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0066-4804/11/$12.00 doi:10.1128/AAC.00788-10
Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Molecular Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance Mechanisms in

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates from Ontario, Canada䌤
Vanessa G. Allen,1,2 David J. Farrell,1,2 Anuradha Rebbapragada,1,2 Jingyuan Tan,1 Nathalie Tijet,1
Stephen J. Perusini,1 Lynn Towns,1 Stephen Lo,1 Donald E. Low,1,2,3 and Roberto G. Melano1,2,3*
Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Public Health Laboratory—Toronto,1 Department of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathobiology, University of Toronto,2 and Mount Sinai Hospital,3 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Received 8 June 2010/Returned for modification 6 August 2010/Accepted 12 November 2010

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Surveillance of gonococcal antimicrobial resistance and the molecular characterization of the mechanisms
underlying these resistance phenotypes are essential in order to establish correct empirical therapies, as well
as to describe the emergence of new mechanisms in local bacterial populations. To address these goals, 149
isolates were collected over a 1-month period (October-November 2008) at the Ontario Public Health Labo-
ratory, Toronto, Canada, and susceptibility profiles (8 antibiotics) were examined. Mutations in previously
identified targets or the presence of some enzymes related to resistance (r), nonsusceptibility (ns) (resistant
plus intermediate categories), or reduced susceptibility (rs) to the antibiotics tested were also studied. A
significant proportion of nonsusceptibility to penicillin (PEN) (89.2%), tetracycline (TET) (72.3%), ciprofloxa-
cin (CIP) (29%), and macrolides (erythromycin [ERY] and azithromycin; 22.3%) was found in these strains.
Multidrug resistance was observed in 18.8% of the collection. Although all the strains were susceptible to
spectinomycin and extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESC) (ceftriaxone and cefixime), 9.4% of them dis-
played reduced susceptibility to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. PBP 2 mosaic structures were found in all
of these ESCrs isolates. Alterations in the mtrR promoter, MtrR repressor (TETr, PENns, ESCrs, and ERYns),
porin PIB (TETr and PENns), and ribosomal protein S10 (TETr) and double mutations in gyrA and parC
quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) (CIPr) were associated with and presumably responsible
for the resistance phenotypes observed. This is the first description of ESCrs in Canada. The detection of this
phenotype indicates a change in the epidemiology of this resistance and highlights the importance of continued
surveillance to preserve the last antimicrobial options available.

The reported incidence of gonococcal infections has in- sociated with reduced susceptibility to the extended-spectrum
creased in Canada over the last 11 years (1997 to 2008), from cephalosporins have been described (1, 54).
15 cases to 38 cases per 100,000 (41). Coupled with this in- Resistance to penicillin (PENr) in N. gonorrhoeae can be
crease, antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae has mediated by the plasmid-encoded TEM-1 ␤-lactamase or by
continued to emerge worldwide, limiting empirical treatment mutations in chromosomal genes. A recent study summarizes
regimens for the disease. Since the 1980s, a rapid rise in resis- the stepwise transfer of PENr from a resistant to a susceptible
tance to penicillin (PEN) and tetracycline (TET) led to the strain (62). In addition to reduced affinity of PBP 2, increased
discontinuation of their use for the treatment of gonococcal efflux pump activity (MtrCDE, by mutations in the promoter
infections. More recently, the emergence of clinical isolates of region or in its repressor, MtrR), and impermeability (outer
N. gonorrhoeae resistant to ciprofloxacin (CIP) has been re- membrane proteins PIA and PIB), mutations in PBP 1 and
ported globally (2, 4, 13, 57, 58). During 2006, 28% of N. PilQ secretin have also been involved in the acquisition of
gonorrhoeae isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin in Ontario, high-level chromosomally mediated PENr (44, 61). In addition
Canada (38). Clinical strains displaying intermediate suscepti- to these mutations, ESCrs strains have mosaic structures in the
bility or resistance to azithromycin (AZM) are now emerging transpeptidase-encoding domain of PBP 2 (3, 26, 27, 28, 35, 48,
(9, 18, 19, 32, 40, 46, 60). 56, 62). Some of these genetic modifications (derepressed ef-
Extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESC) (ceftriaxone and flux and impermeability), as well as target mutations (ribo-
cefixime) are recommended as the first-line treatment of gono- somal protein S10, encoded by the rpsJ gene), reduce the
coccal infections in Canada and the United States; azithromy- susceptibility of the bacteria to tetracycline, whereas their com-
cin, spectinomycin, and the fluoroquinolones are second-line bination and/or the expression of the tet(M) gene confer high-
options (6, 7, 42). While resistance of N. gonorrhoeae to ex- level TETr (21, 22, 33). Ciprofloxacin resistance in gonococci
tended-spectrum cephalosporins has not been described, re- has been attributed mainly to chromosomal mutations in the
duced susceptibility (ESCrs) has led to considerable concern, target of the compound, in a region named the quinolone
particularly in Japan (24, 25, 28, 50, 59). Clinical failures as- resistance-determining region (QRDR) of the parC and gyrA
genes, which encode the ParC and GyrA subunits of topoisom-
erase IV and DNA gyrase, respectively (5, 51). Reduced intra-
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Ontario Agency for cellular drug accumulation was also suggested for CIPr isolates
Health Protection and Promotion, Public Health Laboratory Branch,
81 Resources Road, Toronto, ON, Canada M9P 3T1. Phone: (416)
(49, 51). Spectinomycin resistance (SPTr) was associated with
235-6136. Fax: (416) 235-6281. E-mail: point mutations in the 16S rRNA genes (20). There is limited

