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Fundamentals of digital marketing

A Training Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Computer Application

Submitted to



From 20/05/21 to 10/07/21


Name of student: Goverdhan Sharma

Registration Number: 11906602

Signature of the student: Goverdhan Sharma


Student Declaration To whom so ever it may concern
I, Goverdhan Sharma , 11906602 of the student, hereby declare that the work done by me
on ―Fundamentals of digital marketing‖ from May, 2021 to July, 2021, is a record of
original work for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree,
degree name.

Name of the Student(Registration Number): Goverdhan Sharma (11906602)

Signature of the student: Goverdhan Sharma

Dated: 28/09/2021


This project consumed huge amount of work, research and dedication. Still, implementation
would not have been possible if I did not have a support of many individuals and
organization. Therefore I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of them.

First of all I am thankful to google course for their logistical support and for providing
necessary guidance concerning projects implementation.

I am also grateful to google course for provision of expertise, and technical support in the
implementation. Without their superior knowledge and experience, the Project would like in
quality of outcomes, and thus their support has been essential.

Nevertheless, I express our gratitude towards my family for their kind co-operation and
encouragement which helped me in completion of this project.


Digital Marketing is the use of various digital mediums to reach out to your prospective
customers. The reach of digital marketing is tremendous- almost every individual today has a
device with internet connectivity. The way how people research products or services online
and make purchase decisions has completely. In fact, it can be safe to say that offline marketing
has overtaken digital marketing in many geographies. To understand the objectives of digital
marketing in depth, let us first understand some of the major digital marketing methods widely
used today.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, more commonly known as SEO, is one of the most used digital
marketing techniques. It is optimizing your online presence- particularly your website for
search engines. This is done so that when any person in searching for your business or any
relevant keywords in any search engine, your website ranks at the top. It is generally divided
into two parts- on-page SEO which deals with optimizing your webpages for the search engines
and off-page SEO which includes backlinks (other websites pointing to your website), social
signals, etc. When somebody wants to know about a particular thing, say for example,
‗computer repair shops in San Francisco‘, the first thing he‘ll do is to search for this on Google
or any other search engine. You can understand the importance of SEO from this very thing. If
you have properly optimized your web page and if it ranks on the first page of search results
for this very keyword, you can just estimate the amount of business especially inquiries or walk-

ins that you might expect. However, do note that SEO is a time taking the process and the
rankings of your web pages may not change overnight.

Social Media Marketing

This is another most common way of online marketing. In this, you utilize social networks like
Facebook. Instagram, Twitter, etc. to reach out to your prospective customers. Almost all
internet users have their own accounts on at least one social network. So you have a very vast
pool of users to target for your business. The advantage of this medium is that any person with
basic internet skills can manage basic social media marketing like making company profiles on
these networks, posting regularly, engaging with followers and loyal customers, etc. Slightly
complex things like running paid advertisements on these platforms might require expert
knowledge. Another advantage of this channel, especially while running paid advertisements
on these networks is that you can target people of a particular geography, age, gender, and even
people having specific interests. This helps you reach out to an extremely targeted audience at
a click of a button.

Paid Advertising

Paid Advertising is one of the quickest ways to reach our to your desired target audience and
market your products or services. You just need to make an ad, select the target audience based
on location, demographics, interest, etc., assign campaign budget and you are good to go. One
of the most famous paid advertising platforms in Google Adwords. You can use Google
Adwords to show advertisements on search pages, their partner publishers, Youtube, etc.
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, and many other social networks offer paid advertising.
You can also do direct paid advertisements or collaborations by getting in touch with
influencers, bloggers, etc. in the domain of your interest.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is simply third-party affiliates doing marketing of your products or services
for a certainly fixed commission. The commission can be a certain fixed percentage on the total
revenue generated via affiliates or a fixed cost for every sale. This is a very good medium which
can generate decent growth in sales for you provided you use the correct approach. Since a third
party affiliate is doing promotions in exchange for a fixed cost per sale, the chances of the
marketing spend happening without customer acquisition or sale is nil. They key to this medium

is to have a great product or service, offering lucrative payouts to the affiliates and finding the
correct affiliates.

Email Marketing

This is another very effective digital marketing method. In this, direct emails are used to reach
out to prospective customers. Email marketing can be done internally or by an external agency
if you have an email database of your existing customers.You can even find email databases
from various vendors and do cold email campaigns to such database, however, it may not give
desired results as these people have not opted to receive emails from you.The major challenge
in email marketing is to make sure the emails sent to land in the customer‘s mail inbox (rather
than going in Spam folder where people hardly notice them). The key is to use solid creative
email content and subject line to get maximum email open rate.Apart from the above listed
digital marketing mediums, there are many more techniques like Online Public Relations,
Content Marketing, etc., which can be used to meet your objectives of digital marketing.

Increase direct sales

This is one of the primary objectives of digital marketing. Since you would be utilizing
resources- time and money on digital marketing, you would definitely expect direct sales
coming in as a result of the same. If you have an online portal where you sell products or
services, it is pretty straight forward. You can run digital marketing campaigns, due to which,
customers can land on your website, browse your offerings and make purchase online itself.
Direct sales generated via your digital marketing campaigns can be used to determine return on
your investment- how much revenue was generated directly for every dollar spent in digital
marketing. However, do note that not all campaigns will result in direct sales. There would be
assisted conversions and engagement/ brand awareness happening, as a result of your
campaigns which may draw direct or indirect customers to you in the future.Example: You own
an online store selling dry fruits. You can run targeted digital marketing campaigns on social
media networks like Facebook to get visitors to your website which may purchase your products
by paying online and then you can deliver them the products via courier.

Maintain a continuous flow of new leads

If you have your own website selling products, you can expect direct sales. However, if you
run an offline business like a car dealership, you can use digital marketing to generate leads
online which can be then taken up offline. Having a continuous lead pipeline is essential so that
your sales guys have sufficient prospective customers to work with. Digital marketing helps
you generate highly qualified leads at a fractional cost- depending on which medium you use.
You can also expect increased customer walk-ins to your store as a result of your marketing
campaigns. Example: You are a car dealer selling new & used cars in your showroom. You can
run paid advertisements on social media or search engines, as well as run email marketing
campaigns to generate leads. These leads can then be contacted by your business development
or sales representatives to finally convert them to paying customers.

