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Points: 85 points

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Question 1 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

Factor x^4 – y^2 + y – x^2 as completely as possible.

A) (x^2-y)(x^2 + y -1)
B) (x^2-y)(x^2 - y -1)
C) (x^2+y)(x^2 - y +1)   
D) (x^2-y)(x^2 + y +1)

Question 2 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

Find the area of quadrilateral ABCD inscribed in a circle where AB=8 cm, BC=15 cm, CD=12 cm,
DA=18 cm.

A) 172.52
B) 160.99
C) 173.6  
D) 161.93   

Question 3 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

From the polar curve r = 4/(4 + 2cos theta), determine the conic section being described

A) hyperbola
B) ellipse                                          
C) parabola
D) circle                                            

Question 4 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

Given the equation x^2 +y^2 - 6x-8y-11=0, identify the center

A) (-3, 4)
B) (3, 4)
C) (-3, -4) 
D) (3, -4)
Question 5 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

The fastest average speed by a cyclist across the continental United States is 15.4 mph, by Pete
Penseyres. If he traveled a total distance of about 3107.5 miles at this speed, find his time cycling.
Write the time in days, hours, and minutes.

A) 50 days, 9 hours, 8 minutes

B) 9 days, 50 hours, 9 minutes
C) 8 days, 9 hours, 50 minutes
D) 8 days, 50 hours, 9 minutes

Question 6 of 75 probables 1 pt

One of the longest movies ever made is a 1970 British film that runs for 48 hours. Assuming that the
film speed is 24 frames per second, approximate the total number of frames in this film. Express
your answer in scientific form.

A) 2.67 x 10^5
B) 1.7 x 10^12
C) 4.1472 x 10^6   
D) 17.768 x 10^12

Question 7 of 75 HIGHWAY 1 pt

Other factors which may affect the size of letter or sign include:

I. Distraction due to road side activities

II. Signs composed of short legends may be enlarged to increase conspicuity

III. Signs containing short and long legends require a balance of legend size to ensure equal visual

IV. The need to emphasize a more important direction by making larger than other names on the

A) I, II and III only

B) I, III and IV only
C) II, III and IV only
D) all of the above

Question 8 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

Find the 6th term of the sequence -1/3, 2/3, 7/3…(n^2-2)/3

A) 43/4
B) 47/3
C) 37/4
D) 34/3

Question 9 of 75 probables 1 pt

The population dynamics of many fish are characterized by extremely high fertility rates among
adults and very low survival rates among the young. A mature halibut may lay as many as 2.5
million eggs, but only 0.00035% of the offspring survive to the age of 3 years. Use scientific form to
approximate the number of offspring that live to age 3.

A) 7.143 x 10^11 
B) 0.875 x 10^3
C) 0.00875 x 10^3  
D) 7.143 x 10^9
Question 10 of 75 probables 1 pt

The length-weight relationship for the sei whale can be approximated by, W = 0.0016L^2.43 where
is in tons and L is in feet. Estimate the weight of a whale that is 25 feet long.

A) 6
B) 4
C) 4.4
D) 5

Question 11 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

A batch of automobile parts contains 18 parts which are within a power tolerance and 5 parts which
are not. If 3 automobile parts are selected at random from the batch, compute the probabilities that
all three are within the power tolerance.

A) 0.0057
B) 0.4608
C) 0.4932
D) 0.5326

Question 12 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

A square is inscribed in a semi-circle having a radius of 15 m. The base of the square is on the base
diameter of the semi-circle. Find the area of an octagon inscribed in the square (m^2).

A) 149.12  
B) 118.6  
C) 96.57
D) 132.87

Question 13 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

A regular tetrahedron has an edge of 4 ft long. Determine the volume (ft^3).

A) 11.88
B) 8.26
C) 7.54 
D) 12.75

Question 14 of 75 probables 1 pt

If x<0 and y>0, determine the sign of the real number xy^2.

A) negative                                            
B) positive                                              
C) positive or negative
D) cannot be determined
Question 15 of 75 probables 1 pt

If x>0 and y<0, determine the sign of x/y + y/x.

