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computer Network


Q.1. Computer Network is
(1) Collection of hardware
components and computers
(2) Interconnected by communication
(3) Sharing of resources and information
A l l of the Above
Ans. (4) All of the Above
Q.2. Protocols are?
(1Agreements on how communication components and
DTE's are to communicate
(2) Logical communication channels for
transferring data
Physical communication channels sued for
transferring data
(4) None of above
Ans. (1) Agreements on bow communication components and
DTE's are to communicate
Q.3. Two devices are in network if
a process in one device is able to exchange
information with a process in another device
(2) a process is running on both devices
(3) PIDs of the processes running of different devices are

(4) none of the mentioned

Ans.(1) a process in one device is able to exchange
information with a process in another device
Q.4. Which data communication method is used to
transmit the data over a serial communication link?
(1) Simplex (2) Half-duplex
43 Full duplex (4) All of above
Ans. (3) Full duplex
. Router operates in which layer of OSI Reference

tor BCA Computer Notwork
c2 Layer)

(1) Layer 1
(2) to separate LANs C.31
Layer 3 Layer) (3) to contrl Network
(8) Layer 4
Layer) (4) All of th above Speed
Layer 7 Layer)
Ans. (1) to conn t LANs
(4) (Network
Layer 3
Ans. (2)
layers does
OSI Reference Model has? 9.13.What is the meaning of Bandwidth in
Q.6. How many Y Transmission Network?
capacity a communication
Connected Computers inof the
(2) 5
(1) 4 (2) channels
(3) 6 (47
(3) Class of IP used in Network
Ans. (4) 7 (4) None
of Above
of the OSI modelo Ans.(1) Transmission
works in which layer capacity of a communication channels
Q.7. Bridge Transport layer
Application layer (2)
(1) D a t a link layer Q.14.The structure or format of data is called
(3) Network layer
Data link layer
(1)Syntax (2) Semantics ..

Ans. (4) (3) Struct ,(4) Formatting

benefit of the Networking? Ans.(1) Syntax
Q.8. What is the
(1) File Sharing
Easier to Resources
Q.15.Communication between a computer and
(3) Easier Backups
keyboard involves transmission.
(1) Automatic (2)
4 All of the Above (3) Half-duplex
All of the Above Ans. (4)
Simplex (4 Simplex
Ans. (4)
Q.9. Which of the following is not the Networking
Q.16.A.. .is the physical path over which a message
Devices? travels.
(1) Gateways 2Y Linux (1) Path (2Medium
(3) Routers (4) Firewalls (3) Protocol (3) Route
Ans. (2) Linux Ans. (2) Medium
Q10.What do you mean by broadcasting in Networking?" Q.17.Three or more devices share a link in
I t means addressing a packet to all machine connection.
(2) It means addressing a packet to some machine (1) Unipoint Multipoint
(3) It means addressing a packet to a particular machine (3) Point to point (4 Simplex
(4) It means addressing a packet to except a particular Ans. (2) Multipoint
machine .18.How many layers are present
Ans.(1) It in the Internet
addressing a packet to all machine
protocol stack (TCP/IP model)?
Q.11.A set of rules that govern all 5 (2 7
communication is called aspects of informaio
86 (4) 10
(1) Server (2) Internet Ans. (1) 5
(3 Protocol (4) OSI Model
Ans. (3) Protocol Q.19.Application layer is implemented in..
(1)End system
Q.12.What is the use of Bridge in (2) NIC
(to connect LANs Network? (3) Ethernet
KPH MCO for Bc
BCA Computer Network
C.4 (4) Packet t r a n s p o r t
(3) optical service implementation [C.5)
End system (4) open service Internet
Ans. (1) presentation laver
er include Ans. (1)
ofthe open system interconnection
26.TCP/IP model does not have
Data compression
model have this layer. layer but OSI
Data encryption 1session layer (2) transport layer
(3) Data description (3) application layer (4) network layer
44All of the
mentioned Ans.(1) session layer
the mentioned
Ans. (4) All of
data is sent from devico
9.27.TCPAP model was developed .... the OSI model.
when (1) prior to
Q.21.In OSI model, (2) after
data at B isS to
5th layer to receive (3) simultaneous to (4)
device B, the Transport layer Ans. (1) prior to
with no link to
(1) Application layer Session layer
(3) Link layer Q.28.Transmission
data rate is decided
Ans. (4) Session layer network layer (2) physical layer
. .. .

Q.22.In TCP IP Model, when data is sent from device Atto (3) data link layer (4) transport layer
Ans. (2) physical layer
device B, the 5th layer to
receive data at B 14) physical
Q.29.Which of this is not
constituent of residential a
Application layer (2) Transport layer telephone line?
(4) Session layer (1) A high-speed downstream
(3) Link layer channel
Ans. (1) Application layer (2) A medium-speed downstream
(3) A low-speed downstream channel
Q.23.In the OSI model, as a data packet moves from the (4) An ultra-high speed downstream
Ans. (3) A low-speed channel
lowerto the upper layers, headers a r e . downstream channel
(1) Added ( 2 Removed
Q.30.DSL telcos provide which of the
(3) Rearranged (4) Randomized (1) Wired phone access following services?
Ans.(2) Removed (2) ISP
Q.24.Which of the following statements can be associated (3) Wired phone access and ISP
with OSI model? (4) Network routing and ISP
Ans. (3) Wired phone access and ISP
(1) A structured way to discuss and easier update system
components 9.31.The
Q.31.The function of DSLAM is to
(2) One layer may duplicate lower layer functionality (1) Convert analog signals into..
. ****

(3 Functionality at one layer no way requires (2) Convert digital signals into digital signals
(3) Amplify digital signals analog signals
information from another layer
(4) It is an (4) De-amplify digital signals
application specific network model
Ans.(3) Functionality Ans.(1)
s. (1) Convert analog signals into
at one digital signals
information from another layer way requires

layer .32.Which of the following terms is not associated with

Q.25.0SL stands for .. DSL?
open system interconnection DSLAM (2) CO
(2),operating system interface Ans. (4) Splitter
CO for BCA
ICcs Computer Network
Q.33.HFC c o n t a i n s .
Fibre cable Ans. (4) The gauge of the [C.7]
electrical interferencetwisted-pair
(1) Coaxial cable line and
(2) of Fibre cable and Coaxial
degree of
(4) Twisted Pair Cable
and Coaxial e
40.Which type of topology is best suited for
Ans. (3) A combination of
Pibre cable
oaxial cable businesses which must carefully large
coordinate the control and
Q.34.Which of the
following statements is not applicable
operation of
distributed branch
for cable (1) Ring
It is a shared
broadcast medium (2) Local area
It includes HFCs (3) Hierarchical (4) Star
(2) home PC to Ethernet. Ans.(4) Star
Cable modem connects
(3) Analog
(4) signal is converted to ital signal in port
converted to digital
Q.41.Physical or logical
SLAM 4.Fhysical logical arrangement of network is...
(4) Analog signal is signal in (1) lopology
Ans. SLAM (3) Networking
(2) Routing
Q.35.Among the optical-distribution architectures (4) Control
tha Ans. (1) Topology
are essentially switched ethernet is ..
(1) AON (2) PON
Q.42.Which network topology
(3) NON (4) MON
controller or hub? requires a central
Ans. (1) AON
(1) Star (2) Mesh
Q.36.StarBand provides... (3) Ring (4) Bus
(1) FTTH internet access (2) Cable access Ans. (1) Star
(3) Telephone access (4) Satellite access Q.43.
Ans. (4) Satellite access topology requires a
Q.37.Home Access is provided by. (1) Star (2) Mesh
(1) DSL (2)FTTP (3) Ring 4) Bus
(3) Cable (4) All of the mentioned Ans. (4) Bus
Ans. (4) All of the mentioned
Q.44.Dataa communication system
Q.38.ONT is connected to splitter using... countries, or the whole world is. spanning states,
(1) High speed fibre cable (1) LAN (2) WAN
(2) HFC (3) MAN (4) PAN
(3) Optical cable Ans. (2) WAN
(4) Twisted pair cable
Ans. (3) Optical cable Q.45.Data communication system within
campus is...
building or

