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Grand Father’s Role Table

D20 Roll Result

1-5 Bushi

6-10 Artisan

11-15 Courtier

16-20 Shugenja

Role Event Tables

Grand father Gempukku Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your Grandfather fumbled his Gempukku and that

stigma still rests on him and his kin till this day.

2-7 Your Grandfather completed his Gempukku as


8-12 Your Grandfather completed his Gempukku and

acquitted himself higher than the average of his year

13-16 Your Grandfather completed his Gempukku and stood

out exceptionally from the rest of his competition.

17-19 Your Grandfather was the runner up of the Topaz

Champions for his Gempukku

20 Your Grandfather was the Champion of the Topaz

Championship for his Gempukku and went on to serve
as the Topaz Champion for a year (Roll on Topaz
Champion Table

Crab Grandfather’s Deeds Table

D20 Roll Result

1 During an attack on the wall your Grandfather fought
like a hero of old single handley crushing the Oni and
turning the tide of battle. Gain 1.5 Glory and a free +1
to any weapons skill.

2-4 Your Grandfather discovered a secret that assisted his

family and kin in success but also is considered taboo
and dishonourable. You may Forbidden Knowledge
Advantage for one less Experience Point.

5-7 In a duel/contest your Grandfather outshone and

humiliated one of his opponents earning him the
enmity of that family who desire to right that wrong.
You gain 1.0 Glory but you also have a Sworn Enemy
in another clan’s family.

8-10 Your Grandfather perished in the Shadowlands saving

his comrades from an Oni. You gain 0.5 Glory but the
Oni has now made your family his target.

11-14 Your Grandfather become one of the renowned

teachers of his school ensuring the future generations
would learn from his wisdom and knowledge. Gain 0.5
Glory and +1 free Rank in a School Skill of your

15-18 Your Grandfather saved the life of a foriegn dignitary at

the wall. Earning himself a valuable Ally inside
Rokugan. You gain a 3-point Ally Advantage in that
clan for free.

19-20 Your Grandfather though unarmoured managed to

stand against a enemy raid and shrug off any wounds
he received during the battle. You gain the Advantage
Strength of Earth

Crane Grandfather’s Deeds Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your ancestor had a romantic affair during winter court

that was the inspiration for many pillow books. Some
of that past glory reflects on you. You gain 0.5 Glory
and may take the Advantage Seven Fortunes Blessing:
Benten’s Blessing for 2 less Experience Point.

2-4 Your Grandfather was picked as an Emerald Magistrate

and was known for his uncompromising view of
justice. You gain a free Virtuous Advantages and the
Disadvantage Contrary.
5-7 Your Grandfather was a warrior/artist/diplomat of high
renown and earned himself land thanks to his focused
nature which you’ve inherited. You gain a free Fame
Advantaged and the Disadvantage Driven.

8-10 Your Grandfather was an accomplished Kakita Duellist

and struck down a famed opponent in a single blow
thus earning the hatred of his foes family. You gain 0.5
Glory and a free rank in a Weapon’s Skill but you also
have a Sworn Enemy in another clan’s family.

10-14 In a famous clash with the Rival Clan, your Grandfather

saved one of his enemies. That family is indebted to
your line. You gain free 3-point Obligation with their

15-18 Your Grandfather was noted to have inherited the

Grace of Lady Doji and the determination of Lord
Kakita. You may take Prodigy at 3 points less

19-20 Your Grandfather served faithfully and with distinction

and honour to his clan. For this he was rewarded by his
lord. You may Purchase the Sacred weapon Crane for
2 less points

Dragon Grandfather’s Deeds Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your ancestor was a tattooed man famous for his

unusual nature—including the fact that he married
and had children. You gain 2 free Rank in any one Skill
which is not a School Skill for you.

2-4 Your Grandfather forsook wealth and glory for the sake
of reaching his goals of enlightenment. You may take
the Advantage Enlightenment for 2 points less and
the Disadvantage Ascetic

5-7 Your Grandfather was known for his honesty and thus
earned the trust of his Daimyo for it. You gain the
Advantage Irreproachable for Free and the
Disadvantage Can’t Lie

8-10 Your Grandfather was defeated in battle and left for

dead, but he endured and this ability to recover from
such wounds has been passed to you. You start with
0.5 less glory but gain the Advantage Quick Healer
11-14 Your Grandfather was significantly involved in a
famous major battle of his time. Gain a free 2-point
Ally from another clan of your choice and 1 rank in
the Lore Skill for that clan.