Published ahead of print on 22 November 2010. information describing the molecular bases of macrolide resis-


tance in gonococci. Although macrolide resistance mediated by strains F, G, K, L, N, O, and P of the 2008 WHO N. gonorrhoeae reference strain
ribosomal methylation or mutations has been described, in- panel were used as quality control strains (52). The presence of ␤-lactamase
activity was tested using nitrocefin.
creased activity of the MtrCDE efflux pump is the most com- Molecular studies. Previously described targets related to resistance or re-
mon mechanism responsible for the phenotype (8, 11, 12, 34, duced susceptibility to the antimicrobials tested were studied (Table 1). DNA
43, 53, 55, 60). extracts of each isolate were prepared by boiling a 1-␮l loop of each isolate in
Although the incidence of gonococcal infections is increas- lysis buffer (1% Triton X-100, 0.5% Tween 20, 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris-HCl,
pH 8). After centrifugation, 2 ␮l of these supernatants was used per PCR. The
ing, the use of nucleic acid amplification testing reduced the
primers used for PCR amplification are detailed in Table 1. PCRs were per-
number of samples collected for culture, limiting the availabil- formed using standard conditions or conditions previously described (Table 1).
ity of bacterial isolates for phenotypic studies (e.g., antimicro- DNA samples were stored at ⫺20°C. All the amplicons were sequenced with the
bial resistance testing). However, urgent monitoring of local same specific primers used for PCR under the BigDye terminator methodology
resistance patterns in N. gonorrhoeae and the underlying mech- in a model 3130xl DNA sequence analyzer (Applied Biosystem/Perkin-Elmer,
Foster City, CA). The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences were
anisms is required to effectively guide treatment recommenda- analyzed with the Vector NTI analysis software package (version 10.3.0; Invitro-
tions. Since there are no updated surveillance data about gen Corp.). Searches of sequences were performed with the BLAST program,
antimicrobial resistance in N. gonorrhoeae from Ontario, Can-

