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Sentence Linkers
Com plete the sentences/paragraphs w ith the sentence lin kers in the box below.

furthermore what is more nevertheless not only yet likewise

besides otherwise to be more specific to tell you the truth similarly

Not only
1 The students are not happy with their new English teacher._____________________ . does he assign them a lot of
homework, but he is also very critical of their work.
2 I felt like complaining to the airport authorities the other day. Our flight was delayed for an unknown reason.
Furthermore Besides
, the airline didn't bother to apologise for the inconvenience.__________________
airline representative I asked was of no help, if not rude._____________ ., I managed to stay calm and get
the information I needed.
3 To tell you the truth , I don't think Adam is very good at his job. To be more specific he is slow and not
very creative. What is more , he believes that he is the backbone of the company. He is so annoying!
Yet I don't dare to challenge him because of his close friendship with the manager.
Otherwise I would not have a problem telling him a thing or two.
4 If you change address notify m e.__________________________ , do so if your phone number changes.
5 Reading books in a foreign language helps you expand your vocabulary.___________________________watching films
helps you get used to the pronunciation.

Phrasal Verbs
Read the sentences on the left and m atch the phrasal verbs w ith th eir defin ition s on the right by w ritin g the
correct num ber in the box next to each d efinition .

A PUT 11 devote to
1 Even though it was summer, I still needed to put on a jumper at night. 1 wear
2 Jane shouldn't have to put up with that noisy class. 6 save
3 We will have to put off the barbecue if the rain continues. 4 suffer
4 Why must you put yourself through all this stress?
3 postpone
5 The students were told to put away their books and clear their desks.
8 extinguish
6 I put money aside every month, so that I would have enough for my
summer holidays. 9 offer hospitality to
7 Jason put on a lot of weight over the summer break. 2 tolerate
8 The man I was sitting next to asked me to put out my cigarette. 7 gain
9 I was more than happy to put my friend up for the summer. 5 put sth in its usual place
10 Just a minute, sir. I'll put you through to Mr Jones. 10 connect by telephone
11 I have put a lot of work into this project.

4 establish, create
1 As soon as the new teacher introduced herself, she laid down her rules. 1 state, establish
2 We have laid out the garden. It should look beautiful in spring. 9 start living a quiet life in a place
3 The stall was set up and ready for business. delay
4 After years of living with friends, Geoffrey decided it was time to set up
8 begin a journey
a home of his own.
5 The group set off/out early in the morning to climb the treacherous peak. 6 start doing sth

6 I set out this morning to clean the garden but was interrupted by the rain. 8 become used to
7 Technical problems set us back two weeks. 3 make the necessary preparations
8 It took Jill months to settle into her new home.
for sth to start
9 Carl was not the type to settle down, so his announcement that he was
going to marry soon took everyone by surprise. 2 plan and arrange how sth should appear
unit 08
Words with Prepositions

A Com plete the blanks w ith prepositions.

Adjectives Nouns Verbs

afraid of (give) advice on advise sb on sth occur to

(in)capableof a hope for choose between two point to
confident of protection from choose from prefer to
(be) free of sth a reputation for with
collaborate prepare for
handy for a result of communicate with prevent from
polite to a specialist in connectto refer in
upset with/about cope with result in
exDlainsth to sb (= cause to happen)
listen to result from
mention to (= be caused by)

B Read the follow ing sentences and com plete them w ith prepositions.

1 A compass may come in handy for our hiking trip next week.
2 Sunscreen offers protection from the sun's harmful rays.
3 We have a variety of materials to choose from
4 Her aggressive behaviour resulted in her being fired.
5 You can choose between the red or the blue dress.
6 These yoghurts are free of artificial colouring.
7 The damage to their property resulted from the fire.
8 Must I always explain everything to you twice?
9 The local councils decided to collaborate with one another for the protection of the environment.
10 The doctor advised his patient about the risks involved in smoking.
11 The accident was the result his carelessness.