Reduce the cost of acquiring new customers

In most of the businesses, the cost of acquiring new customers is generally quite high.
Companies do such high spends on acquiring new customers thinking that they would turn into
loyal brand followers and do repeat purchases which will induce profits. However, markets are
now flooded with hundreds and thousands of product options which makes it difficult to keep
loyal customers- even though you have the best in class products. Hence, it is extremely
necessary to keep a close eye on the cost of acquiring new customers so that it happens
moderately without overspending. One of the ideal ways to reduce the cost of acquiring new
customers is to use digital marketing. It helps you reach out to a large pool of extremely targeted
audience much faster as compared to traditional marketing and even at lower costs. Let us
understand this with an example. Consider you run an FMCG company and want to do product
promotions in a specific city or town. Traditionally, you will book newspapers ads, hoardings,
set up kiosks or stalls to market your products. The cost of this would be very high. Alternately,
you can run paid ads on social networks or search engines targeting people from certain
localities of this town. The second option is the best since you can do promotions at a click on
your button in a jiffy and also save a lot on manpower hiring, hoarding/newspaper ad costs,
logistics, etc.- thereby reducing your cost of acquiring new customers.

Keep the customer engaged in your brand

In any business, just acquiring new customers and expecting him to do repeat purchases further
on doesn‘t work. You need to make sure the customer is connected to your brand and/or
products, and digital marketing comes in very handy in such cases. Digital marketing mediums
like social media marketing are the best medium for such campaigns. You can run specific
retargeting campaigns using Adwords or Facebook/Instagram only for your existing customers
or people who have previously been your website visitor, showing them their new products,
offers, etc. Due to this, he would be shown your ads while browsing social media or any blogs
or other websites. This helps the customer remain engaged with your brand and increases the
chances of subsequent purchases.

Let us illustrate with an example. Consider you own an online store selling apparel. A particular
customer has come to your website, browsed a few products but haven‘t purchased anything.
Showing him retargeting ads with the same products which he browsed and had a look at on
your website, increases the chances of a purchase.

Marketing techniques have evolved as the ways in which consumers get information change.
Radio advertising led to TV advertising, which then shifted to digital marketing with the rise
of the internet. Besides these natural market progressions, the COVID-19 pandemic is driving
the scope of digital marketing even further online. While TV remains a prime advertising
medium for many businesses, digital marketing allows companies to reach a global audience

online. As digital marketing initiatives continue to grow at a brisk pace, the number of jobs in
the field is naturally increasing. This article will cover the various topics and digital
marketing niches‘ that will help you explore the various career opportunities in the field,

• Digital marketing analytics

• Social media influencers

• Video remains king

• Artificial intelligence

• Augmented and virtual reality

• Omni-channel marketing

• Content to become more interactive

As the scope of digital marketing technologies evolves, companies are staying current by
adding online components to their brick-and-mortar stores or combining various digital
marketing strategies to create an internet presence.

Because most consumers use smartphones and research products online before buying, digital
marketing strategies are crucial to businesses. But companies across the globe also employ
digital marketing to more easily target their audiences online and via mobile devices — and
many are seeing a significant return on investment (ROI) because of these efforts.

• Ease of Audience Targeting

With digital marketing, businesses can use data to target audiences based on factors like
gender, age, location, interests, and education. Companies can also retarget potential
customers who are already familiar with their brand using different methods and messages
for each audience. There are advanced online marketing certifications that can help digital
marketers learn how to best target audiences.

• Low Investment, High ROI

The cost per lead with digital, or inbound, marketing, is 61 percent less expensive than
traditional marketing. Businesses that advertise on social media, use paid search and
employ other digital strategies spend considerably less on their campaigns. This is because
many companies use pay-per-click (PPC) strategies to keep costs down and target specific
audiences. Generally speaking, digital marketing campaigns offer both a greater and faster

• Reaching Mobile Users

There are more than 14 billion mobile devices worldwide, and that number is projected to
grow to almost 18 billion by 2024. Because almost all smartphones have internet access, it
is easier than ever for businesses to reach potential customers anywhere, anytime.

More than half of consumers discover companies through social media news feeds.
Companies can reach almost 1 million customers via Instagram alone, and more than 9
million businesses use Facebook to connect with consumers.

Companies leverage social media platforms for both business-to-business (B2B) and
business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing campaigns.

• B2B: To generate leads, B2B marketers are active on social media platforms like
LinkedIn and Twitter. They also often rely on PPC campaigns to reach their target
audiences without spending too much money.

• B2C: B2C marketers focus on improving brand awareness and attracting customers to
their websites and products using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Pinterest.

While posting ads and content on Facebook and other popular platforms continue to be an
effective way to reach your target market, the scope of digital marketing encompasses much
more than just social media. In addition to social media, savvy businesses also employ the
following methods to reach new audiences while building (and maintaining) their brand

• Paid search: Marketers pay Google and other search engine companies a fee whenever
someone types in your keyword, and their ad is shown at the top of the search results
(―PPC‖ model).

• Organic (or natural) search: This method takes more finesse than PPC since marketers are
using keyword analysis and other search engine optimization (SEO) methods to naturally
push their content to the top of the list of natural search results on Google and other
search engines.

• Email marketing campaigns: Believe it or not, email marketing campaigns (if done
properly) are still very effective at reaching your target market, and they‘re also very
accessible for small businesses.

• Content marketing: Publishing helpful articles, guides, tutorials, and other online content
(in addition to webinars and podcasts) that engages your target audience is the essence of
content marketing.

• Webinars: This is a great way to provide something of value to target consumers while
also promoting your brand and products.

• Podcasts: Compelling audio content is another way to reach your audience and can be
used in conjunction with other media for broader marketing campaigns.

Digital marketing trends evolve each year as more companies enter the space and new
technologies emerge. Looking ahead to 2021, here are some trends that will help continue to
shape this space.