A) negative                                            
B) positive                                              
C) cannot be determined
D) positive or negative

Question 16 of 75 HIGHWAY 1 pt

What spacing is always used for lower case letters of traffic signs?

A) wide spacing
B) small spacing
C) medium spacing
D) narrow spacing

Question 17 of 75 probables 1 pt



A) 6(x^3)(y^8) 
B) 3/(x^3)(y^2)  
C) 4(x^-4)(y^3)
D) 6(x^-3)(y^2)

Question 18 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

Given the Fourier series in cosine form:

F(t) = 5 cos 20pi t + 2 cos 40pi t + cos 80pi t

Compute the fundamental frequency.

A) 80
B) 20
C) 10                                       
D) 40                       

Question 19 of 75 HIGHWAY 1 pt

The length of superelevation development from zero cross slope to full design superelevation is
known as:

A) Tangent runout
B) Superelevation runoff
C) Superelevation runout
D) Tangent run off
Question 20 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

Given nC10 = 22 nC12, determine the value of n.

A) 12                                                        
B) 13
C) 15                                                        
D) 17

Question 21 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

Determine the equation of the lines through (-5, -3) and passing at distance 2sqrt5 from (5, 7)?

A) 2x – y + 7 = 0
B) 6x – 5y = -15  
C) 3x-4y +15=0
D) 2y-4x =-7

Question 22 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

A triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius 10 cm. One side of the triangle is 20 cm long and its area
is 96 cm^2. What is the perimeter of the triangle?

A) 52
B) 24
C) 36                                       
D) 48                                       

Question 23 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

The velocity of PAL in still air is 150 kph. The velocity of wind blowing due south is 30 kph. If the
plane travels south and returns back to its base after 4 hours, what distance does the plane travels
due south?

A) 265                                     
B) 296
C) 272
D) 288                                     

Question 24 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

Plane figures that can be obtained by the intersection of a double cone with a plane passing through
the apex. These includes a point, a line, and intersecting lines

A) conic sections     
B) generate conic sections
C) degenerate conic sections
D) great conic sections
Question 25 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

Find the area of a triangle whose sides are measuring a = 235 m, b = 280 m, and c = 429 m.

A) 32,875
B) 30,986
C) 32,452
D) 30,390

Question 26 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

An object is dropped from the top of a 256-m tower. The height of the object above the ground after t
seconds is modelled by the polynomial 256 – 16t^2. Factor this expression completely.

A) 16(4 + t)(4 – t) 

B) 8(4 + t)(4 – t) 
C) (4 + t)(4 – t)
D) 4(4 + t)(4 – t) 

Question 27 of 75 probables 1 pt

The planning department of Abstract Office Supplies has been asked to determine whether the
company should introduce a new computer desk next year. The department estimates that $6000 of
new manufacturing equipment will need to be purchased and that the cost of constructing each desk
will be $200. The department also estimates that the revenue from each desk will be $450.
Determine the cost function C(x) for manufacturing x desks

A) 6000 + 200x
B) 200x - 6000
C) 6000x + 200
D) 450x + 6000

Question 28 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

A line is drawn from point P to point O where P is along the line AB and O is along line AC of the
triangular lot ABC. If AP:PB = 3: 1 and AO:OC = 2:5, what is the proportion of the area of APO and

A) 3 : 14
B) 4:7
C) 2 : 15
D) 3: 5

Question 29 of 75 probables 1 pt

If x<0 and y>0, determine the sign of the real number (x/y) + x.

A) negative                                           
B) positive                                             
C) positive or negative
D) cannot be determined
Question 30 of 75 HIGHWAY 1 pt

Is the background color for most signs and legends for some colored background.

A) Brown
B) Green
C) White
D) Blue

Question 31 of 75 probables 1 pt

If x<0 and y>0, determine the sign of the real number x/y.

