S4 - Advantage Unit 2 - Vocabulary

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Chan Shu Kui Memorial School

S.4 English 2019-20

Advantage Unit 2 –Travel with care
Vocabulary List

No. Vocabulary Part of Meaning in Example sentence

Speech Chinese

1 cycling noun 騎單車 e.g. This article provides information on cycling in both the
urban and rural areas of Hong Kong

2 admire verb 欣賞 e.g. They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the

3 experience verb 經歷;體會 e.g. You can't appreciate the happiness of travelling until
到 you've actually experienced it.

4 impress verb 給…留下深 e.g. Everyone was impressed by the view from the top of the
刻印象 mountain.

5 explore verb 探索 e.g. The children have gone exploring in the woods.

6 wildlife noun 野生動植物 e.g. Their work involves restoring wildlife habitats all
across the country.

7 museum noun 博物館 e.g. We went to the British Museum last summer.

8 adventure noun e.g. She had some exciting adventures in Egypt.

9 destination noun 目的地 e.g. Tokyo is a popular holiday destination.

10 nature noun 大自然 e.g. This poem reflects the poet's love of nature.

11 scenery noun 風景 e.g. This area has some of the most awesome scenery.

12 conservation noun 保育 e.g. It is important for children to know the importance of

wildlife conservation.

13 stunning adj. 極漂亮的 e.g. The view from the top of the mountain is stunning.

14 peaceful adj. 寧靜的 e.g. That peaceful place is seldom visited and often ignored.

15 eco-friendly adj. 環保的 e.g. Eco-friendly products have been designed to do the
least possible damage to the environment

16. surprised adj. 驚訝的 e.g. I'm surprised to see you here.

17 amazed adj. 十分驚奇的 e.g. I was amazed at the size of their garden.

18 pleased adj. 開心的 e.g. We're so pleased that you're able to come here.
19 horrified adj. 非常震驚的 e.g. He looked horrified when I told him the news.

20 puzzled adj. 迷惑的 e.g. He had a puzzled look on his face.


No. Vocabulary Part of Meaning in Example sentence

Speech Chinese

1 trekking noun 遠足 e.g. He enjoys jungle trekking and fishing in his spare time

2 kayaking noun 划艇 e.g. Summer is the peak season for kayaking.

3 snorkeling noun 潛遊 e.g. We went snorkeling in Sai Kung.

4 wander verb 漫步;閒逛 e.g. We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the

5 waterfall noun 瀑布 e.g. I couldn't hear what he was saying over the thunder of the

6 rainforest noun 熱帶雨林 e.g. The Amazon river basin contains the world's largest
tropical rainforest.

7 scenic adj. 風景優美的 e.g. We took the scenic route home.

8 magnificent adj. 壯麗的 e.g. The view from the top of the mountain is magnificent.

9 spectacular adj. 壯觀的 e.g. There was a spectacular sunset last night.

10. unspoiled adj. 未遭破壞的 e.g. The island has clean, unspoiled beaches.

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