Changing the name of a layer in the layers properties dialog 1, Permanently changes the file name. 2. Changes the name only in your table of contents, 3. Changes the name in windows explorer. 7. Attribute information is 4. Tabular information 2. Non-spatial information 3. Both of the above 10 July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display Challenges: Move the Tools Toolbar and dock it beneath the Main Menu tool bar. Method: Find the Keyboard shortcut that opens the search tab within help. Method: Execute a search on “catalog” using the keyboard only. Method: 2 ways to hide or show the tabs within help. Method: Remove and re-add the Arc Toolbox Window and dock it below the table of contents Window. Method: Describe 2 ways of making the rivers and the selected towns the only selectable layers within the Map document. Method: Find the ‘Project Raster’ tool within ArcToolbox. Method: u July 2012 Day 1: ArcGIS & Data Display Second Session Data Display 11. Label and Annotations Open ArcMap (start > All Programs >AreGIS ArcMap). Add the KZN Magisterial Districts (magisterial_dist_kzn), File> Add Data and Navigate to \\Day1\2. You should have the 1996 Magisterial Districts in your Table of Contents. Right click on the Magisterial Districts and select Properties. ‘The Layer Properties window should come up, Click on the Labels tab. ‘ayer Properties a nes | Source | Seton | Oey | Sm | fe | Cerner amy Ltn [ans aes | F bd iauecinte ae ated. [abla ae Fone 1 In the Text String field change the Label Field to MAG_NAME. | sista ining techn pct This field represents | tessa the name of the | Usa faaswe >] _ Enna. | | Magisterial Districts in | tease KZN. You can access | this information by = We el |u| seas. opening the attribute ne Ore edie LS table of the Ma District layer. terial Pacenet Ponte | _ Se Rae. Lats Once you have completed this click on OK. sa In the Table of Contents right click on the — magisterial layer and then select Label Features. Labels for each of the magisterial district layer should appear. 12 July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display ArcGIS has labelled all the Magisterial Districts using automatic label placement. Jal ae! @ 8 cor % bemove oman ie sinsries > There are 2 ways of altering label properties. The first is using ArcGIS's Auto Labelling. The second is to convert labels to Annotation and manually alter labels. We will make use of ArcGIS's auto label features. Notice that Mount Currie in the lower left comer of the map display has been labelled twice. We will remove all duplicate labels. Open the Magisterial Districts Properties window (=e and select the Label Tab. a | le Under Other options, select Placement Properties. Select the Placement Tab. Under duplicate labels choose Remove duplicate labels. Click OK. Notice that Mount Currie is now only labelled once. Users have the option to label Polygons in 3 ways: |__ Always Horizontal ‘Straight Horizontal then Straight or to only place labels inside polygons (labels that fit will be placed other won't), The second Tab, Conflict Detection allows the user to set the relative importance of the layers labels so that less important layers have fewer labels where overlaps exist. At the bottom left hand comer of the conflict detection tab there is and option to Place overlapping labels. This will cause all labels to be placed, but there is a good chance that a number of them will not be readable. 13 July 2012. Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display Users also have the option of changing the font type and size of the labels. Open the Layer Properties window and select the Labels Tab. Under Text Symbol select Arial and change the font size to 24. Click OK. Notice that a large number of labels have now disappeared from the Display window. Users can also alter the properties of the labels. ArcGIS has a number of font categories that the user can choose from. a] To do so open the Layer Properties window and select the Labels Tab. == Click on the Symbol... option under ee Text Symbol. (This opens the Symbol Selector Window). ome oo my Select Country 2 as your font from the Beseyyen | list of fonts. =" = ome Bi zlals) Change the Color: under the Options naporyze section to Tuscan Red | aay Change the font Size to 6. san eee ‘ due peel eel ch Oe | a) es ArcGIS does it's best to place the labels but if no space is available, labels are omitted. If the flexibility offered by the auto label function is insufficient then Labels need to be converted to Annotation and individually shifted and resized. This will be covered later in the course. 12. Data View and Layout View There are 2 ways to view your layers within ArcGIS. Thus far we have been using the Data view. The Data view is primarily used for viewing and modifying the layers open within the Table of Contents. It does not allow for Legends, Scale bars and extra annotation for final presentation. The Layout view is used for final map production and printing, To switch between the Data and Layout views the user selects one of the two icons in the lower left corner of the Map display area. jefajeu ‘A second method is through the View Menu. From the View menu click on Layout View 4 July 2012 Day 1: ArcGIS & Data Display Notice that a frame appears around the KZN map. In the Layout View you can add a north arrow, scale bar and legend, We will discuss this in detail on Friday. From the View menu select Data View. You should use the Data View when you browse, query and analyse your geographic datasets. 