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available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information website (http:
ada, the objectives of this study were (i) to determine the // Multiple-sequence alignments were performed with
the ClustalX program, available at the European Bioinformatics Institute web-
susceptibility profiles to all the relevant antigonococcal anti-
site (
microbial agents in clinical strains isolated across the province N. gonorrhoeae multiantigen sequence typing (NG-MAST) was performed on
and (ii) to characterize the molecular mechanisms producing all isolates by sequencing internal fragments of two highly polymorphic loci,
resistance phenotypes. Particular attention was paid to those porA/B and tbpB (31). The edited and trimmed sequences were uploaded into a
conferring reduced susceptibility to extended-spectrum ceph- publicly accessible database on the NG-MAST website (
to obtain the allele number and the sequence type (ST).
alosporins and multidrug resistance (MDR). In addition, the Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. The PBP 2 nucleotide sequences
clonal relationship between these isolates was established. associated with reduced susceptibility to extended-spectrum cephalosporins
(Preliminary data were presented in abstract form at the identified in this study have been deposited in the GenBank database under
18th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases accession numbers HQ204552 to HQ204565.
Research/British Association of Sexual Health and HIV, Lon-
don, United Kingdom, 2009; the 26th International Congress RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of Chemotherapy and Infection/Association of Medical Micro-
biology and Infectious Disease Canada-Canadian Association The susceptibility profiles of 149 consecutive, nonduplicate
for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Annual Con- N. gonorrhoeae isolates, received and confirmed from 15 Oc-
ference, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2009; and the 50th Interscience tober to 15 November 2008 at the PHL, Toronto, Canada, are
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Bos- presented in Table 2. MDR (defined as resistance to 3 or more
ton, MA, 2010.) different antimicrobials; ERYrs was included in this definition)
was observed in 28 isolates (18.8%): 19 were resistant to 3
MATERIALS AND METHODS antimicrobials, and 9 were resistant to 4 of them (Fig. 1). While
all the strains were susceptible to spectinomycin, ceftriaxone,
Bacterial strains and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The Ontario Public
Health Laboratories (PHL) serve as the provincial microbiological reference and cefixime, 14 isolates demonstrated reduced susceptibility
service for the province of Ontario, Canada, with a population of 13,210,700 in to extended-spectrum cephalosporins, with MICs from 0.125 to
2010 (Census Canada []). 0.25 ␮g/ml.
PHL is the only laboratory in Ontario that provides routine clinical susceptibility Nonsusceptibility to penicillin (PENns) and ESCrs. PENr
testing for culture isolates of N. gonorrhoeae. Considering that all private and
hospital laboratories across the province must submit all isolates of N. gonor-
was observed in 18 isolates (12.2%; MICs from 2 to 6 ␮g/ml).
hoeae to PHL for confirmation and susceptibility testing, a collection of clinical However, 115 isolates (77.2%) displayed intermediate resis-
isolates obtained during a 1-month period would be a representative sample of tance (0.12 to 1 ␮g/ml) (Table 2). Only 5 PENr isolates showed
N. gonorrhoeae cultures in Ontario. To accomplish this, all consecutive, unique penicillinase activity, and they displayed the highest MICs.
patient N. gonorrhoeae isolates received and confirmed from 15 October to 15
Seventeen out of 18 PENr isolates were also CIPr and TETr,
November 2008 at the PHL were included in this study (n ⫽ 149). Patient data
were not included because they are not routinely available at the PHL except on and 10 of them were also ERYrs. Reduced susceptibility to
a case-by-case basis. The collection size was chosen in order to provide a detailed extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCrs) was observed in 14
analysis of the common mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in N. gonorrhoeae isolates (9.4%; MICs, 0.125 to 0.25 ␮g/ml for cefixime and
isolates throughout the province. Primary specimens and isolates received for 0.032 to 0.125 ␮g/ml for ceftriaxone); all of them were CIPr,
confirmation of N. gonorrhoeae were subcultured on New York City medium and
incubated for 24 to 72 h in 5% CO2 at 35 to 37°C. Gram stain, oxidase, and
and most were TETr (13 isolates) and ERYrs (11 isolates), but
carbohydrate utilization tests (glucose, maltose, sucrose, and O-nitrophenyl-␤- only 4 were PENr (9 with intermediate resistance to penicillin
D-galactopyranoside [ONPG]) were performed. Identification of N. gonorrhoeae [PENi]).
also included testing growth on blood agar at 22°C and on nutrient agar at To characterize the molecular backgrounds of these pheno-
35.5°C. A GenProbe Accuprobe N. gonorrhoeae Culture Identification kit was
types, all the PENr and 12 PENi isolates (n ⫽ 30), as well as all
used as a second confirmatory method for N. gonorrhoeae. All isolates were
cultured on GC agar and 1% defined growth supplement (10) at 37°C in 5% CO2 the ESCrs isolates (n ⫽ 14), were studied. Amino acid changes
for 20 to 24 h and stored at ⫺86°C. Each sample was subcultured twice before deduced from the nucleotide sequences of ponA (PBP 1), penA
antimicrobial testing and DNA extraction were performed. The MICs of peni- (PBP 2), porA/B (outer membrane proteins PIA and PIB), pilQ
cillin, ceftriaxone, cefixime, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, erythromycin, and spec- (PilQ, a pilus secretin protein), and mtrR (MtrR, a transcrip-
tinomycin were determined by the agar dilution method and Etest, according to
the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines (10). The MICs of
tional repressor of the operon mtrCDE encoding an efflux
azithromycin were tested by Etest in all the isolates with reduced susceptibility to pump), as well as mutations in the mtrR promoter and the
erythromycin (ERYrs) (MICs ⱖ 2 ␮g/ml). N. gonorrhoeae ATCC 49226 and presence of blaTEM-1, were analyzed (Tables 3 and 4).

TABLE 1. Primers used in this work

ATB affected Gene locus (activity) Primer Sequence (5⬘–3⬘) Reference

␤-Lactams blaTEM-1 (␤-lactamase) Tem1-F ATGAGTATTCAACATTTTCGTG This work


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␤-Lactams and por IA/IB (outer membrane proteins Por-F CAAGAAGACCTCGGCAA 31

tetracycline PIA and B) Por-R CCGACAACCACTTGGT
pilQ (pilus secretin protein) pilQ-F CAAACAGCATTTCGCTGGTG This work

␤-Lactams, tetracycline, mtrR-pr (MtrR promoter and ␣-helix MtrAF GCCAATCAACAGGCATTCTTA 23

macrolides encoded region) MtrAR GTTGGAACAACGCGTCAAAC

Tetracycline tet(M) (ribosome-protecting protein) Tet2 CCGAGCAGGGATTTCTCCAC

rpsJ (ribosomal protein S10) RPS-for GTGCTGTTGTAAAAGGCCCG

Fluoroquinolones gyrA (QRDR, gyrA subunit) Ng-gyrA-F TCCGCCACGACCACAAATTC This work