See G ram m ar R e v ie w page 157 |

Read the text below and com plete each b lank w ith one word.
The Loch Ness Monster (1)_______________________ thought to be one of the world’s most famous mysteries. Nessie,
as her fans call her, is believed (2 )_______________________ be living in the Scottish loch (lake) Ness. Scientists as well
as ordinary people (3)_______________________ fascinated by the mystery of the existence of a very large living
creature which (4)_______________________ still unknown to science. However, it is very unlikely for an animal to
(5) be :__________ living in Loch Ness, as it is deep, dark, very cold and almost lifeless. Arthur Grant is alleged
to (6 )_______________________ encountered Nessie on January 5th, 1934. Being a veterinary student himself, he gave
a detailed description of the animal which matched the portrait of a plesiosaur- a prehistoric aquatic reptile which had
(7)_______________________ considered extinct for more than sixty million years.
Nevertheless, many sonar and photographic recordings (8 )____________________ by
been obtained (9)___________________
several scientific teams over the years. Unfortunately, none of them could (10)_______________________ used to provide
any form of evidence that Nessie exists.
Long-necked water monsters are (11)_______________________ detected every now and then in several other Scottish
lochs. For this reason, Scotland has become a popular holiday destination and (12)_______________________
is visited by
_____ millions of tourists every year.
(Gerunds or Infinitive)

I. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ________________
waiting (wait) for you.
2. My father gave up ________________
smoking (smoke) three years ago.
3. Would you mind ___________
keeping (keep) silent? I’m trying ______________(study).
to study
4. I always try to avoid ________________
borrowing (borrow) money from my friends.
5. The traffic was very heavy this morning, but I managed ___________
to get (get) to school on time.
6. Could you please stop _________________ (make) so much noise?
7. I’ve put off _____________
writing (write) the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
trying (try) to find a job in this country and decided __________(go)
8. Sarah gave up _____________ to go
9. You can’t stop me _________________
doing (do) what I want.
10. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford _____________
to go (go) out very often.
11. My mother can’t stand_________________
staying (stay) at home without doing anything.
to swim
12. How long have you been able_________________ (swim), John?
13. You must promise_________________
not to be (not / be) late again.
14. When I saw her in that funny hat, I couldn’t help_________________
laugh (laugh).
15. They refused_____________(lend)
to lend him the money although he needed it badly.
16. Please, don’t forget_______________
to post (post) the letter for me today! It’s urgent.
17. However, she did not plan____________
to be (be) a secretary all her life.
18. She couldn’t imagine_________________
doing (do) the same job for years and years.
19. The only thing that prevented her from _____________
studying (study) law was a lack of time and money.
20. She often remembers _________________
talking (talk) to her father before he became ill.
21. You must remember ______________
to buy (buy) some sugar. We haven’t got any now.
22. Don’t forget________________(wake)
to wake me up before six o’clock tomorrow.
23. I am very looking forward to _______________
seeing (see) you.
24. He is tired of _________________
walking (walk) to school.
25. I arranged _________________
to meet (meet) them here.
26. He urged us _________________
to work (work) faster.
27. I wish_________________
to see (see) the manager.
28. It's no use _________________ (wait).

ThS. Triệu Tuấn Anh (Khoa Tiếng Anh, ĐH Sư phạm Hà Nội) Page 1
not to touch
29. He warned her_________________ (not touch) the wire.
30. There is no point in _________
persuading (persuade) him because he never takes others’ advice.
31. My mother told me _________________
not to (not speak) to anyone about it.
32. He tried_________________
to explain (explain) but she refused ____________(listen).
to listen
33. You are expected _________________
to know (know) the safety regulations of the college.
34. That was a very strange question_________________
to ask (ask)
to show
35. It was very kind of you _________________ (show) me the way.
36. I overheard him _________________
saying (say) that he didn’t want to learn Math.
to discuss
37. Ms Drake expects _____________ (discuss) about the issues.
38. Tommy admitted _____________(throw) the rock through the window.
39. The teacher let him ____________
stay (stay) at home to finish the assignment.
40. It was quite a surprise ____________
to see (see) him again.
41. She stood there and watched him ____________ (drive) away.
to ride
42. It was very difficult for her ____________ (ride) a motorbike.
43. I could feel the robber coming
____________ (come) from the backdoor.
to explain
44. I asked him ____________ (explain) but he refused ____________
to say (say) anything.
45. It is pleasant ____________
to sit (sit) by the fire at night.
46. There was no way of ____________
getting climbing
(get) out of the building except by ____________ (climb) down
a rope.
47. It’s no good ____________
writing (write) to him; he never answers letters.
48. Ask him ____________
to come (come) in. Don’t keep him ____________ (stand) at the door.
49. We watched the children ____________ (jump) from a window and ____________
fall (fall) into a
blanket held by people below.
50. They denied________________ (steal) my money.
to buy
51. Can you remind me_________________ (buy) some coffee when we go out?
52. I refused _________________
to answer (answer) any more questions from the journalists.
53. One of the boys admitted_________________ (break) the window.
54. The boy’s father promised ________________
to pay (pay) for the window to be repaired.
55. Ann was having dinner when the phone rang. She didn’t answer the phone, she just carried on
eating (eat)
56. It’s really difficult for me to get used to ____________
driving (drive) on the left.
57. My girlfriend is quite into ____________
wearing (wear) baggy clothes.

