Class-VII Subject: English DATE: 07-04-2020 SYNOPSIS: Attila by R.K. Narayan

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Delhi Public School

Bokaro Steel City


Class-VII Subject: English

DATE: 07-04-2020
SYNOPSIS : Attila by R.K. Narayan.
THE theme of the story is trust, faith, loyalty, persuasion and luck. Taken from
his Malgudi Days collection, the story is narrated in the first person by an unnamed narrator and after
reading the story the reader realises that Narayan may be exploring the theme of trust. Attila cannot be
trusted as a guard dog. He is too friendly in his manner allowing anybody to enter the property he is
supposed to be protecting. If anything Attila is more like a pet than a guard dog. However it is noticeable
that one member of the family does always defend Attila while everybody else can only see the negative
in Attila. It is the young defenders faith in Attila which ensures that he remains with the family despite
the fact that he is in reality not a guard dog at all. It is also interesting that the young defender remains
loyal to Attila even after the house has been robbed. He cannot see that Attila may be at fault such is his
allegiance to Attila. If anything it would appear that Attila has only one friend in the house and that
friend is the young defender. No matter what Attila may do or what mistakes he may make the young
defender always defends Attila. Even when it is clear to the reader that Attila is not the dog that the
young defender thinks he is.

What is also interesting about the story is the fact that the narrator never takes sides. They never
comment as to whether Attila’s actions are good or bad. It is left to the reader to decide for themselves
as to whether Attila is a suitable guard dog. The narrator remains unbiased throughout the story. It is as
though they are relaying the facts to the reader and allowing the reader make up their own mind. In
many ways this may be important as it draws the reader into the story encouraging them to make a
decision based on the facts that are presented to them. If anything the narrator remains neutral
throughout the story. Making sure not to tie themselves to any particular side. Be it with the family
members who think that Attila is not a good guard dog to the young defender who is constantly taking
Attila’s side. However it might be important to consider that for the majority of readers Attila would be
viewed upon as no more than a pet rather than as a guard dog. At no stage in the story does Attila show
an ability to defend the property he is supposed to defend.

Attila is also easily persuaded when Ranga is robbing the house. Rather than doing anything constructive
Attila ends up following Ranga home to his house and becoming his friend. It does not enter Attila’s mind
that his own family’s house has been robbed and that it was his role to defend the property and family
from intrusion. Though some critics might suggest that Attila is fickle in nature and prepared to go off
with anybody who treats him nicely. It is more likely that Attila simply isn’t a suitable guard dog. He may
lack the required intelligence to protect his owner’s property. It is also interesting that Attila forces
himself completely on Ranga. Whether he is working or at home Attila is constantly by Ranga’s side.
Much to Ranga’s annoyance. Ranga has no option but to allow Attila remain by his side. There is nothing
he can do when it comes to the loyalty that Attila shows him.

The end of the story is also interesting as Narayan may be introducing an element of luck. The eldest
son sees Attila in the streets and only by sheer chance does he realise that Ranga is the thief who stole
the jewellery from his house. Rather than seeing events as being fortunate the young defender believes
that Attila has been following Ranga all the time. Considering Attila to be a detective. While the reader
realises that this is not the case. Attila has shown no loyalty to his previous family or to the young
defender but the young defender cannot see this. He cannot see that what has happened is purely an
act of good fortune. That the eldest son had been lucky while walking through the streets to see Attila.
Whose first concern was not to run to the family but to follow Ranga as he was running away.
Regardless of this the family’s faith in Attila as a guard dog is restored. Rather than viewing his as a pet
who likes to have fun. Which he is. The family again bestow their trust in Attila. At the end of the story
Attila can do no wrong. He is considered to be a hero by all concerned in the family and the young
defender feels justified that he has stuck by Attila’s side when everybody else thought him to be a poor
guard dog. In reality Attila has fooled everybody by way of good fortune rather than by his abilities as a
guard dog.
Points to be pondered upon:

1. The family members suggested six names for the dog. They were - i) Tiger ii) Caesar iii)
Fire iv) Thunder v) Grip and vi) Attila.

2. A two month old black and white street-mongrel puppy with square jaws, red eyes, a pug
nose and a massive head.

3. The � was neither charming nor too playful yet was the object of admiration of the family

4. With time Attila grew in frame and stood up twenty inches high which made his
appearance rather forbidding.

5. Attila exhibited a love of humanity which was sometimes disconcerting. Everyone

entering the premises was received warmly by the � .

6. The family members wanted to change his name to Blind Worm as he rarely barked at the
strangers who entered the gate. Instead he was often found wagging his tail.

7. Took great pleasure in roaming freely on the road and had never chased away the people
who came early in the morning to steal the flowers from the garden.

8. One night Ranga, a burglar broke into the house and robbed all the valuables. As he was
about to escape through the window he found Attila standing expectantly outside.

9. But Ranga was amazed to find that the � did not mean any harm to him. Attila simply
wanted to be as free as Ranga so he fled with Ranga oblivious of his duties towards the

10. Attila's disappearance was a sensation and there was mixed reactions. Putting an end to
all apprehensions one day the eldest boy saw Attila trotting behind someone( Ranga ) on
the road. In no time a chase started. Rather unfortunately Ranga stumbled on Attila and fell
down which got him caught with a piece of jewelry stolen from the house.

Attila is considered to be the hero by the family. But the readers know better. The narrator
leaves the decision on the readers.


Answer the questions briefly:

a. How many names were suggested for the dog?

b. How old was the puppy when he was brought to the house? How did it look?

c. What kind of nature did Attila have? Was it expected of him?

d. Why was Ranga amazed at Attila's attitude towards him?

e. How did Attila turn out to be a hero at the end? What is your opinion about it?

f. Do you think the story is full of surprises? Explain.


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