A) negative                                            
B) positive                                              
C) positive or negative
D) cannot be determined

Question 32 of 75 probables 1 pt

When a tornado passes near a building, there is a rapid drop in the outdoor pressure and the indoor
pressure does not have time to change. The resulting difference is capable of causing an outward
pressure of 1.4 psi on the walls and ceiling of the building. Estimate the tons of force exerted on a
wall that is 8 feet high and 40 feet wide

A) 32.256
B) 448
C) 64.512
D) 129.02

Question 33 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

In two regular polygons with the same number of sides, find the length of a side of the smaller if the
lengths of the apothems are 20 and 50 and a side of the larger has length 32.5

A) 14
B) 16
C) 15
D) 13                                       

Question 34 of 75 probables 1 pt

O’Carroll’s formula is used to handicap weight lifters. If a lifter who weighs b kilograms lifts w
kilograms of weight, then the handicapped weight W is given by W = w / (b – 35)^(1/3). Suppose two
lifters weighing 75 kilograms and 120 kilograms lift weights of 180 kilograms and 250 kilograms,
respectively. Use O’Carroll’s formula to determine the superior weight lifter.

A) 75 kg lifter, W=52.63
B) 120 kg lifter, W=56.86  
C) 75 kg lifter, W=56.86
D) 120 kg lifter, W=52.63 
Question 35 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

The area of an ellipse is 502.655 sq units and its perimeter is 83.828 units. Determine equation of
the ellipse if center is at the origin and major axis is parallel to y-axis

A) 64x^2 + 25y^2 = 6400  

B) 100x^2 + 125y^2 = 12600
C) 25x^2 + 64y^2 = 6400  
D) 36x^2 + 25y^2 = 100

Question 36 of 75 probables 1 pt

A person’s body surface area S (in square feet) can be approximated by S = (0.1091)(w^0.425)
(h^0.725), where height h is in inches and weight w is in pounds. Estimate S for a person 6 feet tall
weighing 175 pounds.

A) 12.78
B) 3.59 
C) 7.64
D) 21.76

Question 37 of 75 probables 1 pt

If x<0 and y>0, determine the sign of the real number y(y – x).

A) negative                                            
B) positive                                              
C) positive or negative
D) cannot be determined

Question 38 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

The model y = -x^2 + 2x + 27 describes the height (y, in m) of a diver (after x seconds) who jumps
from a cliff 27 m above the water surface. What is the maximum height the diver reach at 1 s?

A) 26                                       
B) 27
C) 28                                       
D) 30

Question 39 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

The area of an ellipse is 502.655 sq units and its perimeter is 83.828 units. Determine length of its
latus rectum

A) 51.2
B) 12.5
C) 128
D) 16
Question 40 of 75 probables 1 pt


A) 12(x^-0.5)(y^(4/3))
B) 12(x^0.5)(y^(4/3))
C) 12(x^0.5)(y^(-4/3))
D) 6(x^0.5)(y^(-4/3))

Question 41 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

The magnitude of vector F=5i + 6j – 3k is:

A) 8.763 
B) 8.637
C) 7.863
D) 8.367 

Question 42 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

Determine the length of the tangent to the circle x^2 + y^2 -4x – 5 = 0 from (4, 6).

A) 5.9
B) 5.57 
C) 5.63  
D) 6.03

Question 43 of 75 probables 1 pt

In astronomy, distances to stars are measured in light years. One light year is the distance a ray of
light travels in one year. The diameter d of the Milky Way galaxy is estimated as 100,000 light years.
Express d in miles if the speed of light is approximately 186,000 miles per second.

A) 5.87 x 10^16
B) 8.57 x 10^20
C) 5.87 x 10^17
D) 5.78 x 10^18 

Question 44 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

Quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a 25-cm dia circle with side AB as diameter. Angle ACD is 30 deg
and CDB is 20 deg. Determine the length of side BC.

A) 8.55  
B) 7.73
C) 7.15
D) 8.21
Question 45 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

A manufacturer estimates that 0.20% of his output of a component is defective. The components are
marked in packets of 200. Using Poisson’s distribution, determine probability of a packet contains
only 2 defective components.