Digital marketing analysis is typically done after the fact. Marketers will publish a piece of
content, for instance, and then check to see how effective it was after a few weeks. This is
certainly helpful, but real-time analytics is beginning to shake up the world of digital
marketing. Conducting real-time analysis allows marketers to both individualize content for
smaller subsets of consumers and respond much more quickly to their performance.

Social Media Influencers

Advertisers in all sectors are connecting with social media influencers to help enhance their
brands. This is proving to be an effective digital marketing strategy, largely because
consumers tend to trust other consumers more than companies advertising products. Expect
more companies in 2021 and beyond to use these influencers to drive sales. Also, expect to
see fewer celebrities promoting products, as consumers have grown relatively weary of their
endorsements. Instead, the trend is moving more toward influencers who have more direct
relevance to the product. One great example is make-up artist James Charles, who has
become a celebrity but also has expertise specific to cosmetics, which Cover Girl has tapped
for its promotions.

Video Remains King

Video will remain a top strategy in 2021, as digital marketers capitalize on users‘ short
attention spans and desire to view content instead of reading it. Since 74 percent of
consumers in the United States watch online videos each week, this medium will continue to
play a significant role in connecting customers and businesses. Most social media channels
support video hosting and sharing. One trend to watch out for is SEO for images and video.
Typically, people type in keywords relating to a particular image or video, but this can be
tedious. More and more users are discovering that they can use existing or new images to
search for other, closely related images online. This profoundly increases the scope of digital
marketing. By adding relevant keywords to the titles of their images and videos, including alt
text in image descriptions, and using other such methods, advertisers will make it easier for
potential customers to find them.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) enables digital marketers to better analyze user data so they can
further customize the customer journey. AI helps companies understand a great deal about
customers and how to best target audiences. AI also provides users with a more personalized
experience, giving them customized assistance at each stage of the buying process.
Businesses can achieve this customer experience by automating ads to targeted audiences

using programmatic advertising. Programmatic advertising is expected to account for more
than 72 percent of online marketing spend in 2021.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Companies will continue to use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in their
marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and satisfy customer demand. Companies
like Starbucks, Nivea, and Volkswagen have launched successful AR and VR campaigns to
offer customers an experience that better connects them to their brands and products.

Omni-channel Marketing

While today‘s consumer expects every business to at least have an online presence, using a
variety of media to engage your target market in a seamless manner is ideal. Often referred to
as ―omni-channel‖ marketing, this approach does away with any barriers or ―silos‖ that
different media may impose. For instance, a product advertised on television should also have
an online tie-in that‘s optimized for both desktop and mobile users. The point is, consumers
may use a variety of media to learn about and engage with your product (or service) before
and after they buy. If there isn‘t a smooth handoff among these different platforms, then it
may hurt the experience and result in a lost sale.

Content to Become More Interactive

Interactive content is nothing new, but it‘s beginning to be embraced as an effective

marketing tool more than ever. Not only do they increase the amount of time a prospective
customer engages with your brand, but they allow you to capture more data and, in turn,
finetune your digital marketing strategy.

From the perspective of expanding the scope of digital marketing, interactive content might
include contests (e.g., ―comment on this post and share it to your timeline to enter‖), polls,
surveys, or even games. Giving users more opportunities to interact with your brand also
plays into the ultimate goal of greater personalization.

Importance and Applicability

Digital Marketing is a valuable asset to your business‘s growth and helps you establish an
authoritative online presence. In fact, 89 percent of marketers say methods, like search engine
optimization (SEO), are successful. Additionally, methods like pay-per-click (PPC)
advertising increase brand awareness by as much as 80 percent.

So, why is digital marketing important? By investing in digital, you will help your business

You reach people where they spend their time

With the growth of the Internet, more people are spending their time online. Over 7.7 billion
people use the Internet across the globe. It‘s become an integral part of everyday life to
conduct searches, check social media, and purchase products online. Your customers are
online, which highlights the importance of digital marketing. They‘re browsing the web
looking for your products or services. If they can‘t find them because you don‘t have an
online presence, you risk losing those leads to your competitors. To drive the best results for
your business, you need to build your online presence. You will reach more leads that want
your products or services.

Your competitors are already doing it

If you‘re wondering why digital marketing is important, the answer is that your competitors
are already using it. Many of your competitors have already taken advantage of all digital
marketing has to offer. They‘ve created social profiles, adapted their website
for SEO, and run paid advertisements to reach new leads. This reason in itself is one of the
reasons why you should use digital marketing. If you want your business to compete with
others, you have to do what your competitors are doing and more. By neglecting digital
marketing, you‘re already falling behind your competition. Your competitors are gaining
traffic that could be yours because you‘re not investing in digital marketing. They won‘t
know that your business is an option and will automatically choose a competitor. You must
invest in digital marketing to put your hat in the ring and get leads to consider your business
as an option. To keep up with your competitors, you must invest in digital marketing.

You can compete with larger corporations

Competition is the hardest part of running a business. When you‘re in a market with bigger
corporations, like Walmart, Target, and Amazon, it‘s hard to compete with them. They have a
big name for themselves, which automatically draws people to trust those corporations.

You have a fighting chance against bigger corporations, which is why digital marketing is
important to your business. Your business can reach interested leads with the same methods
as a larger corporation. Methods like SEO and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising level the
playing field. With SEO, your site ranks in the search results based on relevancy. A
corporation can‘t buy their way to the top of the ranks. They have to optimize their pages just
the same as a small mom-and-pop shop. When you use PPC, Google ranks ads based on
relevancy, too. Even if a corporation bids twice as much as you per click for the same
keyword as your business, it doesn‘t guarantee them the top spot. They can‘t buy a
topranking ad spot because, again, the rank is based on the relevancy of your ad. This creates
the opportunity for smaller to mid-size businesses to compete with bigger corporations. If you
can create content that is more relevant to the selected keywords than your corporate
competitors, no amount of money will enable them to outrank you. Digital marketing is a
great opportunity for your business to compete with bigger companies to obtain more relevant