Macrolides ereA (erythromycin esterases) ereAF AACACCCTGAACCCAAGGGACG 47

ereB (erythromycin esterases) ereBF AGAAATGGAGGTTCATACTTACCA
mphA (macrolide 2⬘- mphAF AACTGTACGCACTTGC
phosphotransferase) mphAR GGTACTCTTCGTTACC
ermC (ribosomal methylase) ErmCF TCAAAACATAATATAGATAAA
ermA (ribosomal methylase) ErmAF TCTAAAAAGCATGTAAAAGAA
ermB (ribosomal methylase) ErmBF GAAAAGGTACTCAACCAAATA
ermF (ribosomal methylase) ermF-F CGGGTCAGCACTTTACTATTG 43
23S rRNA (external specific NG23S1F GGCTATGAAGGCGGCGA This work

Molecular typing por IA/IB (outer membrane proteins Por-F CAAGAAGACCTCGGCAA 31

tbpB (␤-subunit transferrin-binding TbpB-F CGTTGTCGGCAGCGCGAAAAC

TABLE 2. In vitro activities of 7 antimicrobial agents against N. gonorrhoeae clinical isolates (n ⫽ 149)

Antimicrobial No. (%) of isolates MIC (␮g/ml)

agenta Resistant Intermediate Susceptible MIC50 MIC90 Range

PEN 18 (12.1) 115 (77.2) 16 (10.7) 0.25 2 ⱕ0.06–6

CFM 0 0 149 (100) ⱕ0.03 ⱕ0.03
CRO 0 0 149 (100) ⱕ0.03 ⱕ0.06
SPT 0 0 149 (100) ⱕ32 ⱕ32
CIP 42 (28.2) 2 (1.3) 105 (70.5) ⱕ0.06 ⬎0.5 ⱕ0.06–⬎32
TET 38 (25.5) 70 (47) 41 (27.5) 0.5 2 ⱕ0.25–64
ERYb ⫺b ⫺ 115 (77.2) ⱕ1 2 ⱕ1–2
CFM, cefixime; CRO, ceftriaxone.
Nonsusceptible, 34 (22.8%). There are no CLSI breakpoints for N. gonorrhoeae and macrolides; the criteria for ERY nonsusceptible include isolates with MICs of
ⱖ2 ␮g/ml.

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Between the PENns and ESCrs isolates analyzed, no muta- pression of the efflux pump) were described in strains with
tions in the pilQ gene were found. blaTEM-1 was detected in mutations in the mtrR promoter gene (29, 60). Nineteen out of
only 5 PENr isolates, but not in any ESCrs isolates. Most of the the 30 PENns and 12/14 ESCrs isolates showed a single adenine
PENns (n ⫽ 23) and 7 of the ESCrs isolates contained a single deletion in the 13-bp inverted-repeat located in the mtrR pro-
amino acid change in PBP 1 (L421P), previously related to 3- moter gene; 2 PENi isolates and 1 ESCrs isolate with a single
to 4-fold reduction in the rate of acylation of the enzyme to thymine insertion in the promoter were detected. Mutations
␤-lactams (44). Single (position A121) and double (positions affecting both the MtrR repressor and mtrR promoter were
G120 and A121) substitutions were observed in porins PIA and observed in only 2 PENns and 1 ESCrs isolates.
PIB (Tables 3 and 4). Mutations in these two positions in- PBP 2 remained wild type in 29 PENns isolates. A single
creased resistance to penicillin and tetracycline (36). However, PENr isolate with multiple substitutions in penA in a mosaic-
additional mutations affecting the mtrR determinant are re- like structure was found, but that isolate did not show ESCrs.
quired for full PENr and TETr (37). MtrR represses the ex- Most of the PENr isolates without penicillinase activity (n ⫽
pression of the mtrCDE operon that encodes an efflux pump 13/18; MIC ⫽ 2 ␮g/ml) showed substitutions in PIB and PBP
member of the resistance-nodulation-division family. Amino 1 and a 1-adenine deletion in the mtrR promoter (Table 3). Six
acid changes in MtrR (A39T, G45D, and the double mutant additional PENi isolates that were not TEM-1 producers har-
A39T/R44H) were found in 2, 6, and 3 PENns isolates, respec- bored mutations affecting PBP 1, permeability, and efflux
tively, and 1 ESCrs isolate (G45D). These substitutions impede pump expression, as well, suggesting that the combination of
the binding of MtrR to its DNA target, increasing the expres- these different mutations is responsible for the PENns pheno-
sion of the MtrCDE efflux pump (55). Similar effects (overex-
type. All isolates with ESCrs displayed a mosaic PBP 2 struc-
ture. Of these, 5 PBP 2 amino acid patterns were found, des-
ignated XXXIV to XXXVIII according to the nomenclature
used previously (Table 4 and Fig. 2) (25, 26, 27, 35, 48, 56).
Two of them were new PBP 2 mosaic types (XXXVII and
XXXVIII). The most common PBP 2 type found in this study
was the sequence pattern XXXVIII (9/13 isolates, 5 of them
belonging to ST3158). This PBP2 type was previously de-
scribed in the United States and is closely related to pattern
XXXII (1 substitution, L551P) (35, 39). The 14 ESCrs isolates
with PBP 2 mosaic structure mostly showed mutations in the
mtrR promoter gene, the porin PIB, and PBP 1 (Table 4),
supporting the association of these mutations with the reduced
susceptibility to cefixime and ceftriaxone previously described
by Lindberg et al. (27).
Resistance to TET. TETr was observed in 38 isolates
(25.5%, MICs from 2 to 64 ␮g/ml). Most of these TETr
isolates were CIPr (n ⫽ 32), and just 17 were PENr. As in the
case of penicillin, a high number of isolates (n ⫽ 70; 47%)
displayed intermediate resistance to the antibiotic (0.5 to 1
␮g/ml) (Table 2).
Seven isolates were positive for the tet(M) gene by PCR
(Table 5). The same mutations affecting PIA/B found in PENns
isolates were observed in TETr isolates (3 single mutants in
FIG. 1. Multidrug resistance observed in this study (including position A121 and 29 double mutants in positions G120/A121),
ERYrs isolates). as well as amino acid changes in MtrR (2 A39T and 4 G45D

