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I. (1px10=10p) Read the text below and decide which variant (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Will we ever be free (1) ____ the constant stream of notifications? The headache caused by your phone beeping and
vibrating 24/7? Being contactable whenever and wherever you are? Don’t get me (2)_______, I’d find it really difficult
to be (3) _______ without social media. It would be extremely hard to keep in (4) ________ with friends and family,
especially if they live (5) ______ away. Organising meet-ups would be a nightmare – imagine having to (6) _______ a
date in writing or in person, weeks in advance. What would happen if you were running (7) ______? You wouldn’t even
be able to ping your friends a text to let them know. Events on Facebook and WhatsApp group messages (8)
________ organising everything so easy. They’ve enabled spontaneity – if it’s a sunny day, why not go for a picnic in
the park? Without notifications about the weather, an app for maps (9) _________ your phone or a Facebook group
message to invite your friends and decide who should bring strawberries and who should bring crisps, where (10)
_________ we be? Stuck at home, wishing we’d predicted good weather today when we last saw our friends in

1. A. of B. away C. from D. off

2. A. badly B. wrong C. amiss D. wrongful
3. A. sociable B. warm C. sensible D. sensitive
4. A. connection B. contact C. network D. communion
5. A. remotely B. afar C. distant D. far
6. A. make B. appoint C. set D. allocate
7. A. late B. tardy C. belated D. delayed
8. A. have been B. have caused C. have done D. have made
9. A. in B. on C. for D. by
10. A. should B. might C. would D. must

II. (2px15=30p) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

Chris Isles often thinks how different his life would become if he 1) ________ (BE) more adventurous. He is a rather
cautious man who will take risks only provided that they 2) ________ (NOT UNSETTLE) his cosy, well-organised life.
Yet, he sometimes feels he should make wiser decisions to change his life for the better, although deep down he 3)
________ (KNOW) that there is not much likelihood for this to happen. For example, three years ago he 4) ________
(BE/ OFFER) a job in Africa. If he 5) ________ (ACCEPT) the offer, he 6) ________ (HAVE TO) live in Africa for two
years and he 7) ________ (ENJOY) an enormous increase in his salary, as well. But Chris is not the kind of person
who will give up the security of his home unless he 8) ________ (FEEL) even more secure about his new
circumstances. He wishes that job 9) ________ (OFFER) to him back then 10) ________ (BE) close to his home; in
this case, he 11) ________ (TAKE) it. His friends told him that he 12) ________ (DEFINITELY / DISCOVER) the fun
in life when he 13) ________ (BECOME) more daring. Yet Chris says that as long as he 14) ________ (REMAIN)
happy with the way things are, he will not make any dramatic changes to the way he 15} ________ (LIVE).

III. (2px10=20p) Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same, using the word in
capitals. You must not change the word in capitals.
1. It’s possible that he has already informed them. HAVE
He _______________________________ them.
2. Martha got a new job. She wanted to get more money. VIEW
Martha got a new job ________________more money.
3. Paul checked the tyre pressure for me. HAD
I _____________________________ by Paul.
4. “I didn’t exceed the speed limit”, Sam said. DENIED
Sam ________________________________________.limit.
5. I’d prefer him to drive us to the beach. RATHER
I’d _______________________________________the beach.
6. I talked to neither of Harry’s sisters. EITHER
I didn’t _________________________________ Harry’s sisters.
7. I’ve never had such a good holiday. I
Never ______________________________________ good holiday.
8. ‘None of the guests will be there when your parents get back home, I promise!’ BY
He promised me that all the guests ________________________________ back home.
9. They are going to revise the club's rules. BE
The club rules ________________________________________.
10. I’m afraid there’s no milk left. RUN
I’m afraid _____________________________________milk.

IV. (1px15=15p) Read the text below and use the words given in capitals to form words that fit in the gaps. The
words in capitals are given in the order in which you need to use them.

(1) ENTERTAIN; (2) OBSERVE; (3) REFUTE; (4) DECORATE; (5) DOUBT; (6) ART; (7) FOOL; (8) SUCCESS; (9)

People in the world of (1) __________ have to be very (2) __________ in the way that they dress. It's an (3)
__________ fact that image is more than just a case of (4) __________ for a celebrity. How they present themselves
is (5) __________ part of their (6) __________ personality. It would be (7) __________ though to think that somebody
can be (8) __________ just because of the clothes they wear. They don't (9) __________ have to wear (10)
__________ clothing but they do need to be talented and (11) __________ and they also need to have an (12)
__________ of their fans. They also need to be (13) __________ so that they can cope with all the public (14)
__________ and not be deterred by (15) __________ commentaries posted on social media.


Write an 8-10-line narrative - descriptive paragraph (Don’t count the words given!), starting with the following:

‘The tall building seemed to sway but she knew that must be an illusion. Buildings didn’t move.’



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