You can target your ideal audience

The ability to target your audience better is one of the most obvious reasons why digital
marketing is important. Imagine being able to market directly to people who have an interest
in your products or services. With digital marketing, you have the capability to directly reach
leads interested in your business. You don‘t have to hope that people will see your traditional
marketing efforts and contact your business. With digital marketing, you can target your
audience more precisely than traditional methods. You can input important information about
your audience and use that information to shape your digital marketing campaigns. It makes it
easy for you to reach the right people. Let‘s say your ideal customers are African-American
men between 23-35 years old who are single and make at least $35,000 a year. You‘re trying
to reach this ideal customer on social media to get them to follow your business. If you
wanted to precisely target those characteristics, you could easily set those perimeters for your
social media ad campaign. This would ensure that only the relevant people specified would
see your ad. You can segment your audience, too. Let‘s say you also wanted to target
African-American women with the same characteristics. You could segment these two groups
to deliver a customized ad experience that is relevant to them. When you can better target
people in your audience, you drive better results with your campaign. You‘ll reach more
leads that are interested in your products or services.

You can monitor your campaigns and optimize them for better results

The importance of digital marketing is that you can easily track and monitor your campaigns.
When you invest time and money into your campaigns, you want to know that they are
working. Digital marketing makes it easy for you to track your campaigns, which allows you
to adapt and drive better results. When you use traditional methods, it‘s challenging to know
the results of your campaign. If you run a TV ad, you may have to ask every person that
comes into the store about what brought them to your business. It would be a very
timeconsuming effort that could annoy people who visit your business. With digital
marketing, you don‘t need to worry about bothering your audience. Every campaign you run
is trackable. You can easily track a campaign‘s ROI and other indicators to see if it is driving
valuable results for your business. You can see metrics such as impressions, clicks, likes,
shares, comments, conversions, and more. The type of metrics will depend upon the medium
and what you want to measure. You can easily set up your tracking system to monitor
specific metrics for your campaigns. When you can track your campaign‘s performance, it‘s
easier to fix it and adapt to changes. Whenever you run a traditional advertising campaign,
you typically can‘t make changes until the campaign is over. It only benefits the next
campaign you run, which can feel like you wasted money on the previous campaign. With
digital marketing, you monitor your campaigns as you go. You can see if they are successful
or need improvement. If your campaigns need improvement, you can make immediate
changes and implement them at any point during your campaign. You save money when you
can make immediate changes. It allows you to get more out of your campaign and spend your
budget more wisely.

You get an impressive return on your investment (ROI)

If you want to know the importance of digital media, look at the results it drives for
businesses. Online marketing strategies have an awesome return on investment (ROI). When
you invest in these methods, you‘ll get more out of them. Email marketing has one of the
highest ROIs out of all methods. For every $1 spent, you have the potential to earn up to $44
in return — an ROI of 4400 percent! This is a great opportunity for you to grow and earn a
profit from your marketing efforts.

Digital Marketing is a booming, dynamic and vast field of marketing with n number of digital
marketing job roles. Every specific job role helps you develop the right digital marketing
skills and strategies. There are different job roles in digital marketing, like marketing
campaigns designing, maintaining, supplying the right content for an organization, engaging
people through social media, checking and keeping visitors flow on the website. Digital
marketing roles and responsibilities are there for developing strong and innovative digital

marketing strategies using PPC, SEO, SEM, and other techniques to attract traffic to the
companies website and increasing awareness of company‘s products and services. Here is
why digital marketing is a good career option.Digital Marketing is for creative and passionate
people. Digital marketing job field is highly result driven and enhances your knowledge and
creativity skills. There are many digital marketing job roles. Here is a list of the digital
marketing roles and responsibilities in a digital marketing company.

Digital Marketing Executive

A digital marketing executive is responsible for looking into the online marketing strategies
for the organization. They plan and execute marketing campaigns, and maintain and supply
content for the organization‘s website. Here is a list of digital marketing executive roles and

• Develop and manage digital marketing campaigns

• Manage organization‘s website

• Optimize content for the website and social networking channels such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Google Plus, etc
• Track the website traffic flow and provide internal reports regularly
• Fix any error in online content and arrange webinars and webcasts Attend networking
events and product launches.
• Identify new digital marketing trends and ensure that the brand is in front of the industry
• Work on SEO of the website pages.
• Edit and post content, videos, podcasts, and audio content on online sites.

• Promote company‘s product and services in the digital space.

• Execute social media efforts to improve KPIs, likes, shares, tweets, etc.
• Creating and executing SMS, and email-based marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing Manager

The primary role of a digital marketing manager is to get the word about your brand out in the
digital space. Here are the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a digital marketing

• Develop, implement, and manage marketing campaigns that promote the products and
services of a company.
• Enhance brand awareness in the digital space.
• Drive website traffic and acquire leads.
• Measure site traffic, identify and evaluate new digital technologies and optimize marketing
campaigns, email marketing, social media, and display & search advertising using web
analytics tools.

Search Engine Optimizer - SEO Executive

The primary role of an SEO specialist or an SEO executive is to rank a website page on the
search engine result page and to increase the website‘s traffic. SEO sector is booming day by
day, and SEO executive jobs will always be in demand. SEO executive roles will be available
only in large companies with marketing departments. The SEO executive job role is available
for all degree students, but it would be a plus point if you have a degree in digital marketing.
You must have relevant experience and high level of technical skill. Here are the digital
marketing roles and responsibilities of an SEO executive:

• Conduct on-site and off-site analysis of clients in various industries.

• Compile performances report using Google Analytics program.

• Keep attention to the updates of Google‘s Algorithm.

• Contribute to the company‘s blog for on-page and off-page optimization.

• Conduct keyword research according to the latest keyword research strategies.

Social Media Marketing Expert

A social media marketing expert is responsible for combining marketing and social media
management to enhance the company‘s social media presence, interaction with target
audiences, promoting the brand‘s engaging content, and expanding the opportunities for
increasing the revenue. A social media marketing expert should have the understanding and
knowledge of each social media platform, social media marketing strategies, and how to
optimize content to make it engaging on the social media channels. Here are the digital
marketing roles and responsibilities of a social media marketing expert:

• Create social media marketing strategy and campaign by creating the content idea, budget
planning, and implementation schedules.

