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]slamic R epublic of ~ fgbanistan

fflinistr p of ~ bucation J
~econbrp ~cbool m:ranscript
School Name Abdul Hadi Dawe Boys High School

Name Shaheerullah fayzi Father ame _ As_a_du_ll_ah_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

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No Subject Class to•• Class 1t 1• Class 12•• Tota l R .~ t':1",t.;
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1 Interpretation of Holy Quran 87 74 100 261 "';\1j
2 Islamic insight 68 100 71 239
3 Dari Language 98 85 94 277 ~~~ ~ ~ .
4 Pashto Language 64 63 80 207 - ~ 0
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5 English Language 72 68 88 228 I ._., -g- ,...:r.,.,

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6 Mathematics (Algebra , Geometry , Trigonometry) 51 88 88 227 c.... JP.. )>
225 ::;: :, !:.
7 Physics 74 74 77 1 - - ~ Cf!
8 Chemistry 84 79 81 244 =
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9 Biology 86 53 90 229 .(, :t f: .
85 ' ~
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10 Geology 85 ~ :. V
11 History 91 100 98 289 ' \. A, .I:'

12 Geography
13 Civic Education
285 C,
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14 Computer 93 94 100 287 .f~~ C
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15 OnaSelective Subject
89 88 277 t.'tc-
of(Cultur11, Agr,cultur•. Homa Mtmagamanl, Profass10n11l Skrlls, tha Environment , Homa EcanomJ

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16 Physical Education 96
100 100 296 - . • 'l

17 Reformation 100
100 300 ·. ' t ·~
Total 1428 ~323 1434 4185
Percentage of three years 85.41% ~·

Reg No
IIIIIIIIIIH1111111111I111111 l!I
350900006-1395-000003937 4 <i,,S ..:,.µ)

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1 / 066912
NO 39374 O~l,,)"l...,I~

f)i~;' Date 1400/09/08 ~

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Deputy Ministry of General Education ,.si~I.J .. ~ ~,/o~j~~~
Directorate of Results & Certificates ~ 4.oW~~, ~l;;i ~4J ~41 ~w~~ ,, ~l;;i ~
12 11i Grade Graduation Certificate 1..5,_iti o1,~ 4.oW~~ ~ I.Sj. , / o~j ~.,_iti ~

Mr/ MS S.!!!!J1eernllal1ia~i
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Son/Daughter of _ Asadullah _________ _
; ju .»\J.....I c......:.d.l.i j) r- ;,-J /1.>Jj .ii\J.....\ j

was born in the yea r 2001 _ in Kabul ______ _ .I.I Ji JflS ~'JJ )j __ l!~ JI......, J~:.. d J' ~'JJ <L..J
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Province "has gra du ate d from grade 12 1h of
~~ul Ha_!!i Dawl:.__~ s __ _ __ Hi gh ~ ;) ,rH J1......., Jj '; J.;.y .sjU .:.i~ I j J J IS" _ ,...!'~- ~ i.i- -if Oj j .; ·u J.t J'
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School in 2018 obtaining the Grade ~)j "-1 ilJIJ~Jl+JI¥- J..ll,a I~ ~ --------------~_:_~~411~
___,;,.____ This certificate has been granted
i,.o\i _;,ij'+--,;, d-1 !Y'" • J Oj ~ ~ ~\ • .;j -if'?~ '-':°Jj > 1 ~ i
to him/h er and entitled all of th e rights a nd privi-
• "4W Oj\.Q:;..,\ 0i Jp- jl \j O..l_.,;, e:-\;..;, .i)i- 'J ¢ >f ~ ~ P' ~ .r,~ Jf JJ -5..) l.>j. \)
le ges pe rtaining hereto .

Minister o. ~~ .. ~ ..;u,

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