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Questions 1 - 5 are based on the following passage.

Terms related to social isolation have existed long before the COVID-19 pandemic, but they
become much more common in 2020. For example, self-isolate, self-isolated and shelter in place all
received greater attention than before.
Some terms have seen a shift in meaning. Originally, sheltering in place referred to seeking
safety during a restricyed event, like a tornado or an active shooter attack. It is now being used to refer
to a prolonged period of social isolation. Similarly, elbow bump has evolved from a gesture akin to a
high-five with its present form carrying a meaning of a safe way to greet another person.
Some regional differences are also emerging in COVID-19 language. Self-isolate has been the
preferred term in British English, whereas self-quarantine is more commonly employed in the U.S.
“Rona” or “the rona” as slang for coronavirus has been observed in the U.S. and Australia. This
coronavirus-related updates give us a glimpse into how language can quickly change in the face of
social disruption.
Adapted from:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic …. change the meaning of the existing words and phrases.
A. can
B. shall
C. has to
D. must
E. will

2. In the passage, there is a statement like this:

This coronavirus-related updates give us a glimpse into how language can quickly change in the
face of social disruption.
If a big social phenomenon …., rapid changes in a language woluld not exist.
A. appeared
B. does appear
C. has not appeared
D. did not appear
E. appears

3. The word evolved in paragraph 2 in the passage is closest in meaning to …

A. progressed
B. shifted
C. come
D. stemmed
E. originated

4. According to the passage, The COVID-related language also … different regional areas.
A. see
B. reveal
C. imitate
D. contain
E. explain
5. The paragraph following the passage most likely concerns …
A. contrasting facts about coronavirus-related words
B. medical responses to coronavirus-related phrases
C. government act to new coronavirus-related terms
D. comparison between COVID-19 across countries
E. the documentation of new terms on COVID-19

Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage

Parents can check and facilitate the development of their children through various … they can
use educational toys or instructions given by the government and detailed nursery program reports.
Parents can use different way to teach children to talk, count, draw, or respect others. A surprisingly big
part of bow they develop is determained by the culture they grow up in.
Children are very active and interactive in their development … 2Every child … specific interaction
with the world around them. 3what they hear and receive from others and the environment also shape
how they think and do thinks. 4Children growing up indeferent cultures receive specific inputs from
their environment. 5For that reason, there is a big influence of cultural differences in childrens beliefs
and behaviours. 6Most children believe in what their parents say.
Language is one of the ways through which culture influence develops. 2We know from research
on adults that languages help people think and reason. Morever, the content and focus of what people
talk about in their conversations also varies across culture. As early as infancy, mothers from different
culturesn talk to their babies differently. German mothers tend to focus on their infants needs, wishes,
or them as a person. Mother of the African tribal group nso, on the other hand, focus move on social
contest. This can include the childs interactions with other people and the rules surrounding it.
Communicating with children when they are still very young will make them realize who they
are and enable them to build relationship with others. This is the way to form their self image and
identity. For example, in western European and north American countries, children tend to describe
themselves around their unique characteristic such as “I am smart” or “I am good at drawing”. In Asian,
African, Soutbern European and South American countries, however, children describe themselves …
around their relationship with other and social roles. Example of this include “I am my parents child” or
“I am good students”.

6. The irrelevant statement in paragraph 2 is sentence …

A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)
E. (6)

7. What is the relationship between sentence 4 and sentence 5 in paragraph 3?

A. Sentence 4 explains the differences in communication across cultures examplied in sentence 5
B. Sentence 4 explain the reasons for communication, and sentence 5 explain about using
language to think and reason
C. Sentence 4 explains about communication strategies, and sentence 5 explains about hoe the
strategis are elaborated
D. Sentence 4 is a restatement of sentence 5 about how culture influences couverstation style
E. Sentence 4 explain cultural difference which are challenged in sentence 5
8. Ehich part of the passage explain the impacts of interacting with children from an early age?
A. Paragraph (1)
B. Paragraph (2)
C. Paragraph (1) and (2)
D. Paragraph (2) dan (3)
E. Paragraph (4)

9. Regarding the symptoms of eye fatigue, the more … the less …

A. often you look away from screens – precise your vision will be
B. rest you take from screen viewing – strain in the eyes you will have
C. you blink your eyes – watery the eyes will appear
D. time you spend staring at a screen – fatigue your eyes will feel
E. you use digital devices – severe the eye symptoms will be