• Promote the brand‘s products and services on various social media channels.
• Build social media marketing strategy and execute it through competitive and audience
• Optimize company pages with each social media platform to increase the company‘s social
content visibility.
• Achieve audience engagement, website traffic, and revenue by exploiting all digital
marketing aspects of social media marketing roadmap.

Digital Marketing Copywriter

There are many job roles of a copywriter. A digital writer produces the written content for
web pages. They can work either as a freelance content writer or as an employee of a
company. The copywriter can help the content team to refine their content and words used to
get more reception, help the search engine marketer to write a better ad copy, help the social
media manager with better words for posting on social media channels. Here are few job
digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a digital copywriter:

• Tailor the content and style of writing assignments according to their purpose like sell or
• Understand target audience because content writing is not for clients. It's for the readers. So a
copywriter should understand the interests of the target audience.
• Work with different team to ensure quality results and quality visual elements of the web
page complementing the words.
• Identifying interesting and fresh angles every time for an article.
• Write for blogs, web pages, social media, ebooks, slogans, and video script.
• Assist with the business pitches to win new clients and projects.
• Provide digital contents such as video, infographics, and images, etc.
Conversion Rate Optimizer

A conversion rate optimizer is responsible for conversion rate optimization of a company‘s

conversion strategy and lead generation. It‘s the most crucial digital marketing job role. They
are responsible for managing, testing, and implementing conversion points in the digital
marketing funnel. Here are the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a conversion
rate optimizer:

• A/B Testing, measure the performance of CTAs and improve conversion rate consistently.
• Optimize the marketing conversion paths.
• Optimize lead-to-customer conversion rate.
• Managing and optimizing CTAs, landing pages, and the lead generation forms.
• Collaboration with each team responsible for social media posts, email, and blogging to
optimize each conversion path.
• Increase the marketing funnel efficiencies.
• Increase qualified marketing leads and conversion rates for the sales team.

Search Engine Specialist/Marketer - SEM Specialist

In a small company, a digital marketing manager does all the tasks of a search engine
marketer. However, when it‘s a big company, there is a dedicated search engine marketing
specialist also known as SEM specialist to target the number of leads and clicks from the
given marketing budget, manage bid, keyword research, analysis, ad copywriting, and to test
ad campaigns. Here are the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of an SEM specialist:

• Achieve maximum ROI in paid search campaigns by collecting and analyzing data, and
identifying trends and insights.
• Track, report, and analyze website analytics, and PPC campaigns.
• Optimize the landing pages of paid search engine marketing campaigns.
• Research and analyze advertising links of the competitors.
• Manage the expense and budget of campaigns, and estimate monthly costs.
• In-depth website analysis.
Inbound Marketing Manager

An Inbound Marketing Manager is responsible for attracting traffic, and qualified prospects
and converting them into customers and leads. Here is the brief description of the digital
marketing roles and responsibilities of an Inbound marketing manager:

• Build and manage rich contents like blog posts, ebooks, webinars, whitepapers, infographics,
reports, etc. which attracts qualified traffic.
• Optimize lead nurturing process and marketing automation through content, social channels,
and email.
• Propose new and improved ideas on inbound marketing campaigns.

• Create, manage, and execute multi-channel marketing campaigns leveraging inbound
marketing, SEO, email, mail campaigns and events to drive customer acquisition.

Content Marketing Manager

A content marketing manager is responsible for content marketing. Managing blog,

marketing campaigns, ebook publications, guest blogging, email communications, video
marketing, sales page copywriting, etc. are the roles of a content marketing manager. Here
are the brief descriptions of the digital marketing roles and responsibilities of a content
marketing manager:

• Create, edit and improve the content that audience is looking for and optimize the path to
• Deliver effective editorial plan and content marketing strategy to meet the business
objectives. Editorial requirements include basic SEO understanding, content development,
categorization and structure, distribution and management.
• Measure and optimize on a regular basis to drive traffic, engagement, and leads.
• Integrate content programs with brand campaigns to drive the demand for the brand.
• Develop editorial calendar.
• Receive customer feedback and generate ideas to increase customer engagement.
• Analyze web traffic metrics.
Analytics Manager

Analytics manager is responsible for the implementation of tools and strategies to translate
raw data into the valuable business insights. Here are the digital marketing roles and
responsibilities of an Analytics Manager:

• Understand the business objectives and needs.

• Develop the right strategies for effective data analysis and reporting.
• Define the metrics and relevant data sources of the company.
• Select, configure, and implement analytical solutions.
• Lead and develop a data analysts team.
• Extract reports from multiple sources like IT, operations and customer feedback.
• Transform the raw data into actionable business insights through statistics and data models.
• Present the analytical findings to the senior management.

Chapter 2


Mission: "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally
accessible and useful."

Vision: Google's Android phones offers its users free access to Google Maps and provide
navigation and communication. Google is also branching into other areas as well, as the famous
Google cars that operate on their own. This is part of Google's vision of a future where cars
drive themselves and people can participate in more productive activities during their commute.

The site Google+ is part of Google's vision for social media, which is integrated in the phones
and all other aspects of life. Google Chrome browser is part of the company's vision of a more
open market for Web browser add-ons. The innovative company has even started a new venture
called Calico, which is focused on creating a healthier future for all mankind.