A) 0.0563
B) 0.0365
C) 0.0653
D) 0.0536

Question 46 of 75 probables 1 pt

The planning department of Abstract Office Supplies has been asked to determine whether the
company should introduce a new computer desk next year. The department estimates that $6000 of
new manufacturing equipment will need to be purchased and that the cost of constructing each desk
will be $200. The department also estimates that the revenue from each desk will be $450. Find the
break-even point

A) 48
B) 66                                       
C) 24                                       
D) 42

Question 47 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

Given the equation x^2 +y^2 - 6x-8y-11=0, determine the area

A) -6pi
B) 18pi
C) 36pi
D) 12pi 

Question 48 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

Points A, B, and P are on the periphery of a circle. TA and TB are tangents of the circle with A and B
as points of tangency. The angle of intersection formed by TA and TB is 52 deg. Find the angle BPA.

A) 64                                                       
B) 45
C) 60                                                       
D) 128

Question 49 of 75 HIGHWAY 1 pt

In urban areas, advance warning signs should be placed at a distance of ____ in advance of the
hazardous area.

A) not less than 25 m. or more than 50 m.

B) not less than 30 m. or more than 100 m.
C) not less than 20 m . or more than 45 m.
D) not less than 40 m. or more than 100 m.
Question 50 of 75 probables 1 pt

If x<0 and y>0, determine the sign of the real number y - x.

A) negative                                            
B) positive                                              
C) positive or negative
D) cannot be determined

Question 51 of 75 HIGHWAY 1 pt

The safety of an intersection can be improved by provision of right and left auxiliary turning lanes.
Turning lanes also improve intersection capacity and traffic flow. They are particularly important if
the volume of traffic making these moves is high or if the through or oncoming traffic flows are high.

Provision for turning lanes can generally be provided in the following ways:

I. Shared turning and through lane

II. Flaring and tape

III. Separate lane for deceleration and storage

IV. Establishment of a traffic island

A) I, II, and III only

B) I, III and IV only
C) II, III, and IV only
D) All of the above

Question 52 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

Two circles are tangent to a 3rd circle internally and are tangent to each other externally. If the
distance between their centers are 10 cm, 7 cm, and 5 cm respectively, compute the radius of the
biggest circle.

A) 12
B) 6
C) 8
D) 11

Question 53 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

A classroom contains 71 students. Ten of them are Chinese, 24 are Japanese, and 37 are Filipinos.
If three students are randomly asked to get out of the room, one after the other, what are the
probabilities that all 3 students are Chinese?

A) 0.0987
B) 0.0892
C) 0.0021  
D) 0.0.0052

Question 54 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

A salesperson earns P6000 per month plus a commission of 15% of sales. Find the minimum
amount of sales needed to receive a total income of at least P15,000 per month.

A) 29,600
B) 72,000
C) 45,000 
D) 60,000 
Question 55 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

A circle of radius 6 cm is inscribed in a square. A smaller circle is drawn tangent to the two sides of
the square and the bigger circle. What is the radius of the smaller circle?

A) 1.125
B) 0.856
C) 0.956 
D) 1.029

Question 56 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

It is a pattern of point that describes its relation to distance of a point (x, y) from one fixed entity to
that of another entity.

A) locus                                                  
B) graph
C) function                                             
D) diagram

Question 57 of 75 probables 1 pt

In astronomy, distances to stars are measured in light years. One light year is the distance a ray of
light travels in one year. If the speed of light is approximately 186,000 miles per second, estimate
the number of miles in one light year.

A) 5.87 x 10^12 
B) 5.78 x 10^8
C) 8.57 x 10^10
D) 5.87 x 10^15

Question 58 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

Find the distance between the given lines 4x–3y = 18 and 8x – 6y = -30.

A) -0.6
B) 0.6
C) 6.6
D) -6.6 

Question 59 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

In triangle ABC, c=150 cm, angle C=70 deg, angle A=45 deg. Determine the length of the median
drawn from the vertex A to the side “a”.

A) 136.12
B) 132.54 
C) 141.25
D) 163.25
Question 60 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

The demand function for a certain CD is given by:

P = -0.01 x^2 – 0.2x + 9

and the corresponding supply function is given by

P = 0.01 x^2 – 0.1x + 3

Where x is thousands of units. Find the equilibrium quantity.

A) 15,000
B) 30,000
C) 20,000
D) 25,000

Question 61 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

If Ana was 4 times as old as Billy 8 years ago, and if Ana will be twice as old as Billy 8 years hence,
how old is Billy now?