TABLE 3. Distribution of PENns N. gonorrhoeae isolates (n ⫽ 30)a

PBP-1 PBP-2 Porin PIB mtrR No. of isolatesc

MtrR PilQ TEM-1b
(ponA) (penA) (por IA/IB) promoter I R

L421P WT d
G120K, A121D Deletion A WT WT ⫺ 0 6
L421P WT A121G Deletion A WT WT ⫺ 2 2
L421P WT G120K, A121N Deletion A WT WT ⫺ 1 3
L421P WT G120K, A121D WT G45D WT ⫺ 3 0
WT WT WT Insertion T WT WT ⫺ 2 0
L421P WT G120D, A121G Deletion A G45D WT ⫹ 0 1
L421P WT G120K, A121G Deletion A WT WT ⫹ 0 1
L421P Mosaic G120K, A121N Deletion A WT WT ⫺ 0 1
L421P WT WT Deletion A G45D WT ⫺ 0 1
L421P WT WT Deletion A WT WT ⫺ 1 0
L421P WT G120D, A121G WT A39T WT ⫹ 0 1

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WT WT A121G WT A39T, R44H WT 0 1
WT WT A121S WT A39T, R44H WT ⫺ 1 0
WT WT A121S WT A39T WT ⫹ 0 1
WT WT WT WT G45D WT ⫺ 1 0
WT WT WT WT A39T, R44H WT ⫺ 1 0

Total 12 18
a nS
PEN , isolates resistant or with intermediate resistance to penicillin based on amino acid alterations in PBP 1 and 2, porins PIA/B, the repressor MtrR, the secretin
PilQ, mutations in the mtrR promoter, and the presence of the ␤-lactamase TEM-1.
⫺, absent; ⫹, present.
I, intermediate resistance (MIC, 0.12 to 1 ␮g/ml); R, resistant (MIC, ⱖ2 ␮g/ml), according to CLSI breakpoints for PEN.
WT,wild type.

single mutants and 1 A39T/R44H double mutant). Twenty- Resistance to CIP. CIPr was observed in 42 isolates (28.2%,
seven isolates with a single adenine deletion and 3 with a single MICs ranging from 3 to ⬎32 ␮g/ml) (Table 2). Just 2 isolates
thymine insertion in the mtrR promoter gene were also de- presented intermediate MIC values (CIPi). Thirty-two out of
tected. Although mutations in porins PIA/B and the derepres- 44 isolates (72.7%) were also TETr, and the remaining 12
sion of the MtrCDE efflux pump are common resistance mech- isolates displayed a TETi phenotype. Just 17 isolates were also
anisms for both penicillin and tetracycline, only 17 out of 38 PENr (38.6%), and the remainder were PENi. All 44 of these
TETr isolates were PENr, as well. Most of these TETr isolates isolates were studied at the molecular level.
showed single amino acid mutations in the ribosomal protein The CIPr phenotype was mainly due to simultaneous chro-
S10 (V57M; n ⫽ 31). This substitution, which can specifically mosomal mutations in gyrA and parC QRDRs (n ⫽ 39; 92.3%
reduce the affinity of tetracycline for its target, was described as of them were GyrAS91F-D95G ParCS87R) (Table 6). One CIPr
increasing the MIC of tetracycline 3- to 4-fold independently (MIC, 6 ␮g/ml) and 1 CIPi isolates presented a double muta-
of the bacterial genetic background (22). The combination of tion in the gyrA QRDR (GyrAS91F-D95G), whereas the other
mutations affecting the tetracycline target (ribosomal protein CIPi isolate was wild type for both genes. Unexpectedly, 2 CIPr
S10), antibiotic influx (porins PIA/B), and efflux (derepression isolates (MICs, 12 and 32 ␮g/ml) were wild type for gyrA and
of the MtrCDE efflux pump) are the most important mecha- parC QRDRs, as well as the mtrR gene/promoter and the porin
nisms of TETr in this collection. PIB. These isolates remain under study.