The Google story begins in 1995 at Stanford University. Larry Page was considering Stanford
for grad school and Sergey Brin, a student there, was assigned to show him around. By some
accounts, they disagreed about nearly everything during that first meeting, but by the
following year they struck a partnership. Working from their dorm rooms, they built a search
engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the World Wide
Web. They called this search engine Backrub. Soon after, Backrub was renamed Google
(phew). The name was a play on the mathematical expression for the number 1 followed by
100 zeros and aptly reflected Larry and Sergey's mission 'to organise the world‘s information
and make it universally accessible and useful.' Over the next few years, Google caught the
attention of not only the academic community, but Silicon Valley investors as well. In August
1998, Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote Larry and Sergey a check for $100,000, and
Google Inc. was officially born. With this investment, the newly incorporated team made the
upgrade from the dorms to their first office: a garage in suburban Menlo Park, California,
owned by Susan Wojcicki (employee no.16 and now CEO of YouTube). Clunky desktop
computers, a ping pong table and bright blue carpet set the scene for those early days and late
nights. (The tradition of keeping things colourful continues to this day.) Even in the
beginning, things were unconventional: from Google‘s initial server (made of Lego) to the
first 'Doodle' in 1998: a stick figure in the logo announcing to site visitors that the entire staff
was playing hooky at the Burning Man Festival. 'Don't be evil' captured the spirit of our
intentionally unconventional methods. In the years that followed, the company expanded

rapidly – hiring engineers, building a sales team and introducing the first company dog,
Yoshka. Google outgrew the garage and eventually moved to its current headquarters
(aka'The Googleplex') in Mountain View, California. The spirit of doing things differently
made the move. So did Yoshka. The relentless search for better answers continues to be at the
core of everything we do. Today, Google makes hundreds of products used by billions of
people across the globe, from YouTube and Android to Gmail and, of course, Google Search.
Although we‘ve ditched the Lego servers and added just a few more company dogs, our
passion for building technology for everyone has stayed with us – from the dorm room to the
garage and to this very day.

In addition to its tool for searching web pages, Google also provides services for searching
images, Usenet newsgroups, news websites, videos (Google Videos), searching by locality,
maps, and items for sale online. Google Videos allows searching the World Wide Web for
video clips. The service evolved from Google Video, Google's discontinued video hosting
service that also allowed to search the web for video clips. In 2012, Google has indexed over
30 trillion web pages, and received 100 billion queries per month. It also caches much of the
content that it indexes. Google operates other tools and services including Google News,
Google Shopping, Google Maps, Google Custom Search, Google Earth, Google
Docs, Picasa (discontinued), Panoramio (discontinued), YouTube, Google Translate, Google
Blog Search and Google Desktop Search (discontinued) There are also products available
from Google that are not directly search-related. Gmail, for example, is a webmail
application, but still includes search features; Google Browser Sync does not offer any search
facilities, although it aims to organize your browsing time.

Google has a cross-functional organizational structure, which is technically a matrix
corporate structure with a considerable degree of flatness. This flatness is a defining
structural feature that supports the company‘s growth and competitiveness. The main
characteristics of Google‘s corporate structure are as follows:

Function-based definition

Product-based definition

Google‘s corporate structure uses function as a basis for grouping employees. For example,
the company has a Sales Operations group, an Engineering & Design group, and a Product
Management group, among others. The business also uses products as basis for grouping
employees. For instance, the company groups employees for developing Pixel devices.
Google LLC also maintains groups for other products. In addition, the company‘s corporate
structure has considerable flatness. A flat organizational structure means that Google‘s
employees, teams or groups can bypass middle management and communicate directly with
higher management. Based on the flatness of the corporate structure, employees can meet and
share information across teams.

Google‘s Corporate Culture

Main article: Google‘s Organizational Culture & Its Characteristics (An Analysis)

Google‘s organizational culture is not typical, partly because of the effects of the company‘s
organizational structure. In essence, the structure and the culture interact to influence the

capabilities and cultural characteristics of the organization. Google‘s corporate culture has the
following primary characteristics:



Smart with emphasis on excellence


Supports small-company-family rapport

Openness involves sharing of information to improve Google‘s business processes. Openness

is achieved through the matrix organizational structure. Within the context of Google‘s
organizational culture, employees feel free to give their ideas and opinions, such as in
meetings with managers. Also, innovation is at the heart of Google LLC. Every employee is
encouraged to contribute innovative ideas. In addition, this corporate culture pushes for
smartness among Google‘s employees. The aim is to motivate workers to strive for
excellence. Moreover, the company supports employee involvement in projects and
experiments, which are implemented to test new ideas. Google‘s organizational culture
creates a social ambiance that is warm. Warmth is a factor that facilitates information sharing
and employee satisfaction. The company‘s organizational culture maintains a
smallcompanyfamily ambiance, where people can easily share ideas with each other,
including executives like Larry Page. Thus, Google‘s corporate culture supports excellence in
innovation through the sharing of ideas and the capability to rapidly respond to the global
market for information technology, cloud computing and Internet services, and consumer

Chapter 3

Brief description of the work done

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, more commonly known as SEO, is one of the most used digital
marketing techniques. It is optimizing your online presence- particularly your website for
search engines. This is done so that when any person in searching for your business or any
relevant keywords in any search engine, your website ranks at the top. It is generally divided
into two parts- on-page SEO which deals with optimizing your webpages for the search engines
and off-page SEO which includes backlinks (other websites pointing to your website), social
signals, etc. When somebody wants to know about a particular thing, say for example,

‗computer repair shops in San Francisco‘, the first thing he‘ll do is to search for this on Google
or any other search engine. You can understand the importance of SEO from this very thing. If
you have properly optimized your web page and if it ranks on the first page of search results
for this very keyword, you can just estimate the amount of business especially inquiries or walk-
ins that you might expect. However, do note that SEO is a time taking the process and the
rankings of your web pages may not change overnight.

Social Media Marketing

This is another most common way of online marketing. In this, you utilize social networks like
Facebook. Instagram, Twitter, etc. to reach out to your prospective customers. Almost all
internet users have their own accounts on at least one social network. So you have a very vast
pool of users to target for your business. The advantage of this medium is that any person with
basic internet skills can manage basic social media marketing like making company profiles on
these networks, posting regularly, engaging with followers and loyal customers, etc. Slightly
complex things like running paid advertisements on these platforms might require expert
knowledge. Another advantage of this channel, especially while running paid advertisements

on these networks is that you can target people of a particular geography, age, gender, and even
people having specific interests. This helps you reach out to an extremely targeted audience at
a click of a button.

