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27/09/2020 LMS



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Show TOCof Fire < Prev Next > QUIZ 7/10 (27/09/2020) HIGHLIGHT REMOVE HIGHLIGHT CALCULATOR CONVERTER Result : 7/10 (27/09/2020)
Theory of Fire for fires
1. Principles of fire fighting (1)
Properties of flammable materials
Why is carbon dioxide (CO2) better than dry chemicalof Fire a class "C" fire?
for fighting
Fire hazard and spread of fire
The dry chemical is a conductor.
Classification of fires
The dry chemical leaves a residue.
Fire Control on board Ships
CO2 will not dissipate in air.
Areas of fire hazard
It takes smaller amounts of CO2 to cover the same area.
Ship Fire Fighting Organisations
Preparation of contingency plans
2. (1)
Composition of fire parties
A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a
Strategies and tactics for control of fires
class A Procedures for Fire Fighting
class B Ship at sea

class C Ship in port

class D Ship having cargo of dangerous goods

Fire Fighting Methods

3. Knowledge of fire safety arrangements (1)

Firefighting on Deck
An example of class "A" fire is a/an ___________.
Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
electrical fire in the engine room
Fire in Bulk carriers
oil fire in the engine room bilges
Rules and Regulations
oil fire involving a grade "A" petroleum product
Fire in Oil Tankers
mattress fire in a cabin Chemistry of Fire
Fire hazards and prevention
A fire can occur with the presence of oxygen, a source of ignition and suitable material that acts as fuel. These three requirements are represented by the
three sidesFire
of fighting on oil
a triangle, tankers
known as the fire triangle. Further research on the concept of fire led to the fourth element called the chemical chain reaction.
4. (1)
Hence, theStatic
fire triangle
electricitywas changed to the fire tetrahedron to bring in the fourth element. A fire tetrahedron may be described as a solid pyramid having
A fire in a pile of linen is considered to be four plane faces. These faces are represented by fuel, heat, oxygen and a chemical chain reaction. Removing any one face from the tetrahedron will
a class Inert gas systems
result in extinguishing the fire.
A fire Purging and gas freeing

B fire DetectionFixed hydrocarbon gas detection sy

of fire
The firstFire
step towards Tankers
in Chemical precaution and halting a fire is to properly identify the incident, raise the alarm, and then notify the emergency. This is the function
C fire
of the automatic fire detection and alarm system and the ships crew who finds the fire spot. Several automatic fire detection systems and options are
Fire fighting on chemical tankers
D fire available, depending on the specific characteristics of the protected space.
Fire in Gas carrier

5. Fire hazards and prevention (1)

Fire fighting on gas carriers
The lowest temperature at which the vapor formed from a liquid ignites in the presence of an ignition source and continues to burn steadily is called the ________ .
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Protection of Cargo Pump-Rooms
flash point
Firefighting in Machinery space
fire point
upper explosive limit
Common causes of fire and preven
lower explosive limit Machinery Spaces fire fighting arra
Fire Extinguishers and Foam app
6. (1)
Fire Detection
A fire in electrical equipment should be extinguished
Fireby using
Line and __________.
Isolating / Relief V
Fixed Water Spray and Steam Sy
salt water
Fire Dampers, remote stop and
Automatic fire monitoring syste
low-velocity fog Immediate Steps in Case of Fire
CO2 Handling Fire in machinery spac
Multi cylinder Carbon dioxide fl
7. Bulk Carbon dioxide Installation (1)

Fires are grouped into what categories? Re-entry

Firefighting in Accommodation
Class A, B, C, and D Use of Fire Extinguishers
Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 Automatic sprinkler systems
Combustible solids, liquids, and gases Fire Doors
Flammable solids, liquids, and gases Bulkhead classification
Cargo ship
8. Passenger ship (1)

A fire involving aluminum powder would be a class Course of Action

Handling Fire in Accommodation
"A" fire
Fire Detection Equipment
"B" fire
Fire and smoke detection systems
"C" fire
Heat Detectors
"D" fire
Smoke Detectors
Flame Detectors
9. (1)
Cargo Hold Smoke Extraction System
The extinguishing agent most likely to allow reignition of a fire is _________.
Automatic Fire Alarm
carbon dioxide Fixed Fire-extinguishing Equipment
foam Smothering effect system

water fog Fixed CO₂ system

water stream CO₂ Piping

Alarms and Controls

10. Quantity of Fire-extinguishing m (1)

Maintenance of CO₂ system
A fire in a fuel oil settling tank is a __________ .
Fixed foam system
Class A fire
Requirements of Fixed Deck Foa
Class B fire
Storage Rooms of Fire-extinguis
Class C fire
Typical Fixed Foam (liquid induc
Class D fire
Inhibitor effect systems
Cooling effect systems
Emergency fire pump
Chemical powder applicants
Fire main, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles 1/1
27/09/2020 LMS



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Fire Control Prev Ships
Next > QUIZ 6/10 (27/09/2020) Progress : 0% HIGHLIGHT REMOVE HIGHLIGHT CALCULATOR CONVERTER Result : 6/10 (27/09/2020)
Areas ofon
Fire Control fireboard
3. (1)
Ship Fire Fighting Organisations

Classs2 water tight door are __________. FirePreparation

Controlofon boardplans
contingency Ships
Composition of fire parties
Construction Arrangements
and tactics for control of fires

Hinged type Procedures

In order tofor Fire Fighting
achieve the fire safety objectives set out, the following functional requirements are embodied in the SOLAS regulations:
Ship at sea
Division of the ship into main vertical and horizontal zones by thermal and structural boundaries;
Ship in port
Manually operated Sliding door Separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries;
Ship having cargo
Restricted of combustible
use of dangerous goods
Fire Fighting Methods
Detection of any fire in the zone of origin;
Automatically operated sliding door.
Knowledge ofand fire extinction of any fire in the space of origin;
safety arrangements
Protection of means of escape and access for fire-fighting;
Firefighting on Deck
Ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances; and (1)
4. Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
Minimisation of possibility of ignition of flammable cargo vapour
Which type of plan is used to outline the vessel'sFire
Bulk carriers
arrangement within the fire control plan?
Fire growth potential
Rules and Regulations
To limit Fire
thein Oilgrowth
fire Tankers potential in every space of the ship, the following functional requirements shall be met:
Inboard profile
Fire hazards and prevention
Subdivision and stability 1. Means of control for the air supply to the space shall be provided;
2. Means Fireoffighting
controlon foroilflammable
tankers liquids in the space shall be provided; and
General arrangement
3. The useStaticofelectricity
combustible materials shall be restricted.
Inert gas systems
5. (1)
Fire protection and gas freeing
A fixed carbon dioxide extinguishing system for a machinery space, designed
Fixed hydrocarbon with a stop
gas detection sy valve installed in the line leading to the protected space, is actuated with
Use of Fire
non-combustible materials
in Chemical Tankers
one control

two independent controls Fire fighting on chemical tankers

Insulating materials
Insulating in Gas carrier
shall be non-combustible, except in cargo spaces, mail rooms, baggage rooms and refrigerated compartments of service spaces.
three independent controls
Fire hazards and prevention
four independent controls Ceilings and linings
Fire fighting on gas carriers
In passenger ships, except in cargo spaces, all linings, grounds, draught stops and ceilings shall be of non-combustible material except in mail rooms,
Protection of CargoorPump-Rooms (1)
6. baggage rooms, saunas refrigerated compartments of service spaces.
In cargoFirefighting
ships, all in Machinery
linings, spacedraught stops and their associated grounds shall be of non-combustible materials.

