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The Goose with the Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had a goose. It laid a golden egg

every day.

They imagined that, if the goose could lay golden eggs, its insides

must be made of gold. They wanted to get all that gold in the goose

stomach, so that they would get rich. So, the man and his wife killed the


However, after cutting the goose stomach, they were shocked to

find that there were no gold inside. They felt very sad.
The Ant and the Dove

One hot day, an ant was came to a river. Suddenly, she slipped and fell

into the water.

The ant drowned and shouted for help. A dove up a nearby tree

saw the ant struggling in the river. The dove quickly dropped a leaf into

the water to the ant. The ant climbed up the leaf. The ant was safe. At

that time, a hunter saw the dove and wanted to shoot it.

The ant quickly climbed up his foot and bit him. The hunter was

pained and dropped his gun. The dove quickly fly away.
The Fox and The Grapes

One afternoon, a fox was walking in the forest and saw a bunch of

grapes hanging on a branch. “I am hungry. I want to eat the grapes,”

said the fox.

The fox jumped but missed the hanging grapes. The fox tried

again and again to reach the grapes but still failed.

Finally, the fox gave up. He turned up his nose and said, “Heng!

The grapes are probably sour anyway,” said the fox and he walk away.
The Dog and The Cows

The cows liked to eat hay from the manger. One day, a herd of cows

came to the manger to eat hay. They saw a dog lying on the hay.

One of the cows said, “Please, get up! We are hungry. We want to

eat our hay”. The dog did not care.

Then, another cow said, “Please, let us have our hay”. The dog

barked and the cow stepped back.

A wise cow ran up to the bull and told him the matter.

The bull came and said, “Get out, please! Let them have their

food”. There was no reply. The bull became angry. He bellowed loudly

and stamped his legs. The dog got frightened and ran away.
The Dog and The Donkey

There lived a dog and a donkey in a house of a rich man. The dog

guarded his house and the donkey carried loads.

It was a hot afternoon. The dog was sleeping under a tree. There

was some noise outside. But, the dog went back to sleep.

The donkey asked, “Why don’t you bark. It could be someone

outside the house”. The dog replied, “I don’t care”. The donkey was

angry. He wanted to save his master from thieves. He started to bray.

The master heard the noise and quickly took a stick running out.

He then praise the donkey.

The Greedy Mouse

A greedy mouse saw a basket full of corn. So, he made a small hole in

the basket. He squeezed into the hole and ate a lot of corns.

Then, he tried to come out but the he could not. The hole was

small. His belly was full. He tried again but it was no use.

The mouse started crying. A rabbit heard the mouse’s cry and

asked: “Why are you crying, my friend?” The mouse said: “I cannot get


The rabbit said: “Haha! It is because you ate too much. Wait till

your belly shrinks”. The rabbit laughed and went away.

Next morning, the mouse ate the corns again. His belly was full

once again. He thought: “Oh! Now I will go out tomorrow”.

The cat passed by. He smelt the mouse in the basket. He open the

basket. Finally, the mouse was eaten by the cat.

The Cows and The Lion.
There was a village near a jungle. The village cows used to go up to the jungle in search of food.

In the forest there lived a wicked lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. This was
happening for quite sometime. The cows were frightened.

One day, all the cows held a meeting. An old cow said, “Listen everybody, the lion eats one of us only
because we go into the jungle separately. From now on we will all be together”.

From then on all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion all of them
unitedly moo and chased him away.

The Lion and the Mouse


Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down on
him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse, and opened his big jaws
to swallow him.

“Pardon, O King!” cried the little Mouse, “Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never
forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days!”

The Lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse being able to help him that he lifted his paw and let
him go.

Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they went in search
of a wagon, to take him to the zoo.

Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to him and
gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle.

“Was I not right?” said the little mouse, very happy to help the lion.

The Greedy Mouse

A greedy mouse saw a basket full of corn. He wanted to eat it. So he made a small

hole in the basket. He squeezed in through the hole. He ate a lot of corn.
Then, he wanted to come out. He tried to come out through the small hole. He

could not. His belly was full. He tried again. But it was no use.

The mouse started crying. A rabbit was passing by. It heard the mouse’s cry and

asked: “Why are you crying my friend?”

The mouse said: “I made a small hole and came into the basket. Now I cannot get

out through that hole.”

The rabbit said: “It is because you ate too much. Wait till your belly shrinks”. The

rabbit laughed and went away.

The mouse fell asleep in the basket. Next morning, the mouse wanted to eat some

corn. So, he ate again. His belly was full once again. He thought: “Oh! Now I will go

out tomorrow”.

The cat passed by. He smelt the mouse in the basket. He open the basket. Finally,

the mouse was eaten by the cat.


Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many friends. He was proud of his friends.
One day, Bunny rabbit heard the loud barking of the dogs. He was very scared. He

went to his friend deer to ask for help. He said: “Dear friend, some dogs are chasing

me. Can you chase them away with your sharp antlers?”

Dear said: “That is right, I can. But now I am busy. Why don’t you ask bear for help?”

Bunny rabbit ran to the bear. “My dear friend you are very strong, please help me.

Some dogs are after me. Please chase them away.”

Bear replied: “I am sorry. I am hungry and tired. I need to find some food. Please ask

the monkey for help”.

Poor Bunny went to the monkey, elephant, goat and all his friends. Bunny felt sad

that nobody want to help him.

He understood that he has to think of a way out. He hid under a bush. He lay still the

wild dogs went their way.

A Hungry Mouse
A mouse was having a very thought time. She had no food for many days and made

strenuous efforts get her food. All her efforts went in vain. She looked everywhere to

find her food. As the days pass by, she became very thin.

One day, the mouse found a basket with corns. She also noticed a tiny hole in the

basket, which was sufficient enough to move her in. She easily moved inside the


Since she had no foods for many days, she ate a large amount of corn. Without

realizing her, she continuously ate more and more corns. She realized very later that

she ate a lot more than she actually required. After eating a whole lot of corn, she

became very fat!

Satisfied with corns, the fat mouse tried to come out of the basket through the small

hole. Unfortunately, the tiny hole could not accommodate the big mouse!!!!

The mouse started screaming ‘Oh god! Let me come out, how can I come out?’

A rat after hearing mouse’s screaming voice from the basket, asked her what


Mouse told the story and asked rat a solution.

Rat told, ‘if you want to come out the basket, wait for sometime or even days to lose

your all your fat until you grow thin.’

Mouse started to starve now but with lots of food to come out of the trap!

The Cows and The Lion.

There was a village near a jungle. The village cows used to go up to the jungle in search of food.

In the forest there lived a wicked lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. This was
happening for quite sometime. The cows were frightened.
One day, all the cows held a meeting. An old cow said, “Listen everybody, the lion eats one of us only
because we go into the jungle separately. From now on we will all be together”.

From then on all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion all of them
unitedly moo and chased him away.

The Lion and the Mouse


Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down on
him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse, and opened his big jaws
to swallow him.

“Pardon, O King!” cried the little Mouse, “Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never
forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days!”

The Lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse being able to help him that he lifted his paw and let
him go.

Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they went in search
of a wagon, to take him to the zoo.

Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to him and
gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle.

“Was I not right?” said the little mouse, very happy to help the lion.

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