15-18 Your Grandfather was gifted with the visage of a true

crane. You gain the Advantage Dangerous Beauty for

19-20 Your Grandfather was tested by many over his lifetime

but never once was someone able to throw him off his
game. You gain the Advantage Balanced for Free

Lion Grandfather’s Deeds Table

D20 Roll Result

1 The blood of your ancestors runs strong in your veins.

You may take a Lion Ancestor for 3 less points.

2-4 Your Grandfather fought and led an orderly retreat in a

famous battle. Due to manipulation he was painted as
a coward rather than the hero he was. You lose 1.0
Glory but may take the Leadership Advantage for 2
Less experience points

5-7 Your Grandfather was known for his more pragmatic

approach within the Lion Clan. And while shamed for
it, he did always achieve results. You start at 0.5 less
hour and 0.5 less glory and 1 free rank in a school skill
of your choice.

8-10 Your Grandfather fell tragically found true love with a

crane and while he did his duty and couldn’t marry her,
his love later pushed him to save her and her family
from certain peril costing his life in the process.
Gaining a debt with that family. You gain the
Disadvantaged Lost Love or True Love but gain a free
3 Point Ally in the Crane.

11-14 You can trace your line directly back to your family’s
founder. Honours and gifts from those early years have
been passed down to you. You may take the Lion
Sacred Weapon Advantage for 2 less points

15-18 Your Grandfather was slain in a famous battle

performing a last stand in which even after a day his
body did not submit nor was there one wound upon
his back. You gain 1.0 Glory and 1.0 Honour
19-20 Your ancestor died defending the Emperor from an
assassination attempt. The Emperor proclaimed his
line—of which you are the scion—to be Sacrosanct.

Phoenix Grandfather’s Deeds Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your Grandfather was one of the Elemental Masters

and your line is still granted respect for this today. You
gain 1.0 Glory 0.5 Honour and 1.0 Status

2-4 Your Grandfather was known for his virtue and love of
peace. However it was also known that he can be
fooled quite easily You may take the Paragon of
Compassion Advantage for 4 less points and the
Gullible Disadvantage

5-7 Your Grandfather managed to mediate many truces

between clans. But was known for doing whatever it
took in the name of peace. You gain the Driven
Disadvantage and 1 Free High skill

8-10 Your Grandfather was extremely talented in a skill but

was also entirely focused on never failing in anything.
You gain the Consumed by Perfection Disadvantage
and in 1 class skill, but you also gain either 2 free
Ranks in that Skill or one free Emphasis in that Skill.

11-14 Your Grandfather served as a bodyguard for an

important member of the Phoenix and triumphed in a
vital duel for his charge. His fame endures to this day .
Gain 1 free Rank in the Iaijutsu Skill and 0.5 Glory.

15-18 Your Grandfather managed to impress and befriend a

Kami spirit by an act of great self sacrifice who blessed
his lineage. You may take the Elemental Blessing
Advantage for 2 points less.

19-20 You can trace your line directly to your family’s

founder. You may take a Phoenix Clan Ancestor for 2
less Experience Points.

Scorpion Grandfather’s Deeds Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your Grandfather without hesitation or question in

order to further a larger plot, and his loyalty runs in
your veins. You may take the Advantage Paragon of
Duty for 3 less Experience Points.

2-4 Your Grandfather was a talented commander and was

unable to lose a battle he was ordered to do so. You
may take the Luck Advantage at 2 points less but gain
the Disadvantage Infamous

5-7 Your Grandfather was famously charismatic who could

charm anyone and everyone. However he also liked to
indulge himself and both qualities have been passed
down to you. You gain the Dangerous Beauty
Advantage and Lechery Disadvantage

8-10 Your Grandfather exchanged his life in place of that of

his Lord’s You gain 1.0 honour and the Disadvantage

11-14 Your Grandfather performed a feat of heroics for his

lord, be it in court or at war, his heroic valour or able
mind is something all in your family attempt to live up
to. You gain 1 Glory and 1 free Rank in a School Skill.