Fire prevention program is made by__________ Regulations

Partial bulkheads and decks on passenger ships
Common causes of fire and preven
Partial bulkheads or decks used to subdivide a space for utility or artistic treatment shall be of non-combustible materials.
Linings, ceilings and Spaces
partial fire fighting or
bulkheads arradecks used to screen or to separate adjacent cabin balconies shall be of non-combustible materials.
Company Fire Extinguishers and Foam app
Use of combustible materials
Fire Detection
In passenger ships, “A”, "B" or "C" class divisions in accommodation and services spaces and cabin balconies which are faced with combustible materials,
Flag state Fire Line and Isolating / Relief V
facings, mouldings, decorations and veneers shall comply with the provisions of SOLAS.
Fixed Water Spray and Steam Sy
In cargo ships,
Dampers, remote bulkheads,
stop and ceilings and linings fitted in accommodation and service spaces may be faced with combustible materials,
Safety committee facings, mouldings, decorations and veneers provided such spaces are bounded by non-combustible bulkheads, ceilings and linings.
Automatic fire monitoring syste

ArrangementImmediate Steps in Case of Fire

and principle
Handling Fire in machinery spac
All ships must, as a minimum, meet the requirements of the Safety of life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) according to their age, type and size.
Multi cylinder Carbon dioxide fl

7. Bulk Carbon
The principle takes dioxide Installation
into account the potential hazards associated with the functions of the various types of the ship. Not only must the nature of the fire (1)
fighting installation
Re-entryand extinguishing media be appropriate to the hazards associated with the cargo, i.e., gas, chemical and oil tankers, but the
Actuating the fixed CO2 system should cause the automatic
accommodation must shutdown of the _________.
be specially arranged to protect the crew against possible fires.
Firefighting in Accommodation
fuel supply only
Equally, the difference
Use between the protection of passenger ship and cargo ship accommodation and public spaces are reflected in the fire detection and
of Fire Extinguishers
exhaust ventilation only structural fire protection and alarms requirements.
Automatic sprinkler systems
supply and exhaust ventilation Fire Doors
Classification of Fire bulkheads inside Accommodation
mechanical and natural ventilation Bulkhead classification
The bulkheads are classified as A B & C class. The classification is based on fire resistance. There are four types of 'A' Class bulkheads, each type being
Cargo ship
alpha-numerically designated to indicate its fire integrity and insulation value, i.e., A-60, A-30, A-15 and A-0. The minimum requirement for
8. accommodation bulkheads,
Passenger ship decks and ceiling are stipulated in SOLAS. The class and owners will add more to that based on the watertight or load bearing (1)
Control valves for a CO2 fire extinguishing system may of Action
be located within the protected space when __________
Handling Fire in Accommodation
it is impractical to locate them outside
Containment of fire
Fire Detection Equipment
there is also a control valve outside
To contain
Fire aand
in thedetection
space ofsystems
origin, the following functional requirements shall be met:
the CO2 cylinders are also in the space
1. The Detectors
ship shall be subdivided by thermal and structural boundaries;
an automatic heat sensing trip is installed
Smoke Detectors
2. Thermal insulation of boundaries shall have due regard to the fire risk of the space and adjacent spaces; and
3. The fireDetectors
Flame integrity of the divisions shall be maintained at openings and penetrations.
9. (1)
Thermal andHold Smoke Extraction
structural boundariesSystem
Automatic Fire Alarm
What is the major fire hazard found in accommodation________.
Thermal and structural subdivision
Fixed Fire-extinguishing Equipment
Ships of all types shall be subdivided into spaces by thermal and structural divisions having regard to the fire risks of the space.
Smothering effect system
Passenger CO₂ system
Electrical appliances
CO₂ Piping
Main vertical zones and horizontal zones
Alarms and Controls
Oily rag In ships carrying more than 36 passengers, the hull, superstructure and deckhouses shall be subdivided into main vertical zones by "A-60" class
divisions. Quantity of Fire-extinguishing m
Maintenance of CO₂ system
Paint drum In ships carrying not system
more than 36 passengers, the hull, superstructure and deckhouses in way of accommodation and service spaces shall be subdivided
Fixed foam
into main vertical zones by "A" class divisions.
Requirements of Fixed Deck Foa
Electric motor Storagea Rooms of Fire-extinguis
Bulkheads within main vertical zone
For ships carrying Fixedthan
more Foam36(liquid induc bulkheads which are not required to be "A" class divisions shall be at least "B" class or "C" class divisions as
Inhibitor effect systems (1)
Cooling effect systems
Class A division
Class1 water tight door are ________ Emergency
"A" class divisionsfire
those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with the following criteria:
i) They are constructed
Chemical of steel or other equivalent material;
powder applicants
ii) They are suitably stiffened;
Fire main, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles
iii) They are insulated with approved non-combustible materials such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than
Hinged type 140°C Fire hoses
above theand nozzlestemperature, nor will the temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 180°C above the original
Portable and
temperature, mobile
within thefire-extinguishing equ
time listed below:
class "A-60" 60 min
Manually operated Sliding door Mobile apparatus
class "A-30" 30 min
Portable fire extinguishers
class "A-15" 15 min
Fireman's outfit class "A-0" 0 min
Automatically operated sliding door.
iv) They
Fi are
bl constructed
k t as to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of the one-hour standard fire test; and
v) The Administration has required a test of a prototype bulkhead or deck in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code to ensure that it meets the 1/1



Close Result : 8/10 (26/09/2020)

1 of 1 9/26/2020, 2:25 PM



Close Result : 8/10 (26/09/2020)

1 of 1 9/26/2020, 6:17 PM



Close Result : 6/10 (27/09/2020)

1 of 1 9/27/2020, 7:41 PM
27/09/2020 LMS



Close Introduction, Safety and Principles Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 6/10 (27/09/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 6/10 (27/09/2020)
Theory of Fire
Theory of Fire (1)
Conditions for fires
A class "D" fire would involve the burning of ________. Theory of Fire
Properties of flammable materials
diesel oil
Fire hazard
Spread of Fire
Flashover and Backdraft
electrical insulation Bleve
Classification of fires and appropriate extingu
2. (1)
Fire Prevention
Fires are grouped into what categories? Ship Construction arrangements

Fire Prevention Principles

Class A, B, C, and D
Safe Practices
Type 1, 2, 3, and 4
Fire Detection System and Alarms
Combustible solids, liquids, and gases
Fire and smoke detection systems
Flammable solids, liquids, and gasesHeat Detectors

Smoke Detectors
3. (1)
Flame Detectors
Which portable fire extinguisher should be used on a Hold
Cargo class C fire onExtraction
Smoke board a vessel?
Carbon dioxide Automatic Fire Alarm

