A Report Over Online Education During COVID19-1

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A Report over role of online education

during COVID19
Name: Muhammad Tahir

Subject: Creative writing


Institute name: International English training hub

This report is about role of online education during COVID19 and what is the main
problems during online education. Corona virus is type of virus which spread
through coughing or air. This report main purpose is about the awareness of
people that how online education is important in COVID. Furthermore, there are
some also disadvantages of online education. Firstly, problem Internet access to
the online classes. Secondly, some students are so lazy due to the online
education. This report cover many things like the role of online education during
corona and what is our response to this unpredictable situation. Next the
responsibility of the state and the importance of new technology. We discuss in
this report about the closer of education institutes leads to the online education.
However , due to the online education students face many difficulties. Firstly,
disturb the daily routine of the students also the teachers which create
miscommunication between students and teachers.

Secondly, the role of teachers that how they tackle these problem it is very
difficult for students to teach a students online because of first experience.

Lastly, the understanding of the students however, in this case the teacher are
successful to some extent.

In a nutshell, the situation is completely changed by COVID19 and create some

sort of problems for humans. Especially, in the education sector the students are
attending the classes online.

Table of Contents:
 Introduction



 Discussion
1. Internet access
2. Understanding of students
3. Daily routine
4. Sluggishness of students
5. Overuse of social media and online video gaming
6. Role of Teacher
 Conclusion
 Recommendation

Corona virus is a type of virus which spread through coughing
or air. Which was first outbreak in wuhan city , china, in November
2019. It spread rapidly in the whole world. The first case of corona was
reported in Pakistan on February 26, 2020. COVID disrupted everything in
human life. From lockdown to the closer of all institutions. The more effected
is our education system. The government imposed very strict rule and
regulation in all over the country. The very first decision of government was
the closer of education institute. According to the unicef report about
education crisis during COVID that schools for more than 168 million children
globally have been closed for almost a full year. With every day that goes by ,
these children will further behind and the most vulnerable will pay the
heaviest price. Among top 20 countries with the longest full school closure
during this period, more than half are situated in the Latin American and the
Caribbean region. The developed country like also destructed by the COVID
however, the online classes play very important role.


Firstly , students able to take classes from his\her home. Secondly , you may
do some other type of work with online classes. Furthermore, the students are
able to attend the classes from everywhere. Thirdly, the students may protect
from intense weather. Fourthly, students submit there homework online
which is easy compare to the face to face classes. Lastly, there are extremely
decrease occur in the road accidents. With the advantages of online education
there are some disadvantages of online education which extremely affected
human life. The purpose of this report is about awareness of the people about
advantages and disadvantages of online education. There are some reason
that some people does not like online education because of some issues .
Firstly, access to the internet connection some students go beyond his home
which is very difficult because there may be some time rain etc.
Secondly, some students are so lazy due to the online education consequently,
majority of students are unable to understand the lecture of the teacher lead to
the failure of students.

Thirdly, it disturb students daily routine leading to the procrastination of students.

In the nutshell COVID is totally change our life from our job to the education and
from big businesses to the daily earn people.

This report cover many things. We understand the role of online education in the
time of crisis. The very first is our response to this unpredictable situation. In the
deep sense it will benefit to some extent it wake up our nation .

Next is the state responsibility from the facility of health to the education is
totally unsuccessful.

Then the most important is the importance of Technology in the 21th century. We
should learn we are far away from the modern world. We should do some
reforms which develop our IT sector because our unserious attitude we lost some
talent our Youth.

Discussion on the topic “Online education during COVID”


COVID19 changed every institution, every business, every country of the world
which give a very bitter lesson that we have some problem in the near future. The
most affected sector of the epidemic is education sector lead to the closer of
education sector because the COVID spread rapidly and easily in education sector.

Due to the closer of education institute lead to the online education. However,
there are difficulties faced by the students and education sector. The main
problems are;
1; Internet access: The most important thing for online education is access to
internet because without internet access it is impossible. Astonishingly, In
Pakistan only 40% people have access to the internet. There are some areas in
Pakistan where some time signal is so weak that student is unable to attend the
class. Like upper Dir, Bajur Agency etc. Ironically, There are some areas in Pakistan
that where you cannot think about Internet like Waziristan etc. In online
education internet issue is obstacle. This is the responsibility of government to
provide internet connection to their citizens because this so humiliating that in
21th century we are unable to provide internet to our citizens. However, Now in
the world 50 to 60% work completed with the help of internet. We hope that
government may provide internet to all citizens of Pakistan.

2; Understanding of students: This second most important objective of online

education is the understanding of the students but to the online classes some
students are unable to catch the Teacher lesson because when someone study on
campus 5 to 12 years then it is difficult to understand the students.

3; Daily routine: COVID19 disrupted total daily routine of every person because
of Lockdown some people lost their job some people business close due to the
Lockdown. Lastly there is online education which disturb the routine of students
and teacher.


In a nutshell, the situation of COVID19 show us that the world is completely

change we are very far from IT so we are unable to thought online education
successfully. Next our attitude toward the new crises like we are not tackle this
situation properly.


This report discus online education during COVID so we recommend this report
for understanding the importance and problems of online education.

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