Report Iwcp 1 Revisi (Nathaza) 200107114 2

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Lecturer : Hizbullah, M.Pd

Arranged By :

Name : Nathaza Emilda Zain

Nim : 200107114

Class : 3D

Absent : 22




2021/ 2022

Teaching writing is one of the way students can create a note or

information on a medium by using characters, and Writing is also sometimes a
means of entertainment for someone. Even for students writing is one the way to
tie the lessons itself, so that it is always reminding students. The ability to writing
for someone especially for students is very useful because it can increase the
growth of their vocabulary. Provide very significant progress for students in terms
of organizing their own writing.

This IWCP 1 teaching focuses on how to write using grammar to make

written writings that are arranged according to the written rules that have been set.
Because having writing skills will be very useful for you and you can apply to
society when you serve in your community or someday in the future.Therefore, in
the paragraph above it has been explained that IWCP 1 has an important function
and has many benefits, especially if you are a student majoring in English, it can
be easier to apply it in the preparation of your proposal and thesis someday.
Therefore, it is mandatory to always develop and study this IWCP 1 even though
it is gradual.

Writing is language activity which is active and productive is a demanding

activity the existence of encoding to produce or convey language to other parties
through language. Activities productive discussion is the activity of conveying
ideas, thoughts, or feelings by the speaker, in this case the author, deep writing
activities, the writer must take advantage of graphology, language structure and
vocabulary through extensive and regular practice and practice.

The definitions of writing are variously stated by some experts. The first is
Syafe’ie (1989: 256) states that the ability and writing skills must be immediately
mastered by students because these abilities and skills art directly relate to all
teaching and learning activities in elementary schools. Writing can be view as a
flexible set of activities children’s development in preliminary writing needs
guidance in understanding and mastering hoe to transfer thoughts into writing.
Meaning of definition above is child development need guidance besides their
teacher not only on the school, they must have guidance at home too. Because
students at elementary school still has much to learn. Writing for children make
them have abilities and skills become the good writer in the future. Writing can be
a benchmark for teachers to found out the potential abilities of their students,
especially for elementary school students. Writing give students can easier to
solve problems by analyzing them explicitly in a more concrete context and
accustom us to think in an orderly manner as student.

The second is Nurjamal in sumirat, Darwis (2011: 69) her explained that
writing is language skill which is a person’s ability to express ideas, feelings, and
also thoughts that alone by people or other parties using a written medium. The
third is according Tarigan. 1985: 2. Writing is lowering, imitating or depicting
graphic symbols depicting a language that is implement by a person, so that they
can understand the language and graphic images. The person who writes not only
paints certain graphic symbols of the language but that person has understood the
meaning of these graphic symbols. On other hand, it is not necessary for the
person who paints the graphic symbols being painted, because the painting is not
for other to read but to enjoy its beauty.

The forth is Writing could also benefit a child’s mental health, as is

disclosed Pennebaker and Janet Seager that people has habited of writing
generally has mental conditions healthier than those who don’t have the habit.
Written can be a place to channel feelings and opinions if store has a negative
impact on the body and mind physically and mentally. Because someone who
expressing himself in writing has a better mental healthier than who didn’t do it.
Because people who harbor their feelings over time will disturbing their immune

Another intelligence that exists in writing skills is being able to develop

ideas that are in the mind, ideas, feelings and imagination into written media. Thus
writing is an activity to train the mind, because it requires information as well as
insight to make an article. Without realizing that expressing ideas, thoughts,
feelings and also imagination to develop a topic requires information, knowledge
and references to produce a good essay for the reader.

The more books or article our read, the more our can write and make, so
how much our understand something can be measured from the actual content of
our writing, and also when you have good writing skills, it will make it easier for
you to solve problems because you are trained to think systematically from the
amount of information that is absorbed then familiarize you in thinking and train
you to speak regularly.

According from the experts above IWCP1 is one of significant method to

writing and make someone has skills, express feelings, provide information and
provide entertainment. Writing is one of the most important things to do for a
student during the Covid 19 pandemic, because it results in students around the
world having to study at homes. One of the most effective ways to balance lags in
subjects is to finds a lots of references material and write them back in students
personal books, therefore writing during this pandemic is one of effective way to
catch up on lessons.

So that IWCP1 has a purpose to improve the quality of student themselves,

because it is not only in the field of writing paragraphs well, but IWCP1 also
improves language skills. The students can more precise in their in terms of
speaking with foreign and local people. Lecturer not only give the students how to
improve themselves, but lecturer give them more practice in the classroom or
homework such as making sentences with grammar, memorizing, rereading
lessons, asking questions and others.

So IWCP1 has element of communication besides writing and make

students understand the most important the basic of how to make sentences and
regular language. After studying IWCP1 students can become good writers,
meticulous language teachers and other relate matters. The lecturer has own
strategic, because it will help the objectives of learning become fluent.