Q.39.Which of the following (1) LAN (2) WAN

rate in DSL? factors affect transmiss
(3) MAN (4) PAN
(1) The gauge of the Ans. (1) LAN
(2) Degree of twisted-pair
electrical interference
(3) Shadow fading Q.46.WAN stands for...
4) The gauge (1) World area network Wide area network
of the (2)
electrical interferencetwisted-pair line and a (3) Web area network (4) Web access network
Ans. (2) Wide area network
MO for 8CA
IC.8 divided into..
***** aDuterNetwork
TDM, slots are Frames
Q.47.In (2)
Bits 54.As the resources are [c.9]
Packets (4) reserved between two
(3) communicating end
Ans. (2) Frames systems
Switching,. achieved. in circuit
multiplexing technique that
is the
shits (1) authentication

Q.48. signal to a
different c a r r i e r :
(2) guaranteed constant rate
(1) FDM
(2) TDM (3) reliability
TDM (4) PDM (4) store and forward
Both FDM&
Ans. (1) FDM a.(2) guaranteed constant rate
Q49.A local telephone network 1s an
example of 0.55.In..... . Systems, resources
. network. demand. are allocated on
(1) Packet switched (2) Circuit switched (1) packet switching
(4) Line switched (3) line switching
(2) circuit switching
(31 Bit switched
(4) frequency switching
Ans. (2) Circuit switched ns.(1) packet switching
Q.50.Most packet switches use
this principle 56.Which of the
following is not
(1) Stop and wait (2) Store and forward service? an
application layer
(3) Store and wait (4) Stop and forward (1) Network virtual terminal
Ans. (2) Store and forward (2) File transfer, access, and
(3) Mail service management
Q.51.1f there are N routers from source to destination. (4) Error control
the total end to end delay in sending packet (4)
Mmher of bits in the packet R-> transmission P(L> s. Error control
rate) 57.Which of the
is equal to...
Link layer header?
following would be found in a Data
(1) N (2) (N*L)/R
(3) (2N*L)/R (4) L/R
(1) The packet's fragmentation offset
Ans. (2) (N*L)/R (2) The source's logical address
(3) The packet's
sequence number
Q.52.What are the Methods to move
data through (4) The source's physical address
network of links and switches? aas. 4)
Ans.(4) The source's physical address
(1) Packet s tching and Line
(2) ireuit switching and Line
switching 58.What is a primar function of the
switching information trailer
3) added by the data link
sw ching and bit switching encapsulation? layer
(4) Picket switching
Ans. (4) and Circuit switching
Packet switching and Circuit
Supports error detectiun
switching (2)
Ensures ordered arrival of data
Q53.The required resources for
Identifies the devices on the local network
reserved for the durationbetween (4)
end systems are (4)
Provides delivery to correct destination
session between end of the ms. (1)
systems in
Supports error detection
(1) Packet switching . . . . . . . . method.

(3) Line switching (2) Circuit switching 59Error detection at the data link layer is achieved
Ans.(2) Circuit switching 4) Frequency switching by?
(1) Bit stuffing
(2) Cyclic redundancy codes
PH MCO computer Network
for BCA
Hamming codes
(1) logical link control sublayer
(2) media access control
(4) Equalization
Bit stuffing (3) network interface control
Ans. (1)
bit is?
mark parity,
each parity (4) none of the mentioned
between 0 and 1 Ans. (2) media access control sublayer
(2) Always set
to 0
o.67.Header of a frame generally contains
(3) Always set to 1 (1) synchronization bytes
Not used (2) addresses
Always set to 1 (3) frame identifier
Ans. (3)
devices is a PC (4) all of the mentioned
following com
Q.61.Which of the network?Onent Ans.(4) all of the mentioned
the computer to the
that connects
(1) Bridge Q.68.Automatic repeat request error management
(2) NIC (Network Interface Card) mechanism is provided by
(3) DNS Server (1) logical link control sublayer
(4) Gateway (2) media access control sublayer

NIC (Network Interface Card) (3) network interface control sublayer

Ans. (2)
4) none of the mentioned
Q.62.Switch is a Device of . . . ...
Layer of OSI Model. Ans. (1) logical link control sublayer
(1) Network Layer (2) Data Link Layer
(3) Application Layer (4) Session Layer Q.69.When 2 or more bits in a data unit has been changed
Ans. (2) Data Link Layer during the transmission, the error is called
(1) random error (2) burst error
Q.63.HUB is a.. Device and Switch is a... (3) inverted error (4) none of the mentioned
Device. Ans. (2) burst error
(1) Unicast, Multicast (2) Malticast, Unicast
Q.70.CRC stands for
(3) Broadcast, Unicast (4 None of Above
(1) cyelie redundancy check
Ans. (3) Broadcast, Unicast
(2) code repeat check
Q.64.The data link layer takes the packets from . . . (3) code redundancy check
and encapsulates them into frames for transmission. (4) cyclic repeat check
(1) network layer (2) physical layer Ans. (1) cyclic redundancy check
(8) transport layer (4) application layer Q.71.Which one of the following is the multiple access
Ans. (1) network laye
protocol for channel access control?
Q.65.Which of the task is not done by (1) CSMA/CD
following u CSMA/CA
link layer? (2)
(3) both (a) and (b)
(1) framing (2) error control
(3) flow control (4) channel coding (4) none of the mentioned

Ans.(4) channel coding Ans. (3) both (a) and (b)

Q.66.Which sublayer of the data link laver performs da

12.The technique of temporarily delaying
c a n be hooked
link functions acknowledgements so that they
that depend upon the type
the next outgoing data frame is called
KPH MCa fort
(1) piugybacking Computer Network

(2) cyclic redundancy check

fletcher's checksum
Q.80.Which error detection method uses one's
(3) complement arithmetic?
(4) none of the mentioned
Ans. (1) pigeybacking
(1) Simple parity check
(2) Two-dimensional parity check
Q.73.How the error detection is achieved (3) CRC
at d Checksum
layer? (4)
(1) Hamming codes (2) Bit stuffing link Ans.(4) Checksumn
(3) Detection manager (4) None of the
Ans. (2) Bit stuffing above Q.81.Which error detection method consists of just one
redundant bit per data unit?
Q.74.Switch operates at second layer of OSI (1) Simple parity check
model th.
hat i (2) Two-dimensional parity check
(1) Physical layer (3) CRC
(2) Network layer (4) Checksum
(3) Data link layer (4)
Ans. (3) Data link layer
Transport layer Ans. (1) Simple parity check

Q.75.What does MAC stands for? Q.82.In cyclic redundancy checking, what is the CRC?
(1) (1) The divisor The guotient
Memory access control
Media access control (3) The dividend The femainder he femainder
(3) Ans. (4) The remainder
Memory access communication
(4) None Q.83.In cyclic redundancy checking, the divisor is . . .

