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Lesson Development Template

Synchronous Classes
Science 9

Lesson 5: Stars and Constellations

Date of Delivery: January 3-7, 2022
Integrated Lesson Development
Lesson Materials Strategy Moodle Topics from the Performance
Objectives Integration/Topic Science Book Output /Values
January 3-7, 2022
 Identify and Explain Light bulb Prayer Stars and Stars and Create a model of a
the Classification of Cable wire Attendance Constellations Constellations star
stars. and model of Motivational Youtube
 Analyze the a star. Activity/Warm-up https://
formation and Evaluate the song
patterns of a stars. entitled Twinkle adKrNga8-Qs
 Explain the Twinkle Little star.
Characteristics of Identify the
Stars misconceptions about
 Create a model of a star on the song based
star on the scientific
evidences about star.
Lesson discussion
Quiz about Stars and

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