15-18 Your ancestor performed a mission for the Shosuro

Infiltrator, for which they owe your family a debt. You
may call on their assistance once in your life and they
will help you

19-20 Your Grandfather can trace his lineage all the way back
to Kami Bayushi himself You may take the Scorpion
Ancestor Bayushi for 3 less points and the Scorpion

Unicorn Grandfather’s Deeds Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your Grandfather in a major conflict saved the life of a

Utaku battle maiden. The Utaku family rewarded him
by wedding him into the Utaku family. You gain +1.0
Status 1.0 Honour and 0.5 Glory

2-4 Your Grandfather survived a disaster that claimed the

life of his companions and his horse. You lose 0.5
honour but gain the Advantage Quick Healer for 2
less points

5-7 Your Grandfather successfully saved the life of his

commander and her horse in a battle but refused to
take any credit for it. His honourable but modest
nature passed down to you. You gain +1.0 honour and
lose 0.5 glory
8-10 Your Grandfather defeated a Matsu in a duel and
spared her life to add insult to injury, his glory and his
enemies passed to you. You +1.0 Glory and the
Disadvantage Sworn Enemy Matsu

11-14 Your Grandfather died while protecting a commander

in the army of an allied clan. They have not forgotten
his sacrifice. You may take a free 3-point Ally from
that clan.

15-18 Your Grandfather was known for his talent with horses
and ability to raise them. You Gain +1 in
Horsemanship and +1 in any other School Skill

19-20 Your Grandfather served in a battle that would have

been lost if it weren’t for his heroic actions taking
command and leading the Unicorn to victory. You gain
0.5 Honour 1 Glory and 1 free point in Battle Skill

Father’s Relationship table Table

D20 Roll Result

1-3 Your Father and Grandfather do not have a good


4-10 Your Father and Grandfather have a strained

relationship but they are loyal to one another

11-19 Your Father and Grandfather have a normal healthy

Rokugani Filial Relationship

20 Your Father is the favourite of your Grandfather

Crab Father History Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your father after years of trials and tribulations

succumb to the allure of the Shadowslands and
become one of the lost and now seeks to convert his

2-3 Your Father while in training managed to defeat a rival

from another school. This earned him glory but also
that school's enemy. Gain +0.5 Glory but gain Sworn
enemy (school that he bested)
4-6 Your Father managed to attain a lucrative marriage
alliance with another Clan You gain a free 3 point ally
in that clan but gain an Obligation to them.

7-9 Your Father served as any Crab should, not seeking out
glory or adulations +0.5 Honour

10-12 Your Father managed to outwit a Mantis Captain at

their own game and secure revenue from them. You
may take an additional 2 Koku to you starting

13 Your Father for his mistreatment at the hands of his

fellows betrayed the wall and led many Crab into an
ambush. His betrayal colours others' opinion of you.
You lose 0.5 Honour gain the Infamous Background

14-16 Your Father partook or was present at negotiations

where vital supplies were secured for the wall. +0.5
Glory and +0.5 Honour

17-18 Your Father became a local hero in the towns of the

Crab land when he among others defeated an Oni
saving the people. +0.5 Honour +.0.5 Glory +0.5 Status

19-20 Your Father served as a Hida Bushi and saved the lives
of a Kuge family during an ambush at the cost of his
own. They have not forgotten this act of service. You
gain 2 Koku to your starting outfit and gain 3 Point
Ally in the Kuge family of the clan he saved.

Crane Father History Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Through many a misfortune you are now the last of

your line and have the responsibility to your Clan on
your shoulders. +1 Glory and gain a 3 Obligation to
the Crane

2-3 Your Father through service passed up promotion in

order to fulfil his duty -0.5 Glory +1 Honour

4-6 Your Father fell victim to a scheme of the Otomo and

while he managed to emerged with his reputation
intact, his place at court would never change as a
result. You lose 0.5 Glory but gain 1 free rank in any
High Skill

7-9 Your Father served as part of the Harriers and while

never gained honour or glory for the clan he did make
quite a few allies. You gain a free 3 point ally and lose
0.5 honour

10-12 Your Father as Doji Arbiter known for his honesty and
just demeanour despite whoever he was dealing with.
You may take the Irreproachable Advantage for free

13 Your Father fell in love with a Scorpion Lady and both

betrayed their duties to their clans and wed one
another. Both after your birth committed Seppuku and
you were adopted by the Crane. You lose 0.5 Glory
and gain the Hostage Disadvantage.

14-16 Your father won a duel at the winter court that

elevated him from his current place within the crane.
You gain +0.5 Glory and +0.5 Status

17-18 Your father famously arranged a brilliant match at the

Winter Court of an Imperial Bachelor. You gain a free 3
point ally in the Imperial Families

19-20 Your father was eventually promoted to rank of

Kenshinzen in recognition of his skills and some of that
passes to you. You gain +1 Glory, 0.5 Honour and 1
free point in Iaijutsu

Dragon Father History Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your Father served in the Mirumoto Elite guard but

failed to save the life of his lord when the time came.
He committed Seppuku to wipe away the disgrace but
such shame has passed to you.