Ans. (3) Media access control the CRC.

(1) the same size as (2) one bit less than
Q.76.Bridge works in which layer of the OSI model? 3) one bit more than (4) none of the above
(1) Application layer (2) Transport layer Ans. (3) one bit more than
(3) Network layer (4) Datalink layer
Ans. (4) Datalink layer Q.84.A . . error means that two or more bits in the
data unit have changed.
Q.77.MAC Address is used
by which layer ? (1) double-bit (2) burst
(1) Transport Layer (2) Data Link Layer none of the above
(3) single-bit (4)
(3) Application Layer (4) Physical Layer Ans. (2) burst
Ans. (2) Data Link Layer
correction, the receiver corrects
Q.85.In ... . . . . . . error
Q.78.Layer-2 Switch is also called errors without requesting re-transmission.
(1) Multiport Hub (2) backward (2) onward
Multiport Switch (1)
(3) Multiport Bridge 4) Multiport NIC forward (4) none of the above
Ans. (3) Multiport Bridge Ans. (3) forward
Q.79.. is added to data

packet for error Q.86.In correction, the receiver asks the

. . . . . . . . . .

(1) checksum bit (2) error bit detection. sender to send the data again.
(3) parity bit (4) both a and (1) backward (2) retransmission
Ans. (4) both a and e (3) forward 4) none of the above
Ans. (2)
[C.14] Ke mco Compurer
Network rk
Q.87.We can divide coding schemes into for BCA
two bro0a 9 4 . T o g u a

rantee correction of up to 5
r a n t e

errors in all
categories: .. and..coding. the minimum Hamming
(1) block; linear (2) linear; nonlinear 0ad cases,
distance in a block
must be .....
(3) block; convolution (4) none of the code
above (2) 6
Ans. (3) block; convolution (1) b
11 (4) 12
Q.88.Ir modulo-2 arithmetic, (3)
results. give the same Ans. (3) 11

(1) addition and multiplication linear block code, the of any two valid
95.In a
(2) addition and division odewords creates another valid codeword.
(3) addition and subtraction (1) XORing (2) ORing
(4) none of the above
(3) ANDing (4) none of the above
Ans. (3) addition and subtraction Ans.(1)XORing

Q.89.In modulo-2 arithmetic, we

0.96.A simple parity-check code can detect..
use the
operation for both addition and
subtraction. errors.

(1) XOR (2) OR an even-number of

(3) AND (4) none of the above two
Ans. (1) XOR (2)
(3) no errors

Q.90.In. coding, divide we our (4) an odd-number of

each of k bits, called. message into blocks Ans. (4) an odd-number of
(1) block; blockwords
(3) block; datawords (2) linear; datawords Q.97. are special linear block codes with

Ans. (3) block; (4) none of the above one extra property. If a codeword is rotated, the
datawords result is another codeword.
Q.91.We add r
redundant bits to each block (1) Non-linear (2) Convolution
length n = k +r. The to make the
(3) Cyclic (4) none of the above
resulting n-bit blocks are called Ans. (3) Cyclie
(3) (2) blockwords of errors isS more difficult than
codewords (4) none of the Q.98.The
Ans. (3) codewords above the...
correction; detection (2) detection; correction
Q.92.The ... (1) creation; detection
between creation; correction (4)
differences between two words is the (3)
number o Ans. (1) correction; detection
Hamming code corresponding
bits. we u s e only the integers in
Ans. (2)
Hamming rule (4) Hamming distance Q.99.In modulo-11 arithmetic,

Hamming distance of the above none the range . . . . ,

(2) 1 to 11
Q.93.To guarantee the (1) 1 to 10
(4) none of the above
cases, the minimumdetection of up (3) 0 to 10
to 5
code must be Hamming distance errors in a Ans. (3) 0 to 10

(1) 5
in a blocs arithmetic, w e use only . . . .

(2) 6 Q.100.In modulo-2 0 and 2

(8) 11 (4) 12 1 and 2 (2)
Ans. (2) (1) 0 and 1 (4) none of the above
0 and 1
Ans. (3)
C.16 Computer Network

Q.101.Adding 1 and 1 in
modulo-2 KPH MCO Automatic repeat request
arithmetic resul.for Bca (2) C.17]
(1) 1 (2) 8) Automatic retransmission
(3) 0
Ans. (3) 0
none of the above results im 4) Acknowledge repeat requestrequest
Ans. (2) Automatic repeat request
Q.102.In block coding, if k =
2 and o109.For Stop-and-Wait ARQ, for 10
invalid codewords. n =
3, we data packets
(1) 8 (2) 4 have
. . .

acknowledgments are needed.

exactly 10
(1) (2) less than 10
(3) 2
4) (3) more than 10
Ans. (2) none of the
àbove (4) none of the
4 Ans.(1) exactly 10 above
Q.103.The Hamming distance o.110.HDLC is an acronym for...
is. e**** between equal (1) High-duplex line communication
(1) codew
(3) 0

none of the
deword (2) High-level data link control
(8) Half-duplex digital link
Ans. (3)0 above (4) Host double-level circuitcombination
Q.104.The Hamming Ans. (2) High-level data link control
distance between
(1) 2
100 and
Q.111.Data link control deals with
the design
(2) is procedures for ... and
(3) 1 (4) (1) node-to-node
Ans. (1) 2 none of the
above (2) host-to-host
(3) process-to-process 4) none of the above
Q.105.In block coding, if Ans.(1) node-to-node
distance between two n =
5, the Q.112.In îraming, we need a delimiter
(1) 2
(3) 5 (2) 3 codewordsmaximum
is ... Hamming
define the boundary of two frames. (flag) to

Ans. (3) 5 (4) 6 (1) fixed-size (2) Variable-size

(3) Standard (4) None of the above
Q.106.If the Ans. (2) Variable-size
the Hamming distance
corresponding codeword
are. between a dataword 113.In a . . protocol, the data section of a frame is a

(1) 3 .. bits in error. is three, and sequence of characters.

