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List of figures and tablesvii

List of contributorsviii

 1 Monetary regimes: then and now 1

Charles Goodhart
 2 Keynes applied 12
Geoff Tily
 3 Rethinking monetary restraint 27
Roy J. Rotheim
The evolutionary approach to banking and the credit-hungry
consumer: a view of the failure of African Bank 43
Penelope Hawkins
 5 Financial fragility in Asia 57
Jayati Ghosh
 6 Shadow banking in emerging economies like India 69
Sunanda Sen
Finance for transformation: a Post-Keynesian perspective
on global sustainable development 83
Rogério Studart
A personal interpretation of Victoria Chick’s monetary
thought: intellectual rigour, scientific innovation and
common sense 96
Carlos J. Rodríguez-Fuentes
 9 Equilibrium and uncertainty 108
Bert Tieben
10 Hicks’s progress from statics to historical time 120
Mogens Ove Madsen

Sheila Dow, Jesper Jespersen and Geoff Tily - 9781786439864

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vi Money, method and contemporary Post-Keynesian economics

A ‘static model of a dynamic process’: underemployment
equilibrium with flexible wages and prices 134
Angel Asensio
The economics of enough: a future for capitalism or a new
way of living? 148
Victoria Chick and Alan Freeman
13 Does Post Keynesianism need a theory of care? 160
Robert McMaster


Sheila Dow, Jesper Jespersen and Geoff Tily - 9781786439864

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