2-3 Your Father when he was young heroically saved the

lives of his fellow students. But this cost his body You
gain +0.5 Glory +0.5 Honour and the Disadvantage
Bad Health

4-6 Your Father who sought to attain Enlightenment did so

but at the cost of any skills with people he had. You
may take Enlightenment for 2 less points but gain a 2
Point Antisocial Disadvantage.

7-9 Your Father served ideally as a Dragon always should

nothing more nothing less. You gain +0.5 Honour

10-12 Your Father managed to find a Scorpion spy amongst

the guests at a large feast You may take the Wary
Advantage at 2 point less.

13 It was unfortunate that your Father and your Mother

both broke vows of chastity to have you. Thus once
you were born, both were forced to commit Seppuku
and you were given away. -0.5 honour and again the
Disadvantage Black Sheep

14-16 Your Father became a Kitsuki investigator and served

the clan well dispelling false accusations and affirming
true ones. You gain +0.5 Honour and 0.5 Glory

17-18 Your Father became known for being resistant to

distraction which was demonstrated when a Bayushi
failed to confuse him in a game of riddles. You may
take the Clear thinking advantage for 1 point less

19-20 Your Father fought a duel and was mortally wounded

by his dishonourable opponent but managed to slay
his enemy regardless. For this his family was elevated
in thanks for his service. You may take the Social
Position Advantage for 3 less points

Lion Father History Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your Father was forced into a duel with a Matsu

Matriarch and emerged victorious. Earning him the
enmity of the Matsu. Her family will not stop now until
yours is entirely eradicated. You Gain the
Disadvantage Sworn Enemy Matsu

2-3 Your Father became a Deathseeker to regain his

honour after he was framed for a crime. He managed
to do so but the stigma remains despite his efforts. You
gain +1 free Weapon Skill and lose 0.5 Honour

4-6 Your Father was a virtuous warrior who perished when

a Scorpion betrayed and murdered him ‘for the good
of Rokugan’. You gain the Disadvantage Idealistic and
may take the Advantage Heart of Vengeance Scorpion
for 3 points less.

7-9 Your Father was a genius among the Clan, known for
his skills and abilities. He had many blessings, time was
not one of them and you have inherited both the gift
and the curse from him. You gain the Disadvantage
bad Health but may take the Prodigy Advantage for 6
points less.

10-12 Your Father served in the Lion as they saw fit to place
him, nothing more nothing less. You gain +0.5 Honour.

13 Your Father fought in an army that was crushed by

another Clan. The Lion doesn't talk about this but you
are given rather funny looks. You lose 0.5 Glory and
gain the Disadvantage Driven: Prove Self.

14-16 Your Father became a Paragon of the Clan and his

influence upon you has made you wish to follow in
those same footsteps. You may taken the Paragon of
Bushido advantage for 2 points less

17-18 Your Father saved the life of an important member of

the Clan, while his service was never officially thanked
or praised. He and his family did start to receive yearly
gifts from someone. You gain +1 Koku to your starting
outfit and someone has an Obligation 3 to your

19-20 Your Father found love in the arms of a Crane and

strangely enough against all odds, everything worked
out almost as if Beten himself intervened for your
birth. You may take the Advantage Benten’s Blessing
for 2 points less and 1 free point in a High skill.

Phoenix Father History Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your father married well, but things took a turn for the
worse. Your Mother became on of the Lost and
murdered your father. It is rumoured you might suffer
a similar fate. You gain the Disadvantage Dark Fate

2-3 Your father was able to expand the research of Magic

but such things damaged him and you’ve inherited it.
Gain 1 free Rank in either the Lore: Shugenja Skill or
the Spellcraft Skill but also gain the Disadvantage Bad

4-6 Your Father was seduced by a Mantis Shugenja and

together you were conceived. You gain the Blood of
Osano-Wo Advantage for Free and the Blackmailed
Disadvantage at 3 points

7-9 Your Father famously bested Mantis raiders, sinking

their mighty ships and sending many to their death.
You gain +0.5 Glory +0.5 Honour and the Sworn
Enemy Mantis Disadvantage.

10-12 Your Father served the Phoenix well in whatever role

he sought but failed to excel above his peers in any
meaningful way. +0.5 Glory

13 Your ancestor was forced to undergo the Forgotten

ritual, and remnants of it remain in your bloodline. You
gain the Momoku Disadvantage.