(2) 4 there (1) bit-oriented
(3) 5 (2) character-oriented
Ans. (1) 3 (4) 6 (3) either (a) or (b) (4) none of the above
Ans. (2) character-oriented
Q.107.In a
is the Go-Back-N ARQ, if Q.114.In a
a.. . . protocol, the data section of a frame
(1) range of the window is a sequence of bits.
21 to 63
(3) 1
(2) 0 to numbers?
size is 63, wha (1) byte-oriented (2) bit-oriented
to 63
Ans. (1) 0 to 63 (4) 1 to 64
(3) either (a) or (b) (4) none of the above
Ans. (2) bit-oriented
stands for.. (Q.115.In . . protocols, we use...
Automatic repeat
**e****** (1) character-oriented; byte stuffing
quantization (2) character-oriented; bit stuffing
character stuffin BCA Computer Network
the above
(4) none of
byte stuffing
0 121.Which of the following is not correct in relation to
Ans. (1)
multi-destination routing?
use. (1) issame as broadcast
Q.116.In . . .
protocols, we
byte-oriented; bit stuffing (2) contains the list of all destinations
character-oriented; bit stuffing (3) data is not sent by packets
bit-oriented; bit stuffing (4) there are multiple receivers
(4) none of the above Ans. (3) data is not sent by packets
Ans. (3) bit-oriented; bit stuffing
Q.122.A subset of a network that includes all the routers
Q.117.The network layer is concerned with but contains loops is
(1) bits (2) (1) spanning tree (2) spider structure
(3) packets (4) bytes (3) spider tree (4) special tree
Ans.(3) packets Ans. (1) spanning tree

Q.118.Which one of the following is not a

function af
Q.123.Which one of the
following algorithm is not used
network layer? for congestion control?
(1) routing
(3) congestion control
error control
(1) traffic aware routing
Ans. (4)
(2) admission control
error control
(3) load shedding
Q.119.A 4 byte IP address consists of. (4) routing information protocol
(1) only network address Ans. (4) routing information protocol
(2) only host address
(3) network address & host address Q.124.The network layer protoeol for internet is .. .
(4) network address & MAC (1) ethernet
Ans. (3) address (2) internet protocol
network address & host
address (3) hypertext transfer protocol
Q.120.In virtual circuit network (4) file transfer protocol
each packet contains Ans. (2) internet protocol
(1) full source and
(2) destination address
short VC number Q.125.ICMP is
primarily used for ..
(3) only source address (1) errorand diagnostic functions
(4) only destination address (2) addressing
Ans. (2) a short
VC number (3) forwarding
Q.120.Which of the (4) routing
used for networkfollowing routing Ans. (1) error and diagnostic functions
(1) shortest layer design? algorithms can be
(2) distance path algorithm
vector routing
Q.141.1CMP is used in ...
(3) link state (1) Ping
(4) all of routing (2 Traceroute
Ans. (4) all of the mentioned (3) config
mentioned (4) Ect
Ans.(1 th
KPH MCO for BCA computor ork
Path First (OSPF) is also (dynamic host
Shortest .


provides. to the client.

configuration protocol)
aS.... ****

protocol (1) IP address

(1) Link state
Error-correction protocol (2) MAC address
(3) Routing information protocol (3) Url
(4) None of the nentioned
(4) Border gateway protocol
Ans. (1) IP address
Ans. (1) Link state protocol
Q.143.The computation of the shortest path in OSPR 0.148.DHCP is used for...
s (1) IPv6
usually done by . .
(2) IPv4
(1) Bellman-ford algorithm (3) Both IPvG6 and IPv4
(2) Routing information protocol
(4) None of the mentioned
(3) Dijkstra's algorithm Ans. (3) Both IPv6 and IPv4
(4) Distance vector routing
Ans. (3) Dijkstra's algorithm Q.149.The DHCP server ...
(1) maintains a database of available IP addresses
Q.144.Which of the following is false with respect to the
(2) maintains the information about client
features of OSPF? configuration
(1) Support for fixed-length subnetting by including the
(3) grants a IP address when receives a request from a
subnet mask in the routing message client
(2) More flexible link cost than can range from 1 to (4) all of the mentioned
(3) Use of designated router
Ans.(4) all of the mentioned
(4) Distribution of trafficmultiple paths
over that have Q.150.IP assigned for a client by DHCP server is
equal cost to the destination
Ans.(1) Support for fixed-length 1) for a limited period
subnet mask in the
subnetting by including the (2) for an unlimited period
routing message (3) not time dependent
Q.145.In OSPF, which protocol is used to (4) none of the mentioned
neighbour routers automatically? discover Ans. (1) for a limited period
(1) Link state protocol
(2) Q.151.DHCP uses UDP port.... for sending data to the
Error-correction protocol
(3) Routing information protocol server.
(4) Hello protocol (1) 66 (2) 67
Ans. (4) (3) 68 (4 69
Hello protocol
Ans. (2) 67
Q.146.Which of the following is not a Q.152.The DHCP server can provide the .........of the IP
packet? type of OSPF acdresses.
(1) Hello (1) dynamic allocation
(2) Link-state request (2) autenatic allocation
(3) Link-state response static aJcation
(4) Link-state ACK (3)
Ans. (3) (4) all of the mentione
Link-state response all of the mentioned
Ans. (4)
client and servers on
the same s
computer Network
(1) UDP broadcast (2) UDP unicast subne (3) It is used to map a 32-bit ethernet address to
(3) TCP broadcast (4) TCP unicast IP address.
a 48-bit
UDP broadcast (4) It is used to map a 48-bit IP address
Ans. (1) to a 32-bit
ethernet address.
Q.154.After obtaining the IP address, to Dras.
It is
is used to map
conflict the client may use.... the p?
Ans.(1) a 32-bit IP address to a 48-bit
ethernet address.
(1) internet relay chat
.159.Which of the following describes the function of
(2) broader gateway protocol
address resolution protocol RARP?
(4) none of the mentioned (1) It is used to map a 32-bit IP address to a 48-bit
Ans. (3) address resolution protocol ethernet address.
(2) It is used to map a 48-bit ethernet address to a 32-bit
Q.155.What is DHCP snooping? IP address.
(1) techniques applied to ensure the security of
(3) It is used to map a 32-bit ethernet address to a 48-bit
existing DHCP infrastructure an IP address.
(2) encryption of the DHCP server requests (4) It is used to map a 48-bit IP address to a 32-bit
(3) algorithm for DHCP ethernet address.
(4) none of the mentioned Ans. (2) It is used to map a 48-bit ethernet address to a 32-bit
Ans. (1) techniques applied to ensure the IP address.
existing DHCP infrastructure security of an
Q.160.The IPv4 header size
Q.156.If DHCP snooping is
configured LAN (1) is 20 to 60 bytes long
then clients having
on a
switch (2) is always 20 bytes long
specific c a n access the
network. (3) is always 60 bytes long
(1) MAC address (4) depends on the MTU
(2) IP address Ans.(1) is 20 to 60 bytes long
(3) Both MAC address and IP address Q.161 Which of the following
(4) None of the mentioned
Ans. (3) Both MAC address and IP (1) Base header
address (2) Extension header
Q.157.ARP stands for: (3) Data packet from the upper layer
(1) Address Resolution Phase (4) (a) and (c)
(2) Address Resolution Protocol Ans. (1) Base header
(3) Address Recall Protocol Q.162.IP is...... datagram
(4) ARP Resolution Protocol (1) an unreliable (2) a connectionless
Ans. (2) Address Resolution none of the above
both a and b (4)
Protocol (3)
and b
Q.158.Which of the following Ans. (3) both a

ARP? describes the funetion pf

Q.163.Which of the following is false with respect to TCP?
(1) It is used to map (1) Connection-oriented

ethernet address.
a 32-bit IP address to a
48-0 (2)
(2) It isused to Transport layer protocol
IP address. map 48-bit ethernet address
to a
32-0it (4) Unreliable

IC.24) KPH MCO o u t e rN o t w o r k
Q.164.In TCP, sending and receiving data for Br being transferred in each connection
is done ytes
of data
* * * * * *

mbered by TCP. These numbers start with a

Stream of bytes
a r e

Sequence of characters
(2) Fixed number

(3) Lines of data (1)

Random sequence of 0's and l's
(4) Packets (2)
Ans.(1) Stream of bytes (3)
Sequence of zero's and one's
Q.165.TCP process may not write and read d
(4) Sequence of zero
s and one's
same speed. So we need . tor ata at the
storage. The value of acknowledgement field in a segment
(1) (2)
Packets Buffers
defines.. .
(3) Segments (4) Stacks
Ans. (2) Buffers ) sequence number of the byte received previously
(2) total number of bytes to receive
Q.166.TCP groups a number of bytes
together (3) sequence number of the next byte to be received
packet called... ** int sequence of zeros and ones
a (4)
sequence number of the next byte to be
(1) Packet received
(2) Buffer ns.(3)
(3) Segment (4) Stack controls the amount of
Ans. (3) Segment A183.The receiver of the data
data that are to be sent by the sender is referred to

Q.167.Communication offered by TCP is.. as.

