The Effects of Modular Class in Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management Students of Taal Senior High School

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Republic of the Philppines

Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

The Effects of Modular Class in Grade 12 Accountancy,

Business and Management Students Of Taal Senior High

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Taal Senior High School – Taal, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2

Olat, Alyssa Mae

Villavicencio, Meldred Mae
Calingasan, Ma. Andrea
Maligalig, Noela
Atienza, Jaylyn
Atienza, Aira
Ong, Dcyree
Mendoza, Nicko Andrei

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

The problem and its Background


At present, the country's educational system has some new arrangements. The
outbreak of the pandemic has changed the learning system for almost all institutions,
both public and private, all over the world, and most specifically, here in the
Philippines. From the traditional face to face learning system, the Department of
Education has provided strategic mitigation in order to prevent the widespread
COVID-19 virus to contaminate more. Due to it, face-to-face learning is replaced by
modular learning or flexible learning. The continuous advancement of technology has
made information access and distribution of educational content available to a large
fraction of the world’s population and helped to move Distance Education (DE) to the
digital era (Allen & Seaman, 2017). Despite the fact that it is the only safest way to
continue education, there are some cases in which modular learning is not suitable
for every school and learner in the country due to various underlying factors.

The drastic improvement in technology and the high advancement in artificial

intelligence have paved the way for virtual learning to be visualized. Technological
devices and hand-portable gadgets made screen conferencing possible. It allows
individuals to send and receive messages digitally. Distance learning is defined as
open, free, easily accessed, participatory and distributed courses (Pappano, 2012).
Looking back, distance learning seemed impossible and farfetched, but in the current
situation, it is now being used for the new normal environment. The effects of
modular learning are seen to be effective in mitigating the contamination of viruses,
and it is also viewed as a positive mitigation program. The effects of modular learning
are believed to be effective. Another study that examined e-learning system usage in
the university context revealed that students' perceptions of how e-learning systems
will assist them in the learning process and in building a social community (Islam,
2013). In a recent survey (Cheung & Vogel, 2013) focused on an extension of e-
learning and found out that the traditional components of learning are the major
factors that influence the adoption of Google Applications for collaborative learning.
Recently, Xu (2015) noted that intentions to use distance learning were associated
with the perceived usefulness of the course.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

However, despite the fact that modular learning is seen as effective nowadays,
a surface learning approach is associated with students who study only superficial
details (Prat-Sala & Redford, 2010). It was found out that students are concerned
with the time needed to acccomplish the learning task. Due to the said reason, they
try to choose the quickest way to accomplish their learning assignment, without
asking further questions and without fully understanding the text's meanings.

It is believed that the study is a pioneering study at this institution. The

researchers felt an eagerness to conduct the study in order to determine the effects
of modular classes on various aspects of students' lives. Furthermore, it is the
researcher's main goal to determine whether modular or distance learning is really an
effective tool to provide quality education in these oppressing times of the COVID-19
pandemic outbreak.

Statement of the Problem

The study, Effects of Modular Classes in Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and
Management Students of Taal Senior High School, attempts to determine the effects
of modular classes. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What effects do modular classes have on students in terms of:

a. Academic Aspects
b. Psychological Aspects
c. Emotional Aspects
2. How does this process of learning affect the student’s capacity to learn?
a. Academic Aspects
b. Psychological Aspects
c. Emotional Aspects
3. How does this new mode of learning alter students' perceptions of their ability to
learn in terms of:
a. Academic Aspects
b. Psychological Aspects
c. Emotional Aspects

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Significance of the Study

Modular learning has become a new normal type of learning, particularly in

this time of pandemic. It is seen as an effective way to help students cope with the
new normal environment. However, there are some cases wherein the effects of
modular classes vary from one student to another. It is hoped that the result of this
study will be beneficial to the following stakeholders:

The students or respondents themselves will benefit from the result of this
study as it will provide them with baseline data on what the effects of modular
classes are on them and how effective they are in today's learning.