14-16 Your Father for his service was rewarded by the Clan
with a high honour. You may take the Phoenix Sacred
Weapon Advantage for 2 less points.

17-18 Your father was a very intense and focuses Shugenja

who seemed to be resistant to any type of magic he
was casting. You gain a free 2 point Magic Resistance

19-20 It was said the the union of your father and mother
would bring a child with a hidden gift into the world.
You may taken Inner Gift fo 4 points less but roll 1d6
to determine the Gift. (reroll on a 6)

Scorpion Father History Table

D20 Roll Result

1 You’re certain about one thing, that your Mother

betrayed your Father and had an affair at Winter
Court. What became of her he won’t speak of but
you’re fairly certain he’s not your true father.

2-3 Your Father was known to be ruthless, efficient and

effective at his tasks. But he lacked the finer elegance
of the Scorpion. You gain the Heartless Advantage and
the Insensitive Disadvantage.

4-6 Your father committed Seppuku to force his lord into

action despite the lord’s reluctance to do so. His legacy
lives on through you You gain 0.5 Honour and lose 0.5

7-9 Your Father was exceptionally good at his task of

causing unrest in the court while being very cautious
sometimes at the expense of glory and praise. You gain
the Wary Advantage for free and lose 0.5 honour

10-12 Your Father served the clan with honour and grace no
more than one expects of him. +0.5 Honour

13 There is something about you that’s never quite right,

your Father also felt the same way. The two of you
refuse deception in all forms. You gain the Can’t Lie

14-16 Your Father had a winter romance that the Scorpion

were able to use to further their agenda. You may take
Blackmail on someone in another clan for 2 less
Experience Points.

17-18 Your Father was always able to slip in and out of

wherever he desired to go and wherever he went
regardless of who was watching. Gain +1 free rank in

19-20 Your Father became deaf due to an event in his youth.

But despite that he never missed a single word said
openly at court. This talent has passed to you. You may
take the Read Lips advantage at 2 points less and 1
Free point in High Skills.

Unicorn Father History Table

D20 Roll Result

1 Your Father became known for his love of life and his
love of love. This passionate nature of his and stigmate
has passed to you You lose 0.5 honour and gain the
Disadvantage Lechery

2-3 Your Father served as a Horse groom for a Utaku

Battlemaiden. Her jealousy of his gift with horses led
her to dishonour him and have him cast out from the
clan. You lose 0.5 Glory and 0.5 Honour. But may take
Inner Gift Animal Ken at 3 less points

4-6 Your father’s life was saved in battle by a very new

addition to the Unicorn Clan. To honour his debt he
named you after that person. You gain 1 Free
Horsemanship skill and the Disadvantage Gaijin

7-9 Your father served a great warrior for the Moto and he
achieved much in his days before he fell in battle
protecting his comrades. You gian +0.5 Honour and
the Driven Disadvantage
10-12 Your Father served in his role in the Clan no more nor
less than he was demanded of +0.5 Honour

13 Your father ran away with his Lion lover staining your
family name and dishonouring your Mother.

14-16 Your father saved the life of a Moto Warrior and was
rewarded by him for such a deed, You may take the
Advantage Gaijin Gear at 2 points less.

17-18 Your Father served as part of the Shinjo school and

was known for his ability to go for days and nights
without food or rest. You may take Inari’s Blessing for
2 points less

19-20 Your Father was able to artfully arrange a perfect

match both for Clan and for you personally through
their hard efforts. You may gain Blissful Betrothal for 1
pointless and a free 3 point ally in that clan.
Rewards Table

2d6 Result

2-4 Earned the Praise of the Daimyo +0.5 Glory

5-7 Given an item of that become and heirloom of the

family +0.5 Glory and may take the Inheritance
Advantage for 2 points less

8-10 Caught the eye of their Daimyo and was always

acknowledged by them and invited to future Court
Events +1 Glory may take the Advantage Darling of
the Court for 1 Point less

11-15 Caught the eye of their Daimyo and was always

acknowledged by them and granted land to uphold
and maintain +1 Glory and may take the Advantage
for 3 points less

16-19 Caught the eye of their Clan Champion and was

publicly praised and acknowledged by them +1 Glory
+1 Honour and may take the Allies advantage for 4
points less

20+ Caught the eye of their Clan Champion and was

rewarded with an Imperial Spouse +2 Glory +2 Honour
+1 Status

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