(2) Error control
(1) Full-duplex (2) Half-duplex (1) Flow control
(3) Semi-duplex Congestion control (4) Error detection
(4) Byte by byte (3)
Ans.(1) Full-duplex Ans. (1) Flow control
header ranges between
Q.168.To achieve reliable transport in TCP, is
of TCP
TCP segment
to check the . . . is used
safe andsound
sound arrival
arrival of e'" * * * *

(1) Packet (2) Buffer

data. (1) 16 and 32 bytes (2) 16 and 32 bits
20 and 60 bits
(3) 20 and 60 bytes (4)
Segment (4) Acknowledgment (3)
Ans.(4) Acknowledgment Ans. (3) 20 and 60 bytes
in TCP is done by which
Q.169.In segment header, .185.Connection

number sequence and

cknowledgement number fields refer to..
(1) Byte number
(1) Flow control
(2) Buffer number (2) Three-Way Handshaking
(3) Segment number
Ans.(1) Byte number Acknowledgment(4) Forwarding
(4) Synchronization
180.Suppose a TCP connection 1s is transferring Ans. (2) Three-Way

1000 bytes.
00 bytes. The first byte
The firs transferring
O is numbered file of
10001. aWhat ofis a 9.186.The server program tells
tells its TCP that
its TCP that it
it is ready to
the is called
sequence nunmber of the This process
sent in
only one segment? segment if all data l5 accept a
(2) Active close
(1) 10000 (1) Active open
(4) Passive open
(3) 12001 (2) 10001 Passive close

Ans. (2) 10001 (4) 11001 Passive open

C.26 KPH MCO Gomputer Network
wishes to connect to an
for BCA (4) Both
Q.187.A client that oper serv Sequence & .27
Acknowledgment Acknowledgment
needs to be connected
tells its TCP that it (2)
ns. () Acknow
s e r v e r . The process is called
ed to er 'Ans.
number number
(2) Active close
that a
193.Which of the
Active open
Passive close (4) Passive open
UDP? following is false with
(1) Connection-oriented respect to
Ans. (1) Active open
(2) Unreliable
Q.188.In Three-Way Handshaking process, the (3) Transport layer
where both the TCP's issue an
active situation (4) Low overhead protocol
open is Ans. (1) Connection-oriented
(1) Mutual open (2) Mutual Close
(3) Simultaneous open (4) Simultaneous close .194.Return
value of
the UDP port
Ans. (3) Simultaneous open (2) String of characters
of String "Chargen" is ****

Q.189.A malicious attacker sends a large number of Su (3) Array of integers

characters with integers
(4) Array of zero's
segments to a server, pretending that and ones
ino from a different client each of ther NCAns. (1) String of characters
source IP address in by faking the Q.195.Beyond
attack is being performed indatagram.
Which type nt as
provides additional services
this situation? .. *** such
(1) SYNC flooding attack (1) Routing and switching
(2) Active attack (2) Sending and receiving of
(3) Passive attack (3) Multiplexing and packets
(4) Deial-of-service attack
Ans. (4)
(4) Demultiplexing anddemultiplexing
Ans. (1) SYNC flooding attack Demultiplexing and error checking
Q.190.SYNC flooding attack belongs to Q.196.What is the main advantage of UDP?
type of security (1) More overload
attack known as. (3) Low overhead (2) Reliable
(1) SYNC flooding attack Ans. (3) Low overhead (4) Fast
(2) Active attack
(3) Passive attack Q.197.Port number used by Network Time
(4) Denial-of-service attack with UDP is ..... Protocol (NTP)
Ans. (4) Denial-of-serr ice (1) 161 (2) 123
attack (3) 162 (4) 124
Q.191.The sizes of so rce and
destination port address in
Ans. (2) 123
TCP header ar
(1) 16-bits and 32-bits respectively. 0.198.What is the header size of a UDP
(2) 16-bits and 16-bits (1) 8 bytes (2) 8 bits
(3) 32-bits and 16-bits (3) 16 bytes
Ans. (2) 16-bits and (4) 32-bits and 32-bits (4) 124 bytes
16-bits Ans. (1) 8 bytes
Q.192.What allows TCP to detect Q.199.The port number isephemeral port
lost segments
turn recover
from that loss? ana in the source host iS. .
number", if
(1) Sequence number (1) NTP (2) Echo
(2) Acknowledgment number (3) Server (4) Client
(3) Checksum Ans. (4) Client
Computer Network [C.29]
BCA Q.206.In Go-Back-N window, when the timer of the
packet header is
C.28 in
packet times out, several packets have to be resent
Q . 2 0 0 . " T o t a l
even some may have arrived safe. Whereas in
length of. . . Selective Repeat window, the sender resends .
Only UDP h e a d e r

(1) (1) Packet which are not lost

Only data
(3) Only checksum
(2) Only those packets which are lost or corrupted
data (3) Packet from starting
UDP header
header plus data (4) All the packets
Ans. (4)
e x p ression
for the Ans. (2) Only those packets which are lost or corrupted
is the
ngth of
UDP datagram?
IP header's length
policy is mainly done by.
UDP length
= IP length

(1) (2) Receiver

(1) length UDP header's lenot (3) Router (4) Switch

(2) UDP length IP header's length
= IP length + Ans. (3) Router
UDP length
(3) UDP length + UDP header's length
UDP length
Q.208.Closed-Loop control mechanisms try to...
(4) IP length IP header's
Ans. (1) UDP length
(1) Remove after congestion occurs
used to d e t e c t e r r o r s over tha (2) Remove after sometime
Q.202.The ..field is
. .

entire user datagram.

(3) Prevent before congestion occurs
checksum (4) Prevent before sending packets
udp header (2)
(1) destination port Ans. (1) Remove after congestion occurs
source port (4)
(3) Q.209.The technique in which a congested node stops
Ans. (2) checksum

of congestion control are receiving data from the immediate upstream node o r
Q.203.Two broad categories nodes is called as...
Open-loop and Closed-loop
(1) (1) Admission policy (2) Backpressure
Open-control and Closed-control
(2) (3) Forward signaling (4) Backward signaling
(3) Active control and Passive Ans. (2) Backpressure
(4) Active loop and Passive loop be
Q.210.Backpressure technique can applied only to
Ans. (1) Open-loop and Closed-loop

Q.204.In open-loop control, policies are applied to...

