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Shalini Vijayaraghavan

Professor Marsteller

ASB 301

Honors Assignment – Outline

I. Introduction:

A. Introduce the topic: “Plague of Athens”

B. Provide interesting facts

C. Provide data regarding how many deaths happened because of this plague

II. Origin and Spread

A. Place where “Plague of Athens” originated from

B. How did it spread?

C. Did people take this plague serious during its spread and after the plague caused many

III. Similarities of the “Plague of Athens” to other plagues

A. Compare the “Plague of Athens” to Influenza

B. Compare the “Plague of Athens” to Bubonic Plague

IV. Solutions to solve “Plague of Athens”

A. Hippocrates’s role in curing this plague

a. Lighting of Bonfires

B. Discuss any accusations placed on Hippocrates’s way of curing this plague

V. Effectiveness of curing this Plague

A. Did bonfires actually stop the spread of this plague?

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