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The Rise of the New

Online Learning
New N rmal
Flexible Environment. Online learning can
be accessed and done through different Additional Info
locations which results to students having
According to Joshua Stern, Ph.D., an easier way to attend classes. Students
online learning is an education that will not have to trouble about far trips to People (34) Chat
school thanks to online classes which is
takes place over the Internet. It is
greatly advantageous.
often referred to as “E-learning” Jackson Rippner 12:12AM
among other terms. Flexible Schedule. Since online learning Self-Improvement. Online learning is difficult for most of the
can be accessed anywhere, it can also be students since it is still new and could not adapt easily.
Nevertheless, while going through this e-learning made
accessed anytime. Students can learn past most of the students changed especially when it comes to
Online learning gave a dramatic change
and future modules whenever they would their self-discipline and time management. Students are
to education and a tremendous rise like and be able to work with enough time more aware with their projects and modules since most of
them are frequently using their gadgets.
around the world right after the Covid-19 on their projects and homework.
Pandemic has started. While countries Jonathan Crane 12:15AM
Communication Skills. It is a challenge for most of the
are at different points in their COVID-19 Affordable. The most obvious advantage of this students to communicate with their classmates and
teachers since not all of the information that wants to be
infection rates, worldwide there are new normal is that it reduces financial costs
understood cannot be received or sent effectively.
compared to face to face. The daily school
currently more than 1.2 billion children in allowance, the printed projects, the transportation
Therefore, students develop their communication skills
especially when it comes to group works in order to achieve
186 countries affected by school and the extracurricular activities will all be a goal.
eliminated and hence, will result to saving up more
closures due to the pandemic (Cathy, money. This is recommended during this time of
2020). pandemic for it is not only safer, but more

Advantages ^

"we need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning."

-elliot masie

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