TABLE 4. N. gonorrhoeae isolates with reduced susceptibility to CFM and CRO (n ⫽ 14)a
MIC (␮g/ml) PBP 1 PBP 2 mtrR No. of
Porin PIB (porB) MtrR ST
PEN CFM CRO (ponA) pattern promoter isolates

2 0.25 0.125 G120K, A121D L421P XXXIV Deletion A WT 225 1

2 0.25 0.125 WT L421P XXXVII Deletion A G45D 299 1
1 0.25 0.125 G120K, A121N WT XXXVIII Deletion A WT 3158 3
1 0.125 0.125 WT WT XXXV Deletion A WT 546 1
0.5 0.125 0.125 G120K, A121N WT XXXVI Deletion A WT 3596 1
1 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXVIII Insertion T WT 3158 1
1 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXVIII Deletion A WT 3158 1
2 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXVIII Deletion A WT 3570 1
2 0.125 0.063 A121S L421P XXXVIII Deletion A WT 3116 1
1 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXVIII Deletion A WT 3563 1
1 0.125 0.063 WT WT XXXIV WT WT 51 1
0.5 0.125 0.032 WT WT XXXVIII Deletion A WT 3553 1
Classified by ␤-lactam MICs, amino acid alterations in porin PIB, PBP 1 and 2, repressor MtrR and mutations in the mtrR promoter.
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FIG. 2. Deduced amino acid sequences of PBP 2 from 14 ESCrs N. gonorrhoeae isolates found in this study compared with the sequence from
the wild-type strain LM306 (GenBank accession no. M32091). Active sites are highlighted in gray. The numbers of isolates with each pattern are
shown in parentheses. The periods represent amino acid residues identical to those of LM306; the dashes are blanks. PBP 2 type XXXIV, GenBank
accession number ADE22248; XXXV, ZP_04719537; XXXVI, ZP_04723776.


TABLE 5. TETr N. gonorrhoeae isolates (n ⫽ 38)a

S10 Porins PIA/B mtrR No. of isolates with MIC (␮g/ml) of:
MtrR TetMb
(rpsJ) (por IA/IB) promoter 2 4 16 32 64

V57 M G120K, A121N Deletion A WT ⫺ 13 0 0 0 0

V57 M G120K, A121D Deletion A WT ⫺ 4 0 0 0 0
V57 M G120K, A121N Insertion T WT ⫺ 1 0 0 0 0
V57 M G120K, A121N Insertion T WT ⫹ 1 0 0 0 0
V57 M G120K, A121G Deletion A WT ⫹ 0 0 0 0 1
V57 M G120K, A121D WT G45D ⫺ 1 0 0 0 0
V57 M G120K, A121D Insertion T WT ⫺ 1 0 0 0 0
V57 M G120K, A121D Deletion A WT ⫹ 1 0 0 0 0
V57 M G120D, A121G WT A39T ⫹ 0 0 0 1 0
V57 M G120D, A121G Deletion A G45D ⫹ 0 0 1 0 0
V57 M A121S WT WT ⫺ 0 0 0 1 0

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V57 M A121S Deletion A WT 1 0 0 0 0
V57 M A121G WT A39T ⫹ 0 0 0 1 0
V57 M WT WT A39T, R44H ⫺ 0 0 0 1 0
V57 M WT Deletion A G45D ⫺ 2 0 0 0 0
WT G120K, A121D Deletion A WT ⫺ 2 1 0 0 0
WT G120K, A121N Deletion A WT ⫺ 1 0 0 0 0
WT WT Deletion A WT ⫺ 1 0 0 0 0
WT WT WT WT ⫺ 1 0 0 0 0
WT WT WT WT ⫹ 0 0 1 0 0

Total 30 1 2 4 1
Classified by amino acid alterations in riboprotein S10, porins PIA/B, mutations in the mtrR promoter and repressor MtrR, and the presence of TetM. CLSI
breakpoints for TET: susceptible, ⱕ0.25 ␮g/ml; intermediate, 0.5 to 1 ␮g/ml; resistant, ⱖ2 ␮g/ml.
⫺, absent; ⫹, present.