ThS. Triệu Tuấn Anh (Khoa Tiếng Anh, ĐH Sư phạm Hà Nội) Page 2
58. When my car breaks down, I often have a mechanic ____________ (repair) it.
59. John, my best friend, often helps me ____________
to do (do) the exercises.
60. It took me three hours and a half ____________
to commute (commute) to work.
61. Several weeks ago, Tom spent 30 thousand dollars __________
to purchase (purchase) that house.
62. It is an interesting book that is worth reading
____________ (read)
63. My parents object to our ___________
smoking (smoke) because it can affect the baby’s health.
64. We haven’t agreed when and where ____________
to hold (hold) the meeting.
65. He failed ____________
satisfying (satisfy) the company’s requirements.
66. The little girl practices ____________
playing (play) the piano every day after school.
67. The rain prevented us ____________ (hang) out together.
68. A lot of drivers meet difficulty ____________ (park) in the city center.
to take
69. The doctor advised me ____________ (take) some days off work.
70. The teachers often make students ____________
to do (do) a lot of homework.
to move
71. We are about ____________ (move) our house to a nearby city next weekend.
72. Don’t let your children ____________
play (play) in the street since it’s not safe.
73. They were walking down the city center when it began ____________
raining (rain).
74. He was the first person ____________
to leave (leave) the party.
75. Who volunteers to
answer (answer) the question?
76. I’d like ____________
to speak (speak) to the manager, please.
77. I can’t resist ____________
buying (buy) things when they are in the sale.
78. We’ve got to encourage students _________ (study), not blame them for not __________ (study).
79. I don’t know how you managed ____________
to persuade (persuade) the bank manager to lend you that much
80. The kids were pretending _________ (be) asleep but they didn’t fool me for a second.
81. He only just escapes ____________ (send) to prison.
to give
82. He expected ____________ (give) a brand new computer for Christmas, but all he got was a second-
hand watch.
83. Mr Foster has decided ____________
to retire (retire), so we are going to have a party.
84. There’s no answer at the office. Let’s try ____________
calling (call) Roger’s mobile.
II. Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. I really don’t feel like going/ to go out tonight.
2. Everyone expected his business failing/ to fail within the first few months.

ThS. Triệu Tuấn Anh (Khoa Tiếng Anh, ĐH Sư phạm Hà Nội) Page 3
3. What would you like doing/ to do this evening?
4. We discussed turning/ to turn the attic into a spare bedroom with the architect.
5. She wasn’t able speaking/ to speak very clearly after her accident.
6. Do you mind moving/ to move your car, please?
7. They’re going to postpone making/ to make a decision until next month.
8. Are you planning of getting/ to get a new DVD player?
9. Are you thinking of getting/ to get a PlayStation?
10. I am very pleased to tell/ telling you that you’ve passed.
11. They have invited to visit/ visiting him next month.
12. I am really looking forward to see/ to seeing you again.
III. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Write between two and five words.
1. He managed to convince me that it was a safe operation. succeeded
succeeded in convincing me that it was a safe operation
2. Hearing that a war had broken out was a shock to everyone. shocked
Everyone _______________________________
shocked at that a war had broken out
3. John told Helen he was sorry he had argued with her. apologised
John _______________________________ with her
apologised to Helen that he had argued
4. Nobody liked having a new factory in the area. objected
Everyone objected
to having a new factory in the area
5. More dustbins have been put around so that people won’t throw rubbish in the streets. prevent
More dustbins have been put around________________________________
to prevent rubbish in the street
6. It would be difficult for me to adjust to a new working environment. difficult
I would ____________________________________ to a new working environment.
7. I don't see why we should wait for the blood test results all day. point
There’s ____________________________________
no point waiting for the blood test results all day.
8. He first told his mother about his success in the exam. know
His mother __________________________________ about his success in the exam

ThS. Triệu Tuấn Anh (Khoa Tiếng Anh, ĐH Sư phạm Hà Nội) Page 4
peer pressure nature or nurture broken home
play a part deprived childhood
a beneficial effect


home deprived
impact model

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