A) 24
B) 40                                                      
C) 16                                                      
D) 32

Question 62 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

A particle’s position in the xy plane at any time t is given by x = 3t^2 + 2 and y = t^4. Find the x-
component of the particle’s velocity at t = 4.

A) 15                                      
B) 16
C) 20
D) 24                                       

Question 63 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

The sides of a triangle ABC are a=38 cm, b=22 cm, c=32 cm. Calculate the radius of the circle
tangent to side b and escribed about the given triangle.

A) 14.65
B) 25.12
C) 18.95
D) 43.96

Question 64 of 75 analytic geo 2 pts

The area of an ellipse is 502.655 sq units and its perimeter is 83.828 units. Determine second
eccentricity of the ellipse

A) 1.25
B) 0.8
C) 1.28
D) 0.78
Question 65 of 75 probables 1 pt

On a clear day, the distance d (in miles) that can be seen from the top of a tall building of height h (in
feet) can be approximated by d = 1.2sqrt h. Approximate the distance that can be seen from the top
of the Chicago Sears Tower, which is 1454 feet tall.

A) 122.2
B) 54.44 
C) 76.54
D) 45.76 

Question 66 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

A manufacturing company has determined that the total cost of producing an item can be
determined from the equation C = 8x^2 – 192x + 1800, where x is the number of units that the
company makes. How many units should the company manufacture in order to minimize the cost?

A) 12                                       
B) 11
C) 10
D) 13

Question 67 of 75 probables 1 pt

The length-weight relationship for Pacific halibut can be approximated by the formula L =
0.46(W)^(1/3), where W is in kilograms and L is in meters. The largest documented halibut weighed
230 kilograms. Estimate its length.

A) 2.2
B) 6.54
C) 2.82
D) 4.44 

Question 68 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

Quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a 25-cm dia circle with side AB as diameter. If angle BDC is 15
deg and AD is 7 cm, determine the length of side DC.

A) 20.59
B) 19.52
C) 18.88
D) 21.37
Question 69 of 75 HIGHWAY 1 pt

Classification of guide signs:

I. Advance direction sign

II. Intersection direction sign

III. Reassurance direction sign

IV. Finger Board direction sign

V. Street Name sign

VI. Town Name and Geographical Feature signs

VII. Service signs

VIII. Tourist Information and tourist destination signs

IX. Route Markers

A) I,II,IV,VII and IX only

B) II,III,V,VI and VII only
C) IV,V,VII,VIII and IX only
D) All of the above

Question 70 of 75 probables 1 pt

If x<0 and y>0, determine the sign of x/y + y/x.

A) negative                                            
B) positive                                              
C) positive or negative
D) cannot be determined

Question 71 of 75 probables 1 pt

Use laws of exponents to simplify each expression:


A) 12(x^2)(y^9) 
B) 12(x^4)(y^9)
C) 6(x^4)(y^9)
D) 6(x^3)(y^8)

Question 72 of 75 NOV 2015 1 pt

Find the area of the triangle with sides 5, 6, and 13.

A) 3.56
B) 1.89
C) 5.25 
D) no solution

Question 73 of 75 MAY 2016 1 pt

A piece of property in downtown Kalibo is advertised for sale at Php 9,500/m^2. If the lengths of the
sides of the triangular lot are 70 m, 72 m, and 49 m, what is the asking price for the lot?

A) 16,058,000
B) 15,497,290
C) 15,864,250
D) 14,896,520
Question 74 of 75 probables 1 pt

A person’s body surface area S (in square feet) can be approximated by S = (0.1091)(w^0.425)
(h^0.725), where height h is in inches and weight w is in pounds. If a person is 5 feet 6 inches tall,
what effect does a 10% increase in weight have on S?

A) S increases by 210%
B) S increases by 39.61% 

C) S increases by 119%
D) S increases by 41.3%  

Question 75 of 75 MAY 2015 1 pt

An airplane travels a distance of 500 km against the wind in 1 hour and 45 minutes. Traveling the
same distance with the wind, the airplane consumed 1 hour and 15 minutes. Find the velocity of the
wind (kph).

A) 71.43
B) 57.14
C) 34.29
D) 42.86

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