10. Here are the jumbled sentences from the paragraph that follows the above paragraph. Please
reorder the following sentences
a. If your child is having blurry vision or similar eye problems, he or she may not speak up.
b. If a broken is found during one of these routine eye exams, your pediatrician may rfer you to a
pediatric ophthalmologist.
c. That is why regular vision screenings are important to detect any eye problem.
d. Considering the importance of these screenings, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and
the AAP recommend children have their eyes checked by a pediatrician at well-child visits
beginning at birth.
e. All in all, although children’s screen time will understandably increase during the COVID-19
pandemic, tha AAP encourages parents to do their best to help keep some balance between the
digital and real world.
The best order of the sentences above is …
A. a – d – c – e – b
B. a – d – b – c – e
C. a – c – b – d – e
D. a – c – d – b – e
E. a – e – c – d - b

Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage

Technology has revolutionized everything and education is no exception. E-learning has
drastically changed the landscape of education. The introduction of e-learning has been convenient for
students as well as teachers. As a matter of fact, online education has been received very cordially.
Normally, this is not the case for most new things. So, it is safe to say, regarding the future, that e-
learning is here to stay.
With future updates and upgardes, e-learning is likely to develop and become more convenient
for learners. New methods intoduced by instructors will make online courses more interesting and
engaging for learners. Apart from students, organizations are adapting to e-learning courses to train
their employees. So, with all the hype and effort combined, the future of e-learning is very unlikely to be
Online learning is a very useful tool for students and young professioonals to gain various skills.
Any professional can easliy learn about any subject they want. This has also empowered individuals to
seek, receive, and impart information effectively with very little cost. Almost all online courses are self-
paced so students can fit education into their life instead of planning their day-to-day activities around
school hours.
Tiktok and Triller allow companies direct access to Gen Z, who account for 40 percent of consumer
spending. In this case too, social media is definitely the next generation’s billboardor television. In this
environment, the big players are definitely influencers and celebrities who are excellent communicators
and, through their true-to-life content, form loyal relationships with their followers. It is s safe to say
ahead of the business competition, companies have to be adaptive by selecting the right influencers
and creating authentic campaigns for a given brand.
While it is estimated that more than 92% of consumers turn to the web before buying products,
companies need to have an active online presence. As such, designing a professional website can be
the first step towards creating an online presence. Next, they need to create a dedicated account on all
the major social media networdks including Pinterest, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+, and
Instagram. These accounts allow them to share good press, interact with users, and promote their
Adapted from:

11. How does the author organize the ideas in paragraphs 3 and 4?
A. Paragraph 3 limits the scope of paragraph 4.
B. Paragraph 3 introduces the main idea of paragraph 4.
C. Paragraph 4 explains the impacts of what is described in paragraph 3.
D. Paragraph 4 provides examples for the idea discussed in paragraph 3.
E. Paragraph 4 explands the ideas in paragraph 3.

12. Which of the following best restates the underlined sentence in paragraph 1?
A. The pandemic has escalated the use of social media and online shopping to fulfil people’s needs
B. People switch into online shopping and social media in order to survive during the pandemic.
C. People taje the benefit of social media and online shopping during the pandemic for their
essentials and mental health.
D. People show greater attachment to social media and online shopping at they cannot do offline
E. The pandemic has forced people not only to stay at home but also to shop online and use social
media more frequently.

13. All of the following statements are true about digital marketing during the pandemic, EXCEPT …
A. new apps like TikTok help companies shape young consumers’ behaviour during the pandemic
B. influencers can hardly contribute to the success of online marketing during the pandemic
C. e-commerce shifts tremendously and leaves out paper-based and billboard marketing
D. Covid-19 gives greater impact to the shifting trend of digital marketing and e-commerce
E. Digital marketing facilitates reciprocal interactions between consumers and targeted products

14. The author’s assumption regarding the next generation’s billboard is that it …
A. is highly accessible
B. limits human interaction
C. creates a new marketplace
D. takes a lot of cost in productions
E. is controlled by young generation
15. By stating rapid change in consumer behaviour in paragraph 3, the author implies that companies
should …
A. create user – friendly technologies
B. develop new ways in marketing
C. engage in more varied commonication
D. use selected social media platforms
E. exploit Gen Z as prospective consumers

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