(1) Congestion networks
Remove after congestion occurs Closed circuit networks
(1) (2)
Open circuit networks
(2) Remove after sometime (3)
Virtual circuit networks
(3) Prevent before congestion occurs (4)
Ans. (4) Virtual circuit networks
(4) Prevent before sending packets
Ans. (3) Prevent before congestion occurs ,.211.The packet sentby a node to the source to inform
is called
whe it of congestion

Q.205.Retransmission of packets must not be done w

(1) Explicit (2) Discard
(3) Choke (4) Backpressure
(1) Packet is lost (2) Packet is corrupted Choke
Ans. (3)
(3) Packet is needed (4) Packet is error-free
Ans. (4) Packet is error-free
KPH MCO for BCA Computer Network
the s i zee
[C.301 algorithm, of the (1) Packet (2)

until it reaches Message

. . .

(4) Frame

Q.212.In window (3)


a threshold.
Ans.(2) Message
(1) exponentially
(4) suddenly .220.Which one of the following is an architecture
(3) multiplicatively

Ans. (1) exponentially

avoidance the
algorithm, the size
o: (1) Peer to peer
congestion of (2)
Q.213.In the increases..... Client-server
the congestion
until (3) HTTP
congestion is detected.

additively (4) Both Peer-to-Peer & Client-Server

(1) exponentially (2)
(4) suddenly Ans. (4) Both Peer-to-Peer& Client-Server
(3) multiplicatively

Ans. (2) additively Q.221.Application developer has permission to decide the

is one interesting feature of
of following on transport layer side
Q.214.Multistream Delivery
(1) UDP (2) TSN (1) Transport layer protocol
SCTP (4) IP (2) Maximum buffer size
Ans. (3) SCTP (3) Both Transport layer protocol and Maximum buffer
different streams, Stream
Q.215.To distinguish between (4) None of the mentioned
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) u s e s Ans. (3) Both Transport layer protocol and Maximum
(1) Stream Borders (2) Stream Identifier buffer
(3) Stream Wall (4) Stream ID code
Ans. (2) Stream Identifier Q.222.Application layer offers... Service.
Q.216.Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a
(1) End to end

(2) Process to process
(3) Both End to end and Process to process
(1) Message-oriented transport layer protocol (4) None of the mentioned
(2) Connectionless protocol
Ans. (1) End to end
(3) Connection oriented protocol
(4) Stream oriented protocol1 Q.223.E-mail is ...
Ans. (1) Message-oriented transport layer protocol (1) Loss-tolerant application
Q.217.Flow control in SCTP is similar (2) Bandwidth-sensitive application
to that in
(1) TCP (2) UDP (3) Elastic application
(3) SMTTP (4) None of the mentioned
(4) IP
Ans. (1) TCP Ans. (3) Elastic application
Q.218.Which is not application
a 9.224.Which of the following is an
application layer
(1) HTTP layer protocol1? service?
(2) SMTP
(3) FTP (1) Network virtual terminal
(4) TCP
Ans.(4) TCP (2) File transfer, access, and
Mail service
9.219.The packet (3)
of information er (4) All of the mentioned
at the
is called . . . .
application 1ay Ans. (4) All of the mentioned
C.32 KPH MCO for
message to the correct ann
rrect application Computer Network
Q.226.To deliver a
program running
be consulted.
on a host, the
address must
mail to
one of the
receiver server? protocol delivers/stores
(1) IP (2) MAC
(1) simple mail
(2) post office transfer protocol
(3) Port (4) None of the mentioned
Ans. (3) Port (3) internet mail
.227.Transport services available to applications in (4)
hypertext protocol
or another form . one Ans.(1) simple mailtransfer protocol
transfer protocol
(1) Reliable data transfer Q.234.Which one of the
(2) Timing protocol for following is an internet standard
(3) Security (1) dynamic managing
devices on IP network?
(4) All of the mentioned (2) simple networkconfiguration protocol
Ans. (4) All of the mentioned
(8) internet management protocol
Q.228.Electronic mail uses which (4) media gateway access protocol
Application la- Ans. (2) simple protocol
protocol? layer network management
(1) SMTP protocol
(3) FTP
(2) HTTTP Q.235.Which one of the
following is not
(4) SIP layer protocol?
Ans. (1) SMTP
(1) media gateway
(2) protocol
Q.229.The translates internet domain and dynamic host
reservation protocolprotocol

names to IP address. host (3) resource

(4) session initiation
(1) domain name system Ans. (3) resource
(2) routing information protocol reservation protocol
(3) network time protocol Q.236.Which protocol is
signaling communication
(4) internet relay chat protocol used for
Ans. (1) domain name
communication sessions? controlling multimedia
(1) session initiation protocol
Q.230.Which one of the following allows user at a (2) session modelling protocol
to establish a one site
connection to another site and then (3) session maintenance
pass keystrokes from local (4) resource reservation protocol
host to remote host?
(1) HTTP (2) FTP Ans. (1) session initiation protocol
(3) Telnet (4) TCP
Ans. (3) Telnet Q.237.Which one of the following is not correct?
(1) Application layer protocols are used by both
(1) layer protocol defineseS .... ***
and destination devices during a
types of session

(2) message messages exchanged (2) HTTP is a session layer protocol

(3) rules for format, syntax and semantics
when and how
(3) TCP is an application layer protocol
(4) All of the mentioned
to messages processe
sses send and respond
Ans. (4) All of the mentioned
(4) all of the
Ans. (4) all of
mentioned Q.238.When displaying a web page, the
application layer
uses the . . .*******
(2) FTP protocol
(1) HTTP protocol Computer Network
(3) SMTP protocol (4) TCP protocol
Ans. (1) HTTP protocol Q.245.The values GET,
in aa Web page
page wh of HTTP message etc are
specified in
Q.239.The number of objects which (1) Request line
consists of 4 jpeg images and HTML text (2) Header line
is (3) Status line
Ans. (1) (4) Entity body
Request line
* * * * * * * *

(1) 4 (2)
(3) 5 (4) 7 Q.246.The ....... method
Ans. (3) 5 field, leaves entity when used in the
body method
(1) POST empty.
Q.240.The default connection type used by HTTp (2) SEND
(3) GET (4) PUT
Ans. (3) GET
* * *

(1) Persistent
(2) Non-persistent Q.247.The HTTP response
(3) Can be either persistent non-persistent requested object when..... methodleaves
or out
depending the
on connection request (1) GET is used
(2) POST
(4) None of the mentioned (3) HEAD
Ans. (1) Persistent Ans. (3) HEAD (4) PUT

