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20 uses of WOULD in details

1. Would – ग य (Present and Future Possibility)

आज म अ फस जा थे तर मेरो मन ग ररहे को छै न ।
I would go to office today but I’m not feeling like.
य द म संग पैसा हु यो त म त!ो म"दत गथ ।
If I had money, I would help you.

2. Would – ग य (Past Habit)

ती दनह$मा म 5 बजे उ(थ) । अ न म आ*नो सा+थसंग िजम जा थ) । हामी खुब मजा ग य. ।
Those days, I would wake up at 5. Then, I would go to gym with my friend. We would enjoy a lot.
उ सँधै मलाइ3 4वना कुनै कारण गाल7 ग य8 यसैले मलाइ3 क हले उसंग कुरा गन3 मन भएन ।
He would always scold me for no reason, that’s why I never felt like talking to him.

3. Would – ने छ – Future in Past {Past मा Future को कुरा}

उनले भनीन क उनी बजार बाट के ह क ने छन ।
She said that she would buy something from the market.
मलाइ3 प हले दे <ख नै अ दाजा +थयो क उ यहाँ आउने छै न ।
I already had an idea that he wouldn’t come here.

4. Would- ने छ–Possibility/Uncertainty {स=भावना / अ नि?चतता} If certainty, 'Will' is used

जहाँ स=म म त!ो बुवालाइ3 +च दछु, उहाँले यो BCताव Cवीकार गनुह 3 ु ने छै न ।
As far as I know your father, he would not accept this proposal.
मलाइ3 लाDया छ क आज बषा3 हुनेछ / हु छ ।
I think it would rain today.

5. Would – चाह छौ भनेर B?न गदा3 – Offer/Proposal {BCताव}

के तमी म संग लॉ ग Hाइवमा जान चाह छौ?
Would you like to go on a long drive with me?
के तमी Jल+गगं माफ3त पैसा कमाउन चाह छौ?
Would you like to earn money through blogging?

6. Would – ने छौ भनेर Polite Request { नवेदन}

के तमी कृपया शा त रह छौ?
Would you please be quiet?
के तमी कृपया यस B?नको हल गन3 मा मेरो म"दत गनMछौ?
Would you please help me solve this question?

7. Would – चाह छु / चाहनेछु – Want {चाहना}

म आज तमीसंग भेNन चाह छु / चाहनेछु?
I would like to meet you today.
म अ$ बढ7 पैसा कमाउन चाह छु ता क म मेरो लागी एउटा नयाँ Cकूट7 क न सकूँ ।
I would like to earn more money so that I could buy a new scooty for myself.
1. Would be – हु यो (होला) - Imaginary
उ आज एउटा डाUटर हु यो (होला) ।
He would be a dancer today.
म यस बेला अमेर7कामा हु य) (होला) ।
I would be in America right now.

2. Would be – हु यो (Bाय वा सँधै हुने / रहने ग य8) - Being regularly in Past

जब प न म उसको घर जा य), उ घरमा हु यो ।
Whenever I would go to his house, he would be at home.
जब प न मलाइ3 उसको ज$रत पW यो, उ मेरो साथ हु यो ।
Whenever I needed him, he would be with me.

3. Would be – ग ररहेको हु यो - Imaginary

आज उ Xयस क=पनीमा काम ग ररहे को हु यो ।
He would be working in that company today.
काश म उसलाइ3 इंिDलस Yसकाइ3 रहे को हु य) ।
I wish I would be teaching him English.

4. Would be – ग ररहेको होला – Present

Present मा ग ररहे को होला-Would be, धोनी यस समय खेYलरहे को होला । Dhoni would be playing right now.

Future मा ग ररहे को हुनेछ- will be, धोनी भोYल यस समय खेYलरहे को हुनेछ । Dhoni will be playing this time
Past मा ग ररहे को हुने+थयो- Would have been धोनी यस समय खेYलरहे को हुने+थयो । Dhoni would have been
playing this time.
धोनी यस समय खेYलरहे को होला ।
Dhoni would be playing right now.
के उ आजकल अ फस गइ3रहे को होला? मलाइ3 त लाDदै न ।
Would he be going to office these days? I don’t think so.

1. Would have – सकेको हु यो / सकेको हुने +थयो - Past imaginary

य द मैले Hाइ3भर संग रUवेCट नगरे को भए (हु थ) त) बस अ हले स=म नCकZ सकेको हु यो (होला) ।
If I hadn’t requested the driver, the bus would have left by now.
म बाट गि[त भइ3 सकेको हुने +थयो ! भगवान लाइ3 ध यवाद, मैले आ<खर मा एउटा सह7 फेसला Yलएँ ।
I would have made a mistake! Thank God, I finally made the right decision.

2. Would have – सकेको होला / सUयो होला – Past (In Future- Will have - सकेको हुनेछ)
धोनी यस समय स=म खेYल सकेको होला ।
Dhoni would have played by now.
बस अ हले स=म निCकसकेको ( निCकसUयो) होला ।
The bus would have left by now.
1. Would have been – भइ3 सकेको हु यो / हु यो (होला)
य द उसले रा!ो पढाइ3 गरे को भए उ आज डाUटर हु यो (होला) ।
If he had studied well, he would have been a doctor today.
य द उसले चुनावमा मेरो साथ दएको भए (हु यो त) आज उ म संग हुि थयो (होला) ।
If he had supported me in elections, he would have been with me now.