Water (stored pressure) Fixed Fire-extinguishing Systems

Foam General
Smothering effect system Chemistry of Fire
Carbon tetrachloride A fire can occur with the presence of oxygen, a source of ignition and suitable material that acts as fuel. Thes
Fixed CO₂ system
three sides of a triangle, known as the fire triangle. Further research on the concept of fire led to the fourth
Fixed foam system (1)
4. Hence, the fire triangle was changed to the fire tetrahedron to bring in the fourth element. A fire tetrahedron
Inhibitor effect systems four plane faces. These faces are represented by fuel, heat, oxygen and a chemical chain reaction. Remov
Which types of portable fire extinguishers are designed for use on electrical fires? result in extinguishing the fire.
Cooling effect systems
Dry chemical and carbon dioxide
Emergency fire pump
Detection of fire
Foam (stored pressure) and soda-acid
Chemical powder applicants The first step towards precaution and halting a fire is to properly identify the incident, raise the alarm, and th
Carbon dioxide and foam (stored pressure)
Fire Fighting Equipment of the automatic fire detection and alarm system and the ships crew who finds the fire spot. Several autom
Dry chemical and soda-acid available, depending on the specific characteristics of the protected space.
Fire hoses and nozzles
Mobile apparatus Notes
5. (1)
Portable fire extinguishers Save Notes Font Name Font Size
If there has been a fire in a closed unventilatedFireman's outfitit may be unsafe to enter because of _________ .

unburned carbon particles Breathing apparatus

excess nitrogen Emergency Escape Breathing Device

Resuscitation apparatus
a lack of oxygen
Fire blankets
excess hydrogen
Ship Fire-fighting Organisation
General Emergency alarm (1)
Fire control plan and muster list
A galley grease fire would be classified as which class of fire?
Symbols on a fire control plan
Personnel safety procedures
Means of Escape
Periodic shipboard drills
Patrol systems
Fire Fighting Methods
7. (1)
Knowledge of fire safety arrangements
The three basic elements necessary for any fire are
Fire alarms and first actions
heat, gas, and flames Firefighting on Deck
fuel, heat, and oxygen Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
heat, nitrogen, and fuel Fire in Bulk carriers

fuel oil, nitrogen, and oxygen Fire in Oil Tankers

Fire hazards and prevention

8. Fire fighting on oil tankers (1)

Static electricity
Which of the listed materials would be considered as a burning class "C" fire?
Inert gas systems
Fuel oil
Purging and gas freeing
Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
Fire in Chemical Tankers
Electrical insulation
Fire fighting on chemical tankers
Fire in Gas carrier (1)
Fire hazards and prevention
"Dry Powder" fire extinguishers, which contain a mixture of graphite and sodium chloride as the extinguishing agent, are generally used to fight which type of fire?
Fire fighting on gas carriers
Class B
Firefighting in Machinery Spaces
Class C
Firefighting in Accommodation
Class D Use of Fire Extinguishers
Automatic sprinkler systems
10. (1)
Fire Doors
Which of the listed extinguishing agents is Fire
suitable procedures
for fighting a liquid paint fire?

Dry chemical Extinguishing Small fires

Foam Extinguishing Extensive fires

Water Fighting Fire in Smoke-filled spaces

Casualty management
Carbon dioxide
Transporting a casualty
Case studies
SOLAS Amendments Year 2020 1/1
27/09/2020 LMS



Close Introduction, Safety and Principles Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 8/10 (27/09/2020) Progress : 100% HIGHLIGH Result : 8/10 (27/09/2020)
Fire Prevention
Theory of Fire (1)
Conditions for fires
Which extinguishing agent is the best for use on electrical fires? Fire Prevention
Properties of flammable materials
Fire hazard To prevent the ignition of combustible materials or flammable liquids, the following functional requirements s
Spread of Fire
1. Means shall be provided to control leaks of flammable liquids;
Dry chemical
Flashover and Backdraft 2. Means shall be provided to limit the accumulation of flammable vapours;
Water fog Bleve 3. The ignitability of combustible materials shall be restricted;
Classification of fires and appropriate extingu 4. Ignition sources shall be restricted;
2. 5. Ignition sources shall be separated from combustible materials and flammable liquids; and (1)
Fire Prevention
6. The atmosphere in cargo tanks shall be maintained out of the explosive range.
An important step in fighting any electrical fire
Ship is to
Construction arrangements
Fire Prevention Principles
stop ventilation Items of ignition sources and ignitability
Safe Practices
stop the vessel
Fire Detection System and Alarms Smoking
de-energize the circuit Smoking in accommodation spaces
Fire and smoke detection systems
apply water to extinguish the fire Heat Detectors
The causes of accommodation fire on board ship due to smoking are
Smoke Detectors
3. Smoking in non designated areas and it is specified as non smoking areas in company’s regulation or by (1)
Flame Detectors
Smoking in bed and moving around in the accommodation alleyways
Water fog is an effective fire extinguishing agent because
Cargo HolditSmoke Extraction System
Violating regulation as in some ports the local authorities prohibit smoking anywhere on board particula
has a great cooling ability Automatic Fire Alarm Violating the usage of cigarette lighters that are banned on some vessels due to their ability to operate
will completely remove toxic fumes from theFire-extinguishing
air Systems Careless disposal of lighted matches and cigarettes.

General Using ashtrays of non self extinguishing design.

will completely remove combustible vapors from the air
Smothering effect system The following media explains the Cause of Fire by Smoking:
does not leave a harmful residue on electrical machinery
Fixed CO₂ system
Fixed foam system (1)
Inhibitor effect systems
To prevent the spread of fire by convection you should_________.
Cooling effect systems

cool the bulkhead around the fire Emergency fire pump

Chemical powder applicants
remove combustibles from direct exposure
Fire Fighting Equipment
close all openings to the area
Fire hoses and nozzles
shut off all electrical power
Mobile apparatus
Portable fire extinguishers (1)
Fireman's outfit
Which advantage does dry chemical have over carbon dioxide (CO2) in firefighting?
Breathing apparatus
Compatible with all foam agents
Emergency Escape Breathing Device
Cleaner Resuscitation apparatus
More protective against re-flash Fire blankets
Ship Fire-fighting Organisation
6. (1)
General Emergency alarm
The rekindling of a fire can occur when aFire
plan andby smothering,
muster list is resupplied with oxygen. Which of the fire extinguishing agents listed, when properly used on an oil fire, will prevent rekindling?

Low velocity fog Symbols on a fire control plan

High velocity fog Communications

Personnel safety procedures
Mechanical foam 0:00 / 0:21
Means of Escape
Dry chemical
Periodic shipboard drills
Patrol systems (1)
7. Video 7
Fire Fighting Methods
A definite advantage of using water as a fire extinguishing agent is its characteristic of
Knowledge of fire safety arrangements

alternate expansion and contractionFire alarms in

as water and
a first actions
liquid Electrical fire causes
state becomes a vapor
Firefighting on Deck
absorption of smoke and gases as water is converted from a liquid to a vapor The important cause of electrical fire is due to the following reasons
Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
rapid contraction as water is converted from a liquid to a vapor
Personnel Equipment
Fire in Bulk carriers
rapid expansion as water absorbs heat and changes to steam
Fire in Oil Tankers Personnel equipment like electric shavers, radios and lap tops of un approved design(Cheap products)
Fire hazards and prevention Not disconnecting electrical appliances when not in use.
8. (1)
Use two or more electrical equipment on single socket
Fire fighting on oil tankers
Immediately after a class "B" fire has been extinguished by the use of foam, crewmen should _________Not
. switching off the cabin and common place lights when it is not required.
Static electricity
carefully apply a low velocity fog over the foam blanket Ship’s Electrical equipment
Inert gas systems
wade through the foam blanket to evenly distribute
gas freeing Damaged electrical conductors, plug wires or extension cords;
be careful not to disturb the foam blanket Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
Use of faulty, modified or unapproved electrical equipment;
Fire infirefighting
sweep the foam blanket overboard and secure Chemical Tankers
Insufficient space or clearance between electrical heating equipment and combustibles;
Fire fighting on chemical tankers short or overloaded circuits;
9. Fire in Gas carrier Loose electrical connections; and lighting