13. Data Frames and Layers = * = Assone.. Layers & Neon goup Layer ‘Add the tribal_authorities dataset to you ‘Map Document. The data is locate: \day1\2\. ‘Set Reference Scale Right click on Layer in the Table of Contents - and then click on New Group Layer. : dvrcod Devoe Otis. Within the table of contents drag and drop s both the Magisterial Districts and the tribal ae ae authorities layers into the New Group Layer. 2s Double click on the New Group Layer. Bf Properties. The Group Layer Properties dialog should open up. [oie et FSET 2 Click on the General Tab and in the Layer Name field change the name to Provincial Demarcations. ites If you uncheck the Group layer both the magisterial and tribal layers are tumed off. Similarly, you could combine road, railroad, and ferry shape files into a grouped transportation Layer. Group Layer, allows the user to group layers into one collection which can make it easier to view, manage and arrange deta. As with layers you can also rename group layers. If the tribal authorities’ layer is not visible drag and drop the layer above the others in the group layer so that it appears before the magisterial layer. Data Frames ‘Sometimes you want to show more data than a single frame can conveniently hold. If that's the case, you may decide to add another data frame to the map. You can use additional data frames in different ways—for example, to show insets and overviews or to allow map readers to compare different representations of the same area. 15 July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display To insert a Data Frame: Go to the Insert Menu and select Data Frame. A new data frame should appear, and the data frame showing the {iasFrasePopenis provincial demarcations has been es deactivated. The New Data Frame appears in Bold. a Right click the New Data Frame a | and select Add Data. | | Me [iene is) ee eo Seeat |"Dacfone | cova Gye |main| Git Add the Kzn_geol.shp to the Map Document. iam [DageeirseeSeonis Now in the same Document you | faemeesaie +7 have two very different datasets. | ram = @ Uatre [ESR] To reactivate the Provincial Demarcation layer right click on it and then click on Activate. Right Click on the New Data Frame and click Remove. Source, Display and Selection There are three ways in which users can explore data within the Table of Contents by "Display", “Source” or "Selection”. You can toggle between the three by selecting the appropriate Tab at the bottom of the Table of Contents window: ‘The Display tab shows the layer name, whether or not the layer is displayed (if there is a check mark in the box next to the name, the layer is being displayed), and how the layer is displayed (to see this, click on the + to the left of the name to expand the display). =H an = bbel autores a © B magisterial dot kan o The Source tab shows the appropriate layer icon as well as the location (or "source") of the data Click on the Source Tab and take note of the data path. This is useful when you are working with multiple datasets from different directories. oe eee = AD ved putortes || = } The Selection Tab indicates how many features from each layer have been selected. This is useful for checking how may features are selected when performing an export. Next we will examine the basics of Data Display and Symbology. 16 July2012_ Day 1: AroGIS & Data Display 14, Data Display and Symbology Data Display ‘An important feature in the Display tab within Layer Properties window, is the option to set Transparency. This allows for a layer to be seen through another layer. For instance, with the tribal layer displayed, the magisterial layer cannot be seen. By setting the top layer to some level of transparency, both layers can be seen. To explore this, we'll make the tribal layer partly transparent. _ a = Open the Properties window for Tribal | > sauutewmmmsest i Authorities layer and select the Display | “=== Tab. Under "Transparent" enter 60 % and click on OK. Both the tribal boundaries and the magisterial boundaries are now clearly displayed, ‘Symbology In ArcMap you can change how your layers are visualised. Drawing your data with just a single symbol displays all features with one colour and gives you a sense of how features are distributed—whether they're clustered or dispersed. On a Unique values map, features are displayed based on an attribute value, or characteristic, that identifies them. Each feature is given its own colour. Graduated colour maps, are most useful for showing the rank or progression of values. Creating a Single Symbol Map The magisterial and tribal maps are | 7 both single symbol maps. For | ce su example in the case of the magisterial | x" ES aa district each district is represented by |[“""""" the same colour. Next you will change | the colour of the Magisterial boundaries layer: We te | ou the Magisterial districts layer and | In the Table of Contents, right-click | Select Properties. | Click the Symbology Tab. Click on Features within the Show Section. Because Single Symbol is the only option, ArcMap