The parents of the said respondents or students will be one of the

benefactors of the results of this study as it allows them to be informed about the
underlying reasons why their children have to partake in the said modular classes,
and in that way, they will be able to understand what are the things their children are
going through in order for them to support them.

The teachers will also benefit from the result of this study, as it will help them
to be informed and to be aware about how the students are dealing with modular
classes and the effects it has on them. In return, the teachers will be more
considerate of the students' valid excuses all throughout the school year.

The school will benefit as it will provide them with information about what is
happening with their students and how it affects their behavior and performances. It
will also help them modify or create some regulations that will be beneficial for both
the students and the teachers in these modular classes.

The Department of Education will benefit from the result of this study as it
will also help them understand to what extent modular classes affect the students.
Furthermore, it will help them to be able to formulate new arrangements so that
modular classes will be a lot easier for students to handle.

The government can also benefit from the result of this study as it will allow
them to think of strategic ways on how to help the Department of Education in order
to make the experience of modular classes a little better. It will also help them to allot
funds solely for the education of children in these trying times of pandemic.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be delimited and conducted only at Taal Senior High
School, Taal, Philippines, with an area of approximately less than a hectare. The
study will be conducted in S.Y. 2021-2022. The study will involve selected students
as the sample population, coming from Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and
Management Students only as the respondents. The students will be chosen using
an appropriate sampling technique. It will only focus on the research questions of the

Definition of Terms

For better understanding and clarification purposes, the following terms are
defined according to how they will be used in the study:

Modular Class. This term refers to a type of learning that involves self-explanatory
techniques for students while the teacher distributes only sets of modules in every
subject and the students are supposed to answer it on their own.

Pandemic. This term refers to a situation in which a contagious disease has become
widespread in just a short span of time.

New Normal. This term refers to a new way of living because of the pandemic.

Academic Aspect. This term refers to the aspect of students' with regards to their
performance at school that is being affected by modular classes.

Psychological Aspect. This term refers to the aspect of students with regards to
their state of mind that is being affected by modular class.

Emotional Aspect. This term refers to the aspect of students with regards to their
emotional feelings that are being affected by modular class.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas



Modular Class
Facebook and any other social media sites are being used as a medium to
carry out classes despite the new normal way of living amidst the pandemic. According
to Watts (2016), live streaming video and/or audio are used for synchronous
interaction. Although videoconferencing allows participants to see each other, the said
setting is not considered a face-to-face interaction because of the physical separation.
Learners can still see their classmates and teachers, but only on screen and not in
person. In addition to it, communication among the participants occurs mainly through
email and online forums and is typically moderated by the instructor (Watts, 2016).
However, there are circumstances in which the said learning process can be
considered asynchronous due to the reason that the integrity of the learner's answers
to their learning exercises are ambiguous because some might just have copied their
answers from the internet. In addition to it, the students have access to course content
through the Internet at any time they want or need (Garrison, 2010). Accordingly,
different teaching strategies and instructional technology can be used to help
individuals who have different learning styles, needs and interests (Tseng & Walsh Jr.,

Most of the time, almost all people are limited to going outdoors. Coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the latest pandemic with a high rate of morbidity and
mortality all across the globe. Crises like these can harm the academic functioning and
psychophysical health of both the students and the teachers. The International
Epidemiology Association's Dictionary of Epidemiology (2021) defines a pandemic as
"an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international
boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people". In addition to it, a
pandemic is defined as an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area,
crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large scale of people (Kelly,
2011). Recently, Davis (2021) defines a pandemic as an epidemic or a sudden
outbreak that becomes very widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the
world due to a susceptible population. By definition, a true pandemic causes a high
degree of mortality rate.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

New Normal
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has paused the site set up
of new and ongoing clinical research not directly related to Covid-19 (NIHR, 2020).
This solely means that anything not connected to solving the virus as soon as possible
is not greatly taken care of. Thus, it opens up a new term commonly known as the
"new normal", in which everyone must have a reboot on various ways of living. In
particular, COVID-19 had an unprecedented impact on the workplace and
organisational practices. Millions of people worldwide have had to alter work patterns
within organisations (Davison & Richter, 2020). At the very least, many are required to
implement alternative workspaces in order to comply with social distancing
requirements (Leidner, 2020).

