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Andrea Gail D.


Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

CN #5668


India is a spiritually oriented country. Long ago, before the people of this land, their monks and
sages declared that true satisfaction in life is found in love, and sentiments. Since its creation, the
Ramayana has served as a source of inspiration for most Indians. It complimented to the ideal
way of life and teaches us what life should be like. In the years after it was written, the
Ramayana's significance grew as Hinduism spread over the Indian subcontinent. The festival of
Vijayadashami or Dussehra commemorates Rama's victory against evil.

The epic narrative the Ramayana tells the story of a god who takes on human form to combat
evil forces. Rama is the manifestation of the Hindu god Vishnu. It's a fantastic narrative that
emphasizes the importance of having a good character. The Ramayana is also a fantastic love
story about Rama and Sita, who are meant for each other, because Sita is an incarnation of
Vishnu's wife, Lakshmi. Sita is widely regarded as the pinnacle of Indian femininity: she is
beautiful, modest, quiet, and loyal. Despite being carried away, she retains her purity, and Rama
almost literally moves heaven and earth to save her. By refusing to leave Rama even during his
exile in the wilderness, Sita exemplifies attributes that make her the ideal wife. The Ramayana
covers many aspects of man's life, including love, obedience to superiors, treachery, parental
devotion, and selflessness. It is a story about adventure, companionship, psychological insight,
spiritual significance, and wisdom. It expresses the importance of being alive. And how learning
from its significance can help you grow as a person. It also touches on the topics of love and
commitment to the people you care about. The characters in the novel portrayed love, generosity,
patriotism, spousal love, parental obedience, self-sacrifice, and other qualities, to name a few.
Lord Rama was a man of integrity, and he provided numerous examples and recommendations
on how to live as a human and perform the duties of a King/leader. Rama set an example for
future generations of men in terms of what characterizes a man's acceptability in society. He is a
decent individual who deserves to be followed. He was a wonderful son. He respected, honored,
and followed his father. He was a capable ruler, an obedient son, a devoted husband, and a model
citizen. As a result, there is much to learn from his life, and it is stated that following in his
footsteps and ideas will lead to dharma. Sita and Urmila the role models for perfect womanhood.
On the other hand, Ravana's character demonstrates how a man might destroy himself due to his
own lewd behavior and evil goals.

The epic depicts the vulnerabilities to which humans are susceptible as a result of their flaws and
impurities, as well as the fight between good and evil forces that may arise as a result. It depicts
the force of devotion and the close connection between God and his devotees. It also implies that
mortal beings can outperform gods in their power to remove evil by practicing virtue and
righteousness and enlisting God's support. It provides a lot of useful lessons. It emphasizes the
fragility of human existence and the notion that even God, when incarnated on Earth, is not
immune to sorrow. The central message of the Ramayana is that evil, no matter how powerful,
will always be vanquished by Good. Even a bitter truth drips with optimism, and the sweetest
falsehood has the darkest intent behind it, thus truth always wins, no matter how cruel or toxic
the lie is. The triumph of good over evil is an unavoidable outcome. A noble heart and good
ideals should always be present in a person. That is how Lord Rama conquered Ravana, the most
learned person in history. It teaches us that, even in the face of adversity, human beings must
maintain their moral imperative. What makes the Ramayana so unique is that it has lessons in
both "good" and "bad" characters, because of this, the work is considered sacred in Hinduism.
However, they should follow Rama's lead and stay on the path of righteousness, refusing to yield
to evil temptations or surrender to evil powers and should also learn from Ravana's example that
when knowledge and power are tainted by the impurities of ignorance, wants, egoism, and
delusion, they can turn destructive. It also represents the importance of dedication in human life
as well as the close relationship between God and his believers. God took on the form of Rama
to offer humans with an ideal role model to emulate in their quest for liberty. Even when
confronted with enormous obstacles and a formidable foe like Ravana, Lord Rama held firm in
his convictions and triumphed over the odds.

The most essential life lesson to take away from the Ramayana is that truth always triumphs and
that virtue always triumphs over evil - never lose hope. One of its key ideas is that evil, no matter
how powerful, will always be vanquished by good. Rama, on the other hand, has always been
good; he is a proponent of peace and to the extent feasible, he avoids bringing himself to people
that ends up in a conflict. He had the personality attribute of being content with whatever he had;
even a bit less wouldn't have upset him. In his entire life, he had never considered a woman other
than Sita. He was a gentle spirit who sought the best for all living. Even though he was a king, he
continued to follow his spiritual rituals and he never talked about his goodness or greatness. Lord
Rama lived a life based on ethics and ideals, preferring the difficulties of the forest over the
comforts of the palace simply because he had obligations to uphold. The most essential life
lesson to take away from the Ramayana is that truth always wins out, and virtue always triumphs
over evil. Hence, to me, my takeaway in the story that I can relate in my life is that everything
connects to everything else such as what goes around, comes around. In fact, I really admire how
strong Rama’s personality is and I bet we both have quite similarities. I, too, is a courageous,
loyal, sacrificial, obedient, and a loving person. All for the name of love and respect, I could do,
give, and sacrifice everything for the people or of those persons who are so dear and special to
me, just like how and what Rama is. I also reflect on how important family is. As cliché as it is,
but it’s true that blood is always thicker than water. We do anything and everything for our
family even when it means risking our lives. Furthermore, I have learned to be completely
dedicated to your duty, to choose the path of virtue, to be humble no matter how strong you get,
and to never regard someone as inferior. No connection should be based on greed, enmity, or
betrayal and that we should always keep a forgiving nature, because wrath and revenge do no

With all of the positive traits displayed by the characters in the story, it became one of India's
most important epics. It exemplifies the qualities of courage, dignity, integrity, loyalty, and love
that one should possess. It also demonstrates the types of leaders our nation should have, as well
as the types of citizens we should be. It has many amazing moral teachings, which I believe is
why this narrative continues to inspire people today.

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