Teaching writing are one form of language skills that are very important
for the students, in addition to listening, speaking and reading skills, both while
attending education at various levels in universities and in later life in the
community. The success of the students in participating in teaching and learning
activities on campus is largely determined by their ability to write. Therefore,
learning to write has a very strategic / important position in education and

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing is important

in teaching IWCP 1. Basically writing can help you and improve your language
learning skills. IWCP 1 teachers also often practice writing skills, practice reading
and speaking in yourself or maybe you will find a lot of new vocabulary in
studying IWCP 1 if you are focused and serious about studying IWCP 1 writing or
public speaking you will be better than previously.

Although for the meeting writing skills were learned up to several

meetings, the results have not been encouraging. The students have not been able
to express their ideas or thoughts in written language, nor have they been able to
use written language properly. Even very concerning, there are still many the
students in making reports of activities and the like, in the use of capital letters,
spelling, and punctuation, the writing must be corrected.

Teaching IWCP 1 you will be taught how to make good writing from word
to sentence then from sentence to short sentence then to long sentence and from
long sentence to paragraph and how to make writing is to pay attention to the
structure of writing or grammar. In this IWCP 1 we will discuss it, in studying
IWCP 1 material it is required to be serious and focus on paying attention to what
is explained by the teacher, if it is not focused and serious it will be difficult to
know what makes us good writing. Or if possible you cannot understand the
material explained by the teacher, you can ask your friends who already
understand the material explained by the teacher.

According to Djuharie (2005:120), Eric Gould, and William Smith

(1989:18 writing is a skill that can be fostered and trained that anyone can do to
express an idea, opinion, thoughts, experiences, and knowledge into written form
or into form of notes using letters, symbols that are made systematically so that it
can be easily understood by others. Also creative act, the act of writing creative
because its requires to interpret or make sense of something: a experience, a text,
an event. Writing is one of the complex activities including integrated finger,
hand, arm and eye movements.

Also the notion of writing is one of the most important things you do at
school. Good writing skillswill greatly affect a person’s level of success in
schoolboth in terms of writing reports, writing proposals or doingwork at
school.Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing students
can recognize the personal potential that exists in us. The author will understand
the extent to which knowledge is mastered on the topic to be written. To further
solidify the results of his writings, the writer must be able to increase his
understanding and knowledge of the topic to be written.

Simple writing is basically required to fulfill several basic requirements

that are almost same when students want to write complex essays. Simple writing
requires selecting topics, limiting them, developing ideas, presenting them in
logically arranged paragraphs or sentences, and so on. However, the ability to
write is not only owned by talented people. Writing skills can be possessed by all
those who want to be serious in practicing and intend to express their ideas in
written form.

IWCP 1 is one of the courses that learn how to have a good writing, how
to write well or correctly. Besides study about how to write correctly, IWCP 1 is
also widely used as a guide by authors. Than from there students produce good
writing, and readers can feel the expression of the author and they easily to
understand a reading. The author produces and chooses ideas that they can use in
their writing, and arranges ideas in a neat way.

So here, students have to know the function of IWCP 1 because in writing

students need IWCP 1 to be used as a guide in order to produce clear and good
writing. In writing we must really pay attention to the punctuations, sentences, and
others so that readers in reading understand the contents of our writing. Then from
here IWCP 1 is one of the information systems used in writing. But, here also we
have to really understand the IWCP 1 so students can write easily and produce
good writing. Students who want to have a good writing academic in IWCP 1
should change their writing habits.

The purpose of IWCP 1 is to provide readers with the knowledge and

understanding of the various types of information contained in the writing they
read. IWCP 1 also useful in conveying ideas, imagination that has been arranged
in the form of writing can be reador delivered to others.
B. The objectives of IWPC1
Based on introduction above, the objectives of IWCP 1 are to students
or collage students can understand easily. Teaching writing has ability for
arrange and create a sentence or word in a paragraph. Make us know
difference of symbols of word, how to communication well and not only know
how to use the words. The objectives of IWCP 1 are connecting with grammar
and how to manage paragraph too.
Even the students can detect errors when the students writing and
communication with experts. The objectives of IWCP 1 are makes students
can balance their writing and language knowledge. Students get understand of
the various types of information contain in the writing, reading and speaking.
Students get basic rules in language lessons, if students mean it. Before
students study seriously, the students can’t get it.

C. The significance of IWCP 1

The course of IWCP 1 is expecting to be useful for increasing the
student’s improve their skills of writing, and students can identify
characteristics of a sentence and language. Students get learning of every parts
of speech to make it easier for us; moreover, the students as collage students.
Because as student they must be able to develop the skills that students own,
or what students want to develop in themselves.