Reduced susceptibility to macrolides. Thirty-four isolates sible mutations in the mtrR gene/promoter and riboproteins L4
were identified with MICs of ⱖ2 ␮g/ml for ERY (22.8%). and L22 (rplD and rplV genes) were tested in all the isolates
These isolates were designated ERYrs (Table 2). Low azithro- with ERYrs. Moreover, mutations in the 4 copies of the 23S
mycin MIC values (0.25 to 0.5 ␮g/ml) were observed in all the rRNA genes identified in N. gonorrhoeae were analyzed, as
ERYrs isolates (data not shown). However, considering the well, using the strategy described by Farrell and colleagues (16,
European Committee of Antimicrobial Resistance Testing 17). Briefly, a common primer inside the 4 copies of the 23S
breakpoints for azithromycin (susceptible, ⱕ0.25; resistant, rRNA genes and specific external primers close to each of
⬎0.5) and previous studies suggesting that MICs for azithro- them were designed from the complete N. gonorrhoeae
mycin of 0.25 to 1 ␮g/ml indicate reduced susceptibility to the NCCP11945 genome (accession number NC_011035). Using
macrolide, all the ERYrs isolates were designated AZMrs, as the amplicons obtained in these first PCRs as DNA templates,
well (14, 15, 43, 60). nested PCRs were performed using common primers internal
Three different mechanisms involved in macrolide resistance to the 23S rRNA gene (including the peptidyltransferase loop
were described in N. gonorrhoeae: efflux systems (30, 45), mod- in domain V) to identify point mutations associated with mac-
ification of the ribosomal target by methylases (43), and ribo- rolide resistance (Table 1).
somal modification by point mutations in the macrolide targets Of all the genes searched by PCR, only ermB was detected in
(18, 19, 34). Here, the presence of 23S rRNA methylases 1 isolate. PCR and sequencing analyses did not detect muta-
(ermA, ermB, ermC, and ermF genes), a plasmid-mediated ef- tions in the riboproteins L4 and L22. A unique point mutation
flux pump (mefA/E genes), macrolide 2⬘-phosphotransferase (transition C2403U by N. gonorrhoeae numbering [C2417U by
(mphA gene), ERY esterases (ereA and ereB genes), and pos- E. coli numbering]) in domain V of the 23S ribosomal subunit

TABLE 6. CIPr/i N. gonorrhoeae isolates (n ⫽ 44)a

No. of isolates with MIC (␮g/ml) of:
ParC GyrA
0.25 0.5 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 ⬎32

S87R S91F, D95G 0 0 1 2 1 2 6 5 3 1 15

S87N, E91Q S91F, D95A/G 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
E91G S91F, D95A 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WT S91F, D95A 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
WT WT 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

Total 1 1 2 2 4 2 7 5 3 2 15
Classified by amino acid alteration patterns in the QRDRs of ParC and GyrA subunits. CLSI breakpoints for CIP: susceptible, ⱕ0.6 ␮g/ml; intermediate, 0.12 to
0.5 ␮g/ml; resisstant, ⱖ1 ␮g/ml.

TABLE 7. Classification of ERYrs N. gonorrhoeae each ST were not related. On the other hand, 4/5 isolates
isolates (n ⫽ 34)a harboring tbpB allele 35 (1 isolate with ST546, ST1634,
mtrR No. of ST3551, and ST3570) were associated with resistance to 2 or
promoter isolatesb more different antimicrobials (ST546 and ST3570 are closely
Deletion A WT 26 related, with 6 point mutations of difference between their
Insertion T WT 3 porA/B alleles). Resistance to 2 or more antimicrobials was
WT G45D 2 also observed in isolates harboring tbpB allele 49 (4/8 isolates
WT A39T, R44H 1 belonging to ST3550, ST3569, and ST3590; the first 2 are
closely related, with just 2 point mutations of difference be-
Total 34 tween their porA/B alleles), allele 110 (8/14 isolates from
ST2569, ST3553, and the previously mentioned ST1407 and
Based on amino acid alterations in the MtrR repressor and mutations in the
mtrR promoter. ST3158), and allele 801 (2/2 isolates belonging to ST3561 and
All isolates displayed MICs ⱖ 2 ␮g/ml. ST3563, both closely related, with just 2 point mutations of
difference between their porA/B alleles).