Q.241.The time taken by a packet to travel from

client to Q.248.Which of the
following is present în
server and then back to the client is request line and a status line? both an HTTP
(1) STT
(2) RTT (1) HTTP version number
(3) PTT (4) JTT (2) URLL
Ans. (2) RTT (3) Method
Q.242.The HTTP request (4) None of the mentioned
message is sent in
part Ans. (1) HTTP version number
of three-way handshake.
(1) First (2) Second Q.249.Multiple objects can be sent over a TCP connection
(3) Third (4) Fourth between client and server in
Ans. (3) Third connection.
persistent HTTP
Q.243.In the (1) True (2) False
process of fetching a web page from Ans. (1) True
the HTTP a server
1) 2 (2) 1
request/response takes.... .. RTTs. Q.250.HTTP is. . . protocol.
(3) 4 (4) 3 (1) application layer (2) transport layer
Ans.(2) 1 (3) network layer (4) data link layer
Ans. (1) applicaton layer
Q.244.The first line of HTTP
request message is lled Q.251.In the network HTTP resources
(1) Request line
calie (1) unform resource identifier
are located by
(3) Status line (2) Header line unique resource locator
Ans.(1) Request line (4) Entity line (3) unique resource identifier
(4) union resource locator
Ans. (1) uniform resource identifier
[C.36 computer Network
requests by establishing a
Q.252.HTTP client port on the server.
connection to a
particular (3) client server
1) user datagram protocol (4) connection architecture [C.37]
(2) transmission control protocol Ans. (3) client serveroriented architecture
(3) border gateway protocol architecture
(4) domain host conkol protocol Q.258.In File Transfer
Ans. (2) transmission control protocol done in.. . . Protocol, data transfer
(1) stream mode cannot be
Q.253.In HTTP pipelining..... (8) compressed mode (2) block mode
(1) multiple HTTP requests are sent on a single TCp
Ans. (4) message (4) message mode
connection without waiting for the correspondino mode
(2) multiple HTTP requests can not be sent on a
(1) Fine of FTP is...
gle Transfer
TCP connection (2) File Transfer Protocol
(3) multiple HTTP requests are sent in a queue on a (3) First TransferProtocol
single TCP connection (4) Fast Protocol
(4) multiple HTTP requests sent at Ans. (2) File Transfer Protocol
are random on a Transfer Protocol
single TCP çonnection
Ans. (1) multiple HTTP requests are sent on a single TCP
Q.260.FTP is
on. built
... architecture.
(1) Client-server
connection without waiting tor the (2) P2P
corresponding (3) Data centric
responses Ans. (1) Client-server (4) Service oriented
Q.254.FTP server listens for connection
on port number Q.261.FTP uses..... parallel TCP connections to
transfer a file.
(1) 20 (2) 21
(3) 22 (4) 23 (2) 2
Ans. (2) 21
(3) 3 (4) 4
Ans. (2) 2
Q.255.In FTP protocol, client contacts
a s the transport protocol.
server using Q.262.Identify the incorrect statement
(1) transmission control protocol
(1) FTP stands for File regarding FTP.
Transfer Protocol
(2) FTP uses two
(2) user datagram protocol (3)
FTP sends its control
TCP connections
FTP sends exactly oneinformation
(3) datagram congestion control in-band
(4) stream control transmission protocol Ans. (3) file over the data
Ans. (1) transmission protocol FTP sends its control
information connection
control protocol in-band
Q.256.In Active mode FTP, the Q.263.If 5 files are
transferred from server A to
client initiates both in the same session. The
number of TCP client B
control and data the
(1) True connections. between A and B is.* * * * * connections
Ans. (2) False (2) False (1) 5 (2) 10
(3) 2 (4) 6
Q.257.The File Transfer Ans. (4) 6
(1) data centric Protocol is built on
(2) service architecture ...
Q.264.FTP server....
oriented architecture (1) Maintains state information
(2) Is stateless
BCA npulerNetwoi
IC.38 for a file transfer
Has single TCP
269.Expansion of SMFP
(3) file for (1) Smple .la ran
(4) Has UDP
information (2) Sn:ple
Ans. (1)

client to server, and

(3)Sinple Message r:21.ter P'otocot (r:ol
commands, from eplies,
the ocontro (4) Sinple Messi
s e r v e r to
client, a r e
sent a c r o s s the
us.(1) Simple
ar.smissin rotn
in . . . .
bit ASCIl format. Mai Transmission Protocn

(2) 7 270.In SMTP, the command to wrie

(4) 5 address is written with the receiver's mail
(1) SEND T) command..
Ans. (2) (2) RCpj TO
(3) MAIi. O
Q.264.Find the FTP reply whose message is wronol, ns. (2) RODT TO

331-Username OK. password required

1272.he underlving îransport layer
(1) SMTP is.. protocol used by
(2) 425 -

Cant open data connection

(1) TCP
(3) 452 Error writing file (2) UDP
(3 Either 'TCP or UDP (4) IMAP
(4) 452 Cant open data connection ins. (1 TCP
Ans. (4) 452-Can't open data connection

Q.265.The data transfer mode of FTP, in which all the

.272.Cho0se the statement which
is wrong incase
SMTP? of
fragmenting has to be done by TCP is ...... (1) it requires message to be in 7bit ASCII format
(1) Stream mode (2) Block mode (2) tis a pull protocol
(3) Compressed mode (4) Message mode 3 t transters files
iom one mail server to another
Ans.(1) Stream mode erver maii

Q.266.The password (4 STP is responsible for the

is sent to the server using through the internet
trensmission of the mail
command. ins. (2) It is a pull protocol
(3) PASSwORD (4) PWORD .273.Internet mail places each object in ......
Ans. (2) PASS (1) Separate messages for each object
Q.267.When the mail (2 One mesage
server sends mail to other (3) Varies with number of
servers it becomes ma objects
****** (4) Multiple messages for each
(1) SMTP server
(2) SMTP client ins. (2) One message
(3) Peer
(4) Master
Ans.(2) SMTP client 274.Typically the TCP port used by SMTP is . . .
(1) 25 (2) 35
Q.268.If you have to send (3) 50
hes to be multimedia data over SMTF 1 (4 1
encoded into.... Ins. (1) 25
(1) Binary
(2) Signal 275.A session may ineide
Ans. (3) ASCII (4) Hash ( Zero or more SMiP transact1ons
2 ariiy one tamsietons
PH MCQ for BCA Computer Network
(3) Always more than one SMTP transactions (4) ail of the mentioned IC.41)
transactions cant be determi. Ans. (4) all
(4) Number of SMTP nined of the meniiofie
Zero or m o r e
SMTP transactions
Ans. (1)
is example of user
Q.284.C ommon gateway interface
Q.276.Which of the following
(1) generate used is

executati files irom webto..


for e-mail? content

(1) Microsoft Outlook (2) Facebook
'Ver by web
(2) nerate Wetiig
(3) Google (4) Tumblr 3) »Treani vdeos
Ans. (1) Microsoft Outlook (4) dow nload media
Ans. (1) iles
Q,277.SMTP uses which of the following TCP port? generate xecutable files fron: web
(1) 22 (2) 23 Server content by web
(3) 21 (4) 25
Ans. (4) 25
Q.285.URL stands for..
(1) unique reference label
Q.278.Which one of the following protocol is usedto (2) uniform reference label
receive mail messages? (3) uniform resource locator
(1) SMTP (4) unique resource locator
(2) Post Office Protocol (POP) Ans. (3) uniform resource locator
(3) Internet Message Access Protocol
(4) FTP
Q.286.A web
cookieis a small piece of data that is
Ans. (4) FTP
(1) sent from a website and
stored in user's web
while a is browser
browsing a website
Q.279.SMTP defines ... (2) sent from user and
stored in the server while
(1) message transport (2) message encryption browsing a website a user