Academic Aspect
Most importantly, the continuous and substantial growth in light with virtual
learning illustrates the importance of understanding the potential impact on academic
performance of the students' experience in distance education. According to Carrs
(2017), distance learning students had a grade average 5% higher than face-to-face
students, but with less satisfaction. Distance education presented advantages over
face-to-face, as students had a higher performance, but this result was only statistically
significant in some areas. Results showed that the students perform much better in
online learning than in traditional learning. However, a scant amount of literature is
available on the factors that affect the students' satisfaction and performance in online
classes during the pandemic of Covid-19 (Rajabalee & Santally, 2020).

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Psychological Aspect
Facebook is the main medium available for students to partake in distance
learning. However useful, it is not very effective since it provides learners with a
distraction (Morton, 2020). In a study conducted by Irawan, Dwisona, and Lestari
(2020), it was revealed that students have started to get bored with online learning
after the first two weeks of learning from home; considerable anxiety in research
subjects whose parents have low income, because they have to buy quotas to be able
to participate in online learning, and mood or mood changes occur due to too many
assignments, which are considered ineffective by students. Distance learners were
found to differ from face‐to‐face learners in that they were more ‘isolated’ and
experienced lower levels of self‐confidence (Kahl & Cropley, 2016). Moreover, findings
revealed in the study of Bolatov, Fabbro, and Seisembekov (2020) showed that the
prevalence of the burnout syndrome, depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms
increased after transitioning from traditional learning to online learning.

Emotional Aspect
Excessive exposure on the internet can cause serious emotional problems to
various individuals (Telmann, 2018). On a blogsite from LwTears (2020), they wrote
that increased anger, irritability, withdrawal, clinginess, or even sleep and appetite
changes may indicate that a child has strong underlying emotions they don't know how
to appropriately express, caused by an unexpected transition from a traditional way of
learning into the digital era of learning. According to Kentucky Learning Center (2021),
since the COVID pandemic, there's a lack of interaction and students face social
isolation. This greatly impacts a student's mental health. The lack of social interaction
in online learning leads to feelings of loneliness, lack of motivation, and isolation. The
statement is greatly supported by Stephan (2019) that states students who attended
the online course reported a higher level of boredom, anxiety, and anger, but less
enjoyment. Schroeder (2020) also states that the emotional aspects of individuals
during the pandemic is an immense problem that is growing rapidly. While there are
some students who are thriving through online learning, the toll of the virus, isolation,
increased workloads, and other associated effects are rising among many students,
staff, and faculty members, causing them to have emotional breakdowns.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Conceptual Framework

The study will be anchored on the following theories: The Foundations of Distance
Education (1986), Keegan classified theories of distance education into three groups:
theories of independence and autonomy, theories of industrialization of teaching, and
theories of interaction and communication.

The conceptual framework that was derived and refined was based on the premises
that Blumer (1969) advanced for symbolic interactionism. First, human beings act upon the
world on the basis of the meanings that the world has for them. Second, the meaning of the
world is socially constructed through one’s interactions with members of the community.
Third, the meaning of the world is processed again through interpretation. The traditional
approach to research—which has dominated the field of distance education—tends to ignore
the importance of meaning, interaction, and interpretation of the actors in shaping behavior.
By employing interpretive methods, we attempted to understand the multiple layers of
meaning represented by human actions and how they are interpreted by those involved.
Using a symbolic interactionist framework, interaction is defined as the reciprocal actions of
two or more actors within a given context (Vrasidas, 1999).