D. Steps and techniques of activity

Steps :

a.Lecture selects the book or other sources

Lecturer selects books or other sources which are related to the teaching materials

b.Lecturer presents new materials to the class

Lecturer delivers some theories in writing

c.Lecturer asks students to respond what lecturer delivers

In this step, students can ask lecturer if they do not understand or just make
clarification about what lecturer delivers

d.Lecturer asks students to practice the materials

The lecturer asks students to do the task individually, and then collect it

e.The lecturer and students discuss the students‘ answers

They discuss the answers to know the correct answers

f.Lecturer gives students homework to the students and collect it next meeting

Techniques of activity :

a. Dialogic presentation
b. Self-Instruction

E. Conclusion

From the description above, IWCP 1 is one of the most important studies for
students. The students can improve them writing, communicating, speaking and
others. Writing gave students big impact for their learning process in making it easier
for students to develop. That’s way teaching writing is very important for students, it
was believed by experts above.

While not only students must be has all above, lecturer must also has their
own strategies. Lecturer must also teach the writing approach to student, and thinking
processes involved in planning, organizing, and writing the assignment or essays.
Therefore when writing, the students have develop the ideas that exist in themselves.
1WCP 1 is conveying information in a consecutive way in the languages. So that
writing gave peace and success to the author, for the students is writing can be basics
for students to thrive internationally; when, they are to be successful writer. Students
have basic rules in language lessons, if students mean it. Before students study
seriously, students couldn’t get it.
Meeting I

In the first meeting the lecturer Demonstrated the understanding of goals and assessments of
the course there for learning and motivation for the students and Meeting 1 was carried on
Friday. The lecturer checked the student’s attendance by online class. He called the students
one by one and he did not forget to introduce his self, and the students felt enjoy to join this

Meeting 2


The meeting was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM-11.00 AM.
Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students attendances. He
then delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step
of opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start. In this
week students join via google meet.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer selected books or other sources which related to the teaching material for the
students with the theme of “part of speech” which is learning through online. The students
had to pay attention to lecturer in order to students understood the material well. In this step,
students could ask lecturer if they did not understand or just made clarification about what
lecturer delivered for made students felt understood to material.

Afterward the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to found out the students
understanding. The lecturer asked students to do the task individually in the class, and then
the lecturer gave the homework to the students and collect it next meeting.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question, there were three students who had questions and they had some questions as well.
Then, lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The
lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and
learning process. Afterward, the lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your
attention and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Meeting 3


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start. In this
week we just join via google meet.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Exercise part of speech”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to
make the student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if
there was something that was not yet understood.

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were four students who had questions and they had some questions as well.
Then, lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The
lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and
learning process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your
attention and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi

Meeting 4


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start. .in this
week we just join via google meet.
b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Modifier”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to make the student
understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if there was
something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about the

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class so they could find out the
students' understanding of the material, then the lecturer and the students discussed the the
students answer to know the corrrect answer.finally,the lecturer gave homework to improve
the students' understanding of the material and discussed it at the next meeting.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were five who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that, the lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi WabWabarakatu

Meeting 5


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start. And it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Exercise ofmodifier”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to make
the student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if there
was something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about the
After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section,this week lecture ask the student for exercise the material last week. After that
he gave time to students to ask question. There were four who had questions and they had
some questions as well. Then, lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions
about the lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their
feeling during teaching and learning process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by
saying ―Thank you for your attention and see you next meeting, good-bye‖.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatWabarakatu.

Meeting 6


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Subject and verb agreement”. Here the lecturer deliver the material
to make the student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if
there was something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about
the material.

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were four who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Meeting 7


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Types of sentence”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to make
the student understand , the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if there
was something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about the

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were three who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Meeting 8


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Exercise of types of sentence”. Here the lecturer deliver the
material to make the student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students
to asked if there was something that was not yet understood, and the student given the
assignment about the material.before, explaination of noun clause and discuss the sentence.

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section,this week lecture ask the student for exercise the material last week and try to
make sentence. After that he gave time to students to ask question. There were four who had
questions and they had some questions as well. Then, lecturer answered their questions and
gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked
students about their feeling during teaching and learning process. After that. The lecturer
closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Meeting 9


The meeting nine was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09:10AM. The lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the. Students’ attendance. He then
delivered the topic of the lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step
of opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b.Main Activities

For today’s activity, students are doing a mid-semester exam where students are asked to
write a paragraph. With some titles already provided by the lecturer, there are three titles
provided, namely: I Love My House, Some ReasonsWhy I Love Watching Korean Movies,
and Why Do I Choose the English Department?. With that title, students were asked to write
a paragraph using allThe types of sentences gave in the previous meeting on paper.The
lecturer instructed the students to collected the assignment onetime, time to make a sentence
relatively long and students has got the theme of why Why Do I Choose the English
Department one hour by making a sentence of 100 words is enough completed with the
students name, number and class then students prepared to collected the assignment.