Foam extinguishes a fire by _________ . Fire hazards and prevention

The following media explains Electrical Fire Causes:
destroying the burning materials Fire fighting on gas carriers
Firefighting in Machinery Spaces
chemical reaction with the burning material
Firefighting in Accommodation
absorbing the burning material
Use of Fire Extinguishers
smothering the burning material
Automatic sprinkler systems
Fire Doors
10. (1)
Fire fighting procedures
Any extinguishing agent used on a Class "C" fire must have which important property?
Extinguishing Small fires
Extinguishing Extensive fires
Cooling ability
Fighting Fire in Smoke-filled spaces
Leaves no residue
Casualty management
Penetrating power
Transporting a casualty
Case studies
SOLAS Amendments Year 2020 1/1
27/09/2020 LMS



Close Introduction, Safety and Principles Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 7/10 (27/09/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 7/10 (27/09/2020)
Fire Detection System and Alarms
Theory of Fire (1)
Conditions for fires
To prevent the spread of fire by convection you should Fire Detection System and Alarms
Properties of flammable materials
remove combustibles from direct exposure
Fire hazard Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems
cool the bulkhead around the fire
Spread of Fire
close all openings to the area Flashover and Backdraft
shut off electrical power Bleve
Classification of fires and appropriate extingu
2. (1)
Fire Prevention
To prevent the spread of fire by conduction, you should
Ship Construction arrangements
cool the bulkheads around the fire Fire Prevention Principles
Safe Practices
remove combustibles from direct exposure

close all openings to the area Fire Detection System and Alarms
Fire and smoke detection systems
shut off all electric power
Heat Detectors Fire control panel
Smoke Detectors (1)
3. Any required fixed fire detection and fire alarm system with manually operated call points shall be capable o
Flame Detectors
Radiation can cause a fire to spread by __________ . not require a backup control panel). Notwithstanding this, particular spaces may be disconnected, for exa
Cargo Hold Smoke Extraction System
transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship's metal spaces during on and off-loading. The means for disconnecting the detectors shall be designed to automatica
Automatic Fire Alarm after a predetermined time that is appropriate for the operation in question. The space shall be manned o
burning liquids flowing into another space
Fixed Fire-extinguishing Systems required by regulation are disconnected. Detectors in all other spaces shall remain operational.
heated gases flowing through ventilation systems
The fire detection system shall be designed to:
the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space
Smothering effect system
Fixed CO₂ system Control and monitor input signals from all connected fire and smoke detectors and manual call points;
4. Provide output signals to the navigation bridge, continuously manned central control station or onboar (1)
Fixed foam system
fault conditions;
If you hear a continuous blast of the whistle forInhibitor
a periodeffect
of notsystems
less than 10 seconds; supplemented by a continuous ringing of the general alarm bells for the same time period, you should _________ .
Monitor power supplies and circuits necessary for the operation of the system for loss of power and fau
go to your lifeboat station Cooling effect systems The system may be arranged with output signals to other fire safety systems including:
go to your fire station Emergency fire pump
1. Paging systems, fire alarm or public address systems;
Chemical powder applicants
standby for collision 2. Fan stops;
Fire Fighting Equipment 3. Fire doors;
proceed to your man overboard muster station
Fire hoses and nozzles 4. Fire dampers;
5. Sprinkler systems;
Mobile apparatus (1)
5. 6. Smoke extraction systems;
Portable fire extinguishers 7. Low-location lighting systems;
The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be_______ _________ .
Fireman's outfit 8. Fixed local application fire-extinguishing systems;
in the midships house
Breathing apparatus 9. Closed circuit television (CCTV) systems; and
at the main deck manifold 10. Other fire safety systems.
Emergency Escape Breathing Device
at the vent header Resuscitation apparatus System control requirements
in the pump room Fire blankets
Ship Fire-fighting Organisation Visual and audible fire signals

6. The activation of any detector or manually operated call point shall initiate a visual and audible fire dete (1)
General Emergency alarm
indicating units. If the signals have not been acknowledged within 2 min, an audible fire alarm shall be
You should be most concerned about a possible control or
explosion plan
fireand muster
in fuel list
tanks_________. accommodation and service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces of category A. This alarm sounde
during fueling when the fuel first strikes the on a fire control plan
tank bottom detection system.
during fueling when the fuel strikes fuel already in the tank
In passenger ships, the control panel shall be located in the onboard safety centre. In cargo ships, the con
Personnel safety procedures
when underway as the fuel is moved by wave action bridge or in the fire control station.
Means of Escape
shortly after fueling when fuel vapors gather
Periodic shipboard drills In passenger ships, an indicating unit that is capable of individually identifying each detector that has been a

Patrol systems has operated shall be located on the navigation bridge. In cargo ships, an indicating unit shall be located on
7. located in the fire control station. In ships constructed on or after 1 July 2014, with a cargo control room, an
Fire Fighting Methods
the cargo control room. In cargo ships and on passenger cabin balconies, indicating units shall, as a minimum
The spreading of fire as a result of heat being carried through a vessel's ventilation system, is an example of heat transfer by ___________ .
Knowledge of fire safety arrangements activated or manually operated call point has operated.
Fire alarms and first actions
convection Detection and alarm
Firefighting on Deck
To detect a fire in the space of origin and to provide for alarm for safe escape and fire-fighting activity, th
radiation Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
windage Fire in Bulk carriers
1. Fixed fire detection and fire alarm system installations shall be suitable for the nature of the space, fire
Fire in Oil Tankers
smoke and gases;
8. Fire hazards and prevention (1)
2. Manually operated call points shall be placed effectively to ensure a readily accessible means of notifica
Fire fighting on oil tankers
You are on watch at night in port and discover a fire in #1 hatch. Which action should you take FIRST? 3. Fire patrols shall provide an effective means of detecting and locating fires and alerting the navigation b
Static electricity
Advise the Chief Mate and Master. General requirements
Inert gas systems
Release carbon dioxide into the hatch.
Purging and gas freeing 1. A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this r
Sound the general alarm. 2. A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system for passenger ships shall be capable of remotely and individ
Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
Lead a fire hose to the hatch. operated call point.
Fire in Chemical Tankers
Fire fighting on chemical tankers Protection of machinery spaces
9. (1)
Fire in Gas carrier
You have carbon tetrachloride as part of the cargo. If a fire breaks out in the general area, what is the major danger from the carbon tetrachloride?
Fire hazards and prevention A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system shall be installed in:
It will explode if exposed to a flame. Fire fighting on gas carriers
1. Periodically unattended machinery spaces;
Phosgene gas may be formed if it comes Firefighting
in contact with hot metal. Spaces
in Machinery
2. Machinery spaces where:
It will burn rapidly once ignited. Firefighting in Accommodation 3. Enclosed spaces containing incinerators.
You cannot use water to fight the fire because of Fire
it will reactExtinguishers
with the carbon tetrachloride.
Protection of accommodation and service spaces and control stations
Automatic sprinkler systems

10. Fire Doors Smoke detectors in accommodation spaces (1)

Fire fighting procedures Smoke detectors shall be installed in all stairways, corridors and escape routes within accommodation spaces
You notice smoke coming from an open laundry room doorway. After activating the fire alarm, which of the following would you do FIRST?