2. Would have been – कुनै समय दे <ख ग ररहे को हु यो

उ ]बहान दे <ख खेYलरहे को हु यो होला य द मैले उसलाइ3 गाल7 नगरे को भए ।
He would have been playing since morning if I hadn’t scolded him.
य द उसले Xयस दन Xयो घर Yलएको भए (हु यो त) उ मु=बइ3मा आज 10 बष3 दे <ख र ह रहे को हु यो ।
If he had taken that house that day, he would have been living in Mumbai for 10 years today.

1. Would have had – संग हु यो (होला)

आज मसंग यी सबै हु यो तर मैले Xयस दन ठूलो गि[त गर) ।
I would have had all this, but I made a huge mistake that day.
य द तमीले मलाइ3 एउटा मौका दएको भए ( दएको हु यौ त) आज मसंग धेरै फ[मह$ हु यो (होला) ।
If you had given me a chance, I would have had many films today.

Would have to
1) गनु3 प य8 / गनु3 पनM हु यो
2) गनु3 प य8 होला

Would have had to

1) गनु3 प य8 / गनु3 पनM हु यो
2) गनु3 पय8 होला

ध य छ, सरकारले पोYलसी बद[यो, नa यी सारा समान बेbनु प य8 ।

Thank God, the government changed the policy; or else I would have to sell all this stuff today itself.
Thank God, the government changed the policy; or else I would have had to sell all this stuff today itself.
य द तमीले म"दत नगरे को भए (हु यौ त) मलाइ3 आज अ फस जानु पनM हु यो (प य8) ।
If you had not helped me, I would have to go to office today.
If you had not helped me, I would have had to go to office today.
तमीलाइ3 Xयहाँ सधc जानु प य8 होला ।
You would have to go there every day.
तमीलाइ3 Xयहाँ सधc जानु पय8 होला ।
You would have had to go there every day.
Xयहाँ BXयेक dयिUतलाइ3 $[स मा नु प य8 होला ।
There, every person would have to follow the rules.
Xयहाँ BXयेक dयिUतलाइ3 $[स मा नु पय8 होला ।
There, every person would have had to follow the rules.
Practice Exercise
के उनी आजकल Cकूल गइ3 रहे कZ होल7?
Would she be going to school these days?
म पUका छु क उ हारको बारे मा सोचीरहे को छै न होला ।
I am sure he wouldn’t be thinking about the defeat.
उसले भ यो क उ हामी सबैको म"दत गनMछ ।
He said that he would help all of us.
मलाइ3 ]ब[कुल संदेह +थएन क तमीले िजXने छौ ।
I had no doubt at all that you would win.
मलाइ3 थाहा +थएन क उसले िजXने छ ।
I didn’t know that he would win.
के तमी आज मेरो म"दत गनMछौ?
Would you please help me today?
के तमी उसंग भेNन चाह छौ?
Would you like to meet him?
म ]बहान 4 बजे उ(थ) जब म एउटा बbचा +थएँ ।
I would wake up at 4 in the morning when I was a kid.
मैले क हले सोचेको प न +थइ3न क उ य त Cवाथf हुनेछ (होला भनेर) ।
I had never even thought that he would be such a selfish.
य द म Xयहाँ जा थ) त उ घर आउ यो ।
If I went there, he would come home.
य द म पैसा वाला हु थ) त त!ो म"दत ग य ।
If I were rich, I would help you.
के तमी चाह छौ क म आँउ?
Would you like me to come?
के तमी चाहदै नौ क म आँउ?
Would you not like me to come?
के तमी चाह छौ क म नआउँ ?
Would you like me not to come?
उनी 4 घgटा दे <ख प ढरहे कZ होल7 ।
She would have been studying for 4 hours.
उ द[ल7 बाट गइ3 सकेको हु यो (होला) ।
He would have left from Delhi.
म यस समय स=म घर आइ3 सकेको हु थै (होला) ।
I would have come home by this time.
म संग कताब हु यो तर छै न ।
I would have had a book but I don’t have any.
मलाइ3 लाDछ क आज बषा3 हुनेछैन ।
I think it would not rain today.
मलाइ3 लाDछ क आज अYसना पनMछ ।
I think it would hail today.
उ 7 बजे उ( यो । उ मलाइ3 8 बजे फोन ग य8 Xयसपछj उ आ*नो कताब खो[ यो ।
He used to wake up at 7. He would call me at 8. Then, he would open his books.
उ आज एउटा बUसर हु यो होला ।
He would be a boxer today.
म यस समय Cकूलमा हु थ) (होला) ।
I would be in school right now.
काश म उसंग बYस रहे को हु थ) ।
I wish I would be living with him.
काश म बUसर बनेको भए /बनेको हु थ) ।
I wish I would have become a doctor.
उ यस समय मलाइ3 क ह बाट हे र रहे को होला ।
He would be watching me from somewhere right now.
हामी संग पैसा हुदैन यो, तर फेर7 प न हामी ह=मत हादk न +थयौ ।
We wouldn’t have money; still, we would not lose courage.
के उनी आजकल िजम गइ3 रहे कZ होल7?
Would she be going to gym these days?
उनी अ हले स=म निCकसकZ होल7 ।
She would have left by now.
तमीलाइ3 सधc उसलाइ3 फोन गनु3 प य8 होला ।
You would have to call him every day.
उसलाइ3 यो नचाएर प न गन3 पय8 होला ।
He would have had to do it unwillingly.
ज हले म उसलाइ3 कल गथ, उ न!ता ले कुरा ग य8 ।
Whenever I would call him, he would talk politely.
बbचा बेला हामी कसैको सु दै न +थयl ।
We would not listen to anyone, when we were kid.

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