In this section, the lecturer summarizes the lesson. After that, he gave timeFor students to
asked questions. Lecturers and students reflect. He asked studentsAbout their feelings during
the teaching and learning process.After that, the lecturers closed the meeting by saying thank
you for yourAttention and see you at the next meeting, goodbye.
WassalamualaikumWarahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Meeting 10


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Paragraph”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to make the
student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if there was
something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about the

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were two who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Meeting 11


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Transition”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to make the
student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if there was
something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about the

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were three who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Meeting 12


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Functuation”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to make the
student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if there was
something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about the

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were four who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Meeting 13


The meeting two was carried out on every FridayI it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Descriptive Paragraph”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to
make the student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if
there was something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about
the material.

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were two who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Meeting 14


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “Argument Paragraph”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to
make the student understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if
there was something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about
the material.

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were four who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Meeting 15

Tour taks:

Sunday, November 20, 2021, at five o'clock students wake up and students cleaned
room and house, students immediately had breakfast and when students was having breakfast
my friend called to tell me to pick him up at his house, after students had breakfast students
took out the motorbike and heated it up after five minutes the motorbike was heated students
said goodbye to my mother and students went straight to my friend's house to picked him up,
when students got to my friend's house, students went straight to Sembalun with him and on
the way we talked about many things, and on the road before we got to Sembalun our saw
many people stopping on the side of the road to take pictures because the natural beauty was
very beautiful and area, there our also saw a lot of monkeys in the trees and on the roadside,
when our arrived at Pusuk Sembalun our rested for a while and bought drinks and food.
After our ate our continued our journey to the waterfall which is located in the village of
Bilok Petung in the middle of the journey our saw a lot of natural beauty, after twenty or
thirty minutes on the road our arrived at our friend's house in the village of Bilok Petung,
before continuing our journey stopped by our friend's house to pray Zuhur and eat, finished
praying and eating our said goodbye to our friend's family and continued our journey to a
waterfall called Dewi Selendang waterfall, when our got there our took a short break and
enjoyed the beauty of nature, after ten to fifteen minutes of rest our went to take pictures and
bathe there. after taking a bath and taking pictures our also eat snacks that our brought from
home, after eating our tidy up our things and get ready to go home, in the middle of the road
to the parking lot my friends and students joked a few minutes later we arrived at the parking
lot and rested for a moment because of the tired road to the parking lot.

Not long after that our rushed to go home and when our stopped by my friend's house
to pray ashar and take a shower, after praying and taking a shower our said goodbye to go
home and in the middle of the trip our were really cold because the fog was getting thicker
and the weather was cloudy after half an hour here. our journey came to Pusuk Sembalun
and stopped for a while to buy drinks and meatballs, after finishing eating meatballs we
continued our journey home and half an hour on the way we arrived home and students took
my friend home after that students went back home and rested.
Meeting 16


The meeting two was carried out on every Friday it was started at 09.10 AM. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students ‘attendances. He then
delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of
opening class was explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start, and it is
our first meeting via offline.

b.Main Activities

Lecturer chose the books and lecturer presented new material in the class. In this meeting, the
lecturer discussed about “UTS”. Here the lecturer deliver the material to make the student
understand, the lecturer gave the opportunitied for the students to asked if there was
something that was not yet understood, and the student given the assignment about the

After that the lecturer gave assignments to the students in the class to find out the the
students' understanding. Then the lecturer discussed it together, and finally the lecturer gave
homework so that the students could understood more.


In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to students to ask
question. There were four who had questions and they had some questions as well. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson. The lecturer
and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning
process. After that. The lecturer closed the meeting by saying ―Thank you for your attention
and see you next meeting, good-bye‖. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
No Friday
Materials Notes
Class (B&D)
1 Demonstrate the understanding September 3rd Online
of goals and assessments of
the course
2 Parts of speech September 10th Online
3 Exercise of Parts of speech September 17th Online
4 Modifiers September 24th Offline
5 Exercise of modifiers October 1st Offline
6 Subject and verb agreement October 8th Offline
7 Types of sentences October 15th Offline
8 Exercise of Types of sentences October 22th Offline
9 UTS October 29th Offline
10 Paragraph November 5th Offline
11 Transition November 12th Offline
12 Punctuation November 19th Offline
13 Descriptive Paragraph November 26th Offline
14 Argument paragraph December 3rd Offline
15 Tour task December 10th Offline

16 UAS December 15th Offline

The picture was taken when learning process in the class, the student listens the material that
delivered by the lecture. Students felt Enjoy the material and focus on the material. Students
clarification about what lecturer delivered for make students felt understood to material.
This is my photo at the waterfall of the goddess shawl in Bilok Petung village, the natural
scenery is very beautiful.
His picture was taken at sembaluneverything is beautiful withbeauty of natural resources.

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