Attempt to determine what is burning. Extinguishing Small fires

Requirements for passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers
Extinguishing Extensive fires Spaces having little or no fire risk such as voids, public toilets, carbon dioxide rooms and similar spaces need
Acquire the nearest self contained breathing apparatus.
Fighting Fire in Smoke-filled spaces alarm system. Detectors fitted in cabins, when activated, shall also be capable of emitting, or cause to be
Break out the nearest fire hose.
Casualty management where they are located.
Wait for the fire team to arrive and assist as directed.
Transporting a casualty
Requirements for passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers
Case studies There shall be installed throughout each separate zone, whether vertical or horizontal, in all accommod
SOLAS Amendments Year 2020 considered necessary by the Administration, in control stations, except spaces which afford no substantial fi
etc., either:

1. A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system so installed and arranged as to detect the presence o
detection in corridors, stairways and escape routes within accommodation spaces. Detectors fitted in c
of emitting, or cause to be emitted, an audible alarm within the space where they are located; or 1/1
29/09/2020 LMS



Close Ship Fire

Show TOCFighting Organisations
< Prev Next > QUIZ 8/10 (29/09/2020) HIGHLIGHT REMOVE HIGHLIGHT CALCULATOR CONVERTER Result : 8/10 (29/09/2020)
Ship Preparation
Fire FightingofOrganisations
contingency plans

1. Composition of fire parties (1)

Strategies and tactics for control of fires
On the vessel's Fire Control Plan, all parts of theFire-fighting
fire main are listedOrganisations
Procedures for Fire Fighting
Fire pump(s) location
The Ship
centralat sea
control station will be on the bridge.
Fire pump capacity The Ship
master will be in charge
in port
Each Team Leader will report to the bridge and receive instructions.
Diameter of fire main Ship having cargo of dangerous goods
The information which central control station requires, includes:
Fire station locations Fire Fighting Methods
The time at which the fire alarm was given
Knowledge of fire safety arrangements
The position and nature of the fire
2. Firefighting on Deck (1)
Confirmation that the fire main is pressurized
Fire fire
On the vessel's Fire Control Plan, all parts of a fixed in on
initial attempts
suppression Ships
system to
areextinguish fire using portable extinguishers
listed EXCEPT?
Fire in on
Bulkeffect of fire on services, e.g. lighting
Spaces protected by the system
Report on persons present or trapped in compartments or unaccounted for.
Rules and Regulations
Extinguishing agent cylinder location
Fire inwhich should be available on the bridge, includes:
Oil Tankers
Remote cylinder release(s)
Fire hazards
Arrangement and prevention
drawings, in a convenient size, of ship, engine-room and accommodation
Instructions for activation of system
Details fighting
accesseson oil
and tankers
escapes from the different zones of the ship
Details of fire-extinguishing
Static electricity equipment, both fixed and portable, for the entire ship, including storage position of refills
3. Stability information (1)
Inert gas systems
Details of survival equipment and where it is stored
At the required fire drill conducted aboard a MODU,Purging all persons
and must report to their stations and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them __________ .
gas freeing
Stowage plans
by the tool pusher Fixed hydrocarbon
Information on dangerousgas detection
goods sy

in the Muster List ("Station Bill") Fire in Chemical Tankers

Composition of Emergency Teams
Fire fighting on chemical tankers
by the person conducting the drill
Fire in organisation
Gas carrier
at the previous safety meeting Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.
Fire hazards and prevention
1. Command team on gas carriers
Fire fighting (1)
4. 2. Emergency team
Protection of Cargo Pump-Rooms
The locker or space containing the self-contained breathing
3. Support and apparatus
First Aid must be _________.
Firefighting in Machinery space
4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
located in close proximity to the bridge
5. CrewRegulations
for Rescue Boat
equipped with battery powered emergency lightingCommon causes of fire and preven
The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operations. Hence frequent feedback, short and crisp,
marked "SELF- CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS" Machinery Spaces fire fighting arra
is necessary from each team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records of all actions and their timings, etc. will be
carried at thisFire Extinguishers and Foam app
5. Fire Detection
The Emergency team would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in the Engine Room, the Second Engineer will
In order to find out which lifeboat you are assigned, you Line and
should lookIsolating / Relief .V
at the _________
be the leader of the primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is elsewhere, the Chief Officer will be the leader
Fixed Water Spray and Steam Sy
fire control plan of the primary team and the Second Engineer would lead the back-up team.
Fire Dampers, remote stop and
certificate of inspection
The Support Automatic
and Firstfire
team will look
monitoring after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patients for evacuation. Prepare lifeboats in case of
muster list or station bill necessity to abandon ship at short notice. Shut any water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in field operations, essential snacks where the
Immediate Steps in Case of Fire
ship's articles operations are sustained for a long period. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command team.
Handling Fire in machinery spac
Multi cylinder
Roving Team/Engine Carbon
Room dioxide
Team willfl be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R systems and controls. Isolate electricity from
6. (1)
on Carbon
fire, shut off ventilation
dioxide Installationsystems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command team.
As part of the emergency outfit required to be carried onboard
Re-entry all tank vessels over 1000 gross tons, flashlights must be _________.
Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on specific instruction of the Command Team,
of a minimum number of two explosion Firefighting
the in Accommodation
type rescue
boat, the man and get hoisted back on board.
listed by NEMA and bearing its label Use of Fire Extinguishers
Some employers
Automaticlist out various
sprinkler systems emergencies that could occur:
of the Type II or Type III
Explosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Personal injury, Main Engine failure, Steering
Fire Doors
failure, Piracy, Search & Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list out duties to be performed by each of the five
such classification (1)
7. teams in each emergency.
Cargo ship
Which of the following statements is true concerning fire hose stations used in the engine room of a tank or cargo vessel?
Passenger ship
It must be marked in red letters two inches high
Notes Course of Action
National Standard fire hose coupling threads shall be used
Handling Firehaving 9 threads per inch for 2 1/2 inch hose and 7 1/2 threads per inch for 1 1/2 inch hose.
in Accommodation
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
In heavy weather, the hose may be removed temporarily
Fire Detection from the hydrant.
Fire and smoke detection systems
8. (1)
Heat Detectors
On every vessel, distress signals must be stowedSmoke Detectors

on or near the navigating bridge Flame Detectors

Cargo Hold Smoke Extraction System
on the flying bridge not closer than 15 feet to any bulkhead
Automatic Fire Alarm
above the freeboard deck away from heat
Fixed Fire-extinguishing Equipment
in an enclosed space below the freeboard deck away from heat
Smothering effect system
Fixed CO₂ system
9. (1)
CO₂ Piping
Fire and lifeboat stations are required to be listed on the
Alarms and Controls
ship's articles Quantity of Fire-extinguishing m
manning list Maintenance of CO₂ system

official log book Fixed foam system

Requirements of Fixed Deck Foa
Muster List ("Station Bill")
Storage Rooms of Fire-extinguis
Typical Fixed Foam (liquid induc (1)
Inhibitor effect systems
What emergency equipment is NOT found in the Crew Mess in this view of the vessel's fire control plan?
Cooling effect systems
Primary Means of Escape
Emergency fire pump
Fire Alarm Chemical powder applicants
Heat Sensor Fire main, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles
Smoke Detector Fire hoses and nozzles
Portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equ
Mobile apparatus
Portable fire extinguishers
Fireman's outfit
Fire blanket
Breathing apparatus
Emergency Escape Breathing Devic 1/1
29/09/2020 LMS