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Concluding remarks. Resistance to first-line antimicrobials
was found in 6 isolates, 4 of them with the same mutation in 3 is continuously emerging in N. gonorrhoeae. Resistance to cip-
of the 4 copies of the 23S rRNA genes. However, this mutation rofloxacin has been reported in different countries, with rates
is located far from the positions where single mutations were leading to its discontinuation as the first-line option in gonor-
previously associated with macrolide resistance, suggesting rhea therapy (e.g., 28% in Ontario, Canada) (38). This study
that it is not involved in the development of the ERYrs phe- demonstrated high genetic variability in the gonococcal popu-
notype. Most of the ERYrs isolates had mutations in the mtrR lation studied, with a significant proportion of N. gonorrhoeae
promoter (n ⫽ 29) or in MtrR (n ⫽ 3), suggesting that the isolates from Ontario with nonsusceptibility (resistant plus in-
overexpression of the MtrCDE efflux pump was the most im- termediate categories) to penicillin (89.2%), tetracycline
portant macrolide resistance mechanism observed in this study (72.3%), ciprofloxacin (29%), and macrolides (22.3%). This is
(Table 7). Two ERYrs isolates were wild type for all the genes the first description of reduced susceptibility to extended-spec-
tested and remain under study. trum cephalosporins in Canada, all of them associated with
NG-MAST typing. Based on the analysis of porA/B and tbpB PBP 2 mosaic structures. Alterations in the mtrR promoter,
alleles, 98 different STs were obtained for all the isolates in- MtrR repressor (PENns, TETr, and ERYns), the porin PIB
cluded in this study, most of them (n ⫽ 73) represented by only (PENns and TETr), and ribosomal protein S10 (TETr) and
a single isolate. Fifty-six of these 98 STs (57%) were found to double mutations in gyrA and parC QRDRs (CIPr) were asso-
be novel, indicating high genetic variability in the bacterial ciated with and presumably responsible for the MDR pheno-
collection studied. ST2 was the most prevalent (n ⫽ 12; 8.1%), types observed. Resistance to extended-spectrum cephalospo-
followed by ST51 (n ⫽ 6; 4%); ST3158 (n ⫽ 6; 4%); ST1105, rins, azithromycin, and spectinomycin were not detected, and
ST3550, and ST3554 (n ⫽ 4; 2.7%); ST25, ST576, and ST865 the drugs remain therapeutic options for gonorrhea treatment
(n ⫽ 3; 2%); and another 16 different STs with 2 isolates each in Ontario. However, the detection of reduced susceptibility to
(1.3%). However, all the STs represented by 3 or more isolates extended-spectrum cephalosporins associated with a multidrug
(except ST3158 and ST3550 [see below]) were not related to resistance phenotype indicates a change in the epidemiology of
resistance to any antimicrobial. Thirty-one different STs were this resistance and highlights the importance of continued sur-
related to MDR: 21 were associated with resistance to 3 anti- veillance to preserve the last antimicrobial options currently
microbials (9 STs were CIPr ERYrs TETr, 7 were PENr CIPr available.
TETr, and 5 were PENr CIPr ERYrs), and 10 were resistant to
4 antimicrobials (PENr CIPr TETr ERYrs). Because of the
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Molecular Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance Mechanisms in
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates from Ontario, Canada
Vanessa G. Allen, David J. Farrell, Anuradha Rebbapragada, Jingyuan Tan, Nathalie Tijet, Stephen J. Perusini, Lynn Towns,
Stephen Lo, Donald E. Low, and Roberto G. Melano
‹Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Public Health Laboratory—Toronto, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto,
and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Volume 55, no. 2, p 703–712, 2011. Page 707: the “PBP 2 pattern” column of Table 4 is incorrect and should appear as shown below.

TABLE 4 N. gonorrhoeae isolates with reduced susceptibility to CFM and CRO (n ⫽ 14)a
MIC (␮g/ml)
No. of
PEN CFM CRO Porin PIB (porB) PBP 1 (ponA) PBP 2 pattern mtrR promoter MtrR ST isolates
2 0.25 0.125 G120K, A121D L421P XXXVI Deletion A WT 225 1
2 0.25 0.125 WT L421P XXXV Deletion A G45D 299 1
1 0.25 0.125 G120K, A121N WT XXXIV Deletion A WT 3158 3
1 0.125 0.125 WT WT XXXVII Deletion A WT 546 1
0.5 0.125 0.125 G120K, A121N WT XXXVIII Deletion A WT 3596 1
1 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXIV Insertion T WT 3158 1
1 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXIV Deletion A WT 3158 1
2 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXIV Deletion A WT 3570 1
2 0.125 0.063 A121S L421P XXXIV Deletion A WT 3116 1
1 0.125 0.063 G120K, A121N L421P XXXIV Deletion A WT 3563 1
1 0.125 0.063 WT WT XXXVI WT WT 51 1
0.5 0.125 0.032 WT WT XXXIV Deletion A WT 3553 1
Classified by ␤-lactam MICs, amino acid alterations in porin PIB, PBP 1 and 2, repressor MtrR and mutations in the mtrR promoter.

Page 706, right column, line 24: “The most common PBP 2 type found in this study was the sequence pattern XXXVIII (9/13 isolates,
5 of them belonging to ST3158)” should read “The most common PBP 2 type found in this study was the sequence pattern XXXIV (9/14
isolates, 5 of them belonging to ST3158).”
Page 708, Figure 2: in the upper left portion of the figure, the PBP 2 patterns and numbers of isolates should be XXXIV (9), XXXV (1),
XXXVI (2), XXXVII (1), and XXXVIII (1).

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632 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy p. 632 January 2014 Volume 58 Number 1

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