(8) message content (3) ent irom root server to

(4) message password all servers
Ans. (1) message transport (4) sent from the root
server to other root
Ans. (1) sent from a website and servers
Q.280. .... allows you to connect whiie
stored i1n user's web
remote computer
and login to a a user is bron sing a website
(1) Telnet (2) FTP Q.287.In eryptography. what is cipher?
(3) HTTP (4) SMTP
(1 aigor1thm tor performing encryption and
Ans. (1) Telnet (2 encrypted message decryption
(3 both algorithm: for performing
Q.282.Telnet is used for ... encryption and
decryption and encrypted message
(1) Television on net
(2) 4 decrypted message
Network of Telephones ins. (1}
(3) Remote Login aigor1thni for pertormir.g encrypt1on and decryption
(4) Teleshopping site asymmetric key cryprography, the
Ans.(3) Remote Login private key is
kept by
Q.283.What is a web browser?
(2) receiver
(1) a
program that can (3) ender and recever
(2) a display a web page
program used to view 4) all the connected devices to the networh
(8) it enables
user to
html documents
access the Ans. (2) receiver
resources of interne
Computer Network
KOH MCO) Br ror 3]
Q.298.What is the disadvantages of UTP cable ?
C.42) standard (DES)
is data
encryption (1) costly (2) easy to use
Q.291.What (2STR cipher
(1) block cipher (3) flexible 4) easy to install
(4) oyt: Cpher
bit eipher Ans. (1) costly
block cipher
Ans.(1) Q.299.STP stands for.
is used.
* * * "

à ery ptogTaplr Sthan
(1) shielded twisted pair cable
insecurity' in
(1) to find some (2) shielded twisted pair connectors
to the speed
(2) increase

(3) shielded transport pair cable
(3) to encrypt the
(4) shielded transport pair connectors
(4) to make new
Ans. (1) shielded twisted pair cable
Ans.(1) totind some nseenrity in a cryptographic scheme
Q.293.Cryptographir hash
function 1akes an arbitrary .300.Which of the following cable are come into guided
block of data and returns .

(1) iixei size t . sri (1) coaxial cable (2) twisted pair cable
(2) va!iable 1 b1! sLig (3) fiber optic cable (4) all of the above
(3) both ixe d size bit string and variable size bit string Ans.(4) all of the above
4) varnabie sized byte string
Q.301.Which of the following cable doesn't come into
Ans.() tixed siz it strng
guided media?
.294.Guided media is also known as (1) coaxial cable (2) twisted pair cable
(1) Bound Media (2 Guded Media (3) fiber optic cable (4) microwave
(3) ngujded Media (4) None of the Abuve Ans. (4) microwave
Ans.(1) Bound Media
Q.302.Which of the following waves come into unguided
Q.295.How many forms in twisted pair cable? media?
(1) 2 (2) 4 (1) Microwave (2) Infraredwave
(3)3 (4) none (3) Radio Wave (4) All of the above
Ans. (1)2 Ans.(4) All of the above
Q.296.UTP stands for... Q.303.Which of the following waves do not come into
(1) Unshielded tr: nsport pair cable unguided media?
(2) Unshielded tv isted (1) Microwave
pair cable (2) Infraredwave
(3) Unshielded. ansmission
pair cable (3) Radiowave (4) Laser
(4) Unshielded twisted
Ans. (2) Unshielded pair control Ans.(4) Laser
twisted pair cable
Q.304.What is the frequency range of the coaxial cable?
Q.297.What is the frequeney
(0) 100iz range of UTP cable? (1) 100KHz to 500MHz
(2) 100MHz to (2) 100MHz to 500MHz
(3) 100Hz to oHz (3) 1000KHz to 500MHz
(4) 1000Hz. to 5MHz (4) 10MHz to 50MHz
Ans. (1) 100H2 to 5MHz Ans.(1) 100KHz to 500MH
KPH MCQ for BCA computerNetwork
of coaxial
cable ? Explanation LCP stands for Link [C.45)
Q.305.How m a n y
NCP stands for Network Control Protocol
(2) 3
the PPP Control Protocol. LCP and and
(4) 5
protocols which provide interface for NCP
(3) the capabilities of the connection/link on the handling
Ans.(1) network.
following a r e
coaxial cable layers Q.313.The PPP protocol
Q.306.Which of the (1) Is designed for
thinnet (2) thicknet simple links which transport
(1) packets
(4) A and B both between two peers
(3) copper
(2) 1s
A and B both one of the protocols
for making an Internet
Ans. (4)
meterS. connection phone line
over a
Q.307.Thicknet can carry signal for (3) Is designed for
(2) 1000m simple links which transport packets
(1) 200m
between two peers and making an Internet
(3) 100m (4) connection
phone line
over a
Ans.(1) (4) Is used for sharing bandwidth
Q.308.How many connectors
used for coaxial cable ? Ans.(3) Is designed for
simple links which transport packets
(1) 3 (2) 5 between two peers and making an Internet
(3) 4 (4) 2 connection phone line
over a

Ans. (3) 4 Explanation : The PPP protocol is designed for handling

simple links which transport packets between two peers. It
Q.309.Which of the following connectors doesn't come 1s a standard
protocol that is used to make an lnternet
into coaxial cable connectors? connection over phone lines.
(1) barrel (2) BNC
(3) T-connectors (4) UTP Q.314.PPP provides the layer in the TCPIP suite.
Ans. (4) UTP (1) Link (2) Network
(3) Transport (4) Application
Q.310.BNC stands for... Ans. (1) Link
(1) Bayonet network connector Explanation: PPP provides function of the link layer in
(2) Bayonet network cable the TCP/IP suite. It focuses on the link between two nodes
(3) Barrel network cable that is going to be used by the users to communicate. It can
(4) none of the above use pre-installed phone line for the purpose.
Ans.(1) Bayonet network connector
Q.315.PPP consists of components
Q.311.Both HDLC and PPP are Data link layer protocols. (1) Three (encapsulating, the Domain Name system)
(1) True (2) False (2)
Three (encapsulating, a ink control protocol, NCP)
Ans. (1) True Two (a link control protocol, Simple Network Control
Explanation : Both HDLC and PPP both are Data link protocol)
Control protocol)
layer protocol. HDLC stands for High level Data Link (4) One (Simple Network
Control and PPP stands for Point
to Point Protocol. Three (encapsulating.
a link control protocol, NCP)
Ans. (2)
: PPP consists ot three components namely
Q.312.Which protocol Explanation
does the PPP protocol
provide TO (LCP),
Protocol Network Control Protoc
handling the capabilities of the connection/link o Link Control PP
Encapsulation. C P and NCP are the
the network? (NCP), and interface for handling the
protocols which provide
(1) LCP on the network and
(2) NCP capabilities of
the connectlon/hnk
(3) Both LCP and NCP
Ans. (3) Both ICP and NCP
(4) TCP
encapsulation provides for multiplexing of diffe
network-layer protocols.
Q.313.ISDN stands for
(1) Integrated Services Digital
(2) Integrated Services Discrete
(3) Integrated Services Digital Node
(4) Integrated Services Discrete Node
Ans. (1) Integrated Services Digital Network

Q.314.Access signaling is governed by the SS7 suite of

(1) True (2) False
Ans. (2) False
Q.316.Information bearing channels in ISDN are called

(1) D channels (2) Data channels

(3) B channels (4) Voice channels
Ans. (3) B channels
Q.317.PRI interface in ISDN serves small capacity
(1) True (2) False
Ans. (2) False
Q.319.Which of the following is based on ATM
(1) SST (2) CCS
(3) ARDIS (4) B-ISDN
Ans. (4) B-ISDN

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