Paid Advertising

Paid Advertising is one of the quickest ways to reach our to your desired target audience and
market your products or services. You just need to make an ad, select the target audience based
on location, demographics, interest, etc., assign campaign budget and you are good to go. One
of the most famous paid advertising platforms in Google Adwords. You can use Google
Adwords to show advertisements on search pages, their partner publishers, Youtube, etc.
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, and many other social networks offer paid advertising.
You can also do direct paid advertisements or collaborations by getting in touch with
influencers, bloggers, etc. in the domain of your interest.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is simply third-party affiliates doing marketing of your products or services
for a certainly fixed commission. The commission can be a certain fixed percentage on the total
revenue generated via affiliates or a fixed cost for every sale. This is a very good medium which
can generate decent growth in sales for you provided you use the correct approach. Since a third
party affiliate is doing promotions in exchange for a fixed cost per sale, the chances of the
marketing spend happening without customer acquisition or sale is nil. They key to this medium
is to have a great product or service, offering lucrative payouts to the affiliates and finding the
correct affiliates.

Email Marketing

This is another very effective digital marketing method. In this, direct emails are used to reach
out to prospective customers. Email marketing can be done internally or by an external agency
if you have an email database of your existing customers.You can even find email databases
from various vendors and do cold email campaigns to such database, however, it may not give
desired results as these people have not opted to receive emails from you.The major challenge
in email marketing is to make sure the emails sent to land in the customer‘s mail inbox (rather
than going in Spam folder where people hardly notice them). The key is to use solid creative
email content and subject line to get maximum email open rate.Apart from the above listed

digital marketing mediums, there are many more techniques like Online Public Relations,
Content Marketing, etc., which can be used to meet your objectives of digital marketing.

Marketing techniques have evolved as the ways in which consumers get information change.
Radio advertising led to TV advertising, which then shifted to digital marketing with the rise
of the internet. Besides these natural market progressions, the COVID-19 pandemic is driving
the scope of digital marketing even further online. While TV remains a prime advertising
medium for many businesses, digital marketing allows companies to reach a global audience
online. As digital marketing initiatives continue to grow at a brisk pace, the number of jobs in
the field is naturally increasing. This article will cover the various topics and digital
marketing niches‘ that will help you explore the various career opportunities in the field,

• Digital marketing analytics

• Social media influencers

• Video remains king

• Artificial intelligence

• Augmented and virtual reality

• Omni-channel marketing

• Content to become more interactive

As the scope of digital marketing technologies evolves, companies are staying current by
adding online components to their brick-and-mortar stores or combining various digital
marketing strategies to create an internet presence.

Because most consumers use smartphones and research products online before buying, digital
marketing strategies are crucial to businesses. But companies across the globe also employ
digital marketing to more easily target their audiences online and via mobile devices — and
many are seeing a significant return on investment (ROI) because of these efforts.

• Ease of Audience Targeting
With digital marketing, businesses can use data to target audiences based on factors like
gender, age, location, interests, and education. Companies can also retarget potential
customers who are already familiar with their brand using different methods and messages
for each audience. There are advanced online marketing certifications that can help digital
marketers learn how to best target audiences.

• Low Investment, High ROI

The cost per lead with digital, or inbound, marketing, is 61 percent less expensive than
traditional marketing. Businesses that advertise on social media, use paid search and
employ other digital strategies spend considerably less on their campaigns. This is because
many companies use pay-per-click (PPC) strategies to keep costs down and target specific
audiences. Generally speaking, digital marketing campaigns offer both a greater and faster

• Reaching Mobile Users

There are more than 14 billion mobile devices worldwide, and that number is projected to
grow to almost 18 billion by 2024. Because almost all smartphones have internet access, it
is easier than ever for businesses to reach potential customers anywhere, anytime.

More than half of consumers discover companies through social media news feeds.
Companies can reach almost 1 million customers via Instagram alone, and more than 9
million businesses use Facebook to connect with consumers.

Companies leverage social media platforms for both business-to-business (B2B) and
business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing campaigns.

• B2B: To generate leads, B2B marketers are active on social media platforms like
LinkedIn and Twitter. They also often rely on PPC campaigns to reach their target
audiences without spending too much money.
• B2C: B2C marketers focus on improving brand awareness and attracting customers to
their websites and products using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Pinterest.

While posting ads and content on Facebook and other popular platforms continue to be an
effective way to reach your target market, the scope of digital marketing encompasses much
more than just social media. In addition to social media, savvy businesses also employ the
following methods to reach new audiences while building (and maintaining) their brand

• Paid search: Marketers pay Google and other search engine companies a fee whenever
someone types in your keyword, and their ad is shown at the top of the search results
(―PPC‖ model).
• Organic (or natural) search: This method takes more finesse than PPC since marketers are
using keyword analysis and other search engine optimization (SEO) methods to naturally
push their content to the top of the list of natural search results on Google and other
search engines.

• Email marketing campaigns: Believe it or not, email marketing campaigns (if done
properly) are still very effective at reaching your target market, and they‘re also very
accessible for small businesses.

• Content marketing: Publishing helpful articles, guides, tutorials, and other online content
(in addition to webinars and podcasts) that engages your target audience is the essence of
content marketing.

• Webinars: This is a great way to provide something of value to target consumers while
also promoting your brand and products.

Podcasts: Compelling audio content is another way to reach your audience and can be used in
conjunction with other media for broader marketing campaigns

Not getting lost in the volume

The digital world is booming, and almost every business out there has taken its
products/services online to reach out to the masses. According to a report by Experian, most
marketers are now facing the challenge of making their brand stand out in the volumes
available on the internet. This eventually leads to the difficulty of running a brand awareness
campaign or acquiring new customers. While it is a fact that at least some of your
products/services might be similar to what another business has to offer, there is a minor
aspect that is unique to you. Discover the USP of your product/service and find ways to
convey the same. Conduct surveys on your existing customers and your target audience to
better understand what they are looking for and identify which needs your brand can fulfill.

Driving relevant traffic to the website

Continuing on the point above, marketers today are consistently facing a challenge in
spreading brand awareness in the right target market. This also makes it harder for them to
drive the ideal traffic to their business websites. Therefore, understanding which channel to
tap into and driving the relevant audience to your website to turn them into customers is
becoming an ongoing challenge for marketers. Conduct an audit of your online activity.
Identify what tactics you are opting to reach out to your audience. Consider the content
you‘re producing, the channels you‘re presenting it on, your social presence, and the
paid/unpaid campaigns you are running. Use robust analytics to know which of them work
the best for you and optimize your efforts simultaneously. But it is essential to measure your
analytics at modest intervals of time to give each of your efforts enough span to work over.