Close Show TOC for<Fire

Procedures PrevFighting
Next > QUIZ 6/10 (29/09/2020) HIGHLIGHT REMOVE HIGHLIGHT CALCULATOR CONVERTER Result : 6/10 (29/09/2020)
Ship at for
Procedures seaFire Fighting

1. Ship in port (1)

Ship having cargo of dangerous goods
When attempting to enter a compartmentProcedures for Fire
containing a fire, which method Fighting
of applying water is best?
Fire Fighting Methods
High-velocity fog stream directed toward the overhead
This subject takes of
Knowledge thefirestudent through fire fighting procedures at sea, in port and defines the various fire fighting methods on different types of ships and
safety arrangements
Straight stream directed into the center of the fire
in different locations on the ship.
Firefighting on Deck
Sweeping the compartment with a fog stream
Notes Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
Solid stream directed toward the overhead Fire in Bulk carriers
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Rules and Regulations
2. (1)
Fire in Oil Tankers
When fighting a fire in an enclosed space, the hose team
Fireshould crouch
hazards as low as possible to
and prevention
maneuver with the hose more easily Fire fighting on oil tankers
obtain the best available air for breathing Static electricity

allow the heat and steam to pass overhead Inert gas systems
Purging and gas freeing

3. Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection sy (1)

Fire in Chemical
The low velocity fog applicator used in conjunction with theTankers
all-purpose firefighting nozzle, should always be
Fire fighting on chemical tankers
Fire in Gas carrier
stored in the rack when not in actual use

attached to the nozzle by the chain Fire hazards and prevention

Fire fighting on gas carriers
coated with heavy grease to prevent corrosion

left in place in the all- purpose nozzle Protection of Cargo Pump-Rooms

Firefighting in Machinery space

4. Regulations (1)
Common causes of fire and preven
The threway valve fitted in sampling line connects_________.
Machinery Spaces fire fighting arra
Fire Extinguishers and Foam app
Fire Detection
Alarm unit, co2 cylinder and cargo hold Fire Line and Isolating / Relief V
Fixed Water Spray and Steam Sy
Alarm unit, bridge and cargo hold Fire Dampers, remote stop and
Automatic fire monitoring syste

Bridge, cargo hold and Co2 room Immediate Steps in Case of Fire
Handling Fire in machinery spac
Multi cylinder Carbon dioxide fl
5. (1)
Bulk Carbon dioxide Installation
What is the minimum number of people required to safelyRe-entry
handle a 2-1/2 inch fire hose?

1 Firefighting in Accommodation
2 Use of Fire Extinguishers

3 Automatic sprinkler systems

Fire Doors
Bulkhead classification
Cargo ship (1)
Passenger ship
Class 1 water tight door is ________ Course of Action
Handling Fire in Accommodation
Fire Detection Equipment
Hinged type Fire and smoke detection systems
Heat Detectors

Manually operated Sliding door Smoke Detectors

Flame Detectors
Cargo Hold Smoke Extraction System
Automatically operated sliding door.
Automatic Fire Alarm
Fixed Fire-extinguishing Equipment
7. (1)
Smothering effect system
Fixed CO₂ system
LNG are transported in ____.
CO₂ Piping
Alarms and Controls
Quantity of Fire-extinguishing m
Pressurized form
Maintenance of CO₂ system
Fixed foam system
Refrigerated form
Requirements of Fixed Deck Foa
Storage Rooms of Fire-extinguis
Under pressure or refrigerated form Typical Fixed Foam (liquid induc
Inhibitor effect systems
Cooling effect systems
Emergency fire pump
Chemical powder applicants
8. (1)
Fire main, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles
Fire hoses
If flammable vapors have penetrated a gas free space, and
which ofnozzles
the following actions would be the most hazardous thing  to carry out?
Portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equ
Mobile apparatus
Opening switches in the space to de-energize fire extinguishers
Fireman's outfit
Closing switches in the space to operate vent blanket
Breathing apparatus
Emergency Escape Breathing Devic
Leaving electrical circuits energized in the space.
Resuscitation apparatus
Fire control plans
Securing all power to the space from a remote location.
Symbols on a fire control plan
I ti dS i i f Fi A li
9 (1) 1/1
01/10/2020 LMS


scape Breathing Device
rvival equipment;
Next >
apparatus QUIZ 9/10 (01/10/2020) ResultREMOVE
HIGHLIGHT : 9/10 (01/10/2020)
etection equipment for the location of survivors or survival craft;
What is the minimum period of time that the air supply for a self-contained breathing apparatus is required to
nce of illustrations, the use of radio lifesaving appliances;
control plan
15 minutes
urvival craft engine and accessories;
g of Fire Appliances an
survival 30craft
and rescue boats, including stowage and securing;
spection guidelines
exposure and the need for warm clothing;
45 minutes
portable Fire Extinguish
the survival craft for survival;
guishing 60
retrieval, minutes
including the use of helicopter rescue gear such as slings, baskets, and stretchers; the use of bre
nce and theFFA
Checklist- use of the vessel's line-throwing apparatus;
ns7. contained in the muster list and emergency instructions; and (1)
for emergency repair of the lifesaving appliances
which type of divisions formed by bulkheads and decks, the temperature should not increase to 180
degrees within 60 minutes?
and Inspection
ergency procedures
g and Inspection
ith emergency duties assigned on the muster list must be familiar with their assigned duties before the voyag
nd Inspection
when the passengers or special personnel are scheduled to be on board for more than 24 hours, musters o
take place within 24 hours after their embarkation-passengers and special personnel must be instructed
to take in an emergency.
Five Years
Ten Years (1)
8. or special personnel embark, a safety briefing must be given immediately before sailing or immediately
gers a
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
made by means of an announcement in one or more languages likely to be understood by the passengers and
if applied promptly
ust be made on the vessel's public address system or by other equivalent means likely to be heard by the p
boilers if applied in connection with foam
ot yet heard it during the voyage
draft to prevent rekindling
cluded in the muster, if the muster is held immediately upon departure.
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
Fire fighting
posters, or video programs displayed on the vessel video displays, may be used to supplement the briefing, b
ment. (1)
g Which regulation of the SOLAS chapter II-2 deal with means of escape?

