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I. (1px10=10p) Read the text below and decide which variant (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Language is part of our daily lives, no matter (1) ______ we live in the world. Similarly, music is a (2) _______ of many
people’s lives, (3) ________ it be listening to the radio on your drive to work or playing in an orchestra. Both language
and music play a huge role in our culture. In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a collection of
letters. (4) ________, we use notes to (5) _______ a record of music. Just as you are reading this collection of letters
on the screen and find (6) _______ in it, musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music which we can
hear. So just as you read English, you can read music. By writing pieces of text or music, we are able to share
experiences (7) _______ time. I can read the ideas or hear the composition of someone who lived hundreds of years
ago, which is really quite exciting. You can (8) _______ a good guess at where someone is (9) _______ by listening to
the language they use. In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, giving us the
opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music and (10) _______ us with music for every situation.

1. A. where B. when C. why D. wherein

2. A. item B. part C. sector D. quota
3. A. if B. although C. thus D. whether
4. A. Too B. Similarly C. Likewise D. Same
5. A. keep B. store C. save D. stack
6. A. essence B. senses C. implication D. meaning
7. A. with B. through C. for D. into
8. A. make B. do C. give D. say
9. A. back B. on C. into D. from
10. A. giving B. rendering C. providing D. grant

II. (2px15=30p) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

Psychometric testing for recruitment – assessing personality trait as an indicator of performance in a certain role – 1
____ (MUSHROOM) lately as studies show their results to be three times more accurate in predicting your job
performance than all your previous work experience 2 ____ (COMBINE). These tests 3____ (NOW/INCLUDE) in
virtually all graduate recruitment and in the selection of more than 50 per cent of managers. Similar tests may 4 ____
(USE) in future as part of university applications, dating agencies swear by them and as of yet they 5 ____ (USE) to
match pets to owners. Meanwhile online personality tests make the Top 3 of Internet hits and risk 6 ____ (BECOME)
addictive. Yet, little 7 ____ (WE REALISE) we 8 ____ (LIVE) in the age of the personality test. So, does your
personality meet the grade? And if you 9 ____ (HAVE TO) choose between being shipwrecked or lost in the jungle,
which would you rather go for?
For the purpose of the research, I decided I 10 ____ (TRY) out one of these tests. At one particular site I 11 ____
(INFORM) of my career personality and the number 1 job that matches statistically. This is a key part of the online
tests, the premise that there is a perfect job, a perfect mate, and a perfect you and all you have to do is to unlock your
subconscious inner self and they 12 ____ (MATERIALISE). These tests are also the perfect self-discovery vehicle for
our alienated high-tech age: intimate but anonymous. It is incredibly compulsive; when you get hooked on a test, you
are there for hours. And there is no aspect of life too mundane or frivolous to test for.
After 40 minutes of diligently recording my reaction to a series of ink blots (Is the mood of the picture sad, nostalgic,
happy, violent or neutral? Can you find the chicken in this picture?) I discovered I am mainly motivated by peace. I
might have been more convinced about this if I 13 ____ (NOT HAVE) a blazing row with my partner (my fault entirely).
If only I 14 ____ (TRY) it out earlier! If the tests were only amusing, it 15 ____ (NOT ACCOUNT) for their massive

III. (2px10=20p) Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same, using the word in
capitals. You must not change the word in capitals.

1. Lying on the beach all day long is an unusual experience for me. USED
I’m ___________________________________ the beach all day.
2. It wouldn’t have been necessary for the children to lie about the broken window. HAVE
The children ______________________________ the broken window
3. She found out who had damaged her phone only after a few days. FIND
Only after a few days ____________________________ had damaged her phone.
4. Persuading Adrian to lie for you was a bad thing to do. TALKED
You should ______________________________ for you.
5. It’s a good idea to wear goggles while swimming. HAD
You ___________________________ while swimming.
6. It’s a pity I didn’t invite her to the party. WISH
I ___________________________to the party.
7. It is believed that the newly found painting was painted by Picasso. BEEN
The newly found painting ____________________________ by Picasso.
8. ‘Why don’t you invite Sara to the theatre?” he said. SUGGESTED
He__________________________________ Sara to the theatre.
9. We don’t need to drive, it’s not far away. POINT
There’s________________, it’s not far away.
10. Peter said that Josh doesn’t usually tell lies. LIKE
‘It ___________________ lies,’ said Pete.

IV. (1px15=15p) Read the text below and use the words given in capitals to form words that fit in the gaps. The
words in capitals are given in the order in which you need to use them.

(1) OUTRAGE; (2) STYLE; (3) ASSIST; (4) PERSUADE; (5) SELL; (6) IMAGINE; (7) NOTICE; (8) INNOVATE; (9)
FOND; (10) TASTE; (11) INSPIRE; (12) EXCEL; (13) FASHION; (14) RESIST; (15) ALLOW

It's difficult when you want to buy an (1) _________ expensive but (2) __________ new outfit. Shop (3) __________
can be very helpful, of course, but they can also be very (4) __________. They want to make a (5) _________ and will
say anything (6) _________ to make you part with your money quite (7) __________. Sometimes they may suggest
you pay in instalments or they may use other (8) __________ methods. However, if you have a (9) __________ for
good quality clothes and are looking for something (10) __________ then you should find your (11) _________ in
small boutiques that sell clothes of (12) __________ quality. Still, don’t expect the prices to match the size of these
(13) __________ little shops, sometimes you may end up paying an arm and a leg for a plain T-shirt. So, if you find
such deals (14) _________, stay clear of these boutiques, or you may leave your entire (15) _________ on their


Read the quote. Then write an 8-10 - line paragraph in which you bring arguments for or against:

‘Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know’ (Bertrand Russell)



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