automatically selects it. 17 July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display a Click the Symbol button to change the symbol. The Symbol Selector window opens. Choose a symbol and click OK. Note that there are ESRI defaults for features such as lakes, these are guidelines, but can be altered by the user to suit the colour scheme of a map. In the Table of Contents, right-click the magisterial districts layer and click Properties. Creating a Unique Value Map Click the Symbology Tab. Click on_ Categories. (iijmaarial = =) within the Show window. | coca) soz|seen| Ousey Stee | | arin One| ue nt aoe] ‘ArcMap automatically | [= case een ays ae selects. the Unique || "ieew= (sae ———| | =] Values option. ‘Meteey = Click the Value Field dropdown arrow and click on MAG_NAME. (This is the names of the magisterial districts). Click the Colour Ramp dropdown arrow and Choose a colour scheme, Click Add All Values. This adds all unique values to the list, there are 52 values. With unique value each polygon is given a random colour from within a colour ramp (selection). This is used {o differentiate polygons from one another. Click OK. Creating a Graduated Map In the Table of Contents, right-click the magisterial districts layer and select Properties. Click the Symbology Tab. Select Quantities and Choose Graduated Colours. 18 July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display For Value select AREA as the {tai iiie quantitative value you want to | cows swam | Sem Seb [ue |SininGey| til svetha) | Ss a et gc en ene st | 1 H map. Under Classification Select 6 om FS oa Classes as the number of || Mam ggg) classes you want. Click Classify. Click the Method dropdown arrow and click Quantile as the classification scheme you want. | ‘Ghescabon Metot [Diane [ee «I ae “Data Excise — ae Exch Senoing Catanne: TOT} Show Std Dev. ShowMesn 0.29502 0.19767 Click OK on the Classification dialog box. Click OK on the Layer Properties dialog box. ‘You have now assigned each polygon a colour based on its area relative to the area of other polygons using a quantile classification. Classification Methods There are a number of different classification methods you can use when displaying data. The trick is choosing the right method. 19 July 2012. Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display Natural Breaks Classes are based on natural groupings of data values. ArcMap identifies break points by looking for groupings and patterns inherent in the data. The features are divided into classes whose boundaries are set where there are relatively big jumps in the data values. Quantile Each class contains an equal number of features. A quantile classification is well suited to linearly distributed data. Because features are grouped by the number in each class, the resulting map can be misleading. Similar features can be placed in adjacent classes, or features with widely different values can be put in the same class. You can minimize this distortion by increasing the number of classes. Equal Interval This classification scheme divides the range of attribute values into equal-sized sub ranges. For example, if features have attribute values ranging from 0 to 300 and you have three classes, each class represents a range of 100 with class ranges of 0-100, 101-200, and 201-300. This method emphasizes the amount of an attribute value relative to other values. Standard Deviation This classification scheme shows you the amount a feature’s attribute value varies from the mean. ArcMap calculates the mean value and then generates class breaks by successively adding or subtracting the standard deviation from it. 3 July2012—_Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display Self Test 2 1. In your Layout View you can; 4. Add north arrow, scale bar and legend 2 Edit your datasets 3. Add X and Y coordinates 2. Can you add additional date frames to ArcMap? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Idon't know 3. To the change the colour schemes on your map you would use which of the following? Display tab Symbology tab Label tab Colour scheme tab ONS 4, The source tab at the bottom of your table of contents, shows you the locations of your datasets? 1. True 2. False 5. Graduated Maps are most useful fo Ranking values Progression of value Alllof the above 6. Which of the following is not a classification method? Natural Breaks Quantile ‘Standard deviation Qand Q plots aeRe Challenges: Using the file Msundusi_SP create a Pie chart map of the African, Asian, White and Coloured populations for each sub place Set the pie size to 16. Change each Population group to a separate colour. a mene: fig Cake Mande! Spay Seled (pech®y 9 Athercts Std loge. Ten Cte See ethene Gar od BET fe. Vater tal AIGA Neue cds Syatd Witdor. Chab Size and sof vertedion Pape Using Sam eins Die be Spin Sie ond sat Io Cte RRy oA ole , ‘Create a Dot density Map of the total population within the Mundusi_SP. July 2012 Day 1: AreGIS & Data Display cle ab Cite MSandusi Sf Shel Sechg Shale Dek she end Werease th > then Uke Method: Under How many sub places have no people within them? Sit Chick Msardec SP 9 Yyou Mfnsts Celle Got Q) Picts 5 en Greeny Oey “Total <= 0 5 Clark | God PEG etal SSG EPS bu glace A or 2)

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