Regulation 13 of chapter II-2

Font Name Font Size
illed spaces
Regulation 14 of chapter II-2

Regulation 15 of chapter II-2

10. (1)
entA drill must be conducted in the use of the linethrowing appliance at least once in every
2 months
3 months

4 months
s of fires
5 months
2020 1/1
01/10/2020 LMS


scape Breathing Device
Next >
apparatus QUIZ 4/10 (01/10/2020) ResultREMOVE
HIGHLIGHT : 4/10 (01/10/2020)
Water stream
Water spray
e control plan
ocess Hazards
g of FireFoam
Appliances an
spection guidelines
7. Fire Extinguish
environment can be considered an enclosed space and thus dangerous and difficult to deal with under (1)a fire
s complex that makes movement across compartments difficult. Furthermore, the cargo that the ship car
des extinguishing
dangerous agent
cargoes is most
in bulk, inlikely to allowand
containers reflash
a result
deck. of not cooling the fuel below its ignition
nce Checklist- FFA
rained Foam
ements to recognize and maneuver themselves through various emergency scenarios, let us identify a
he level of knowledge and understanding of seafarers to identify and avoid onset of such possibilities.
nd Inspection
are Inspection
going to stream
focus are:
g and Inspection
Watera fog
ards during spread of fire on board
nd Inspection
ess for complicated development of hazards
g and Inspection
8. (1)
sawdust, wood and coal fire
Five Years
onsWhich statementgoods
- Dangerous concerning carbon dioxide is FALSE?
in containers
Ten Years
It displaces the oxygen in the air.
It cannot
and hazards be seen. with the storage and handling of flammable materials;

It cannot be smelled.
rag storage
boilers It is safe to use near personnel in a confined space.
9. (1)

Fire fighting
While Font Name
you are fighting a fire in a smoke-filled compartment Font
one of Size
your shipmates falls sustaining a severe
laceration and ceases breathing. Your FIRST response should be to

g remove him from the compartment

begin artificial respiration

control the bleeding

illed spaces
treat for shock

10. (1)

You have just extinguished an oil fire on the floor plates of the engine room with a 15 pound CO2 extinguisher.
entWhich of the listed dangers should you now be preparing to handle?
Reflashing of the fire.
Sudden stoppage of the main engine.

Complete lack of oxygen in the engine room.

s of fires
Chemical reaction of the CO2 and oil forming carbonic acid.
2020 1/1
01/10/2020 LMS


scape Breathing Device
e guidelines provide the minimum recommended level of maintenance and inspection for fire protection, de
Next >ships, QUIZ
Close 9/10 (01/10/2020) ResultREMOVE
: order
9/10 (01/10/2020)
n apparatus
and are intended to demonstrate that the equipment/system is in good working HIGHLIGHT
as specifiedC
In order to find out which life raft you are assigned, you should look on the_________ .

e control plan of Inspection

g of FireMuster List ("Station

Appliances an Bill")
No. Reference Details
portable Fire Extinguish
Fire Control Plan
1 IMO Resolution A. 951(23) Improved Guidelines extinguishers for marine
guishing System Portable fire
nce Checklist- FFA (1)
2. 2 MSC.1/Circ. 1318 Guidelines for the maintenance and inspections of
ements Fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems
If you hear a continuous blast of the whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds; supplemented by a
Inspectionringing of the general alarm bells for the same time period, you should _________ .
3 MSC.1/Circ. 1432 Revised guidelines for the maintenance and
and Inspection inspection of Fire protection systems and
go to your lifeboat station Appliances.
g and Inspection
go to your fire station
nd Inspection 4 MSC.1/Circ. 1312 Revised guidelines for the performance and
standby for collision testing criteria, and surveys of Foam concentrates
g and Inspection for fixed fire-extinguishing systems
proceed to your man overboard muster station
Five Years
5 MSC/Circ. 670 & 798 Guidelines for the performance and testing
Ten Years criteria, and surveys of high-expansion &
3. medium-expansion foam concentrates for fixed (1)
azards fire-extinguishing systems
What is the minimum volume of air inside a SCBA cylinder?
6 MSC.1/Circ. 1275 Unified interpretation on the number and
arrangement of portable fire extinguishers in the
900 litres various types of spaces on board ships
1200 litres
7 ISO6406 Periodic inspection and testing of seamless steel
1100 litres gas cylinders.

8 Gas Cylinder Rules 2004 Gas Cylinder Rules 2004, as amended,

Fire fighting
promulgated by GOI. (1)
g You can
rcular No.find the2013
6 of location of your abandon ship post by checking the_______ .

Certificate of Inspection

Muster List ("Station Bill")

Font Name Font Size
illed spaces
vessel's logbook

vessel's documentation

5. (1)
Remote controls for quick-closing shut off valves are required in how many location(s)?

s of fires3
20204 1/1
29/09/2020 LMS



Close Show TOC for<Fire

Procedures PrevFighting
Next > QUIZ 6/10 (29/09/2020) HIGHLIGHT REMOVE HIGHLIGHT CALCULATOR CONVERTER Result : 6/10 (29/09/2020)
Ship at for
Procedures seaFire Fighting

1. Ship in port (1)

Ship having cargo of dangerous goods
When attempting to enter a compartmentProcedures for Fire
containing a fire, which method Fighting
of applying water is best?
Fire Fighting Methods
High-velocity fog stream directed toward the overhead
This subject takes of
Knowledge thefirestudent through fire fighting procedures at sea, in port and defines the various fire fighting methods on different types of ships and
safety arrangements
Straight stream directed into the center of the fire
in different locations on the ship.
Firefighting on Deck
Sweeping the compartment with a fog stream
Notes Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
Solid stream directed toward the overhead Fire in Bulk carriers
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Rules and Regulations
2. (1)
Fire in Oil Tankers
When fighting a fire in an enclosed space, the hose team
Fireshould crouch
hazards as low as possible to
and prevention
maneuver with the hose more easily Fire fighting on oil tankers
obtain the best available air for breathing Static electricity

allow the heat and steam to pass overhead Inert gas systems
Purging and gas freeing

3. Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection sy (1)

Fire in Chemical
The low velocity fog applicator used in conjunction with theTankers
all-purpose firefighting nozzle, should always be
Fire fighting on chemical tankers
Fire in Gas carrier
stored in the rack when not in actual use

attached to the nozzle by the chain Fire hazards and prevention

Fire fighting on gas carriers
coated with heavy grease to prevent corrosion

left in place in the all- purpose nozzle Protection of Cargo Pump-Rooms

Firefighting in Machinery space

4. Regulations (1)
Common causes of fire and preven
The threway valve fitted in sampling line connects_________.
Machinery Spaces fire fighting arra
Fire Extinguishers and Foam app
Fire Detection
Alarm unit, co2 cylinder and cargo hold Fire Line and Isolating / Relief V
Fixed Water Spray and Steam Sy
Alarm unit, bridge and cargo hold Fire Dampers, remote stop and
Automatic fire monitoring syste

Bridge, cargo hold and Co2 room Immediate Steps in Case of Fire
Handling Fire in machinery spac
Multi cylinder Carbon dioxide fl
5. (1)
Bulk Carbon dioxide Installation
What is the minimum number of people required to safelyRe-entry
handle a 2-1/2 inch fire hose?

