The Hidden Time Machine

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Story Title: The Hidden Time Machine

Written By: Agatha Lessandra DV. Freniere

PRESENT (6:30 am)

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up in bed and took my phone from the bedside
table. Today is the day... I need to start packing for my trip tomorrow. I got up to get ready for
the day.

PRESENT (8:00 am)

I just got home from buying a cup of coffee and freshly baked bread. That wasn't my usual
breakfast, I was just saving space for lunch later. I texted my brother to ask what time will he
pick me up for a family lunch. He replied quickly by saying noon.

Since that was still in a few hours, I would pack half of my things before lunch and pack the
other half after the Family Lunch. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out my favorite violet
suitcase. I knocked a few boxes over and a picture album fell out. I picked it up. I was going to
put it back in the box when I got curious about what album was it. I opened it up and saw my
class photos when I was in the first grade. I flipped through the pages some more until I reached
a page with a note.


I decided to check it out I put the album on the floor and checked the box to find my fifth Diary.
Yeah, ok, I keep a diary, before. Some people said I was weird for keeping a diary, but I don't
mind. I smiled as I saw my old handwriting. It was pretty messy. I stopped when I found page
52. It was my field trip, this entry took an entire three pages.

02/21/2019 (THU) 3:30 am

So mom woke me up at 3:30 am because I take an hour to get ready and the bus was leaving at 5
am. The seating arrangement was first come first serve, so I decided to rush my morning routine.
I got to school at around 4:20 or 4:15 am. A lot of my classmates brought stuffed animals and
they also brought their mobile phones. At around 4:55 am, one of my teachers gathered us and
let us in the bus one by one according to the attendance. I was seated by the window on the left
side of the bus. I then fell asleep.
PRESENT (8:15 am)

I put the diary on the floor to see who texted me. It was my older brother. He said I should pack
all my stuff because we won't be going back to the apartment after the family lunch. I
immediately went back to packing, I was about to put my diary and photo album back in the box
but then I stopped. I then stood up and placed it on my bed.

02/21/2019 (THU)

I just woke up and I don't know the exact time. We were about to pass the gates to enter
Pampanga. In about 30 minutes we reached our first stopover. I just went to the bathroom. We
then went back to the bus and I opened my snacks. I had grilled cheese, some biscuits, two
bottles of juice, of course, a bottle of water. I just ate a biscuit, I wasn't that hungry. I drank five
sips of water after eating.

Ten minutes later, my class adviser announced we would be leaving in five minutes. The
teachers took our attendance and once we were complete, the bus started to move. The teacher
then announced who our tour guide was. He was discussing about Maria Makiling. I got a bit
dizzy so I decided to take a nap.

PRESENT (9:00 am)

I just finished packing my home clothes. Well, I had to choose what clothes will suit different
casual occasions. Next, I had to sort out my necklaces and maybe a few rings.

02/21/2019 (THU)

So we finally reached our first destination, Dinosaurs Island. It was a theme park with dinosaur
animatronics. I enjoyed it a bit. I and my friends rode a train that made us feel like we were in a
jungle with dinosaurs practically scaring us. We took a couple of photos and we were sent back
to the bus.

The next stop was a stopover. I and my friends used the restroom again, just to fix our hair and to
also talk a bit about life.
This was just a five-minute stopover so we went back to the bus and sat down for the rest two
minutes. The bus started again and I decided to stay awake. I'd been sleeping earlier so I just
decided to watch the view as we drove past houses. The tour guide made an announcement that
we will be stopping by a park.

We reached this park and it was called. Air Force City Park. It had Philippine Aircrafts on
display. There was also a playground there. I even bought a customizable bracelet from one of
the vendors. After about 20 or 25 minutes we had to head back to the bus because we were
running short on time.

We next stopped by Puregold Duty Free. It was just a regular grocery store and all the parents
who came during the field trip shopped for chocolates or snacks. I bought Philippine Rice Cakes
to bring home. After thirty minutes we were asked to return to the bus.

The tour guide announced that we will be going to the San Fernando Train Station. We then
parked in a place that to me looked like an old carnival. The tour guide explained that the train
station itself was buried during the war. So they decided to build a museum on top of it to display
statues of soldiers. They also had old typewriters there. They also gave chariot rides for 20 pesos.
I don't know but so far that was my favorite place we've been to. We stayed there for like 40
minutes or maybe an hour before we were told to go back to the bus.

We then took a 20-minute drive going to Sky Ranch. It was an amusement park and we had
unlimited rides. I didn't ride much, I and my friends just roamed around the mall. We were there
for five hours straight. We went back to the bus a 6 o'clock pm. We then watched Alladin while
we were heading home. I fell asleep.

PRESENT (11 am)

I just finished packing some of my jewelry and hair accessories, some pocketbooks, and my
toiletries. I was ready for a 1 week trip to my other family member. I then brought my suitcase
and backpack down to the living room and went back upstairs. I quickly took my old diary and
photo album then head out of the room. I closed the door behind me and went downstairs. I fell
onto the couch.

I opened the diary and continued reading.

02/21/2019 (THU)

I woke up when we were at San Del Monte, Bulacan. I looked at the bus television and saw the
movie, "7 Sundays." was playing. I immediately took my bag and placed it on my lap. We were a
few minutes away from school. We were all excited to go home.

After 10 minutes we were finally in our school. We got out of the bus and my grandma was there
to pick me up. We went home and I was happy to see a different part of the Philippines.

PRESENT (12 pm)

I smiled as I finished reading. The memory I have forgotten was rushing into my head. A diary
was such a simple thing seen in our daily life and who would have thought that it was an object
that can bring us back to an event so important. Even though it can not bring you there
physically, it can bring you there through memory.

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