Class 6 Term 2 (2021-22) Class 6

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MM=80 M TIME: 2 hr

 Attempt all questions

A. Multiple Choice Questions:- 30M

1) The total coastline of India is Occupied by:-

a) 6,100 km b) 7516 km c) 7000 km d) 6,500 km

2) The southernmost point of India is

a) Indira Point b) Puduchery c) Kanyakumari d) Thiruvananthpuram

3) Himalayas are
a) Young Fold mountains b) Old fold mountains c) Relict mountains b) Volcanic Mountains

4) World’s largest River

a) Ganga b) Nile c) Amazon d) Indus

5) The Largest Ocean in the World

a) Atlantic b) Indian c) South Ocean d) Indian Ocean

6) Map Showing elements like Fertility, morality and migration, etc. are known as
a) Topographical maps b) Thematic maps c) Road maps d) Physical maps

7) Any of the zones beyond Arctic and Antarctic Circle is

a) Danger zone b) Frigid zone c) Freeze zone d ) De-freeze zone

8) Which type of Farming is Done in Mountains

a) Terrace b) Land c) Shifting d) None of these

9) The Head of Municipality is

a) Commissioner b) Councillar c) Mayor d) None of these

10) SHO stands for

a) Station House Officer b) State House Officer c) State Home Officer d) all of these
11) The Highest level in Rural Government is called :-
a) Nyaya Panchayat b) Zila parishad c) Block Samiti d) none of these

12) Election are a feature of which type of government

a) Democratic b) Authoritarian c) Military Rule d) All of these

13) The Mahabharat was written by :-

a) Kalidas b) Sage vyas c) Valmiki d) Aryabhatta

14) Golden Age of Indian history refers to

a) Mauyryas b) Harshavardhan c) Guptas b) Pallavas

15) Abhijnana Shakuntalam was written by:-

a) Ashoka b) Harshavardhan c) Guptas b) Pallavas

B. Fill in the Blanks :- 15m

1. The taxes on crops were called _____.

2. Women, _______ and ________ were not allowed to participate in the assemblies
3. _______ and ________ were the popular rulers of Magadha
4. _______ was the 24th Tirithankaras
5. The teaching of ________ were written down for the first time about 1500 years ago.
6. ________ was Chandragupta’s minister
7. ________was a center of Buddhist learning
8. The famous kushanas ruler _________organized a Buddhist council
9. Coin of _______ age were made of gold and silver
10. The total area of Indian subcontinent is ______million sq kms.
11. Two divisions of peninsular Plateau are Malwa and _______.
12. __________ Plain in India is the best example of alluvial plains.
13. _________tells us about the purpose or the theme of the map.
14. __________ passes through the Greenwich ,London.
15. Longitudes are ____ in number.

C) Answer in one word or in one sentence (any 10) 10*1=10M

1. Name two capitals of Magadha
2.Mention any 1 nobel truh from the 1st sermon of lord buddha
3.What changes came upon ashoka after the kalinga war
4.Who was the great kushana ruler
5.Which is the deepest point on the surface of the earths seabed?
6.Name the plateau surrounded by either seas or plains from all sides
7. Who was samudra gupta
8.Why is Amravati famous for or , where was the chief duty placed
9.Explain the term UAF
10. How is municipality different from municipal corporation ?
11. At what degrees does the Indian standard meridian lie?
12. What causes heavy loss to farmers.

D) Short answer question(any 5)______________ _ 10*2=20M

1. Name any 5 mahajanpads
2. Write a short note on ashwamedha yajana
3. Why did Ashoka decided to give up wars ?
4. Describe the administration of southern kingdoms
5. Write a short note on the iron pillar located at mahrauli Delhi
6. Name the various level of the government
7. What are the sources of revenue odf the village panchayat
8. What are the function of municipal
9. What is seasonal employment

E) Long answer questions(any 5) :- 5*3=15M

1. Describe the reasons of the rise of Magadha as an important mahajanpada
2. Mention eight folder path propagated by Buddha
3. Examine briefly the south Indian kingdoms
4. Describe the two Sanskrit epics the mahabharata and Ramayana
5. Why do we need government function panchayat samiti ?
6. What are who’s guidelines to check rat menace
7. What happened to the mauryan empire after the death of emperor Ashoka ?

E) Map Based Questions :- 5M

Fill map with mountain range:- Himadri,Himachal and shiwaliks

Fill Great Indian desert
Peninsular Plateau
Coastal plains
Islands of India:- Andaman nicobar and Lakshadweep

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