1 Firefighting in Accommodation
2 Use of Fire Extinguishers

3 Automatic sprinkler systems

Fire Doors
Bulkhead classification
Cargo ship (1)
Passenger ship
Class 1 water tight door is ________ Course of Action
Handling Fire in Accommodation
Fire Detection Equipment
Hinged type Fire and smoke detection systems
Heat Detectors

Manually operated Sliding door Smoke Detectors

Flame Detectors
Cargo Hold Smoke Extraction System
Automatically operated sliding door.
Automatic Fire Alarm
Fixed Fire-extinguishing Equipment
7. (1)
Smothering effect system
Fixed CO₂ system
LNG are transported in ____.
CO₂ Piping
Alarms and Controls
Quantity of Fire-extinguishing m
Pressurized form
Maintenance of CO₂ system
Fixed foam system
Refrigerated form
Requirements of Fixed Deck Foa
Storage Rooms of Fire-extinguis
Under pressure or refrigerated form Typical Fixed Foam (liquid induc
Inhibitor effect systems
Cooling effect systems
Emergency fire pump
Chemical powder applicants
8. (1)
Fire main, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles
Fire hoses
If flammable vapors have penetrated a gas free space, and
which ofnozzles
the following actions would be the most hazardous thing  to carry out?
Portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equ
Mobile apparatus
Opening switches in the space to de-energize fire extinguishers
Fireman's outfit
Closing switches in the space to operate vent blanket
Breathing apparatus
Emergency Escape Breathing Devic
Leaving electrical circuits energized in the space.
Resuscitation apparatus
Fire control plans
Securing all power to the space from a remote location.
Symbols on a fire control plan
I ti dS i i f Fi A li
9 (1) 1/1
29/09/2020 LMS



Close Ship Fire

Show TOCFighting Organisations
< Prev Next > QUIZ 8/10 (29/09/2020) HIGHLIGHT REMOVE HIGHLIGHT CALCULATOR CONVERTER Result : 8/10 (29/09/2020)
Ship Preparation
Fire FightingofOrganisations
contingency plans

1. Composition of fire parties (1)

Strategies and tactics for control of fires
On the vessel's Fire Control Plan, all parts of theFire-fighting
fire main are listedOrganisations
Procedures for Fire Fighting
Fire pump(s) location
The Ship
centralat sea
control station will be on the bridge.
Fire pump capacity The Ship
master will be in charge
in port
Each Team Leader will report to the bridge and receive instructions.
Diameter of fire main Ship having cargo of dangerous goods
The information which central control station requires, includes:
Fire station locations Fire Fighting Methods
The time at which the fire alarm was given
Knowledge of fire safety arrangements
The position and nature of the fire
2. Firefighting on Deck (1)
Confirmation that the fire main is pressurized
Fire fire
On the vessel's Fire Control Plan, all parts of a fixed in on
initial attempts
suppression Ships
system to
areextinguish fire using portable extinguishers
listed EXCEPT?
Fire in on
Bulkeffect of fire on services, e.g. lighting
Spaces protected by the system
Report on persons present or trapped in compartments or unaccounted for.
Rules and Regulations
Extinguishing agent cylinder location
Fire inwhich should be available on the bridge, includes:
Oil Tankers
Remote cylinder release(s)
Fire hazards
Arrangement and prevention
drawings, in a convenient size, of ship, engine-room and accommodation
Instructions for activation of system
Details fighting
accesseson oil
and tankers
escapes from the different zones of the ship
Details of fire-extinguishing
Static electricity equipment, both fixed and portable, for the entire ship, including storage position of refills
3. Stability information (1)
Inert gas systems
Details of survival equipment and where it is stored
At the required fire drill conducted aboard a MODU,Purging all persons
and must report to their stations and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them __________ .
gas freeing
Stowage plans
by the tool pusher Fixed hydrocarbon
Information on dangerousgas detection
goods sy

in the Muster List ("Station Bill") Fire in Chemical Tankers

Composition of Emergency Teams
Fire fighting on chemical tankers
by the person conducting the drill
Fire in organisation
Gas carrier
at the previous safety meeting Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.
Fire hazards and prevention
1. Command team on gas carriers
Fire fighting (1)
4. 2. Emergency team
Protection of Cargo Pump-Rooms
The locker or space containing the self-contained breathing
3. Support and apparatus
First Aid must be _________.
Firefighting in Machinery space
4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
located in close proximity to the bridge
5. CrewRegulations
for Rescue Boat
equipped with battery powered emergency lightingCommon causes of fire and preven
The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operations. Hence frequent feedback, short and crisp,
marked "SELF- CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS" Machinery Spaces fire fighting arra
is necessary from each team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records of all actions and their timings, etc. will be
carried at thisFire Extinguishers and Foam app
5. Fire Detection
The Emergency team would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in the Engine Room, the Second Engineer will
In order to find out which lifeboat you are assigned, you Line and
should lookIsolating / Relief .V
at the _________
be the leader of the primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is elsewhere, the Chief Officer will be the leader
Fixed Water Spray and Steam Sy
fire control plan of the primary team and the Second Engineer would lead the back-up team.
Fire Dampers, remote stop and
certificate of inspection
The Support Automatic
and Firstfire
team will look
monitoring after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patients for evacuation. Prepare lifeboats in case of
muster list or station bill necessity to abandon ship at short notice. Shut any water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in field operations, essential snacks where the
Immediate Steps in Case of Fire
ship's articles operations are sustained for a long period. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command team.
Handling Fire in machinery spac
Multi cylinder
Roving Team/Engine Carbon
Room dioxide
Team willfl be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R systems and controls. Isolate electricity from
6. (1)
on Carbon
fire, shut off ventilation
dioxide Installationsystems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command team.
As part of the emergency outfit required to be carried onboard
Re-entry all tank vessels over 1000 gross tons, flashlights must be _________.
Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on specific instruction of the Command Team,
of a minimum number of two explosion Firefighting
the in Accommodation
type rescue
boat, the man and get hoisted back on board.
listed by NEMA and bearing its label Use of Fire Extinguishers
Some employers
Automaticlist out various
sprinkler systems emergencies that could occur:
of the Type II or Type III
Explosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Personal injury, Main Engine failure, Steering
Fire Doors
failure, Piracy, Search & Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list out duties to be performed by each of the five
such classification (1)
7. teams in each emergency.
Cargo ship
Which of the following statements is true concerning fire hose stations used in the engine room of a tank or cargo vessel?
Passenger ship
It must be marked in red letters two inches high
Notes Course of Action
National Standard fire hose coupling threads shall be used
Handling Firehaving 9 threads per inch for 2 1/2 inch hose and 7 1/2 threads per inch for 1 1/2 inch hose.
in Accommodation
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
In heavy weather, the hose may be removed temporarily
Fire Detection from the hydrant.
Fire and smoke detection systems
8. (1)
Heat Detectors
On every vessel, distress signals must be stowedSmoke Detectors

on or near the navigating bridge Flame Detectors

Cargo Hold Smoke Extraction System
on the flying bridge not closer than 15 feet to any bulkhead
Automatic Fire Alarm
above the freeboard deck away from heat
Fixed Fire-extinguishing Equipment
in an enclosed space below the freeboard deck away from heat
Smothering effect system
Fixed CO₂ system
9. (1)
CO₂ Piping
Fire and lifeboat stations are required to be listed on the
Alarms and Controls
ship's articles Quantity of Fire-extinguishing m
manning list Maintenance of CO₂ system

official log book Fixed foam system

Requirements of Fixed Deck Foa
Muster List ("Station Bill")
Storage Rooms of Fire-extinguis
Typical Fixed Foam (liquid induc (1)
Inhibitor effect systems
What emergency equipment is NOT found in the Crew Mess in this view of the vessel's fire control plan?
Cooling effect systems
Primary Means of Escape
Emergency fire pump
Fire Alarm Chemical powder applicants
Heat Sensor Fire main, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles
Smoke Detector Fire hoses and nozzles
Portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equ
Mobile apparatus
Portable fire extinguishers
Fireman's outfit
Fire blanket
Breathing apparatus
Emergency Escape Breathing Devic 1/1

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