Targeting the right audience effectively

The first and foremost thing that an effective marketer would do is identify their target
audience in the market. With the number of internet users increasing by the day and their
needs changing almost every second, targeting the right audience has become one of the
biggest challenges for marketers. Keeping in mind what your business has to offer and what
kind of problems it would solve when put to use, create your value proposition. This will help
you identify who or what demographics would resonate with it the most when targeted.

Look at the general demographics of the market that you want to reach out to. Identify their
needs and create customer personas taking into consideration their online behavior and
possible future needs. In this case, companies like Wigzo equip you with machine learning
and predictive analytics tools to enable better persona creation.

Lead generation using social media

When it comes to the various social channels, most businesses and marketers don‘t know how
to remain consistent. Most of them feel that it is all about the paid campaigns they are
supposed to run for brand awareness and lead generation. Although, both of them is a
constant challenge with the ever-increasing market competition. Even though considerable
marketing budgets are set aside by businesses, most marketers cannot run their engagement
into revenue. But you mustn‘t just build your social following – you need to get conversions
that add up to the overall business goal. The most effective way to leverage social media is to
integrate your marketing and sales efforts. Sharing behavioral data and interaction levels with
leads on social media can help the sales team define a custom, personalized customer journey
for them – which they are more likely to convert on.

Optimizing marketing budgets and ROI

With the increase of digital channels and advanced analytics tools, marketers are now
expected to optimize the marketing budgets and the ROI to best suit the business‘s needs. He
is expected to measure each effort and its value to achieve the end goal – the number of leads
generated or the revenue raised. Tap into the power of machine learning and robust analytics
regularly. An effective marketer can gauge the value of every single lead generated from a
marketing effort. Understand the impact of each digital campaign on lead generation, test
different variants and approaches of reaching out to your target audience to optimize your
campaigns for much better results. While you measure the digital inbound results, ensure that
you consider the outbound efforts being made by your business and what kind of results it is

Keeping up with the changing trends

The digital market and marketing techniques have changed drastically over the last few years.
And it continues to change even today to cater to the modern-day addressable market needs.
Hence, marketers need to stay up-to-date with all these changes.

Be it the launch of a new social media platform or a technology that would make a marketing
effort more robust, marketers need to remain on top of things to ensure their business does
not lose out on possible conversions.Consistently engage with your target audience on
platforms that they are most active on. The most effective way of doing so is to leverage
social listening using tools like Hootsuite. They help you understand what people are saying
about you and your product/service, what they expect – allowing you to become a part of
their conversation.

This course is an initiative designed to educate students in the area of Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing and Social Media have transformed marketing and business practice across
the globe. This course provides an understanding of the ever evolving digital landscape and
examines the strategic role of digital marketing processes and tools in designing the overall
Marketing strategy and the Digital Marketing Plan. It explores the challenges of Interactive
media, the online market place, and the creative challenges of communicating and retention
strategies of customers through these media, the main search engines and the future trends in
digital marketing.

Digital analytics in the marketing context refers to the tools used to analyze and report on
marketing data collected through the digital channels on which your brand holds a presence.
These channels might include social media platforms such as facebook, instagram, or
linkedin. They might also include your display or search ads, email, affiliate marketing sites,
or many others. Let‘s look at digital analytics in marketing through the customer‘s lens. Let‘s
say a customer adds an item to the cart and hits purchase. Now, you have a new customer.
But you've encountered this person before. Perhaps hundreds of times and in several places,
you interacted with them. They knew about your business long before you knew about them.
They used social media to research your brand, found a mention on a blog post, checked out
your top competitors.

They engaged with the helpful information you provide online. So long before that
transaction took place, you've been connecting. Marketing with digital analytics ensures that
those connections mean something. That's how you get tangible business results.

Digital Analytics in Marketing is two-fold.

1st, it's employing marketing analytics tools to identify and understand the customer journey.
And 2nd, it involves building a comprehensive marketing strategy around what you learn.
Because knowledge is only power only when you use it. The four primary types of digital
analytics in marketing are as follows. And you need each of them to develop a
comprehensive strategy.

• Competitive landscape analytics - tracking how competitors attract, convert, and

retain customers
• Customer behavior analytics - determining the what, where, when, how, and for how
long about your customer's online behavior
• Performance analytics - how well your brand is performing in critical locations like
Instagram and Google. Also, KPIs like sales, revenues, average order value, etc.
• Predictive analytics - Predictive analytics in marketing anticipates your customer's
next move. Be there with the right message.

It was once believed that customers touched a brand around seven times before becoming a
customer. But modern Internet usage has flipped that on its head. Google is a company built
on analytics. It calculates that people now come in contact with your brand 20 to 500 times

before buying. How many times exactly depends on what you're selling. But here's the
fantastic thing about digital analytics in marketing. Employ what you learned through
analytics to shorten the sales cycle and cut the number of touchpoints before the sale in half.

Chapter 4


The research and practice of digital marketing is improving with the advancement of
technology. The advancement in technology fosters multifaceted opportunities and at the
same time poses unprecedented challenges for the marketers. Marketers make use of Digital
Portfolio as a platform to promote a professional brand by defining the product in a manner
that adds credibility. Research highlights that B2B buyers dislike cold emails and calls,
hence, Digital marketing allows enough provisions for finding the right people through its
streamlined search engine and connections. In the present era, buyers expect knowledge that
offers potential solution to their product related problems. The strong visibility of the
organization or the brand through digital marketing allows the consumers to develop
perceived knowledge about the brand. By the spread of word of mouth and getting
recommendations from their connections assist the users in making active decisions about


(Accessed on 23rd Sept 2021)

(Accessed on 23rd Sept 2021) (Accessed on 23rd Sept

2021) (Accessed on 23rd Sept

2021) (Accessed on 23rd Sept 2021)


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