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AMBAYEC, Mounicha C.

BSA-3 6495

Module 1-Problem Set 2: Problem Solving

1.) 27.27 km/hr 2.) 87.95 or 88

Find: Average Speed Find: Annabelle’s final grade=?

Solution Solution:
D1: 7 km D2: 7 km Scores = 95,90,80,75,85
7 km 7 km
T1: T1: Project rating = 90
30 km/hr 25 km/hr
Long exam = 88

Total Distance(D )
Average Speed = =
Total Time (T )
( 95 x .5 ) + ( 90 x .5 )+ ( 80 x .5 ) + ( 75 x .5 ) + ( 85 x .5 )+ ( 90 x .35 ) +( 88 x .4)
7 7 = 4.75 + 4.5 + 4 + 3.75 + 4.25 + 31.5 + 35.2
30 25
= 0.51333333 = 87.95 or 88

= 27. 273 km/hr

Average Speed = 27.27 km/hr

3.) 97

Find: John’s score in another examination to increase his score average score to 85

= 82 (mean of 4 classroom examinations)

4 5 = 85
n= 4 n=5

Mean = ∑

a.) b.)
x1 + x 2 + x3 + x 4 x1 + x 2 + x3 + x 4 + x 5
82 = (cross multiply) 85 =
4 5
328+ x 5
x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 328 85 =
x5 = (85) (5) – 328

x5 = 97

4.) Mean= Php 21,339 ; Range= Php 17,970 ; Standard Deviation= Php 5,678.44

A. Mean
18,500+ 23,600+21,210+14,515+20,500+21,700+14,250+18,345+28,550+ 32,220
= Php 21, 339

 The mean measures where the center of the data is and, in this case, it
determines the average sale of the businessman’s restaurant for a 10-
day period. In the computation above, the average sales of the business
for 10 days is Php 21,339.

B. Range R = Xlargest - Xsmallest

= 32,220- 14,250
= Php 17,970

 For the 10-day period of his sales, the range is Php 17,970 after
deducting the lowest sale from the highest sale.

C. Standard X X̄ X - X̄ (X - X̄ )2
Deviation Php 14,250 21,339 (7,089) 50,253,921
Php 14,515 21,339 (6,824) 46,566,976
Php 18,345 21,339 (2,994) 8,964,036
Php 18,500 21,339 (2,839) 8,059,921
Php 20,500 21,339 (839) 703,921
Php 21,210 21,339 (129) 16,641
Php 21,700 21,339 3361 130,321
Php 23,600 21,339 2,261 5,112,121
Php 28,550 21,339 7,211 51,998,521
Php 32,220 21,339 10,881 118,396,161
S= 290,202,540

√ 290,202,540
= √ 32 ,244 ,726. 66 = Php 5,678.44
 The computation above shows that the standard deviation for the 10-
day period sales of the business is Php 5,678.44. A standard deviation
is, by definition, a measure of how distributed data is in reference to
the mean. Although there is only one standard deviation and no point
of comparison in this situation, a low standard deviation implies that
data is grouped around the mean, while a high standard deviation
shows that data is more spread out

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