Research Paradigm
Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Effects of Modular Class Academic Aspect

in Grade 12 ABM Students Psychological Aspect
Of Taal Senior High School
S.Y. 2021-2022. Emotional Aspect
Effectiveness of Modular

Figure 1. The Schematic diagram showing the dependent and independent

variables of the study.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas



This chapter includes the research design, locale of the study, and respondents
of the study, sampling procedure, instrumentation and data gathering procedures.

Research Design

A qualitative research approach was chosen for this study for its usefulness in
discovering the meaning that people give to events that they have experienced
(Merriam, 1998). It was used because its data is powerful and sometimes more
compelling rather than quantitative data.

Specifically, the phenomenological design of qualitative research was used to

understand how participants make meaning of the phenomenon to be studied.
Phenomenology is considered a method of inquiry in philosophy and it is a broad
discipline. It can also be considered as a branch of Metaphysics and Philosophy in
Mind. It was developed by two German philosophers, namely; Edmund Husserl and
Martin Heidegger.

The independent variable will be Effects of Modular Class in Grade 12 ABM

Students of Taal Senior High School. While on the other hand, the dependent
variables were the following: academic aspects, psychological aspects, emotional
aspects, and the effectiveness of modular class.

The time allotment for the interview will be 1 hour per SHS students of Taal
Senoir High School, in which the interview will be conducted online.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Locale of the Study The study

The effects of the modular class will be conducted on Grade 12 ABM students
in Taal Senior School, G. Marella St. Zone 2, Taal, Batangas. The school's total area
is approximately less than a hectare. It is situated near Lemery and Sta. Teresita.
The school was founded last June, 2021, by Dr. Wilson T. Ojales.

The total population of students in school consists of 943 students with 92

students coming from the Grade 12 Accountancy Business and Management
students in the Senior High School Department. There were approximately a total
number of 38 teaching staff and 4 non-teaching staff working at the school.

Taal Senior High School, is a competitive and developing school in Batangas.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the randomly selected students of Grade 12 ABM
from Taal Senior High School in the S.Y. 2021-2022. The target respondents have a
demographic age that ranges from 14-19 years old. Each of them is currently experiencing a
modular class in their studies.

Sampling Procedure

The study will use the purposive sampling procedure in which the
respondents can be easily accessed by the researcher.

The Purposive Sampling Procedure is a non-probabilistic way of sampling, and it is

also called as judgmental, selective, and subjective sampling (Crossman, 2018).

The researcher used the kind of sampling procedure because it is seen very
useful in situations where the researcher needs to reach the target sample quickly.
The sampling for proportionality is not the main concern (Crossman, 2018).

The researcher chose this as it provides convenience in gathering data and

allows for a possible follow-up interview if the researcher will not be satisfied with the
respondent’s answers. It is now easy for the researcher to go back to the
respondents and conduct another interview for clarification purposes.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
E-mail Address:
Republic of the Philppines
Department of Education
G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas


The primary sources of the data for this study will be the students’ answers to
the questions regarding the effect of modular classes on the students.

The research questions will be a self-structured questionnaire made by the

researcher that will suit the purpose of conducting the research.

Data Collection

The researcher will choose the respondents through purposive sampling

procedure. After identifying the target respondents, the researcher will send the
research questions prior to the conduct of interview for the respondents to be ready
and to prepare themselves so that they can really answer the questions and satisfy
the researcher’s need for quality information based on their answers.

The interview allotment will be 1 hour per respondent. Researchers will gather
sufficient data to be used in the study. The setting of the interview will be conducted

Recorders such as mobile phone applications will be used during the interview
for better transcription of the data to be gathered. And if the researcher is not
satisfied with the data being gathered, the researcher will go back to the respondents
for clarification purposes.

After which, the researcher will then transcribe the given data and will then
proceed on to the next step in finishing the said study.

Address: G. Marella Street, Zone 2, Taal, Batangas

Telephone Number: (63 977-815-2407
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