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Unit 9 – Telephoning-2

A. Receiving a call

1. Answering the phone (informal)

Hello. Matt here. (caller unknown)

Hi, Jody. How are you?

Hey, Justin. What's up?

2. Answering the phone (formal)

Hello? Serena speaking. (caller unknown)

John Sayles speaking. Who's calling, please? (caller unknown)

Doctor Martin's office. May I know who's calling, please? (caller unknown)

Thank you for calling Jeans Plus. Jody speaking.

Hello Maria. Nice to hear from you.

Hello Dr Jones. How can I help you?

City Library. Kim speaking. What can I do for you, Robert?

3. Saying someone is not available

I’m sorry, he/she is not available (right now).

Sorry, he/she’s away for the week.

Sorry, he/she’s not in.

I’m afraid he/she’s in a meeting (now).

He/she’s in Paris. He/she won’t be back until Monday

4. Connecting someone

Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal)

Hang on a moment. I'll see if she's in. (informal)

One moment please. I'll see if he's available.

Hold the line please. I'll put you through in a moment.

Please hold while I put you through to the manager's office.

All our staff are busy currently. Please hold for the next available person.

5. Taking a message
Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Sammy's not in. I can tell him you called if you like. (informal)

No, that's okay. I'll call him later. (informal)

I'm sorry, but Lisa's not here now. Can I take a message?

I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would you like to leave a message?

She's busy right now. Would you like her to return your call?

He's in a meeting now. Can he call you back when he's free?

Fine. I'll let him know you called.

I'll make sure she gets your message.

6. Confirming a message

Let me repeat that just to make sure. It's James Brown at 222 3456?

Was that 555 Charles Street, Apartment 66?

I'll make sure he gets the message.

It's Johnny, right? And you won't be at the club until midnight. (informal)

Okay, got it. I'll let him know. (informal)

7. Answering machine and voicemail phrases

Hey, Brad here. What's up? Let me know after the tone, OK? (informal)
Hi, this is Liz. I'm sorry I can't take your call right now, but if you leave a message after
the tone, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

You've reached 222 6789. Please leave a message after the tone. Thank you.

Thank you for calling Dr. Mindin's office. Our hours are 9 a.m. to p.m., Monday to
Friday. Please call back during these hours or leave a message after the tone. If this is
an emergency, please call the hospital at 333 7896.

You have reached Steve James, your guide to Computer Technology. Unfortunately, I
can't take your call right now, but if you leave me a message and include your name
and telephone number, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. You can also contact me via
email at Thank you for calling.

B. Other Phrases:

Making a request

Could you please repeat that?

Would you mind spelling that for me?
Could you speak up a little, please?
Can you speak a little slower, please? My English isn't very good, I'm afraid.
Could you let me know when she'll be in the office, please?
Would you mind calling back in an hour? I'm in a meeting just now.
Can you call again? I think we have a bad connection.
Please hold for just a minute. I have another call.
Please don't call this number again.

Asking for repetition

Sorry, I didn’t catch your name / your number…

Sorry, could you repeat your name / number / etc.
Sorry, I didn’t hear that.
Sorry, I didn’t understand/get that.
Could you spell that?

Acknowledging repetition

Ok, I’ve got that.

(Ms. Ventura.) I understand.
I see, thank you.

C. Exercise

I. The following are common phrasal verbs we often use while on the telephone.
Match the correct meaning with each phrasal verb.

Phrasal Verbs Meaning

1. hold on E A. talk louder
2. put (a call) through B. to be disconnected abruptly
during a telephone conversation
3. get through K C. return someone’s call
4. hang up G D. make a telephone call
5. call up D E. wait
6. hang on M F. to be connected to someone on
the phone
7. call back C G. put the receiver down
8. pick up H H. return someone’s call
9. get off (the phone) I. answer a call, lift the receiver to
take a call
10. get back to (someone) I J. stop talking on the phone
11. cut off B K. connect one caller to another
12. switch off/turn off L L. deactivate (a cell phone)
13. speak up A M. wait

IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs.

1. Caller: Hello. Could I speak to Lucia Rodriguez, please?

Receptionist: PUT
She’s not in the office at the moment. Can I ____________________
you _______________ to her voice mail?
Caller: Yes, thank you.
2. Caller: Could I speak to Emma, please?
wait,hold on, hang on, just
Emma’s mother: Sure. ____________________ a second and I’ll get her.
3. Automated Operator: hang up
Please____________________and try your call again. This
is a recording.
4. Mother: Magdalena, could you ____________________ the phone? I need
to call Dad.
Daughter: Okay, mom.
5. Chairperson of a meeting: I would appreciate if everyone could __________________

their cell phones. We have a lot of important things to discuss, and we

don’t want to be interrupted.
6. Caller: Hi, it’s Ahmed Mohamed calling. Could I speak to Martin Switzer
Receptionist: I’m sorry. He’s not in now. Can I take a message?
Caller: Yes, could you ask him toCALL me when he gets in?
` It’s urgent.
Receptionist: Certainly.
7. Voice mail recording: Hi, you’ve reached Josh Wills in Accounting. I will be out of
the office until July 2 but will be my messages while
I’m away. So please leave yours at the sound of the tone. Thanks and
have a great day!
8. Voice mail recording: You’ve reached Julia and Ben. We’re not available to take
your call right now, but if you leave a message, we’ll to you
as soon as we can. Thanks.
9. Caller: I can’t seem to . The line is always busy.

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